Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 10, 1884, Image 2

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Americas Recorder. W. I,, OLKSMKH. Editor* UUcUl Organ of Webs WEDNESDAY, DEC. RICHER THAR HOLCONDA. Corrfe;ondeeee Cberlerton' Xewe, ftst Oouil.r. tIMATTAMOOQA. TlHIt.. DeO. C, Mine «r,t whoai r' l man, nake-lip denoted tlampi/if » mjner. ffom ifee west mad* bia appearance in tbia vicint tr, atopping at the boUae of a gen Ueman named Ellis, at Obicamanga, twelve at Ilea from tbia city. He igave tbe oaiba of Winkles, and bis bnilneas aa that of a prospector of the unseen treasures of mother earth. - For years be bad delved lamong tbs gold and silver mines bf Nevada anJNew Mexico. Ha bad ibann seat by acbmpany to. Chicago •t# pdibhaaa machinery for smelting stbrprocidua ores. After reaching Obfcsgo tbe old man thought of the aloritv be bad heard of gold and '•iWer In North Georgia and deter- mlued to investigate for himself befofo ‘returning to New Mexico. <H4 bed-> reasons' for believing as rich mines existed in the South as anywhere else, ahd all needed to prove th4-fact wav its development, air. Winkles walked fron Ohicka- -mauga down tile Western and At- •Watio vallroad walclilug tor Indies- Mona of bidden wealth on hla weary tiwbpi' until he had reached Port *# Copnlla mbuntain, which is fifty wiles from this city and six miles 'front‘Spring Place, Georgia. He protpealed on this mountain, trav- iellng to a point about twelve miles fmn‘the railrOad.''Here, from sur face indications, the old man felt ‘that he bhd “(track it rich.” Tbe rbagb‘ mountaineers bad liea-d sto Aisi dC'IntliaM minlng in that re- gioU j tnany stated ihst the fsmous iDeSoto bad on this very spot fonnd riches and abandoned them. ./"At the'present time an old fur- inace 'and tho .existence of dross ‘show ‘that the looality bad been worked years belore. Mr. Winkles, with his few associates, labored for about six months, when bis labors wera rewarded with' discoveries he typnght worthy of assays. With .a .carpetbag lull of specimena be wendc(lbla way!.to this city, where .tbpy , wpro exhibited. People ^bought he was a crank and laugh ed at pie glowing accounts of the hidden wealth he had discovered. Many wqre puked Jo assist him in a financial point of view, for he wea at the time “dead broke,” but bis ores wero pronounced “N. G." by the {knowing ones. Finally ho en Hated tbe assistance of six men. caoh of $ham agreed to furnish a small, a«m of money with which to wprk tbe “claim.” This was about slit weeks ago, The lands on which tbe mines were discovered were purchased on conditions, and the small oompany. went to work with § hearty good will. Correspondence baa regularly passed between the era and their friends in this city „ vicinity. The mountain has a, penetrated only fifteen or qty.fee^and tunneling hat just been commenced. Solid masses of pro bavq, been encountered from ,tbc. beginning, and tbe deeper tbe .miners go the richer is the yield. The first sissy a made averaged |2.40 per ton, the second assay averaged $10, and tbe third and last ..assay ma^le shows an average of $100 per ton or ore. The value increases as tbe mountain is pene trated. and some specimens taken "Will' hasay $2,000 to tbe ton. l Thtdeptb'ofthe u lead”is unknown, and its richness beyond commute- ‘ ''J^hong tb'6 gentlemen whose ser- I'Meer were enlisted in the enter- priai waa Mr. 8mUta Steveuaon, of Chickataauga, who, however, bad ’Wit tittle confidence In tba wander- Tag mtaerV 1 representations, and hrao did more or leas “kicking” when called upon for an additional Appropriation to push matters. Finally, to get rid or what he con sidered U “White Elephant,” be 'liOld hie claim to Waltei