Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 27, 1884, Image 3

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rrksr* indigestion BWlM. [Detroit Free F>«»1 i-_-*ion is often set up #t the to the dyspeptic, the Ught- ’tta day, »t which heprob- ^fines himself to cttepWW ^ S “ “cold bread-and-butter % lightly boiled egg, or a little thc wholu moistened with a b, i In tbo word just used, gjffd." probably lies tbV’predis- cause.’' The food, when only rf ofiewS J“ moistened with n sip of * f tn^expedite its departure to the tnoiacb* But to insure Its digestion, he ? °S so simple, the food must bo thoroughly masticated and receive dur- !„ b gThe process tho necessary moisture ^j^shouldbe swallowed without ox- tn S. aid in a liquid form, and 'Soever to bo washed down. A sip “fta may be takon between the bite, but not when there is food in the mouth, of which a fair quantity ought to be dis- S of before tho tea is oven thought ,r Tho tea itself, by being slowly L«i receives its share of tho saliva ^’rendered more digestible. And X£ assertion is borno out by the fact that mum- persons who cannot digest milk when gulped or drunk down quickly, readily do i>) when it is slowly sipped. The habit of taking one s breakfast in th« manner recommended is so very mtilv acquired that, after the first trial, $ convenience will bo felt; in fact, the food will bo eujoyod and the pleas ure of the meal greatly increased. In discretions committed at the dinner- table are credited as the causoof many drspeptic attacks, but probably more may be traced to tho pernicious habit indicated and indulged in by so many persons at breakfast and tea. progress in Common School*. [-Bill Arp” in Atlanta Constitution.] But I suppose this is progress, and it lakes more learning to do this genera tion than it used to, nnd so they must be loaded heavier, t’obo wouldn’t take along shoot at a squirrel for fear of .training his gun, but wo- must shoot now, strain or no strain. I was in hopes there would bo a reform in spelling, and we woald leavo out all theso silent letters and save time. I don’t see why nabor is not ns good ns neighbor, and plow as good ns plough—wo liavo got rid of Bomo things. I remomber when j. was called izzard and when tho way to .pell buzzard out loud was to b u izzard (buz)izzardard(zard)buzzard. Mrs. Arp says that when she was a child (that was a iongtimo ago) an old-fashioned carpenter was working for her father, and she wanted to play with tho footndzo nnd the carpenter said aho might if sho could spell it. Sho tried several ways, but he said no, that tho way to spell adze was a d izzard e. But oar little clmps are happy now. They go a milo and a half to school and carry their dinner and thoy cat somo at the first recess and tho rest at noon, and come homo hungry, and ransack tho cupboard nnd closot. I go out to moot them most every evening for their ab sence makes mo ionosomo, and I wish I was a boy again that I might go with them. I look forward to Saturday nnd Sunday as proudly ns they do. Chil dren arc a groat trial and a sourco of constant care and anxiety, but thoy are a blessed comfort, too. An Author’. Peculiar Way. [London World.] For tho lifo of him, Stepniak. could not work regularly and methodically n3, for instanco, Anthony Trollope was won't to work. I-ikc nil men of nervous temperament, ho is moro in the vein at some times than at others, and, though the reverse of a desultory worker, he writca by fits nnd starts. But tho fits are of frequent occurrence, nnd when he finds ono coming on ho places him self under wlmt ho calls tho regirno littcraire. He goes to bed at midnight, rises at 2, nnd plies his pen without surceaso — savo for refreshment, which ho tastes as ho writes— until noon. Then ho Bleops for about threo hours, when ho again sets to work, und, until midnight, gives himself only ono or two short spells of rest. This goes on for fivo or six days a week, or until tho task ho has set hi m- self is accomplished; nnd while it is in progress he drinks enormous quantities of lea and colfco, ono aa black as tho other. hike all conscientious men of artistic feeling, ho does not find writing easy. Ho writes slowly and polishes with poetic care; thcro are whole chapter of hia “Underground Russia” which were written ami rewritten six times, nud even then sent to the printer with re luctance, so