Newspaper Page Text
Americus Recorder.
W. t,. OLIHXVn, Editor.
0 Belli Organ of Webiter
It it itated that tbd* Hfcpuhli
candidates for Railroad Commit
ttonert in Tennettee, who pledged
tbttttihret not' to terre or draw
thoffimiartet in cart they should
beeieeted, hare reconsidered the
i they have been elec-
deem. __
elect them
dcWroSITOeTlike they ” have been
told out at a very low price.
A Washington correspondent of
the Hartford Timet ttyt in regard
to Blaine't libel siirit against the
Indianapolis Sentinel: ‘TJlaTnYwa,
asked at to the status of his suit
bnt appeared indisposed to talk
ranch on that subject. It is be
litytdih/'hlt friends that he, U, in
'dined tolet it quietly drop out of
tight*' 1 Re hat Bide no answers to
the teoond series ofinterrogatories
filed by the defendant, nor has he
taken any notice of the summons
which were tervtd oa him when bo
was at Fort Wayne, Indiana, in
October last,- to tpfiekr in person.
The defendants are resolved to
lna|ttoi the personal attention of
Hr. Blaine if the suit is continued.
Onto of ' Hr. ' Blaine’s ihllmate
friends reports that ho was con
vinced within twenty-four hours
after instituting the suit that be
had made a mistake, but let it
drag on through the Presidential
camtMlfgn; ^because It 1 'would have
been a greater mistake to discon-
ninue it.” Of course Blaine will
press the suit If he has any hope
of making out a case] ’He could
not do otherwise after all that hat
been said and done. If he/drops
the suit it will be probably because
he can not prove the allegations
made by him in regard to his alleg
ed Kentucky marriage.
The opening of the World’s Fair
at New Orleans is close at hand.
The management has announced
that everything will be In readiness
for that occasion. Twonty-flve bun
dred car-loads of exhibits have a!
ready arrived,,and others are ar
riving at the rate of 110 car-loads
a day.,, A large foroe is busy pla
cing the articles in position as fast
as tbey are received.
It Is now certain that Georgia
will be well represented there. A
part ot her exhibit has already gouc
forward, and other parts are being
shipped as fast as prepared. It
will all be in plaoe by opening day.
There are three men wbo are en
titled to the credit of getting up
the Georgia exhibit. They are
UnltefLAtocs Commissioner D. 0.
BaDOn,"District Commissioner J. M.
Couper,-of Darien, and County
Commissioner Judge W. D. Har
den, of this dty. They have work
ed earnestly and faithfully to give
Georgia a place at the Exposition
among the States ot the Union and
the nsfioM of the world that her
people would be proud of, and they
nave the satisfaction of knowing
that tbey have succeeded. Their
efforts were generously seconded
in-thls cltf su'd .in 'a few other lo
calities, but they did not receive
the aid throughout the Stats that
they ought to nave received. How.
ever tbey have done well, and when
Georgians visit, the fair tbey will
have no occasion to make excuses
for their Stale.—Savannah News.
The News has omitted the name
of another gentleman(who is enti
tled to as much credit in this di
rection—Capt. John A. Cobb, of
this pity, who spent his time and
money In the cause, attending
every meeting and working up his
own district. No one took more
interest or worked harder to have
Georgia represented at tho Expo
sition, and he deserves all the
credit dne's&votae connected with
the Georgia exhibit.
such zeal and ability have
never before been known in the his
tory of Presidential campaigns In
these United 8tates. As the jury,
however, have recommended yon
fftref, I ffialrt yobfiksotenco^as
lent as the laws hilows. It Is:
iThtaydi, (plover Cleveland, bo
confined at bard labor 'within " the
walls of the White House, in the
oity of Washington, District of
Columbia, for four years, from the
4th of March next ensuing. And
may the Lord have meroy-on your
“Bring in Tom Hendricks.”
Mrs. Rmllk'i Cam. And wbAt the Her. Mr.
