Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 16, 1884, Image 2

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w. l, oiaiim, Him.
To-day Ibe formal opening of
tbe long talked of great World’*
FaiH'and Coltfcfl Exposition trill
Uke^ftace In Sev'imdfct. Tbe
ding* are
we completed, and for a
it hare been
luring Bi. *WbTh ever;
in readlneu for tbo opening, and
It hoe been arranged that one end
of a wire ehall be
motive power
Exposition Halls,*%bi!
end 1* connected with tbe White
House In Washington. Then at a
°1W .
' prepared, tbe President, juirround T
grese, Judges, officials of tbe gov
ernment and foreign representa
tives, will touch a button, and Im
mediately tbe vast machinery will
be set in moU _
Ing and attractive ineident of" the
prftfelesS id civlfikk'dbn‘ l ihi1 : »cieflCfe
wbiob tbe world has made. Tbe
fact that the Chid Magistrate of
tbe Republic can sit in his office
and, by simply pressing a little
knob, in a .moment of lime start
lnttt e^eitit'ob tho JlrlrdMpriidoi'bus
machinery of one of the greatest
expositions tbe world lias ever
seen, though Hundreds of miles disf
tant, sounds Sko affAttdf" tga|i£,
fsr surpassing the yrilde.U'flightjbf
tbe mind, or the most xgpaeriful
stories over detailed in the Arabian
Nights, or any other work of un-
Tbe exterior and interioi
buildings will also afford rare and
present the appearance of a mag
nificent fairy scene, and inside tbe
halls will be shown onthUfiSsf foo
ur-n. EJ
imposing spectacles &cr"tgJSSlte
Plants and growths from tbo tropics
side by side! Wltlf*preoious'ofbsj
of everyteountry of the globe will
attract and delight the visitor,
while the United States alone wi^
make a display from evory section,
State and Territory, whioh will
graphically illustrato the vast and
wonderful resources of this most
wonderful oountry. New England
will be there, and will Oil up one
ninttapef the space alb
ariOTWrlPniir MaltewilUshotr
her'lumbor and iisheryind us tries
shops, and Massachusetts, New
Hampshire and Rhode Island tbo
produotB of their cpf^on end woolen
mills and various' manufactories.
Tbe Middlo States will contrib
ute largely, and the Lake Roglon
will display a gfoat variety of ei
This famous Exposition must be
seen to be appreciated, and will be
visited by thousands from every
uarter of the globe. Every ar-
t pfjsiSle^lo sjcpre tbe
ifertfbf visitors has bten qai' '
1 lmg tie rbtnembered
one of the wonders of the world.
claim, “Peace to bis noble ashes,
and may the clods of the valley
rest lightly upon bis grove.’’: A
truer fifb'ndUever lived, a braver
M “Gtedpre” to ray?fg»m*
W »W8:S» V arrive^ %
Outubxbt,Ua., Tfee. 11.
Dear Recobdeb:—On Thursday^
he ttiiTnst,, iqfs.bqjgy made by
id^jt of the
drawn by the One traveler, Dr.
Franklin, and driven by that faltb-
Somf yeats after Blind Tom gave
sfcsxhipiUon here, and wan called
upon to ImlUte various public men,
and among "them Dbuglas, and be
delivered tbe same speech f had
tBiuglUU deliver in Pltts-
imitsting bis voice exactly,
beautfnl home of Col. Geriifce * knd' preti^olosel.v imitating bla
Connell and his most estimable gestures.
rttom^^ere^Im^sWther, am
list nephew, Mr. J. T. Orr.
too, I met Mr. New, andii
inghimself f ; tV 'me
Terrell, Lee and Sumter counties,
Arriving at my niece’s, Mrs. E
■ft ^ v **< jft I tl|s, Village lOfiPpver,
about noon,'I take'dinner with her
and hir iAiJbsnrfp'Mk *Ji 1 M. Avro
I had the pleasure of taking byMie
hand Uncle J. C. Edwards,
Sessions, E%g,, my bid lficri
school-mate. 1 take my leave of
ithqa»H'|>gbt;.8i80 «pi Wi, Jrvive
at tbe residence of my daughter,
M^ ( ,^ollle E. who, Rill
her tweTsisters Amanda J., anil
Nettie 1 'M.' and- five'other youtfg
ladies, graduated in old Andrew’s
Hall, June 15,1481. Here I spend
the night with my son-in-lsw, Mr.
