Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 12, 1884, Image 3

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— the stumvalof truth. [Edwaid WillelL] Jfcwr u, e cau» that la right Shall be barfed jfevS toSt to theclond or be etude in the THE^tOPtE’S Btlll from the embers the light of the truth c f i]i C SerS?^ry ahead for the cause that is just. Onl^for^wbat they believe to be honest Jl^r. of the isles in the midst of * the ocean, * jjes of the blest that are lovely with sweetness and light. lot is the bud that is blighted, the thought- less supposes, fit but to fall, and forgotten to rot on the Y^it^df bloom in the spring with the rest of the roees, « Vet in full bloom With the bravest and brightest be found. •nib cannot perish. It fades and it falls, but its essence Tires like the breath of the flower, in tho earth, and the air: rja in God’s time, will its living and beau- ^ tiful presence Break on the sight of the people, respleu- dently fair. Ratified by the People 1 ? * \ : * THIRD ANNUAL ftiil Jas. Flicker & THE PARTY OP EC0K0HYI REFORM. y,, life thajl bu lost tint for truth has beea given y.rer a wound for the right but shall fully Secured: gill do the heroes who loved us live here as WE RESPECT THE RIGHTS OP THE POOR. WE MAKE THE Ulcn RICHER. GOOD WILL TO ALL. PROTECTION VS. OVERCHARGE. NO DISTINCTION IN SEX. NATION ALITY OR COLOR. ONE LOW PRICE TO ALL. WIDE AWAKE AND BOUND 'TO WIN. in heaven. they endured. of balm for the pain lorelr is truth, and the one thing sublime and immortal, Often to sicken, but ntvor, ob, never to dio; Yet tobe welcomed on earth as at heaven’s great portal, Yet to be crowned in all glory, on earth as on high. Recognition ut Rea. [Boston Transcript.) In vtew of the many first-class lines now crossing the Atlantic, the question that at first suggests itself upou seeing a steamer in the distance Is: To wliut line does she belong? Is she an Inman, Guion, White Star, or Allan boat, or is she a Cunnrdcr? To the uninitiated all steamers look alike at sea, and it is frequently a puzzle to the passengers to understand how tho officers can tell so readily on being asked—even if the strange steamer be passed at night— to what line she belongs. Each line has a distinctive “funnel mark” by which its steamers can be told by day, and a distinctive kind of firework signal by which they can be known by night . When you see a steamer whose funnel is two-thirds red, with a white band and a stack top, you may know that she is an “Allan Liner.” If at night she sends up blue, white and red rockets in succession she be longs to the same line. 1 Au “American” line steamer will have a funnel, the lower part of which is red, with a white keystone painted on it; above these will bo a narrow white band, with a black top. The nigh} signal is first u red light, followed by a Roman caudle throw ing six red balls, and then another red light If a steamer’s funnel is buff, with a black top, she is a “White Star” boat, and her night signal will be a green light and a rocket throwing two green stars. When you see a black funnel, with a white band about a third from the top, if will show an Indian steamer; and a night signal of blUo lights forward and aft, with a red light on the bridge nnd a variegated rocket, will tell yoa sho belongs to the same line. The Cunard line l» known in the day time by a red funnel with a black top, and at night by two rockets and blue lights simultaneously. If the funnel is black, with a red band two-thirds of tho way up, it is that of a REFORM WnEHEAS, Many citizens of this community have heretofore subjected 1 themselves to unnee essary expense and burdensome overcharges in the purchase of goods; Therefore be it Resolved, That the interests Americus Recorder ORGAafS, Barlow Block, - - - - Ameri<%Ga. TO ITS ADVANCE PAVING SUBSCRIBERS. Dextrin increase tho circuliition of the Rk- coRUKft, at tho larno titno to encourage tho payment of km 8tr *Ptlona !n advance, wc have for tho past two year* annually distributed a number of valuable and useful pro-cuU among those of our subscriber* who paid up nil arrears and year in advance. Theao Distributions fairly conducted, and the presents gavo such gen- of the people demand the for- or “ l "”‘ 1,f * cll ° n ’ ” ■’ etorlnlnHl *° »“ ln > mation of a new party which shall concentrate its patronage on one close-dealing candidate, and thus combining with cor rect principles, make still small er profits practical and result in the greatest good for all. To this end weannounce our self as the Moadayv Metroh. gad, 1886. another distribution on the 8d of March next, at which wo shall distribute among thou of our subscriber* who pay.un all arrears and one year in advance the following presents:. ONE TON 6STMA8TODON GUANO tar MASTODON GUANO !