Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 14, 1884, Image 1

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Established 1879.
Daily, Pur Ybar,.., 16.00. ,
WBBKLT, ;i “ ,
The buyer for cash not only secures the lowest prices, but his trade is sought after. The credit buyer pays two prices for his goods
and then is dunned until he is weary of life and shuns the man who credited him as if he had done him an injury. Regarding these facts,
In BARIjOW BLOCK, Next Door to Carter’s StLoe Store,
buys his Clothing and Furnishing Goods for Cash and sells them for Cash, and is thus enabled to sell better goods for less money than 0
those who do a credit business. For this reason Cash buyers can do better at his store than at those stores where the proprietor has to
make up his credit losses from his cash customers. He does not advertise to sell “ * hn .
because that would not be business, and because too often “at cost” means the cost to the customer and not to the merchant. But we
will say that we will offer
Extraordinary Low Prices the Next 30 Days
As we have many fine winter goods that we do not care to carry over, we would call especial attention to our
the finest goods ever offered in this market, which we are determined to close out, and if you want anything good, now is your chance, 1
We have also a fine line of 1 ■ ,».«
• rv *.-‘44
".fi"* 1 •- r
of the best goods, made up in the handsomest style, which we are offering extremely low. If you want something good call on us.
BEAR IN MIND that all we ask is an examination of our goods and prices, and then if you can find anything in Americus as good ;
for a less price, we will have nothing to say. Our stock is complete in the line of
Clotliingr and Furnlsliingr Goods»
and we mean business. Cash buys cheap and we know it, and so will you after you call and see us.
Barlow Block, : (Next Door to Carter’s Shoe Store,) ; Americus, Ga
. '.-A
L Sit*
Americus Recorder
W. x>. ChliBBaNBR.
TKUMS-A1I claim, ftmm SO cr under, 3;
°* TO to $300, ten per cent.; over $300,
r wet, Xo charge. obUm coiicctlooi arc nia-lc.
Edv, J. Mi'lcr. O. Horooo ilcCaP,
Monumental Marble Works,
MIU.EIt Si HcUALL, Proprietor!,
Southwest Comer of, the I'nblio Square,
Monuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc
of the best Italian and American Marble.
fan Ratline for Cemetery Enclos
ures, a Specialty.
At small coot can bo Recured for your
laved ones, by joining the
Kniglits of Sonor.
lot ovary husband and father do it. Uegu-
w lodge meeting ttrat and tbiru Friday
i R. For paiticulara call en
_ E. TAYLOR, Die.
Dr. Do K, BrissoIT, Reporter, decl ly 1
t| “.beat ctutrocled and fin*
gives belter percentage
•me v*wer,acd Uscld tor leas
Joiinpiievillb, Deo. 10.— Wo are
having plenty of ruin and water is
move plentiful. With a few more
good rains the streams and wells
will be full again.
Good many killed their hogs
lust week and are very uneasy
about their meat. A freeze up just
about now would be thankfully re
ceived. We look for a cold snap
this week.
The matrimonial market is boom
ing. We heard there was to be a
double wedding below, yesterday,
but as we are not cortain It was a
be, we will wait until our next to
report. Curds are out for another
one day this week. That we know
will be a be. This will also ap
pear in our next. We bear of
several more to como off this win
ter, and wo bope next year will be
a good crop year.
Georgo Goar, (colored) died
very suddenly this morning ab-.ut
day. Mr. Culbcrt, bis employer,
senthtm down to the cotton house
to fill up some baskets of cotton,
while be bitched up the mules. On
bis arrival he found kim dead.
Dropsy ot the heart was the cause
of death.
We wish to close our gin this
week, or as early next week as
possible. Parties wishing cotton
gined will bring it in at once, and
those owing us for ginuing will
please call and settle, as wc don't
propose to run any ginning bills
over. You knew our terms were
cash, so bring us our money. Our
gin will be run free next season.
On the wind up many find their
cotton a little betlet then they ex-
, peeted.
We heard to-day that several
hundred of tho railroad hands
were idle near Richland because
the road had not been located or
they had surveyed two or three
routes, and had not yet decided
which one they would take. We
are very sorry to hear this; does
seem to us thoy could decide and
lot the work go on. We also heard
the road would be built standard
guage. Wc hope this report will
prove true, as wo think it would
be worth a great deal more to us
than a narrow guage, and we think
our county will be wil ling to pay
difference in cost. El,MV as.
A Bravo »•«» TUl.f.
Dawsom, Dee. 12.—On Friday
last, Mr. Hiller, of Randolph coun
ty, came over to Mr. W. W. Lee’s,
of this county, to purchase oats.