0. L. Perry.
Friday, 5th, I .bid adieu tc my
'iliildWl arid pass through'Cb'lbks-
sawbatchie, Leesburg, old Starks-
ville, the Wisdom’s Retreat of
"Jpdge r^k Vfsjtren, for there it’
* his sweeti^esjjjn
o desert aitf” {hence through old
Chebair lane and Chokes; at 4:50
p. m. arriro at Gen. P. A. Jack-
son’s Walker place, where l am
restrained imagination. most^cordially greeted h^wp. SO)
wilt be there with specimens of her
mineral and agricultural products,
and tho South will display not only
cotton, but her isugar, tobacco,
rice, minerals, Rowers, grains and
grasses. Tho colored people of
the entire country will also make
their race has made, while tho In
diana of Hampton Institute, Va ,
will contribute -specimens of their
From this hurried and cursory
a ( *d3h?*'TH*fc/iWtloMoW
faint idea may be conceived of its
extensive wonders' The people of
tions already prepared, and the
New Orleans Times Democrat is
the Exposition open, tbe streets of
mutm Herr
descriptlon’of Rags, banners, and
their placet of builnjM haudsomoly
and gaily decorated in the exqui-
beds of do wei| will make the at-
moephere redolent with their dell-
cateuifragrarice.i.and display:^
wealth of beanty beelda which the
| ^«W4-con e eptl W o.f Aladdin’s
the driver. Gentle read,n* tell me
not that the Doctor id not A good
1cA|' |6?| I hove* nhver ensured
im for not wanting to leave there.
Sufnipy tho 7th, accompanied bjp
W. L. and Miss Della, I went to
the residence of Mr. Chesterfield
flovvoll, but flndingnogne«t ; homp
returned to the hospitable* roof‘-of
Mr. William Harp and lady, where
wo bad quite a feast upon cbiekon,
kid, and other good eatables too
numerous to mention. Here I met
Mr. M. B. Council, of, tbe firm of.
CoindU-A'Wllllf'Ofd. lh* liveware-
hof^qmeq^f yflurolty.! JRero, top,,
I part with the noble Lawson and
affectionate Miss -Della as they re
turn. Jp their borne and. repair to
that of- Mr. Howell. Mrs,.Avra,
Mi%7 1 Howell 'and myself driving
bded> ipartially reared)together, 1
re os brothers a^LsUtpra
than otherwise.'
Monday the,8tU rode with Mr.
Howell over tho rich plantation of
Mr. 'M. B. Corinbil, where be antic-
paws i residing|another,teat- Oa>f>l
greotlon^arij Dr. 3IcGeheo,:of, Hen
derson, Iloustoq.qquntyv.Usj, the
father of the Revs. J.*B. aba E.
McGebce, tUi-lattop of- i wtidu W
Ji *Wi ‘ Tailor and Bamriel 1 t'it*-
Interesting history of the “Eternal
City." Anliquittimit lemporibui
to me it seems that tbo frosts
•f many winters bad overtaken
rect, has, in time, become a misno
mcr. He and I differ somewhat,
iH :h ?A
Neif not, old, ana Ohat he Is old
Mr.iNrifrt (But bd tdU* other slid
stranger tales tbaa New—not old.
residence of tbo Col. looks “New”
Tuesday 9tn I take my leave or
Mn 0^ tlre.Cplonql and bis most
excellent lady, and ^top In' your
entetpririlbj} fclty Just long enough
to shake hinds w^hJf.G.-pwjJ.K.
