Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 13, 1884, Image 2

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wo i Americus Recorder, will not pro.ra *n exception to the role followed by every one of it* pfodecesetfr* ittde the ^option of tli* present nonitltation 'providing for biennlet session* of forty (ley* tutiJ here nlr^dy peeeed • reeolation to prolong the seeeion, end en adjournment until next summer^, nJriQB order. Let ui have annual sessions and an annul stipend for memben, in- IMofaper diem, at once and ho donei Nrlth It *• T$k £t*r suggests, to President Olssnlend that It* fill the OrptOISatrd'KppetuCmenUwIth Dem- aeMHpiflMilM fitted for ttrpUce*. mat’* all very well for ■PguggjJmjlurt ir the country going to do while they are gposT < J Bd|rpo»riii'tb* editor or the RccoXDia was t* be sent a* Minis- ter to France; what would become of Ameilou* while he was gone? No, we can’t afford' to risk the in terest* of the commercial capital q! Southwest Georgia to satialy our personal ambition, and therefore decline-with thanks- • '"'Han‘,1 f he did but know it, really wanta very little here below. Sena tor Rrlrncr, Of Michigan, has ex- 8 blessings of wealth, hevlng»n , income r»f $300,000 a year, and he a*yt that all that 1* necessary to real happiness is a good suit of clothes, a full stomach ahd a comfortable bed. Yet for all that, Senator Palmer will hare a bard time trying to get people not to seek after filthy lucre. In fact it has not. yet been reported that he is willing to give away half of bit repuled income and come down to th* begg*rly living of $100,000 for the expected fight. Lord Bnrgoyce wanted to see it too. His accomplished friend bad de. E rred, eo he sailed oat of the rbo^ jn hf^wlthout Mm. ... efjthKrtfbe dirt pldjedj by the'GveyhoUna .ia picking/ap the survivo * from the Alabama has become historical, but Lord Bmgorse’a little surprise was never before recorded.;^The< first swimmer he palled Into 1 the brat be had lowered area Gap*.-Raphael Semmcs, the commander of the Alabama. A little later the first bffloefof the Alabama was palled in. As he stood before Lord Bur- goyne wet and dripping the lat ter’* eyes.opened wide with aston ishment. . “Why,”.Mid ho, “this is Mr. - 11 r,” -naming bis friend .iof the table d'hote and fellow visitor to the Keanarge. si"! tu. >' “Yes,” said the other; r<And I had her boilers located so that we would, havo pnt a shot through them in another 1 minute if she hadn’t sunk us first.” 1 — . m ■, * , , Holmes' suits limn mouth wssn and dentifrice it an infklUble ears for Uloei- steel Boro Throat, Bleeding Omni, Bore month and Ulcers. Gletos the Teeth end fceepe the Gome healthr. Prepared sole ly by Urs. J. P. & W. it. Holmes, Den- tjsfs, 103 Maiborrv Street, Macon, Ga. For Bale by Dr. W. P. Bart, dentist. S. E. Hell, and all druggists and dentists, IAL EARTH IVE QUOTE THE FOLLOWING TRICES One Hundred 'Meh'e'Oueimere finite Begnbir prieo *10.00, for *5.00. 350 Palre of Peats. Former price $3 BO; 230 Pairs of Peats. Former price*5.60; now *3.00. • • • \ • Men's Csssimere Saits, all sizes from 33 to 43, at 60o on the dollar. Four-Button Cut-Aways at 33 per cent, less then ever known before. Fields end Checks are ail the go this season. We bate got them in largo Till ety, and at prices, that place competi. Uon in the back ground. , Sin. Smith'S OSes, and what the Iter. Mr. SMKIaMlWhasMsavaMutltl foreiiuwy, jars, moat of the time with what beta been called Ecr.sni* or Salt Rheum,. Paorleste and Lepra, and the like, and here always bean told that thsre waano ear# for me, and bare baen ao dia- ceorafed that/W«* toon die;«* lit*. I bare baen ao badly afflicted sometime* that there was not the smallest spot from the erownof my head, to the soles of ray feet that was r.ot diseased and as red asicrimson. It would commence in small white spota. which had a allvery appearance, bwhmrnm —t Coop, but if I attempted to heal thr - The wonders of electricity are more and ntore developed dolly. Nojr tiat it is impossible for President Arthur to be present in B °" h person at the opening of the New Orleans Exposition, it is proposed to connect the exposition building with the White House by a wiro *0 that the President, by touching a little knob, esn remain in Wash Ington and Btart the whole pon. derous machinery to working. and look finry and angry, and tbs burning sensa tion would bo almost intolerable.