Newspaper Page Text
Ambricus Recorder.
Th. DAILY KKCOHDKE 1. raUIilicd. every
ns**.. f Mi,SB,
-.:: •■•.■.::-.wfes ajhJUoihtelof
Tnmaient Bate*—25e p#r squro of tea licet
drat InterUoDi and lie for cadi subsequent In*
Local Notice* fio per Une for first Insertion and
ll» O. 8TOUBY, Local MHor.
TO 07KT TAXig,
• follow*:!
ex Bandar t:» p. m.
Nifht * “ *• Monday l:0*a.ra,
Drains north.
Might JCxprcat. M S.*0i a. m.
Qolng , w«Jt A »n?wUth'’2r»o > iV. I lb'!5i) p m
Going oast and north close at.... 2:39 pm
MghtmaUnortbdosont....... BAD p m
For.Buena VistaandfiUavllle Yflf' 0
closes daily except Sunday at 12:30 p “
dsy, Wodnesdeyend Friday at 1:00 p
oloaas Saturday at 0:00 a
Hudson closes Friday at. 8:00 a
Lamar eloaaa Tueiday and Fri
day at 8:00 a
— g ill |
Blind Tom will doubtloa, liave a
good bouse to-night.
Miss E. R. Spottswood, of Al
turkey is notr heard in these parte
with reassuring frequency.
k McKenzie bas received
iteywMmi n*<
Iqh ere worth looking at. J f
1211b. standard Oraanlalad SagerSi.00
H.D. WATTS. and Solicitor,
Mr. M. It Folsom is the duly author-
izad Collector and Solicitor for tbs Be-
OOBDKK, sad all bis business transactions
in connection therewith will bo duly
recognized and aoccptcd hyi the propria,
Cotton II.port.
On band Sept. 1st..,.......
Received yesterday,
Boealvod previous to date 21,471
Shipped yesterday. . '.. J...
Amount on band 2,444
Ambrosia fir tut nt MoKenzio’a >•
lSIbt nearly wbita New Orleans Sugar
»1.00, at H. D. WrtU-t ,vuZ7.8 St
FrettJ«Vnnd'OJ»t«r» for Ijrto syery
day at J. A. Turpin’s, Agent, Restaurant.
ltUSl FOB XMAS, at.
’TULDIfl ft JOSSBY’8. '
Fraab Fish and Oyslora for sale every
day at J. A. Turpin's, Aged, Restaurant.
Freab Fish and Oysters for sale every
day at J. A, Turpin's, Agent, Restaurant.
Old Slnnar Cigars. Tbs finest import-:
ad wines at MoKauzie'i.
Prises Tall, and People Tell Mss
, Prises,
' Ton know, end' ws knew, that n con
tented customer is the best advertisement
wt.dwbsvs. Bat oftentimes low-priced
goods misn'inferidr sod trashy materials
end mobs up, henoe our endeavor baa
bean to connect these two stmogers, low
prices and good goods, and ws are conflj
dent that oar customers will bt as well
pleased as we are at our ■ueeoia.
oetl2tf J. R, Buaw.
Ts. Kraios - ‘
. ..Why, L W. Harper’s Nelson County
Whiskey is prsKnsd above all other
Brands is leesuie it la tbs most regular
sod most perfect Prodfiet, incontestably
ever ’made. A long, experience in , the
msnnfsetors of tbs Super, tbs large
SsrW, together with tbs feet tint, tho
Whiskey is bought by and shipped me to
J. IsBAUd, Sols Agent,
October film* Amotion* Os.
ive drinking jo sold to b
igtrgnsibsn exoeoslve eal
log. It f* also said to be mheti
, J - v j if,,-
8lx iiuhtlfed' and thirty-two vo
ters will exercise the privilege ot
suffrage to day. Several hundred
failed to pay their taxes and reg
' ,'!!jl't't- h.-ti-Bf')
Mr. B. II. Wilkinson is now
acting as general collector for J.
W. Sheffield A Co. He will gladly
receive any ahd all. money due
them. Office at store.
Don’t forget Blind Tom at the
jipqyoRoe^nJ^ T , f ,
'Thebelling youbgmet! ure figur
ing out this morning how much
they will win. To-morrow they
will; J>e figuring how much £hsy
have lost. l/X'iSv /
A philosopher says the bone’
collar button has done more to re
lease man from the tyranny of
woman than all the philosophical
works ot humanity ever printed.
atosk far Sale or Trad*.
