Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 12, 1884, Image 2

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Americus Recorder. • , V 'k W. li, OLBIIBEB, Mur. OBeUI Organ of If i 8LAHDBBINU TH tk. omtnml After It. I.«.o-Thi Charges K.piIUd«Wbkt Dlr.c- ' WA»amoiow^ 1 |1?et^^8—Major ItU In •eoumifc the $1,000,000 loan to tbe Exposition bore fruit to-day, ■ 'Judge Moulton,’ of Illinois, explo ded* bomb in tbe Bouse by intro ;dno(Pg a bill . requiring tbe presi dent sod treasurer to produce a '’’bond ih'dotililo tfco amount of tbe A 10aili'tei ! 'defaUlt’whereof tbe gev- ->ernmeht was to officer tbe gates n »qd,Uko possession of all tbe re ceipts, to constitute a sinking fund for tbe reimbursement of tbe $1,- '.’•00,000. Tbe bill was referred to : the judiciary committee, but abort- u , ly-afterward tbe Louisiana delega tion calico on the committee to ask ahd rccelvc explanations. Judge Moulton "bad at first re fused l to make , any disclosures, .saying simply that be bad beard .tbe Exposition was a failure, tbat '" tbe money bad been expended ^ ‘Wtthout any Satisfactory results, and tbat.not a -tenth of tbe sp&co .. was taken up- by exhibitors. He had' therefore acted for tbe pro- ' tcction Of the governmerit. Upon Ueldj? approached bytbo Louisiana il delegation, however, be said that ,„bls information bad come from a Mr, West Sleevrr, an attorney and lobbyist hero. The Louisiana lommtbers tboredpon explained that bleinfonhation was entirely erro- i.Hpou* .lift,,,every particular, and added that Slcovcr bad a personal ‘Animus .beoauso bo Was not cm- ! : plowed’ tb “push*’ the original loan. There was quite a confab over tbo after, the rpsult of wbieh was it Moulton' expressed regret at nn^'beon deluded, and said be 'WbhkF fake Uo further steps In the -mutter. Senators Hampton, I.a- .,-mar.and Jones will be of the party to .yjsi^ the Exposition. Thpro stiff continues to be gossip as. to adjournment, but it is not likely ’ anyPill be bad ’before -next Tues-. li.dayn ; ’' ’ L- - I 1 u W QWjBANB, Doe. 8.—Director , General Durkp was questioned yes terday corncemlng tbe resolution in' Congress by Mr. Moulton. He is perhaps tbe busiest man in tbe . worldiBVtbfs time; sleeps and cats at fits office at,tbo Main Building, Works eighteen hours a day, has soetlhfe family buttwioo in twenty 1 days. - When tbo resolution was teed to him he repliod : ‘•Tbo world never witnessed an Exposition of the magnitude of ibis. Moro ma- ' cblifery, moro art, moro agriculture, more diversified industries, more oxkiblts of tho natural resources of America than tho world lias seen b.eloro at one time! Two thousand oarloads of materials bavo been oarried to tbe Exposition, and the bnildings are not yet half full. Two . thousand carloads of freight aro on wheels, and in vessels, and wo will open with moro in position than has evor been seen in an Exhibition herotoforo. i. •> “As to foreign exhibits, go to the . books. Applications for space have been allotted for British, French, Belgian, Russian, Austrian, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and ■ Bismeso, Central American and Mexioan exhibits, oovering 160,000 square feet of space. “Our floor space is about 2,500,- 000 square feet, and wo have not i been able to allot space for a week, i’ became tho ground floor and gal leries are full to overflowing. “We shall add a building 400 feet long to tho Main Building, and hUVe It finished by the 16th, al though not a post is np. V “As to expenditure! and manage ment, wo, defy criticism. Not a penny baa been expended without 'th'i appropriation by tbe board, 'close scrutiny by the committee and over my ccrtifloato, and every . voucher, until the last installment of the loan, hoe beoii examined and found correct by jjie Secretary of tbe Treasury. . Onf work has passed beyond criticism, nhd will go to tbe country before Christmas. We ■ha 1 have every building flnisked and 6,000 librsc-povrer moving.” Now Orleans Exposition Com- mfsalqacr Bacon has ebipped a car load of'specimens of iron, gold, sliver, marbles, .etc., to New Or leans; also an exhibit of the An- ® ta cotton mills, tbe Algernon d; ;KGC| Cotton mills, Sibley mills and the Georgia Chemical Worka of August 1 *.” Tho exhibit or the' ColtupbtuTmills will' be ■hip^tt iaiftCt from Columbus. •.Two earn have already gone on Savannah, Tbe Georgia i Company will send a spe- r, an4 the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad la preparing a splendid exhibit. m fjitTcraal h XcKlnstry tots tm nmj bInhH lt»‘ h*. M m ^ S Toth*Pubuc: I hava beena fi easM . Wilier ODtu thnrn waa * complete dry. red I waa at times ao tern* that Ieoild aeareely cat as?- your Cctxccsa Bemoan. . auto shifts?*: commnneed taking the remedies,, and wltWp alt ufa-ato-utoie,...