- I was at times ao Una that Icbald acarctly gat about, and could not draaa myself wilhoot assist ance. 1 havo tried many remedies. and bars paid • . -.—s-i— Snthava UB1 and 1882I suffered ao u$uob aa tobjantirel* discouraged. Last June, however, I was advised by Rider and Mrs. L.U. AlcKinstr/, who ars well- known in these rsalone, to try Wjjf, Ctmcuna RxtfEniKS! and I felt somehow a little' storage, from thair favorable opinion of them, to try their virtue. About tba second wyak of July laat l commenced taking the remedies, and within six weeks I began to ms a permanent improvement. URS. BENJ. SMITH. 7Certify that the above aUtement of my wifeJ# oorraet, and I join with her in expressing my grati tude for the great benefit aha has received. B. SMITH. I cartlfy that the above jUtamaut l# correct. Mr. mith is a prominent man In tbla community, hare ha lives, lie is a wall-known deater ini stock, and his statement, with that of hie wife, Is fully ontitlod to credit. Done at Stanstead, Province of Quebec, this tweety-aeventh day of October, 1*2. L. V. McKINSTRY, MMeterqflke tippet. Latkil-I havo aenn Mr*. Smith recently and believe her to l>e thoroughly and permanently cnr *‘ L L. O. McKI.NH i RY, .Wy Atlttni Ch. Cox/., P. Q. So. H. and Vv. V. U. Boston Sept, 8, 1884. We can show you a variety of One Thou sand different styles; more of them than all the houses oomblned, from Macon to Montgomery, and at prioes cheaper than yon con buy common Jeans to make them. CUTICUIU What would our grandfathers bavo cures .nil b.mliti.r., sold if any one had suggested to " them the remotest possibility of suoh a feet f ABBT ABROAlT THE* KEARSARGE. Ur. f.rxwr, tha new blood pufifler. •A, and Outxcura Boat, the gnat skin autittem. are sold everywhere- Uric#, iP, SSc.; llKSOLYENT, #1.01 4 Chaaaleeal C«*-, Boston. OVERSTOCKED AND CROWDED. Wasuimqton, Deo. t At a meeting of the Loyal League, In thle fatly, the other night, Gov. J. Schuyler Crosby, tho new First Aeeletaot Foatpaster-Geueral, who vtarqiA of the guests, related an interesting incident of tho oivil war whlon he learned whilo in Florence. He waa introduced to hard Bnrgoyno, of England, with nota tie formed a pleasant ac quaintance, and who, In mentioning some *f his acquaintances with Americans, told the following etoty: dost before the famous naval duel aft Cherbourg harbor, be tween the . United States man-of- war Keamrg* and the Confcder- . . ate privateer Alabama, in which ‘"buy or not, tho latter was sunk, Lord Bur- goyne visited Cherbourg in hie yacht, the Greyhound. Bodt ves sels at that time wero in the har bor, the Kearsarge awaiting the smlmg’of tho Alabama to strike herlnnestral waters. Lard Bur- goyne > wm acquainted with seme of. tk* officers on thu Kearsarge, and one day at tho table d’hote, said something to his view-vis, a very intelligent American, whoso acquaintance be had. made at the WM.abont visiting tho ship. The gentleman said if Lord Burgoyno was willing he should very mnch like to accompany him on the visit. The latter expressed his pleas ure at having eo agreeable a com panion, and the next day tho two friend* \bOtrd*d; 'the Kearsarge. Lord Borgoyne’s introduction was •nSkdent to seenre a cordial wel come, and the officers of the Kear- ■arge wen Uvtsh In their atten- itn*. When the gn»«U were shown through the ship, Lord Burgoync was'nnrprised at the information regarding armament, guns, ma chinery aadthe like that hit Mend’s mlnnte qnestion* revealed, and he set him down -for a remarkably aooompllefctd jpnUeman. ■■ A tew day* later the