*^i Manmacturcd by tho Georgia Chemical Works.of Augusta, Ga., and sold by Toole, _McU»m.h & Tondee, Americus, Ga. i brand is acknowN edged to be without a superior in It* fertilizing qualities, being of high grade nnd manufactured of the Lest materials. Tnl* ton will he distrlb-* * prize*-—one of one hulf ton, i Guion steamer, to which lino the famous Alaska and Arizona belong. The night signal of tho lino Is blue lights burned forward, aft, and on the bridge simul taneously. A steamer with a white funnel, with a black top to it will be a National line boat, and her signal at night will be a blue light, followed oy a rocket, and then a red light. The Anchor line boats have black fun nels without any mark, and the night signal is red and white lights burned alternately. Drlgnoli’a Vault}'. [Cor. Chicago Herald.] He was scarcely jocose. His inordinate vanity made him deem tho proposition al most reasonable. In his own esteem he h*d never ceased to bo a handsome young tenor whom giggling girls worshiped. He was a dandy to the death, a Broadwuy promenader until disease waylaid him, a strange mixture of ridiculous conceit niul Jolly good-fellowship. What killed him wss gluttony. He customarily cat four ®«us a day and oftener five, tho last and People’s Economy Candidate. tarCOTTON SEED MEAL.!-®! tSTCOTTON SEED MEAL 1*03 Manufactured by the Amertcua Oil Company. Aa OUR PLATFORM Low tariff on all goods used by the people, such as Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Eats, Tranks, Etc. As low prices surely increas, es trade and results in the greatest good to both buyer and seller Values must govern prices. Deal only in good re liable goods, making the prices as low as possible. (A poor article is dear atanyprice.) No misrepresentation. Sell every r __ be of the alnr. It not only produce* immediate rr'itlta. but it* effect# enn be area on tho »oil for ,veral years after. U la also a fine food for stock, it,la aold by tho Oil Company at their n 111 tor *22 per ton. Thia ton will ho distributed In »hr« prize*-r *■-"*- tor ton. ic-half ton and two of o WHITE SEWING MACHINE.! WHITEISEWING MACHINE!! WHITE SEWING MACHINE I! 1 0 MONARCH 0 tsr BOUND BOSOM SHIRTS! I T£J From Urn- well-known M of On B. Cluolt, Bra A Co., Troy New York. There skirt .re rue very host, both In muterlsl, rut and never lull to (rivo satlsfiicttoo. ut the store of John H. Shew, on ’(orretlritreet, who le igeot for their sele, do and Wtbem ONE BOX-FIVE POUNDS “CROSS-CUT” SMOKING TOBACCO hfunuluetured b, W. Duke, Sour A Ca, Dur ham, N. C., Iron old North OftroUna leaf, end put up In handsome foil pookegee. Aa wo would like ■u mtny-u possible to trylt, we ,eb«U distribute it In pnekeyea of one pound oseb. FIFTEEN BOXES*. TWENTY BABS EACH- LIGHTNING SOAP!11 Munuructuredlby W. O. Nett A Co.,WAll:mu. * "'» •“•Ptone oftho most wonderful dls cowries of tho ugc. By a now proses, this aotp Is msd- sothst It will snub slothing almost with out the uso of the wash board, nt the same time Iririht niSSI* "l bo |M *“ thefsbrlo. T *, • dhUA laundry soup ever made, tud In or- fiAjjs essiAsesk Bjesa lOO-B-O-OK-8 1-100 BY STANDARD AUTHORS 11 BOUND IN CLOTH AND GOLD! I! These hooks sre nil by tho most popular authors, BW* 1 * S 11 ,, Pfpsr, hsndscmel, bound In SSft, “*ks * vuluublo ud- tw 8-I-L-V-E-R W-A-T-C-H I -^J Fine Cos. nnd flood Movemont •. WeMIer no fraudulent goods, Or wlion s mnn wgntsji wntcb, ^f. 1 “w 1 rt 0J Ti.fse5ttanuS > w article on its own merits and at Rev " nf tlsas — »!.. 111.... 