far from perfection did they tern. Wbal Hi. Baby Was Thinking. [Boston Transcript.] Mrs. Fogg—As I camoby the station just uow 1 suw a baby in its carriage. It was amusing to see tho little thing waich the locoinotivo os it rushed past and until It was out of sight. I won der what tho little darling was think ing of. Hogg—'That depends. If it was a girl, the was thinking “splendid,” “just too lovely for anything,” or something of that sort. If it was a boy, ho might hAve been, mentally constructing a smoke-consumer or patent coupler, but probably was considering whether it was best to invest in tho road's com mon preferred stock, its first, second or third mortgago bonds, its equipment aevens, lanu-grant eights, or car-trust Ikirteens. Por Pat People. ' [Chicago Times.] Fat people have now their choico be tween four systems. 1. Tho original Banting, which consists of eating noth ing containing Btarch, sugar or /at. -• The German Banting, which allows fat, but forbids sugar or starch. :i. A Munich system, which consists of be ing clothed in wool, and sleeping in nannel blankets, instead of sheets. 4. hot eating and drinking at tho same time. The Black Bat. [Exchange.] The black rat, so common in England •to years ago, has been, it Is believed by Jjaturalists, completely exterminated by [?®gi»y and dun species of later times. rPecimcna cannot no obtained by offer- jjf extravagant prices; and residents in old houses declare that they have never ■Mb such g thing as a black rat, al- gMlkthejr^ava heard traditions of THE PEOPLE’S THIRD ANNUAL Ratified by the People! THE PARTY OP ECONOMY! REFORK. WE RESPECT THE RIGHTS OF THE POOR. I WE MAKE THE RICH RICHER. GOOD WILL TO ALL. PROTECTION VS. OVERCHAROE. NO DISTINCTION IN SEX. NATION ALITY OR COLOR. ONE LOW PRICE TO A LI- WIDE AWAKE AND BOUND TO WIN. REFORM Whereas, Many citizens of this community have heretofore subjected themselves to unnec essary expense and burdensome overcharges in the purchase of goods; Therefore be it Resolved, That the interests of the people demand the for mation of a new party which shall concentrate its patronage on one close-dealing candidate, and thus combining with cor rect principles, make still small er profits practical and result in the greatest good for all. To this end weanuounce our self as the iiS OUR PLATFORM! Low tariff on all goods used by the people, such as Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Etc. As low prices surely increas, es trade and results in tlu greatest good to both buyer and seller Values must govern prices. Deal only in good re liable goods, making the prices as low as possible. (A poor article is dear atany price.) No misrepresentation. Sell every article on its own merits and at its true value. JOIN US S Be on the winning side. Al ready we arc elected—elected to sell you -henper' than the cheapest; elected to show you the best and newest; in fact elected as the people’s true bar gain-giving, fair dealing candi date. Be one to help roll up the big majority in favor of cor rect principles and_the advance ment of true economy and re form. »Sce us personally and learn our civil service principles. In return lor patronage we promise Fair Dealing, Straight Goods,.Bed-Rock Prices. Polls now open and will re main so until further notice. Vote early and often is the wish of yours truly JOHN R SHAW, Forsyth Street, Americas, Ga Defiling to incrrnfc the circ ulation of the Rk- oniiK.n, and at tho aarnc titno to encourage the pay-ment *»r aulwriptionR in o lrnrice, wo have for the past two yean annually dlstilbutod a number f valuable nnd useful pre-ents among those of ur subaertbers wlo paid up all arrears and one year in advance. Theso Distributions were so fairly conducted, and the presents ravo such gcn> oral satisfaction, wo have determined to make another distribution on tho 2d of March next, at which we shall distribute among tho/a of our subscribers who pay up all arrears and one year in atlvanec the following presents: . ONE TON WMASTODON GUANO HgJ 1ST MASTODON GUANO HEI Manuiactured by the Georgia Chemical W«rk*.of Augusts, Un., and sold by Toole, MtUarrah & Tondee, Americas, Gn. This brand In ack now J* edited to t»o without a superior in Its fertilising qualities, being of high grade nnd manufactured of the best materials. This ton will le distrib uted in thtcc pr'iea—one of one half ton, one o! 600 pound*, *nd one of *00 pounds. ONE TON Cff-COTTON SEED MEAL !