Alabama prepared to sail frim Cherbonrg, Md everybody in town wu alive The goods bought on my second visit to New York have come in, and my New York buyer, wishing to redeem himself of hie shortcomings, whioh necessitated my eeoond trip, bays end ships new goods with every steamer, and at prioes that cannot fail to please in Style, Qual ity and Prieee. My itore-room is filled, every enilable space having been need, and many arti cles that ought to bavo oonipionona placet are hidden. To avoid moro crowding, I havo de- „ yvioi'L-pf aided to offer daring the coming month goods of elt descriptions at prieee that must make them go whether yon wish Never before, end perhape never here after, were the Amotions trading people offered tnoh extraordinary bargains. Especially it that applicable to my large stock of Clothing, Cloaks, Dolmans, and Ladies Hate end Trimmings. These goods matt go and will he sold (like goods told st auction),at the best price obtainable. Don't delay coming, bat come now. Now ie the aocepted time end yoar coming now will save yon that sorrowful bat common expression, ‘-I wish I had came sooner." My Dress Goods Department ie replete with choice and elyliihfabrics, in Bilks, Satina Cash meres and every other kind ot Dress Goods usually bat often not found in other Diy Goods stores, end here they ere at the mercy of yonr own bid and prices. Please remember that the Be., gain Store offers no leader*. Hers yon buy everything, Domestics and finer goods at close prises. Bespeetfolly, & 1L COHEN. The Bargain Man. Bed Mammoth Sign and Flag, Cottoq Avenue. Is larger than ever before, at prioes we defy competition. IN BOOTS AND SHOES! We are Just Leading the Cararan! . :i*i iy . Five Thousand Pairs of Women Poker*, from 3*7 and 6*9, at the startling low J irice of 65o per pair; never known to sell or leal than one dollar since Americus has been a city. One thousand pairs Children’s Copper Tips* never sold less than 75o, can now be bought for 50o; a good, honest ahoe. 10 Ca«es of Brogans, from 6 to 11, and 10 cases Plow Shoes from 6 to 11, solid inner sole, white oak bottom, solid leather counter, always sold at $1.50, now re* tailed at $1.00. In Ladies*, Misses, and Children’s Fine Shoes we can show yon ah elegant line, and retail them at prices 25 per cent less than any house in town oan buy them. J. WAXELBAUM & 00. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. CONVULSES NEW YORK row CITY HALLfl CENTRAL PARK. OLD ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE HOUSES, WHOSE SOLVENCY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOUNDED ON INDK8TKUCTABLE ROCKS OF UNLIMITED CAPATAL AND UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, Tottered and Fell in a Day! Specially was this true of many large and celebrated Clothing manufacturers who had made up numerous stocks from materi als bought on credit. These manufacturers placed their faith ail lively and profitable September trade, absolutely relying on it for funds to meet their maturing paper, which they had given for piece goods, but the trade did not come, the continuous warm weather and no customers cooked their “goose,” and there was nothing left for them to do but to fail and turn their goods over to an Assignee. It was bad for them, but it is in your power to make it good for you, for, as usual, when good goods are to be sacrificed we are always on hand. Our Mr. Joe Waxelbaum was there, and notwithstanding the fact that we were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars, we bought Thirty-Three Thousand more in Boys, Chil drens and Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods,* Fancy Goods, Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 30 to 60 per cent, of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock Monday Homing These Purchases will be Put or Sale and it will be to the interest of every one in this city or country to be on hand, for at the prices we propose selling these goods you were never offered