~ id to
Prince, once ol Dawson, an!
make thi
ton^and £,f|fijleterj»i s
cobdeb, one of the beqt country
IpkpM Ilk the State, Obls. W. L-'
Glessner and H. C. Storey, and
after settling arrearages and renew-
In^mv subscriptloml took a chance
«* latter^ distributfpns
coxdkr, which Will borne ofT.on
anTof March’' llfiK
At 10:25 a. m., I leave Americus
and take the i Wagon' sririd for Daw-
i5€j-feifcilj^|ea^tl(ia Bronx
wood,”, where I grasped the. band
61 -'it*-' ihovch'ant' pririeb, Jhniris
Simpson. I arrive in “Delightful
Dawson,” where I transact some
impnlrUbt buslrid»{**mn o’clooT
p: HU,.I stop for_the night lit “ Wis '
ilom’s Retreat,” seven miles duo
west of DawsdAl -' i This'is n‘6l f Old
Staflraviille,, ^jthe. cap|t(|l of old
Lee has been removed to Leesburg,
immediately i.n thb rallroa-1 to Al
bany. Old. Sj
Mfss Della Chapibcrs. On this
pikiftdtloh Mr. Clixabrin, this very
unfavorable year, has gathered and
marketed thirteen bales of cotton
o run the.plabc. another year.
Here I.met Mr. Joseph West who
(mil's the adjoining plantat!ori, wlth
whom I .took Ihp, most pleasant
rides of the entire trip, As to'
what direction wo took, and whom
Ifc mot,Tloe8 npt, itt the least
tsrsst ths public- mlhd.— Believe'
me when I tell you, I shall not
soon forget that rido. When' the
■un was beginning to sink behind
the western horizon I tipped my
hat and bado adieu to thedaireat
ire, for the first time
slnoeleavtng^omeTalaPrr Frank
Un refuse to go at the bidding of leading fronfDawso'ri To’CuthberT.
tho history of other .times. But-
speak, i^j
Etcbaway Notehaway creek and is
immediately on .the wegpb road and
within half a mile from the railroad
B s is the residence of Mr. ,D. B,
imbers and bis lady, wbo^s|tn
-oltest •t{h| , |8^WV*t|b;nl|ei
youngost -of-on fffl 1
more tfcltMfr. If I I ^
ok dinner
ednesday, 15th, T tool
with Mr. John Bell and lady, once
he boarding house of the writer in
vhose wloinityl Tonce “taught the
young idea how to ahoot.” Here
I was very handsomely entertained
with some excellent music oil the
violin, tbe sweetest of all instru
mental music. The best of friends
trihstpattl anil bt '4 y. &Ji arrive
In th« epteiprlslfig pity. pf. ; ffijbkr,
bert, where I meet my long absent
sister, after-' brivlhjj 'drank In- tho
wliQlc trip-and entirq situation.
jF. A^ McWilliams. • ^
;; - »u-L
< :IKri’.. UK) (; i'll
Dawson, Dec,-13.—Onr city will
be well'supplied with* fentmirtn-
B hearjyjf|>rt$ ,^sff pf age, i
i traveled nearly all over
He was born in Georgia,
nearly 'all over the
nlted~Statei. He comes round
j abdiftr Opce in twenty yeais,
thlrga^y be hia last trip. All
bayMevwseea and beard bim
better avail themselvla of this
On Saturday next Weldon A
Co’s circus will perform here, and
I gifeCife streets will be so crowd
ed that a ‘passage along them will
be dlffieult.
Old A'f. Chambers, colored, sent
bis twpi bqysi Charlie and Joe,
hearly grown, into the woods yes
terday //morning to makei‘rails.