Anderson, OTSpring Place, Ga., for $300. A letttr was received a few da vs ago 'Stating that Hr. Anderaon had been 'oflbrfa'and refused $8,000 for hla “claim," which was only one-sixth of tbs'company's stock. Mr! Winkles states that, In an experience of tnaay years in the talking districts of tbe Weat, he has aeon bat two “leads” be considers wealthier tkXn those now being workM in North Georgia, which bsM been named the “Legal Ten- deejHvThoae teferred to are the Comatook, in Nevada, and ono lo cated. neat Leadville. In tho min ing diatriotS’ of New Mexico, if loneteh obtained that will assay $fifi>to the ton, they are consider- edjtpiy rich, and can ba transport ed’ over the' mountains on pack moles with profit* ’»Wboagh Mr. Winkles would be taken■ 'ftrr.i b. monomaniao on tbe subject of.mining, be ts a. shrewd, intelligent and cuucated 'man and istbKotigUIy acquainted .with, and undoubtedly a good judge of ores, celling them generally by Mexican ■w* Ha dalM* to have, diaoov- •ted other mines on Fort Moun tain as rich as tbe “Legal Tender.” but refuses to reveal their where, shouts nntll be la prepared to velop them. He has tackled tbi mfrfr '■ Fort Mountain received itsnai from a fort that was bnilt on summit years ago by unknown bands, supposed to be Indians. This fort commands a fine view of tiie surrounding pOOHtty, «MI i», to this mountain what the “Point” is to grantTbld "Lookout.” ' i» — Holmes’ bums cuue moutu wash add intiirice U au infallible cure for Dicer- ..etl.pors Throat, Bleeding Gums, Bore mouth andUlwro,-- Cleans the Teeth and ‘pa the Omni healthy.- ' Prepared sole ly be Dr*. J. P. A W. R. Holmes, Den tuts, 101 Mnlborry Street, Macon, Ga. For sale bp Dr. W. P. Bart, den tie!' J. E. Hall, and all druggista ana aeouslt- Hr*. HmltVe Cnee, sad what theXcv. Mr. MelLlnetrg fca» ta ear —fce—^ II* ,, , «ad hxv. *lw*y»b««R told tbat .th»t9w*S'<2I’<«*4* |K! Iber“b*cn sss,vai2A»irUss%5S mh. which nddlnm eoinlUnedin to creek onmenewd Ukiuc th*rfcR»«di*R.Ain<l within $ii w a.Ai.-u» 0 c.u..^ Braj8irtTH ,, /certify thetthe chore eUtraeolof mr wlfrto inf: ntitUd to credit. Done At 8tAn»t«Ad. Pnrincojjf Qu»b#«V thU O^^.^cKtsHTuV. ’ 'XinikUr o/ <>• Goa/xf. Larr-I hm Aeon Mr*. Sltdth rueently *pti her to be tf&rougbif juhI puruiAnoDUy to be through)/ ami L-Oe¥«KI?J»T»Y., Ado*«f 1% <W/., i’. ^ A'»- «'"* * Vo ’ -ft llorrojt Sept.», 1W4* OoTictJRA R* r . /LYRirr. the bVood pnriftu^ OonciTUfMc-i Btuf.Jic.} IIfaolvknt, $1*UL NWytmiMil Che-le»ICo..B«cU>a. OVERSTOCKED AND CROWDED. Tbe goods bought on my soooud visit to New York havo come in, and my New York buyer, wishing to redeem hinualf of hla short-comings, whloh necessitated my second trip, bays and ships new goods with every steamer, and at prices that cannot fail to pleaso in Style, Qual ity and Pricei. 1 My atore-room is filled, every available epaoe having been used, and many arti cles that onght to hava conspicuous places are hlddon. To avoid mora crowding, I have de cided to offer during the oommg month goods of all descriptions at prices that mnat make them go whether yon wish to buy or not. Never before, and perhaps never here* after, were the Amcriaus trading people offered snch extraordinary bargains, - Especially is that applicable to my targe stock of Clothing, Cloaks, Dolmans, and Ladies Hals and Trimmings.. „ , These goode most go and will be eold (like goods sold al anction) at the beat price obUinable. Don't delay coming, but eome new. Now is the accepted time and your coming now will sava yon that sorrowful but common expression, ‘-I wish I bad cams sooner.