Mr. Lee’s nine year old sou, Char
lie, was trying to catch a chicken
the dog’s teeth till the dog yelled
with pain which brought his master
to his rescue. Mr. Leo also came
out and between them they finally
succeeded iu getting the boy and
the dog separated. The dog was
pretty severely thrashed, and Char
lie was pioked up, pretty well ex
hausted and bleeding, carried in
and put to bed, where lie remained
nearly a week. The oaU of his leg
was torn off, skin and flesh, and the
bone exposed to view. A physi
cian attended him, and Charlie
will soon be up and out again.
The brave lad never oried.nor oom-
plained a single time, but lay io his
bed and laughed as he told the cir
cumstance over to bis relatives and
visiting friends, and never would
acknowledge that it hurt him. Of
just such stuff heroes are made.
On last Saturday Charlie Potter,
a colored man on Mr. W. Leo’s
plantation near Dover, this county,
on returning from the field, found
lie, WHO tv VU1.VM - — , , . . ,
in the lot. when Mr. Hiller’s large that his bouse bad been entered,
dog, which was guarding the wagon, bis trunk broken open and me
decided lo take part in the chase, money (about $32.00) stolen. He
but instead of calohiog the chicken, suspicioned Crawford Pickett, no
lle caught Charlie by the hind leg I other colored man on Bame place.
_I mean bv the hind part of the j When Pickett left the promises In
leg—and came near shaking the the afternoon, Potter took hie gun
filling out of him. As the dog did and followed at a rospeotful dis
not bark and Charlie was too game ' tancc and watched him. Ho saw
to hollow, they had it all to them-1 him climb over a fence Into an-
sclves for some time, when Charlie ' other field and get down on bje
reached round, grasped the dog’s knees and begin to remove the dirt
nose in his right hand, and his, the J and grass from under the look of
dog’s, chin in bis left hand, with | the fence, and while In the act
his thumbs in the dog’s mouth, be slipped up to within * *•* ■*“•* 0
forced the mouth open, when the him. Ah soon as he heard Potle ^
larger portion of tho calf of Charlies approachlog he sprang op and
leg fell to the ground. Charlis quickly pocketed "taUMr WM
tightened his grasp, mashing the ( the object of
! dog’s lipa between bis thumbs and j his pnwnsr. Pottmr oonld m tks
shape of something in Pickett’s
pocket and was satisfied it waa the
little square tin box in which he
kept his money, and asked him
what it was. Pickett told him it
was a flask. Potter then asked to
see it, but was refused. He then
told him of the loss of bis money,
and believed be bad it, and asked
permission to search him, and re
ceived the reply that “he would die
and go to bell beforo he would be
searched.” With this he started
home. Potter commanded him to
stop, and on his refusing to do so
shot him in the bip and thigh with
buck-shot, and as ho kept going
Potter attempted to shoot again,
but hia gun snapped, and Pickett
succeeded in reaching home. There
it waa ascertained that the money
was not on his person; to George
Adams, another of Mr. Leo's hands,
retraced Pickett’a ateps and a hun
dred or more yards from the house
found the tin box, containing $27
of Potter’s money. It is supposed
be threw it aside, intending to go
for it when the excitement should
snbsidc. Five dollars of the money
bed been spent or concealed.
Pickett's wound is pretty severe
but not Eerious. Potter did not
attempt to kill, but to cripple bis
onemy end recover his money.
Charlie Potter wss raised on Mr.
Lee's place, i» a negro of good
character, while Pickett is a noto-
rioua rascal. J- A. P-
Holmes’ subs cubb south wash and
dsotllrles is an Inblliblt cars tor Ulcer
ated Hots Throat, Bleeding Gams, Sow
moatb and Ulceia. Cleans thaTeeeh and
4. K
Hs&udtU drig&suS^tuSlitfc
Meat Market
flawing purchased from Uart. 4 Cobb the Ji
Market and Provision Sto.e on
keep on Load tha very best cuts of *3
S '. i
and also a toll line of . * ,
Green Groceries and Provisions,
Mtbndnf .11 this et VmUUM *wl SMW.tB
their season. Canned floods, ate. It Is tbrir alm
to ksep a trst class establishment, and |tva their
easterners coed goads at the lowest prices.
Cf** 11 Igheet price mM for Cattle, Bugs, and •
kinds of coentry prod see.
a -.-I--, ru. it lisa is . , i
America*, Dee. 1ft, lULtf
■ Pi
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Amiri,us, Ga-i SAt'fA MS* V '