1 Hw gorgeous edition recently Ulus- , .. . , trated ia water colors by French artists, I its true value. I "Jgfcwd why ho hail paid the high price. I v‘3 which the volume commanded. j , _ t-oA wMn here ’ ’’ h , e talU ’ tonilng lo n page T^hT ITT J ■ 00 wWch appeared a picturesque head r. cembliog him as closely as a careful pot trait; “that is why I bought it. ” How did the-artist happen to put yo into it?" I nquired. tyGENTS’ FINE HAT Hid uuuurisciousiy, was me caiiiuy “noere reply u he raeunt to draw an ideal of manly bcaaty. Ho did not have either *ne nor my photograph lo copy. The re wit is merely a consequence of his excel lent imagination of what the picture ought *° to* nnd quite unknowingly he made my portrait." Common Ijvw and Kqnlty. [Excluinge.I “Pray, my lord, ” queried a gentleman °* a judge, “what is tho difference be tween common law and equity?” “Very nttlc in the Cud, ” responded his lordship; common law you are done for at once; h equity you are not so easily disposed of. Hie former is a bullet which is instan- kaeomly and charmingly effective; the •her. an angler’s hook, which plays with victim before it kills him. Common •w U prussic acid; equity is laudanum. ” ' 7 The Pastor'* Warning. r ’ tYonkenUN. Y.) Gazette. 1 J Breddem? Yo porsturc hain’t got nufiin* ^■•yngiasiclrobde fiock as mistakes cJm’ch fd* a Bleepin’ hear, an’ drops orf ®t» de arms er Morphine, but dc gemmen op^de finance kermittee am hereby ‘struoted rjf jjo wuncr de sheep er dis foie am ’titled ■ hedge on de revenoo qwestiou. 1 £ n «ttus Ward: I never argy azin a suc- Whpn T Ua m mIIIauw.(w'.ilwut sticking Si?"? m I betr off to the left and soys 110 towB-that hole belong* to that siuiix. The teacher who b con- ISn. P U P‘‘* quiet autl as it quea To bo •elected by the lucky m*n Jj*>B aud fine stock u| Calvin Owitcr kJCii, tbu^p»pO‘ lar Blioe and Hat dealer* of Au “* •Uit>* Ibu poMhexaur oi lb* to Unv est hat t* be found In Araerlcui any *!)!• from the entira »tock. OTPAIIt OF LADIES’ FINE SHOES! tallied a national rcpuUt _ r ttlr - Tht-yc l>e *cen at’the Diy Good* and shoe St*, re «* Jo U .Shavr, who is dole Ag< ut for tbc^- goolu Bo on the winning side. Al ready we are elected—elected to sell you ehenper than the cheapest; elected to show you the best and newest; in fact elected as the people’s trUc bar gain-giving, fair dealing candi date. Be one to help roll up the big majority in favor of cor rect principles and the advance- An '" k “*- ment of true economy and re form, See us personally and leani our civil service principles. In return lor patronage we promise Fair Dealing, Straight Goods, Bed-Rock Prices. Polls now open and will re main so until further notice. Vote early and often is the wish of yours truly. JOHN B. SHAW, . Forsyth Street) Amencttij Oft Siui > (i etotootat *3 Manufactured by the White Sewing Machin Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Thla machine ha* n F.ncy Sorer, Urop Ust Wo lkasini at roob end Ol T.blo, nnd Is bnndsnmel, Hiil»hed tliroURh- ont. Thnro no with It nil thn modsrn nttneb- inent*. and It i* warranted tor live y*»ra. Thla »ved Machine la th* crowning fentura of of atnce*efnt ell'orta; la J “' -■' K —" ** „ndet »f brantyj mbo<ivii:g all tho machlna anozcclled workmanahlr, *»t Improvement* known v ••-»••»! -i—.i..". con. tdued. tho l»ry ttoofl* ttoro j"joHX it..SIIAW. Ku V rsjth SU S.le Aiwnltirl-sm o in Auu-rinis. The machine i i all ..lher n , who ia lilt g* • ticket the tin- WSILVER BUTTEH DISH ! h Covw.'a Ilandaotno Article! •• *- SILVER PLATED TABLE SPOONS, SILVER PLATED.TEA SPOONS, SILVER PLATED FORKS. CHAMBER SETT-FOUR PIECES, CHINA FRUIT DISH, 'SILK HANKERCHIEF9, BRONZE LAMP, HANDSAW, JEWELRY, BUGGY WHIP,. And « Number of Other Arliolre. We doelre to enU the attention of the publto lo the foot that we h*ro*t l*i|t got eeltled In our now store on the PUBLIC SQUARE end have on hand a’ largo and handsome stock of crery thing in our lino, Ohr stock consists partly d|i ■ Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, of Ail Kinds! ' I'lOfAifc.'t SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, ’ GOLDPEN8, PENCILS AND TOOTHPICKS, •• WALKING CANES, OPERA GLASSES, ’ 7 5 GOLD AND AND SILVER THIMBLES ETC?' 1 •>' We an Headqnarlers for ., • -V/ Spectacles and Eye-Glasses! Can suit any and every one in Gold, Silver, Sloe), Bronze, Xylonite. Celluloid or Rubber Frames. We are Sole Agents for KING’S CELEBRATED PATENT COM BINATION SPEOTACLES-the best in the world. Wo sell the • .v >. Davis and Williams Singer Sewing Machines! and have constantly on hand Needles, Oils, Attachments and Faria for all Machines. We have the best equipped shop for the .. : Repair of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry 1 in this section of the State. We employ none