They met up with Eli Williams, a
IwedJhtsridiwho persuaded them
go t!5\town With him and make a
tie spec. TSey all came to the
oltyv^wgnt through sevqral-stores
pricing' Articles and 'buying- noth
ing. While they were in Messrs.
Laing & Christie’s store,'Mr. Lalng
caught them putting goods into
their pockets on the sly, bad the
trio arrested and searched and
found.goods tbfjr hed-ftolen from
Melton Bro’s., W. IF. Orr and oth
ers. They slept In Jail last night,
were - tried! and : returned - to jail
this morning. J. A. F.
Many Hare Reason for Thanksgiving.
T'iiis .year, but none more so
lie fortunate winter* in tbe
Grand Monthly 5 drawing ol
Louisiana State* Lottery at
New Orleans, on Tuesday (always
Tuesday). Ticket No. 68,980
drew the First Capital of $15,000.
'Lwassold lufifths at_$l, eaoh—
no sf which was held by Frank
rockeCt, Engineer of No. 12 Em
[no,:in,,the;Floe .Department of
an Francisco', and oolleoted
through tbe Bank of California
—another filth was held by John
Mr 'Moberlpyp"Assistant Cashier
Mercer National',Bank of
HarTOdsburg,' Ky—another by Mr.
Thos.. Molbuarn, liquor dealer,
No. 20TWashington st., Boston,
Ma^s., and the balance clcswhere.
No, 1^,023 drew Second Capital
$25,000;ilfrp-fi(ths of which Were
, ,., held by Louis J. Wild, Donaldson-
ksyllleg. 1 ike im- .^u^LlCSIRBother.fifth by Master
slmt.iAtengfOniL .Frank K. Dufly, an eighuyear old
■on of Mr. Thos. Duffy, .No. 41
m HLMtLE film,
” i €
Monday, Masob, 2nd,
Wisd<#Ss : MUat, I Writhibglon, st., Hartford, Conn.
' k,> AM M U nkn.l D
_.,„ k —another by Mr. Robert Richter,
Jfc^w-UilUlAidw BtTjnr^SIl Christum St., Phils.,
69,339,.drew the Thiid
Capital Prize of $10,000; sold alto
in fifths, one,to D, L. Orr, of
Stephenvillo, Texas—another to
Hy.-Brotberhood, of Milwaukee,
Wis., and the balance elsewhere,
Nos. 15,133 and 91,135 drew eaoh
one of ths Fourth Capital prizes of
$6,000, scattered in fractional parts
In St. Louis, Mo., Vlotoria, Texas:
Indianapolis Ind.; Cincinnati, O,
Holmes' sums cvmSXQUTri wash and
denUfrios Is on inblllbls ears far Uloer-
ated Bare Throat, Bleeding Game, Sore
month and Ulcora. Gleana tho Teeth and
keepa the Gnma healthy, Prepared eole-
1; by Dr*. J. P. Holmes, Den-
Uite, 102 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga.
For sale by Dr. W. P. Burt, dentist.
E. Hall, and all druggists and dentists
Safa rRijs fa jita/i'sifijTvIiiiSd faeilur.
rte*t ,*t, oldJJendorton Utttri rip i
Mt fclfcra Icitored'bdtl
Who a pent so many long years with
»s, I felt sad when I told btm that
0obU ring next jwpein; ft? Mon.