^ wj >umi V certify tbatehe shore statement nf my wife la O. SMITH. I certify that the abort jUteraent la correct. Mr. entitled to credit. Done at Staaatead. ProelnaoQuebec, thla twenty-aerenth day of October, MrL L. O. MCKINBTRT, f Minister of Iht GotfxL 1JLTKM.—1 hare aeen Mra. Smith re&ntly and believa her. to be thoroughly and permaaetMl^r ""• d - U O. McKINhTSV. Str'y J'lc'ht ('*. Can/., P. Q. If-. ***• «»'* A IlOUTON H#pL 9, ISM. . I . I | CtmcuXA Rk'. /-TENT, the new blood>nrifler, OimcuuA, cue.; Soap. iCc.; Umoltmmt, •Lift Potter Drug mud Cheilcal Cm., Boato OVERSTOCKED AND CROWDED. The goods bought on my second visit to New York have com© in, and my New York buyer, wishing to redeem himself of his short-comings, which necessitated my second trip, buys and ships new goods with every steamer, and at prices that cannot fail to please in Style, Qual ity and Prices. > ’ Jt-.i n >. <-1 ; My store-room is filled, every available space having been usod, and many arti cles that onght to have conspicnons places aro hidden, ! <• To avoid more crowding, I have de cided to offer during the oommg month goods of all descriptions at prices that must make them go whether you wish to buy or not. Novor before, and porhaps never bere- nfter, were tbo Americas trading people offorod such extraordinary bargains. Especially is that applicnblo to ray. large atock of Clothing, Cloaks, Dolmans, aud Ladies Hats and Trimmings. Those goods must go and will be sold (liko goods sold at auction) at the best price obtainable. Don't delay coming, but come now. Now is the accepted time and yonr coining now will save yon that sorrowful but common expression, *T wisjr I had come soouer.” ,My Dress Goods Department is replete with oboico and stylish fabrics, in Silks, Satins, Cash meres and every other kind ot Dress Goods usually but often not found in other Dry Goods stores, and here thoy aro at the mercy of your own bid and prices. Please remember tbat the Bar gain Store offers no leaders. Here yon buy everything, Domestics and finer goods at close prices. Respectfully, 8. M. COHEN, The Bargain Man. Red Mammoth Sign and Flag, Cptton Avenne. To Oire Yea an Idea of Wtat Ess Been WE<Jl'OTETHE FOLLOWING TRICES ;4/ J Oho HoDdrcd Men's Cassimere Suite, Regular price 110.00, for (5.00. 260 Pairs of Pants. Former pries (2.00; now 21.00. 2SO Fairs of Foots. Former price (5.00 now (2.00. Men'e Cssstmere Suits, all sins from 33 to 42, st 50o on the dollar. Four-Button Cut-Aways st 33 per cent, leu than ersr known before. Plaids end Checks are all the go this season. We hare got them in large rari- tty. and st prioes that place competi tion in the book ground. Mortal Silts We can- show yon m variety of One Thou sand Aiflbrtnt styles; more of them than aH the houses combined, from Macdn to’ Montgomery, and at prioes cheaper than can buy common Jkons to mar* Oar Line of Gents Underwear IN ItOOTS AND SHOES! We are Just Leading the Caravan! Five Thousand Pairs of Women Pokers, from 3-7 and 0-9, at the startling low print of C5p-pe* pair; never sell for less than one dollar since Amerious hasbbeti a aity; ; ' * * • Oiid thousand pairs Children's Coppe; Tips, never sold le38 than 75o, can now bo bought for 00c; a good, honest hhoe. 10 Cases of Brogans, from G to 11, and 10 canes Plow Shoes from 0 to 11, solid inner sole, white oak bottom, solid leather counter, always sold at #1.60, now re lied at #1.00. In Ladies’, Misses, and Children’s Fine Shoes We can show yon an elegant line, and retail them at prices 25 per cent less than any house in town can buy them. J. WAXELBAUM & 00. AMERICUS, .. .!'(■! ~ GEORGIA. Bnpralleled feriis Seyerity ? Suddenness. CONVULSES NEW YORK pps CITY HALL??CENTRAL PARK. OLD ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE HOUSES. WHOSE SOLVENCY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOUNDED ON INDESTRUCTABLE ROCKS OF UNLIMITED CAPATAL AND UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, Tottered and Pell in a Day! Specially was this true of many large and celebrated Clothing manufacturers who had made up numerous stocks from materi al* bought on credit. These manufacturers placed their faith on lively and profitable September trade, absolutely relying on it for funds to meet their maturing paper, which they had given for piece goods, but the trade did not come, the continuous warm weather and no customers cooked their “goose,” and there was nothing left for them to do but to fail and turn their goods over to an Assignee. It was bad for them, but it is in your power to make it good for you, for, as usual, when good goods are to be sacrificed we are always on hand. Our Mr. Joe Waxelbaum was there, and notwithstanding the fact that we were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars, we