* My Dress Goods Department is leplete with choice and stylish fabrtca, in Silks, Satina Cash- mares and every other kind ot Dress Goods 'usually but often hot fonnd in other Dry Goode stores, and here they at the mercy of yonr own bid and prices. Please, remember that the Bar gain Store offer* no leadkra. Here yon buy everything, Domeetice and finer goods at close prices. Respectfully, / ,. i S. U. COHEN, . * The Bargain lisa. 1 ' Bed Mammoth Sign end'nag, Catt6|i Avenue. [' " *.' One Hundred Men's Casslmere Saits, B ^WofSi£’pricei? oo; MO Palht of Pants. Former priie g5 00| now 42.00.’' ■ - - H - 111 Man's Casslmere Suita, aUsUenffcm to 12, atSOooi I'dur-Buttor leas’ than eVer Plaida and Cheeks are all the go this season. We here got them in large vari - --1— -a-- pi >ce competi- if ways at t3 per cent* vn before. ' ks ore got tk< shod you e .variety of One Thou Wefebt styles 1 , more of them then til the honeee combined, from Macon to Montgomery, and at prices qheauer than y<(»cnn hpy,e9mm on t e»*mi to tapke them. fahu«if,<ban.evnr WW* PfifP. defy cpmpetlUpn', ( Le»(llng iue!6»rairpnl, >•’ I'BA USI-J nils Children^ Copper loss .than 75c, can now “ Ineel nfinn'D has been a city. One thousend ips. never sold , i bought for 500; a good; honest shoe.' lO Ceees of Brogans, from 0 to 11, and lOoases Plow Shoes from .fi to 11, solid inner sole, trhjtp.oak bottom, solid leather qonnter,, aivroya "sold at gl.CO, now re- tailed'ntfiT.tfO? ' 1 ’ 1 • ■'?; In uaw, Miasm, And Children's Pine Shoes we cuAhnw jmn an elegant line, and retail them at prices 25 per cent, leu than any house in town can buy them. ylffl-jo ui s:. - Jr WAXELBAUM & 00. AMERICUS, - If i„ iti - GEORGIA. COMM BfEW YORK fkos CITY HALL^CEiYTRAIi PARK. g3>*Y" f • OLD ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE HOUSES, WHOSE SOLVENCY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE POUNDED ON INDESTRUCTABLE ROCKS OF UNLIMITED CAPATAL AND UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, I Fell in a Day! icially was this true of many large and celebrated Clothing whfThad made up numerous stocks from materi* jht 911 credit. These manufacturers placed their faith Uttjtd .profitable Septemher trade, absolutely relying on it for funds to meet their maturing paper, which they had given for piece goods, but the trade did not come, the continuous warm weather and no customers cooked their “goose,” and there was nothing left for them to do hut to fail and tum their goods over to an Assignee. It was bad'for them, but it is in your power to make it good for you, for, as usual, when good goods are to be sacrificed we are’ always on hand. Our Mr. Joe -Waxhlbarim was there, and notwithstanding the fact that we were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars;.we bought Thirty-Three Thousand, more in Boys, Chil drens and 1 Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 30 to 60 per cent, of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock Monday Morning anditflwiH be to The interest of every one in this city or fcountry to be on hand, for at the prices we propose selling these goods you were never offered them in the history of the dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe trade. J.Waxelbaum&Co. PBOPBIETOBS NEW YORK ST0EE, AmreiouSr Georgia. TenJPieces Black Cagbmere 3C inei wide, warranted nil woo), J* f "d, never sold lees than G0o ^ P* Pieces Black Cashmere 49 < v wWe. »l|«M. KrnSyy-5 vmol. Gwml. worth sny m»'.^» 78 Pieces Black and Color*,l ... 