brtW fvUl bo pWntMk)f!)fi$ for, all,
week,)except Tuesdiy night, when
Is. inmWd.iftn'o Of thri esstkl’s great
. Westbrook, mimic he net but few equals. , His
meeariry 1 Iamervelo^ii -l^hellekhl
ft pieosoflnwrt'onte! I* JkifTWI -1»i
difficult, be oen.perform it st-once,
or be can-petf^ra*^ feWurAteiy-'.tte
ypsrs.kfterffsrd^-rtC te^uded of
oncd/dnd fihiii tertetyi *4*9 tig*
a; Dbnglod tffiMi.'btt’tfiHt oUfil
paiga speech in Pit' ~
1860, and was very
Un. sauu’e Coeo. aad wlnl the Her. Ha
If eKIulry kahlo or atm lb
TomaPuaue: 1 hen keema ltartal nlm,
*pn. and the like andhav* alwiy.bwen told that
bar* waa no enra for ma, and bava baan ao dia-
courired that/Woe **m di* at lire. Ihavabcan
ao badly attlictrd oomef imea that ther# was not tho
am a I late apot from tba crown of myhaad to tho
aolaa of my (aat that waa rot diseased and aa iwd
an.crimson. It would commeneo in amall whita
spots, which had a Silvery appoaranea, bti
not deep, bat if I attempted to heal them.
Daalrin locrcasc the circnlatlon of tbo Rk*
C3KDRB, at tho name time to encourage the
payment or huu * r *Ptlong in adraiicc, wo hare for
tbe past two yeara annually distributed a number
of valuable and useful prevents among those of
our aubacribera wrbo pnld up all arrears and
year iq advance. Theta Distributions wen
fairly conducted, and the presents gave such gen
eral gatlfifactlon, wo have determined to make
afiothtfrdiatribalibnon the Sd of March next, nt
which we aball distribute among tho.-e of
aobscribera who pay up all arrears and one year
in advance the following presents: ,
tar 1 MASTODON GUANO !*^b|
Manuiactured by the Georgia Chemical Works,of
Augusta, Ga., ami sold bv Toole, McGanah de
Tondee, Americas, Ga. Tins brand Is nek now I*
etlgad to be without a superior in iU fcrtihsuiir
qualities, being of high grade nnd manufactured
of the beat matcrlalf. This ton will I« distrib
uted in three prixea—one of one half ton, one ol
000 pounds, and ' J -
a of 400 pounds.
Manufactured by the Amerieua Oil Company. An
fL fertilizer tbia Mcul has proved to bq of tbo
greateat value. It not only produccn Immediate
re-iiIt*, but IU effects can be aeon un the toil for
•* jveral ycaraaftcr. It la also a fine fuod for rtock.
Tt Is sold by the Oil Company at their n III for
par ton. This ton will ho distributed in three
prizes—ono.of one-half ton and two of one-quaf-
ter ton.
6— MONARCUt— 0
-■». { ; ;
From tbe' rilt-knuvn haul, of Geo. n. cinett
lire, k Oo„ Troy N.w York. Th,«r ililrt.r.
i ha very hell mmlr, both in mmorlil, cot tnd
workmanahlp. They are handsome, dorebla ind
never firlltoklvaaatl.fiuttoa. Ihry can boeeen
at the atofo of John It. Share, on Forsyth rtreet.
who la agent for their eale. Go and ». the". ’
1: • : • I’ll:
Manufactured by W. Buko, Sane A Co., Dur
ham, If. O., Irora old North Carolina leaf, ud pm
up In bandfotno fbll paakagna. A. wo would like
a. maiy aapoaSblototrylt,wa ahull dli-rlbulo
it In packages of one pound each.
Manufactured lby W. O.'‘Neff A Co.,*fAtlanta.
i * n #X i0 * p ' on *°f the most wonderful dl*.
coverlvt of the ago. By a new proceu this soap
* 10 It will wash uloiblng almost wlih-
out the use of the wash board, at the eatnc time
clennng without la the least injuring the fabric.