bought Thirty-Three Thousand more in Boys, Chil drens and-Men’s Clothiug, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 80 to 60 per cent, of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock These Purchases will be Put on Sale and itQwill be to the interest of every one in this city or country to be on hand, for at the prices we propose selling these goods you were never offered them in the history of the dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe trade. J.Waxelbaum&Co. PROPRIETORS NEW YORK STORE, Americus. Georgia. Tea|Pieoes Black Cashmere, 3G inches wide, warranted all wool, at 35c tier yard, never sold Jess than 60c. Ten Pieces Black Cashmere, 42 ioebe* wide, at 424 oents per yard, warranted all wool. Goods worth any man's monev 75 cents. *• S5 Pieces Black and Colored An name 38 inches wide, all shades, at 50o per J 4 ?' 1 - .Go°d« retailing anywbereat (1.00 50 Pieces Dress Goods, in all the lead ing shade., at 7Jo per yard, worth 124c in good cash. 4 50 Piece. Brocade Mstlaaae., worth 25c per yard, retailing by u. now at 16c. In Silk., Satins, and Velvets we are a* always, the acknowledged leaden, havine them in price from 25o per yard to S5 tin Onr(1.00 Black Bilk retail, at Sixth Avenne, New York, for (1.25. In Colored Silks and Batins we sire you any imaginable ahadejfrom 50o to (1.50 per yard. In Hoe.efutniBhing IGooda we have bought direct fiom importers, who lad the miafortuno to retiro front bnainew rather unexpectedly. We honght litem 50o on tbe dollar. They bavo to ta seen appreciated. ,. Coll and aee onrTen-Cent Towel, f 0 ||. 24 ioehes long; all liuon, worth 25r. 1 Twelve good Napkins, ail linen, for 50c 500 Linen Hemmed Napkins, at 10c with colored borders. Never aold for lesa than 25o. 500 MutVeillea Quilts, always Bold at (1.50, can now be bought for 9Bo. OVtt LINE OF Ribbons and Buttons, la too numerous to mention, carrying s stock of these to Fifteen Thousand Dol- lars in onr Retail Department alone, and anything we happen not to have the good old man never made. In CARPET8 and RUGS wo can save you 33 per cePt less than you have ever known them before, and give you a stock equal to any house this side of Baltimore to select fr:m. It is rather early in the season to talk about CLOAKS. Bat remember we manufacture every garment we sell, and will talk about them later when tho weather grows colder, We are confident there will be no cause to complain of onr prices, and so far ns assortment and style is concerned, we can comparo with ant house in the State, aud Will take ns much S leasnre in showing our goods as in sdl- lg them. Call 'Early and Avoid the Itiisli! J. WAXELBAUM & CO. AMERICUS, - - - GEORGIA STILL LEADS! —-AlfD-— Hi School Siplies HRS. FRED LEWIS’. Amerious, Go., Aug.^-H, 1884, tf 7000! AGENTS WANTEt to *ctl the outy OPtClAl TOop>phW> of CLEVELAND “ We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Glass Finished Single and Doubles Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own manufacture, and will be sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in any market. In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to introduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We ke£p on^hsmd all the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to giye us a trial. A word now to those who have old bug- ; T/i Tk ] ;Tfr5U . gies and wagons and desire to have them re- iaired or made new: We willjgive you more work, tuid'a better job, for less money than any other shop in Americus, Try us and be convinced.- , . vF. Amerious Ga, July 25,’ 1884. ' « - *» • INSUBANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Forsyth. Street, - • ■ ■ Amerious, Ca AGENT FOR THE LEADING GULLET and LUMMES COTTON GINS, Tlio J3ost7Grlua Modot! CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OB GINS. scpt!8m3 R. T. BYRD. Wh.©atley ? s Corner. Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Comer and buj 1 >e eplendid aace«M which attcndodJmrJoITorti^n Introducing the itle of fijne: clothing [ iii.our c , has tj bring out for the Spring trade the largest, handaomeit and moat comple'e line of Perfect Fitting Clothing EVER 8H0WN IN AMERICUS I Theae goods hare been selected with great core and posaeaa! an elegance of dcalgn, beauty of and durability of textnre, tbat tow indeed can equal, and none aurpaoa. In every Instance *• GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE We havejalao a large and well selected stock of parfoet fitting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! And everything is the way of Gent's Famishing Goape. Polite and attoailvejfialeanwn w W (pleasure la displaying these beautiful goods whether you wish to bay or not THORNTON WHEATLEY. Wheatley’s Comer, : : : Americus, Ga.