MeKlnstrjr h a* to sajt About IU
cotirtfod tbot/AradsM toon Mt nt lire. I boro boon
to badly afflicted aomatluica that there wm not tho
smallest spot from tbe crows of my head to tho
eolae of ray foot that was r.ot diseased and aa red
aa rcrimson. It would commence in email whit#
spots, which had a silvery appearance, but wore
not deep, bat if I attempted to beal them, or soon
after thsir tiret appearance, tbey would burn and
nut together until there warn complete dry. red
ecale. which would become to inflamed aa to crack
and look fiery and angry, and tbe burning sensa
tion would l>« almost intolerable.
I waa at times to lama that * enuld scarcely get
about, and could not dress myself without assist
ance. I bare tried many remedies, and hsvs paid
■lOOinm single instance to a physician, bnt have
ever obUined only temporary relief. AltUough
1WI and 18821 suffered so moth «» to be entirely
discouraged. last June, fewever. I was advised
by Elder and Hra. xL CJ. MaKlnstry, who are well-
known in these regions, to try yoor Ctmcuiu
Remxdiks: end I felt somehow a little courage,
commenced taking the remedies, and within eix
weeks I began to aaa a permanent improvement,
until now (Oct. 1), I am about as good as new, and
my flesh ia aa tba flesh of a child.
f certify that the above statement of my wife is
correct, and 1 join with her jn expressing my grati-
ifcssw 3 I ft r -
' V i \ 5 „
- One Hundred HAV Cassimere gain
Regular price $10.00, for $5.00.
250 Pairs of Pants. Former price $2.00;
now $1.00.
250 Pain of Pants. Former price $5.00;
now $2.00.
Men’s Cassimere Saits, all sizes from 33
to 42, at 60c on tbff‘dollar.
Four-Button Cut-Aways at 33 per cent,
less than ever known before.
Plaids and Checks are all the go this
season. We have got them in large vari
ety, and at prices that plaoe competi
tion in the back ground.
We can allow you avariety of One Thou
sand different styles; more of them ~
all tbe houses combined, from Msot
Montgomery, and at prices cheaper
you can buy commou Jeans to make them,
f certify that the above jtateraent la correct. Mr.
Smith is a prominent man. in this community,
where he lives. He ia a well-known dealcrin stock.
‘ hia statement, with that of bia wife, ia fully
tied to credit.
itead. Province of Quebec, this
twenty-seventh day of October, 18W.
Minuter o/th* Go,/*!.—I havo seen Mrs. Smith recently and
believe her to be thoroughly and permanently
jfcr’y A'hni Ch. Con/., /’. Q. x<>. R and A’o. .V. //.
Boston Sept 9,1884.
CtmcuaA Hr. g.vbut. tho new bload pnrlflef,
nd CtrrioUBA, andOtn icunA BoaV, the great akm
•areaand beautiflera. «resold everywhere. Price,
OUTicunA, I0c.; Boat, 95c.; Ueuolvkm,
Potter llrug uml Chemlcul Co., lloeton.
A Jocular Voter.
Barnwill, S. C. Nor. 30.—The
following quaint and curious in.
doraemont was found on the back
of a Cleveland and Hendrick* ticket
voted at this precinct: Grover
CI*yly4 t ,ftqod up, A jury of
your countrymen have found you
guilty of designing and conspiring
with divert Democrats to become
President ot the United States, to
th* great barm and personal injurv
of over one hundred thousand
loyal office holder* of tbe Republic.
And more, you have caused anger,
batnd, ill-will, curies and msledte-
lly ogtbts country. Tour adro-
««** hey* defended you with
gteat seal tod ability, * - -
counlor, always* sold at $1.50, now ze-
tailed at $1.00.
In Ladies', Misses, and Children's Fine
Shoes wo can show yon an elegant line,
and retail them at prices 25 per cent less
than any house in town can buy them.
Tottered and Fell in a Hay!