*\®I HTCOTTON SEED MEAL ITEJ Manufactured by tho Americas Oil Company. As a fertilizer this Meal has proved to Iks of the greatest value. It not only produce* immediate re-nlt*. but iU effects can bo seen on the soli for jverai yearsaftcr. It la also a fine food lor stock, it Is sold by the OTl Company nt their n III for #22 per ton. This ton will be distributed tnihrco prixen—nuo of one-half ton and two of one-quar- WHITE SEWING MACHINE! WHITE SEWING MACHINE ! I WHITE SEWING MACHINE!!! DISTRIBUTION 200 VALUABLE GIFTS, Americus Recorder TO ITS ADVANCE PAYING SUBSCRIBERS. Mo&dayv M,uul«clur.'l l>y the While Scwlnii Machine Comtwny, Ulfvc atul, Ohio. Thl. mucblne hM s K.ncv (K>«er, Drop te two Draw.r. ;! each SSOl T.btr, and i« h.nJremrl, bnl.hod t hr ““*||- out. There eo with It nil ibe modern ulUch- meiilt, und It 1- our rooted tor fivo Tide Imtro’ed Machine lu tho rrownlnu feelers *f year, of ooccetolul effort.; i" n model of bOtatf, ol une,ccll"rl workmnn.blr, rinterlyled oil th. latest improvement* known t.» jww.iw ma'bltm do^n/u better 1 than nil o her machine* combined. The machine can seen a tbo Dry l»< od* of JOIIX K.8HAW, on l- r*>U» HtroM, wlw 15 Scle Agent for l » *a e tu Atw»’iv:n». ra-OENTS* FINE ll.VTJ'US To (hi selected by the lucky and line #t*ick o| Calvin Curt tar 8hoe and Hat .Icier- of ■uie* the po«Fe»*.«r O’ the f. ’ ,ii, the popu« (,►. T' i» in* ifk-nhe Ilu PAlll OF LADIES’ FINE SiiOES ! Ufncd a national reputation in »h< ir line, i n»*e sboes are lit-* hamhi/tne. t pi-ir ever bonight to America., »od retells! le l er pt. 1 d**; be r.-en at the Diy tioods and 8fcw« hi re «• Jotju B Hbaw, who Is Soto A?> nt for.the-e Roy-Kln Americus. 1000—TWO HONES—10o0 DUKE OF DURHAM C*IOAUETTES!! M»uufaetui*d l y W. Duke, ti-u* A Co.. Durham, ►oith CnrollDS, wl» hufi made tl.f* brand know n nold Ninth Carol*i isililc may enjoy the they will be dihirtuutid in | H HANDSOME tarSETII THOMAS CLOCK PnruUbcd by McBride* C<»., of AtDrta. tw ONE BOX-Fn r K FOUNDS ••MAY LEE"SMOKING TOBACCO! Duke, b'orc * Co. Durbnrr, ‘ - •* * if, C-s finest ww^mn, — to* is fully worth it. dol ute, und will ho uomtaud by u lover of pur* w*cd. 1* order Oat mor* may ea* ivthu BM tobacco, It wi la UtauiUU* In Mktffit of out pound wilt c—MONARCH c tST BOUND BOSOM HURTS!! From the* well-known h'-uao of Goo. B. Cinctt, Brn. dc Co., Troy New York. Theso shirt he very best made, both in material, ent »nu ’orkmanrhlp. Tlier are handsome, durable and who ia agent for their tale. Go and aos them. ONE BOX-FIVE POUNDS “CROSS-CUT" SMOKING TOBACCO ! Manufactured by W. Duke, Sons * Co., Dur ham, N. O., from old North Carolina leaf, and pnt up in handsome fbll packages. As w* would like a* many as possible to trydt, we ;«ball dl*‘rtbnie it in packages ol one pound each. FIFTEEN BOXES- ' TWENTY BARS EACH- LIGHTNING SOAP!!! is insdo ro that it will wash clothing nlmoat with out the ure of the wash boaid.ailbe same time denting without in tho least injuring the fabric. It is tho flncjt laundry soap ever made, and In or der to give'as many as possible an opportunity of trj inijdt, it wdl bo diatribuled in],boxes ot 90 100—B-O-O-K-8!—100 BY STANDARD AUTHORS ! I BOUND IN CLOTH AND GOLD 11! These books are all by the most popular authors, printed on good paper, handsomely bound In Cloth and Cold, and would mako a valuable ad dition to any libraty. tzr S-I-L-V-E-tt W-A-T-C-III Flue Cbm and Good MovementWs offer no fraudulent goods, for when a man wants a watch, he wants one ke cun roly upon. tSTSILVER BUTTER DISH ! with Cover, a Handsome Article. BILVEn PLATED TABLE BFOONS, 'silver PLATED.TEA SPOONS, SILVER PLATED FORKS. CHAMBER SETT-FOUR PIECES, ;cniNAJFRUIT DISH, SILK IIANKEKCIIIEFS,' BRONZE LAMP, HANDSAW,! JEWELRY. BUGGY WHIP, Ami a Number of OlherlArliclei. MANNER OF DISTRIBUTION: The Distributlon^will he nufele^ln the following ’manner: The name>nd}. pustfofflce of each sab- scrilwr will be writlcii on a slip of paper and pot in an envelope, nnd all placed In a box. The name of inch of the presents to bedmwn will nl*o be placed in envelope* and j ut In another box. <>» the day of the distribution these boxes will be turned over to a committee of responsible grnt'rmen, wh*. before tbe drawing begins, wll call npon rome of the audience to mix the con tents of the