It Is the flaejt laundry soap over made, and In or-
"fj® e»y« a* mnn^ as posalblo an opportune
11 ^
) distributed influx'
•s of JO
100-B-O-O-K-S f—100
Manufactured by the White Sewing Machin
Company, Cleveland, Ohio. This machine has a
Fancy Cover, Drop I*esL two Drawtrs nt each
end of Table, and Is banaanmely finished through
out. There go with it all the modern attach
ments, and It is warranted tor fire years. This
Improved Machine Is the crowning feature of
years of socceeefal efforts; is a model of beauty,
of unexcelled workmanahlp, embodying all the
latest liuprovemsnts known to sewing machine
mechanism, executing a larger range of work and
doing U better than all other machines combined,
.. ... t tht Dry Goods
Ntrayth Street, w
The machine can be
Self Agent fer Its sale
weeks? bemua U see a'p«rSS«nt*tapro»ement.
and fl^e stock of Calvin Carter it Sou, the popu
lar Shot and llat dealers of Americas. Tins in*
sues tho possessor of the fortunate ticket the fin
est hst to b« found ia Araerlcus, as be can select
any style from tbe entire stock.
Vi ‘
From the celebrated manufacturing establishment
of Stribley Jfc Co., dnclnnati, Ohio, who have at
tained a national reputation in their line. These
Oosearethe handsomest pair aver brought to
America*, and ratal! at IV per pair. They oar.
“ “ id Sloe Store.of John
1000—TWO BOXES—1000
febn was ao mart. 1# )***$*, ^
. t , 04 Cmptt.
•» - r U C. McKIXnTHV,
4Kt -AdMte cvew-o J*.«- x+,rf.4fid. ff. *
BOWTOX Sept. #,1001. ■ t
llWyMIlffflfA," 1 - l.- 1 ; 1
North Carolina, wh# have made this brand known
throughout tba world as tbU bast, being made
from old North Carolina leaf, tba finest In the
world. The value of these hexes Is 10.00. In
order that aa many as possible may enjor them,
Yey-wulhe distributed In packages of 100 each.
FnrtiUbcd by McBride A Co., of Atlanta.
These books are all by the most popular authors,
printed on good paper, handsomely bound in
5", * n d I*old, and would mukoa valuable ad
dition to any library.
tS>- S-I-L-V-E-U W-A-T-C-H! ^
Fine Case nnd Good Movement 1 . Ws“offer no
with Cover, a Handsome Article.
- 1 • ' u-• ' iJh -
And a Number of Other Article*.
The Distributlon^will be madepn the following
manner: The nams'nnd ;post£offlce of each «ab-
scriber will be wrltteu on a slip of paper and pat
In an envelope, and all placed In a box. Tbe.
name of each of the presents to be drawn will
also bo placed in envelope* and put in another
box. On the day of the distribution 'base boxas
will be turned over to a oommittee of respensible
gentlemen, whe, before the drawing begin*, wll
call upon some of tbe andlenee to mix the con
tents of tbe boxes ;to .their satisfaction. After
this, two boys, one at each, will take envelopes
■Imultaneonslv (Vom tbe boxes end band them to
tbe committee, who will first read tht name and
thru tbe present. The secretaries win keep
correct list of the names of the subscriber* aad
the articles drawn as they are called out. Thi*
continue until every article has been drawn
from the box of preaentr, when tbe committee
will declare tbe distribution completed.
In the box of presents there will be ao suxss,
lienee every name drawn from the box of ^-names
before tbcjireseuts are exhausted wUCfetfone of
these article*, mote of whleh are worth many
times tbe amount paid for subscription.
Remittances may be mado by poet office
order or registered letter.
CI«kik-,W* wiUsi,, • c»PT »l “*• P*P» fr"
»*ay on.'srtlin, a, »;«t»b of 1.0 inlwcTiber,
ilka* u* or old c»m nutria*
Coal* to; accomiKuy nainca !k all oaaefc
A*r onocaaaola»a*«|b»tk*ll*OOSI)S*-
>1«. arUl sot bo mpouiblo nalri *• "*'*
tho moo., for iDboariplloa.
kW.puraatMio SnMlamM »«•* “"*
tht line* ukal tot It—$■—ba*M«* )( ,,r} aa_^'
ponor.h, to ft ana *» «b*i«l
Knuotbar that,
In a katkar way ibao;i
OOSOKBi addreaa,
wo «^jsr *>»