Specially was this true of many large and celebrated Clothing
manufacturers who had made up numerous stocks from materi
als-bought on. credit. These manufacturers placed their faith
on lively and profitable September trade, absolutely relying on
it for funds to meet their maturing paper, which they had given
for piece goods, but the trade did not come, the continuous
warm weather and no customers cooked their “goose,” and there
was nothing left for them to do but to fail and tum their goods
over to an Assignee. It was bad for them, but it is in your
power to make it good for you, for, as usual, when good goods
are to be sacrificed we are always on hand. Our Mr. Joe
i„ larger tban ever berore, at prices we Waxelbaum was there, and notwithstanding the fact that we
defy competition. - i - were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thousand
■ Dollars, we bought Thirty-Three Thousand more in Hoys, Ohil-
IN BOOTS AND SHOES! drens and Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy
We are Just Leading the Caravan! Goods, Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 30 to 60 per cent.
of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock Monday Homing
Five Thousand Pairs of Women Pokers,
from 3-7 and 6-9, at the startling low
price of 65o per pair; never known to sell
for less than one dollar since Americus
has been a city.
One thousand pairs Children's Copper
Tips, never sold less than 75c, can now
be bought for 50o; a good, honest shoe,
10 Cases of Brogans, from C to 11, and
i^Boie! whi?o o» fl k bottom, ^oiiVieether & will be to the interest of every one in this city or country
to be on hand, lor at the prices we propose selling these goods
you were never offered them in the history ot the dry goods,
clothing, boot and shoe trade.
The goods bought on my second visit
to Now York have como in, and my New
York buyer, wishing to redeem himself
of his short-comings, which necessitated
my second trip, buys and abips new
goods with every steamer, and at prices
that cannot fail to pleaso in Stylo, Qual
ity aud Prices.
My store-room is filled, every available
8paco having beeu used, and many arti
cles that ought to havo conspicuous places
aro hidden. *
To avoid more crowding, I havo dc-
oided to otter during the coming month
goods of all descriptions at prices that
must mako thorn go whetkor you wish
to buy or not.
Nover bofore, and perhaps nover here
after, were the Amcrions trading people
offered such extraordinary barguins.
Especially is that applicable to my
largo stock of Clothing, Cloaks, Dolmans,
and Ladies ITata and Trimming?,
These goods mast go and will be sold
(like goods sold at auction) nt tie best
prico obtainable. Don't delay coming,
but come now. Now ia tho accepted time
and your coming now will save you that
sorrowful but common expression, "I
wish I had coma soonor." My Dress
Goods Department is replete with choice
and stylish fabnes, in Silks, Satins, Cash
meres and every other kind oi Dress
Goods usually but often not found in
othor Dry Goods stores, and here tbey
aro at the mercy of yonr own bid and
ElSZttZT.ZJS; Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we
buy everything, Domestics and finer
goods ot closo prices. Respectfully,
8. M. COHEN,
The Bargain Man.
Red Mammoth Sign and Flag, Cotton
Americus, Georgia.
TonJPIeces BUok Cashmere, 36 inchea
wide, warranted all wool, a( 35o per
yard, never aold less than COo. 1
Ten Place* Black Cashmere, 42 iocl-es
"!£?• H£2J, oenU Pjryard, warranted all
TBoenU 30 ’*!' *°Kb any man 1 .money.
SB Plecra Black and Colored Annama
38 Inches wide, all abadca, at 60c ner
J *^5•„. Good, relailiog anywhere at *1 oo
60 Pieces Drew Good., io all the
IftSttK 1 '* 0 per yn,i ' wor "*
60 Pieoes Brocade Matlaaaea, worth 2oc
pe f b f “* “ow at 16c.
In Bilks, Saline, and Velvets we are as
always, the acknowledged leaders, bovine
them In prico from 26o per yard to (6 txi
OurlLOO Black Silk* Jail! at KiiTh
Avenue, New York, for $1.25.
In Colored Silka and Satins wa civs
you any imaginable abode; from 60S to
$1.60 per yard.
In Hoqaefnrnlahing iGnods we him
bought direot fiom imporlers, who lad
the miefortune to retire fn-m business
rather unexpectedly Wo taught them
6Cc on the dollar. They have to be seen
to bo appreciated.
Call and see our Ten-Cent Towel, fall*
21 inches long; all linen, worth 25c. 1
Twelve good Napkins, all linen, for 50c
500 Limn Hemmed Napkins, at I0e
with colored borders. Never sold for
less than 25c.