38 inches wide, nil shSdS^^g** yard. Goods retailinganvwher* 50 Pieces Dr»„ Good“fJ. -SS Sites' Yu Silks, Satins, and V.lvei, »,T* _ alwayo, tbe acknowledged lead*™ hV.ii ,b 5f“ ‘S. p Xi 00 ,rom 250 P er J.rd totS Our 4LC0 Black Silk* ,S“2 Avenue, New York, for II,25. In Colored Silks and Saline •« In Houeefnmishina 'Good. »* huugbt direct from ioipottow, w* 0 lJ the misfortune to retire fr,. m baL„ rather nnexpecUdly. WobonehtS 50o on tbe dollar. They have tS be to be Appreciated. Call and see ourTen-CeiitTowfl 24 inches long; nil linen, worih 25c* Twel ve good Napkins, all linen, fir 50, COO Linen Hemmed Napkint. n Z with colored borders. Never sold £ less than 25e. GJ)0 MarseilieR QailtH, alwayg »l,i g »1 -50, cud now bfl bought for 9’k. OUR LINE OF I9 too DUfflorouu to tntotion, cutty ins • 4tock of these to Fifteen Thonsand M lars in our lletail Departmeot alone, and anything we happen tot to hnTa the good old man never made. In CABPETS and BUGS we can mu oil 83 per cent, less than you hareeur mown them before, and give vonaitoik equal to nny house this side of BaUioon to select fr:m. It is rather early in the senson to tall about CLOAKS. But roiueniber vi manufacture every garment we sell, and will talk about them Jntrr when tk« weather grows colder, We are confident there will be no cause to complain cfow rices, and so far as assortment and itjh 1 concerned, we can compare within] house in the State, and will tale an mi pleasure in ehowing our goods m in ng them. Call Early and Avoid the fieiilf! | J. WAXELBAUM & Ca GEORGIA AMERICUS, - STILL LEAPS! rooo 1 tom tuna tsift to fell the only OFFICIAL Mocraphto of 3SS lcliable. IntcrcAtiuR anJ: r TniJartifinoc dRm’ani. snocey. JliffIS etssi B- b'feSS.’tffeiggKxfel RM| Ps-e , MTUnld l am now prepared,.to supply pin ■rappBaMt-wUeint'OliSOpeeciUM. Keg. famished foe 4L00.: WiaeAWtsefi fram Alams’ S«Um on neeipt of money Addreei, J. T. U8RBY, , EiUrpHu, Os. .. We ,in.yite everybod^ui(l:tliie public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our immeUiae stock of First^CI^^Edstshed Single and Double Seat BuG^iEsana One Dorse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own manufudture, and will be sold as cheap as it is, posable to sell such work in any market In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to Jntioduce th,em in this coun- try, apd have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We III) I •,*»•»'non Blw *-r.« til. i aiiT; vfR •< : • keep on hand afl ,the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to K and can a : ^Biiggy4i^d Harness as cheap as anybody. ' All we ask is to give us a uaaL -u •-i ,ht; ' >-* ■•’Otp '||> 30 7 4t'Ji TPtlfji it. ; u ’A wbrd now to those who have old bug- gj^a andi^agOns and desire to have them re- or made new: We. willjg^ye you more kdd’h’.better, job* ; for less money than any other shop in Americus. Try Us afid be AND—— INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Forsyth Street, • • - - Amerious, < AGENT FOR THE LEADING IN THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST RATES. tu via'. uxA A »i*b .veil Amencua 25,1884. GULLET asdLUMMES COTTON GIN- 1*1x0 JBoet.'G-ius Mndoi! CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE Oil GINS- bybd. eeptl8n>3 R. T. Wlieatley’s Cornerj Hof every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Comer and buj Ths .plsntUd succ... whichattcnacd|uur(*fforts,la Introducing the ,ile «f FUNTE CLOTHING | tln.onro i htt lnducRd^u* U briuf out tor th$ Spring lrRd« tbe largest, l*a*“f wme * t tooft complete line of Perfect Fitting Clothing ^i EVER SHOWN IN AMERICUS 1 Thcss.coods have been selected-with great car* and r-oc«—5 an «• I and durability of Uature, that tow indeed can equal, and iwm* amfpa»e. in J GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SM H’e ‘hovebdee a large and vdl selected etoct ef petflel «lOti» Shifts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underfill An.1 eterythieg In the w*y of Oenfe Veretihlog Oa*p.- rwte nod , “*“’***'^‘ pleeene U dte^eyteg tbeee beomUW geode ebetber yoe wUh le Uy THORSTOS WHEATLE»- : Ametiow, 1