boxes [to their satisfaction. After this, two boys, one ateetb, will take envelopes simnUat eoatlv from the boxes ai d band them to the committee, who will first reed the ;amn and ih*n tbe present. The secretaries will keep correct Il«t of tho names of the subscribers and the nr ticks drawn a* they arc called oat. This will continue uutil every article ha* been drawn ftom the box of priwent*, when tbo commltte* will declare the distribution completed. In the box of presents there will be no blahs, force every nnme drawn’ from the box of names t>cr<>re thofprescuts er* exhausted wlll[get(one of these articles, moat n( which are worth many tiro** the amount |«id lor subscription. IlvmlUanccs may be> by pest offleo or l«*r or reglitcr'd letter. Clwb*.—Wo wdl give a copy of the psper free to any one'gctting up a club of ten subscribers either new or old rme* renewing. Cash to; accompany names I* all eases. 3 Any one can act as agent for tbe HKCORDER, but we will not be responsible until w* rewire tbe money for sub*.«dpti3a. 2.We gnuictee to fuujh^ a paper worth at least the price srked for ItAlft-beside* giving aa op. portnntty to get on* of the .above’Jmndsoue presents. ^ Remember that you^eannot.peeaiUy inv**» fl In a better way than ;by,»ut»crltlng for th* RE* GOZIDKB. Address, W. Zm.OLBIIRU, hRWMiMIt AND DEALERS IN PIANOS . Barlow Block, - ’ - - - Americus, Ga. Wo duire to call tbe attention of the poblio to tbe Cut that we hera et bet got settled In oar new (tore on tbe PUBLIC SQUARE end b»e on bend a. luge and handsome stock of every thing In onr line. Oar etook oonelata pertly of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, of All Kinds 1 SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, GOLD PENS, PENCILS AND TOOTHPICKS, WALKING CANES, OPERA GLASSES, GOLD AND AND SILVER THIMBLES, ETC. We nro Hoadqnerleri for Spectacles and Eye-Glasses! Can suit any end every one in Gold, Silrer, Steel, Brenxe, Zylonite. Celluloid or Robber Frames. We are Sole Agente for KING’S CELEBRATED PATENT COM BINATION SPECTACLES—tho best in tbs world. Wo sell the Davis and Williams Singer Sewing Machines I end hare eonstsntiy on bind Noodles, Oils, Attaahmenh end Puts for ill Meobiaee. Wo have tho best equipped ebop for tbe Repair of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry in this section of tne State. We employ nono bnt firat-clasa workmen end guarantee ell onr work. PIANO AND ORGAN DEPARTMENT. This branch of onr business is steadily increasing and ell wo ask is that parties who expect to buy a Piano or Organ will oall and examine onr etook and gat onr prices before they buy. If we cannot do aa well or better for yon then yon eon do for yonnelret we do not oak your patronage. Tbe fact that we bare sold.pianoeand Organs to dozens of tbe beet business men in Amotions ahowa plainly that wa sell aa low aa any one, and when you buy from ua you ban no freight to pay and aan the trouble of unboxing tbe instrument, ns we place it in yonr bouse end giro yon a FIVE YEAR'S guarantee. We also hare on band a large stock of email Musical In. strumonts, consisting of Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Tambourines, Aceordeons end Harmonicas, and also keep String! of the rery beat qnality. Violin Bowa, Toll pleoee, Bridgee, Rosin and all kind of Musical Instrument Trimmings. The Office of the Southern Express Company is in onr store and their Agent, Mr. S. C. COOPER ie in onr employ es Book-keeper and Salesman and will be glad to servs ill who are needing anything in onr line. CALL AND SEE US IN OUR NEW STORE! novlllf JAS. FRICKER & BRO - npgr uuro • * CALVIN CARTER t SON Fos SOOVa'ASTS HOU, Public Square, . . Americas, Ga. JEST GOODS FOR LEAST HONEY! New Store AMD New Goods. This is My Space! A. D.B. McKenzie WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WHISKIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS,Etc. I bare in stock a beautiful line of all hand mads Sour Mash Whiskiss foot yarns old. Also a rery fina qnality of Blended Wbiaklaa, which t wiH atU rery low btfow. 4J«b* goes taxes, also Now is yoar time topurebas# a port article for Use money than am rery large stock of Tobacco and Cigars, any grade yqa aan imagine. Remember that Cler.lasd and Haadrioka are elected—down Whiskey, Tobacco and Cigan. a. d. b. MoBanwaaB, Cotton Avenue, • Under Recorder Office, • Americas, Ga