them in the history ot tho jlry goods, clothing, boot and shoe trade. J.Waxelbaum&Co. PROPRIETORS NEW YORK STORE, Americus. Georgia. TenJPieoee BUok Cashmere, 36 inches wide, warranted ell wool, at 36o n,. yard, never sold less then COo. Ten Pieces Black Cashmere, 42 iaches wide, sti424cents per yard, warranted all TSoentsf 00 ^* wonb *"* money, 96 Piecea Black and Colored Anoams -J inches wide, aU shades, st 50e pel 5»jd. Goods retatUog anywhere at *1.00 50 Pieces Dress Goods, In ell th6 lead ing shades, at 7|o per yard, worth 13Jo in good cash. * 50 Pieces Brocade Mattasaefl, worth 25c per yard, retailing by ua now at 16c. In Bilks, Satins, and Velvets we are ai always, the acknowledged leaders, haring them in price from 25o per yard to $5 go Our $1.00 Black Silk retails at 8ixtli Avenue, New York, for $1.25. In Colored Bilka and Satins we gire you any imaginable shade; from 50c to $1.60 per yard. In Honsefumishing lOoodfl we have bought direot fiom impoitcra, who had the misfortune to retire from badness rather unexpectedly. We bought them 50c on the dollar. They have to be seen to bo appreciated. Call and aee our Ten-CenV Towel, fall* 24 inohes long; all linen, worth 25c. Twelve good Napkins, nil linen, for 50c. 500 Linen Hemmed Napkins, at 10c with colored borders. Never sold for less than 25c. 500 Marseilles Qailt*, always sold at $1.50, can now be bought for 95c. OUR LINE OF Is too numerous to mention, carrying a stock of these to Fifteen Thousand Dol lars in our Betail Department alone, and anvtbing we happen not to have tho good old man never made. In CARPETS and BUGS we con savo you 33 per oent less than you have ever known them before, and give you a stock equal to any house this side of Baltimore to select frem. It is ratber early in tho season to talk about CLOAKS. But remember we manufacture overy garment we sell, and will talk about them later when the weather grows oolder. We are confident there will be no cause to complain of our prioes, and so far as assortment and style is concerned, we can compare with anr houso in the State, and will take os much f ileosure in showing our goods as in sell- ng them. Gall Early and Avoid (lie Bosli! J. WAXELBAUM & CO. AMERICUS, - - - GEORGIA STILL LEADS We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own manufacture, and will be sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were, the first to intioduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give us a trial. A word now to those who have old bug gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new: We willjgive you more work, and a better job, for less money than any other shop in Americus. Try us and be convinced. Ga^ July 25,1884. ... - - . R« T. INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Forsyth. Street, > • > - Americas, Ga AGENT FOR THE LEADING IN THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST HATES. AXiBO AG-HHTT, FOR TUB GULLET and LUMMES COTTON GIN«, Tho BoatlQlaal Sleidort CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OR GINS. septl8m3 JFL. T. Wlieatley’s Corner. Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Comer and buy 1 ># splendid meets* which attcndedjowjeffortxjln Introducing tile tale of FIN S CLOTHING | in.onr c , hat tnduceO'ui to bring o.ut for tha Spring trad* tbo largest, bandaomeit and most complete line of Perfect Fitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AMERICUS! These goods hare been selected with great care and possess] an eleganca of design, beauty of flnbh and durability of text ore, that law indeed can equal, and none surpasa. In every lastaoce v* GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE W< blve>I«> • large and vr«U .elected .lock of perfect Siting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! And everything la tkenjr of Oenfo PeraUhlog Ooopo. Foil to end KicWlTtjSoiMOMe «UI uhe (ptooioro U dtopUylog ikco boutlful good, whether yoe wU> u boy or sol. THORNTON WHEATLEY, Wheatley’s Comer, : : :