but tfrsUolosa'workmen! apd guarantee all onr work. ' " ’* ’ r ' 1 PIANO AND ORGAN mi Ibis branch of onr business is steadily increasing and all we ask is that parties who expect to bny a Piano or Organ wilt call and examine our stock and get onr trices before they buy. If we cannot do as well or better for yon than yon can do :or yourselves we do not ask your patronage. The fact that we have sold Pianos and Organs to dozens of the best business tnon in Americas shows plainly that we sell as low os any one, and when you bny from us you have no freight to pay and save the trouble of unboxing the instrument, ah we place it in your house and give you a PIUI? VPiD'd L. I A _ 1 -f. .. II If • • - FIVE YEAR'S guaranteo. Wo also have on hand a large stock of-stnall Musical In struments, consisting of Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Tambourines. Aooordeons and Harmonicas, and also keep Strings of the very best quality. Violin Bows, TaU piece* Bridges, Rosin and all kind of Musical Instrument Trimmings. The Office of the Southern Express Company ie in oar itore end their Agent, Mr. 8, C. COOPER is in onr employ'es'ljook-kecpcl and Salesmen nnd will be glnd to serve all who era needing anything In'onr Hire. CALL AND SEE US IN OUR NEW STORE! JAS. FRICKER A QRO J J j k O O TO • • CALVIN CARTER & SON Fare SOOTS ASVS SHOES, Public Square, . „ Americus, Ga. lifiST GOODS LEAST MONEY! MANNER OF DISTRIBUTION: 1000—TWO BOXKS-IOOO DUKE OF DURHAM CTGARETI'ES!! Mauufiiriured by W. Puke, 3. U. U C<k. Ihirhim. Noith Czrotlnc, who ha* 1 from old North Carolina |r*f, i world. The value of th*w ‘ order that a* nv*t.y a* jo**iu' Ibutid is pa bey will be dUtriWd in patt .-«(£«• of HA) rach. IIANDS03IE ^'SETII THOMAS CLOCK UVfcl Feniltbed by MeIM.1. A Co., «t Atlanta. }3T ONE BOX-FIVE POUNDS •MAY LEE” SMOKING TOBACCO! HwAlTSer 0 To SSWBTW t^r „ roitb flvt dollar*, sai wuj bs^jrmkt*h* * b# (U*tribot*<4 to The DUtrihullon^will be made^n the followlof manner: The name>nd jpoatfoffice of each zub- ■eriber will be written on • *lip of paper and pot iu an envelope, and all ptncod In a box. Tho namn of each of tbu prc»enli to Le drawn will a)«o be plated in envelope* and pat in another box. On tho day of tho diatribatloo !he*e bozee wfll be turned over to a committee of rceponaibte jcntlrmen, who, before the drawing begin*, wll call npoo tome of the audience to mix the eon- *cnt« of the boxea. to their aaUafactioB. After thla, two loya, one at each, will take envelope# •linnluneonalr from the boxea and band them to the committee, who will fir*t read the ,*.amo and then tho percent. The eocretarloa will keep correct li*t of the name* of the aubscriber* and ibe nrtklrc drawn a* they arc coiled out. Tble will coatinut until every articla has bean drawn (tom the box of present*, when tho committee will declare the dfetrlbatioo completed. In the box of preeante there will be xo blaxk'*, hence every name drawn from the bait of names before the preeeute art exhausted ariU^getgona of .three article*, moat of which are worth many time* the amount paid for *nbacrfpttoo. J Ilasutlnmcae may h# m*d-» by poet oRlca order or regleterrd letter. ’ Claba.-We will give a copy of the paper frea to any one'getiing opa Jelub of ten tubacribera cither new or old caea renew lug. Cnali to; accompany names in all eaeea. Any one can act aa agent for the BKCOBDKB, but we will not be reepoaalbla until we receive the money for eubecrfption. It We gnarantee to fnrnleb a paper worth at laazt the prxe a*ked for It*-83—besides giving aa op. pgrtnnlty to get one of tho^aboreihandjotne . Remember that you§c*nnot|po^tWy laraa* ft in a better way than •by^nlMriLtef tor the Bl» COltDICR. AdlrC, ” f 0 w - u »VS2Si.#* New’Store New Goods. •Mi hi -Jutmil Under Commercial Hotel, ’ « ’ <* FORSYTH ST., - - AMERICUS, GA New Goods! Low Prices! TO FILL MY NEW STORE I HAVE ORDERED A LARGE STOCK OF , — j, AUJ Testaments and Bibles from 5 cts. to $1400 each, tm Albums - - - from 25 cts. to 10.00 each. Papetrics ... from 15 cts. to 5:00'teabh. !l * Toys - - from let. to 6 00each;' WRITINa PAPER AND ENVELOPES A SPEgfARtt ! Larg? Stock of Blank Books, Inkand Pens—Best Qt|klity. Best Grades of Tobacco and Gghn. '; Goods to suit all tastes and purses from Candy and Chewin Gum to Quarto Dictionaries and Bibles, -PLEASE CALL AND FXAMINE PRICES t iff* LnYia AYOOCK ..