600 Marseilles Quilts, always sold at
$1.50, can now be bought for 95c.
ova line or
Is too numerous to mention, carrying n
stock of these to Fifteen Thousand Dol
lars in oar Retail Department alone, and
anything we happen r.ot to have the good
old man never made.
in CARPETS and BUGS we can save
you 33 per cert, less than you have ever
known them before, and give yon a stock
equal to any bouse this side of Baltimore
to select frem.
It is rather early in the season to talk
about CLOAKS. But remember we
manufacture every garment we sell, and
will talk about them later when the
weather Rrows colder, We me confident
there will bo no cause to complain of our
rices, and so far as assortment and style
i concerned, we can compare with on?
ouso in the State, and will take os much
pleasure in showing our goods as in sell
ing them.
Call Early and Avoid the Rush I
We invite everybody and the public gen
orally to call at our shop and examine our
immense stock of First-Class Finished Single
and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse
Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which
are of our own manufucture, and will be sold
as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in
any market. In reference to our Single and
\ Great Medical Werk on Manhood.
Exhausted Vitality, Nervous aud Physical {Do*
illtjr rremxtur* Decline In man. arrore of
. ouib, and the uatold miseries resulting froi '
discretion or excesses. A book for every
young, middle are and eld. it contains 125
ecrlptiou* for all acute and chronic diseases, each
one of which Is Invaluable. 8o found bv the
thor, whose experience for S3 years Is such „
lever before tell to the lotef oay pbyu-
pagee bound fat bcautifa! Wench muslin,
were the first to intioduce them in this coun
try, and have from the beginning up to the
present time constantly improved them, and
we believe we now have them perfect. We
keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to
25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to
each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and
Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is
to give us a trial.
A word now to those who have old bug
gies and wagons and desire to have them re-
Forsyth. Street, ... - Amerious, Ca
o AGENTS for tub
Tbo J3o.t;oinE Mndoil
scptl8n>3 II. T. BYRD.
tmboiMd cover*, fnu cllt, fuuantccd to be • doer
work In everv iwtuo—mechanical, literary and
pcofaaaiooal—than any other work aold In thia
country for 13.50, or tbe money will be refunded
la event inatenee. Price only |t by mail, post
paid. Illustrative sample f cents. Send aow.
Hold medal awarded tba author bv the National
paired « “ade new: We wilfeive you more
for InitnKtiim,«nd by thetOietcd (brnlttt It
ill btHflt lU—Loadoa lined.
Thrr. U ao iBtmbir ot ootwty to .torn tho
UotMorLiOMXU aotto mM, Wtttthor jouth,
poreot, (wollu, Uttrector or ckqjymu.-ar-
> °a*£«o tbo FtM, Id leal laatttntr, or Dr.
V.ILhrkor. Mo. 4 BaUtoab otrort,• Banco,
oore.Ho* «• bUdMuos re.
QUirtne skill a&d expericuce. Chronic aud obetl.
Late dtecaaes that bavabaffled tbeij P A | °*klll
of other ^joHm t
work, and a better job, for less money than
any other shop in -Americus. Try us and be
Americus G&, July 25,1884, m
Wlieatley’s Corner.
Ho! every one in need of Clothing,
“COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and buy
l!*a splendid aucccas which attencled)Dur'*fforl*jln Introducing the t>aIo of
j injour c » has lndacaC^ua tj bring oat for the Spring trade tho largest, bandsomeat and
moat complete line of
Perfect Fitting Clothing
These goods bars been selected with great car# and posacas] an elegance of design, beanty of IlnUH
sad durability of texture, that few indeed can equal, and non* aurpaxa. in every tasUnce we
We havo’also a large and well selected stock of perfect fitting
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neek and Underwear!
AoJ ortrythio, In tho nj of Qoot-o ForuUhlo, Ooopo. PoUu ond .«U«llTOjWoomoo .Ul
[pleasure la displaying these beautiful goods whether you wish to bay or not.
Wheatley’s Comer, : : :