Geo. Elsm A Bro, in connection with
their Livery and Bale Stable, have fine
stock for rale or trade. They will trade,
sell or biro st lowest rates. Give them s
call. .decl7wl
The supper and sociable at the
Presbyterian, eburob, laat night,
proved quite a success. It would
have been a good idea to have con
itinued it to-day, as on aeooimt of
the election, many will not be able'
to go home forthefr meals.
The editorial “we” carries much
weight with it In the rural dis
tricts of Georgia. Tito Atlanta
Constitution; says: “W« tender
our thanks to Mr. A. Paterson for
bringing us a fine mess of sweet
turnips. ,ltr. Paterson Is always
ready todd his sharo to keep the
poor editors from starving.”
fCIty Matters.
Mr. Ewtor— I was mistaken in
Dtntipg that Mr. Bpsworth voted
against the,adoption of the report
n favar of Submitting to the people
the qneation of inaugurating* pub-:
lie school system in, our oily. He
informs me that ho voted in favor
of, and not against, the adoption of
this report. I take pleasure in
maklagjbia/cpjrrecrton., , • y
The following extract takeibffom
the report of action of the Mayor
and Cottneil on October SOUTH ST.ffi
.when Ald..Bbsworth add'Hudson'
Aid. Belton a direct motion toes
tabllsh and carry on pubiic sohoo s
by taxation: . ' < -
“VVuebias, The citizens of
Americas, after doe notice, have
expressed themselves in favor of
this Council establishing a' public
school system, under the report and
recommendation of the committee
appointed to investigate'tbe feasi
bility of same. / .
Resolved, That is committee of
three be appointed to recommend
a planto carry out tjip, will of the
people on this quostlon. And it is
iereby ordered that a tax of three-
eighths Of one per cent, be assessed
upon all -real estate -and. personal
property for, tbe year 1879 .for
school purpesesaanitbat the Cleric
and Treasureu^bfauthorized, and
Inst rue ted 4o collect the same.
IthEdentben moved to adopt
thf nvvIMwSpSvhea Ajaf
Many Thanks, Gentlemen.
In this issue we publish the offi
ciat presentments of the Grand
Jnry of Schley county at tbe Sip-
ttmber adjourned term of coart.
In these will be found a recommen
dation for .the Ordinary of that
county to change the official adver
tising totbispaper, for the reason,
we Suppose, that the Rioobdm has
much larger list jmSshley than any
other paper, 'fas are'thankful to
oor friends for their kind word*
and” deeds, and as long as we esn
help it, they will not regret It.
t yourself sad your ereditor happy
tluunb-worn account
Aoxes Avcock.
dako yourself andyo
pnlna tlist'old. tbu
«t4 dssiaweillf , J.
The Albany Daily News and
Advertiser made its appearance
Sunday moring in a neat new dress,
^he brightness of the new type,
oodfilod with tbe brillitnce and
keonness of its editorial items,,
mado it a little dazzling. The
News is a great' favorite in this
office and we are glad to see it
prosper. It bas done mneb for tbe
business men of Albany, and they
should return the compliment by
doing much for it.
Call to Day
And sstUo that long-standing account
oct4d utawedtf Aoxis Aycock.
Owing to the hasty manner in
wlitoh the registration was com
piled Monday night, tboro were
several errors in it as published in
yesterday morning’s paper. In
oompUmcnt to Mr. Brinson for
having aided us in compiling the
list, tbe UicoBDUt presented him
with a correct revised ono yester
day mbra'lD^. 11 Although -vfo are
not city printers, when it comes
down to fornisbing tbe news, yon
will : pi fray i find the Riqorder
“'thirl” '
Election Managers.
' TULUS * JrtASEY. ‘ — !
131bi best Rico 81 00 II. D. Watts.
iadisenuoas ot youtb, nervoas
weakness, early decay loss ot manhoods
As., I will rand a Ipo that Will ear*
yon, FREE OF ( BARGE. This groat „ ,
remedy^wss^discovered by s iaissianszy. Messrs. Wooten and Hollis hav
ing declined serving as election
mahagera, Messrs. 3. G. Mathews
and J. E. Sullivan bavo been ap
pointed, with Justice Stabbs, to
manage tbe eleetion. R. L. Oliver
and W. C. Godwin will pot at
elerks. The polls will be in Wide
Awake engine room.
The Polls.
Tbe poll* will be opened at nine
should take notice, and not arrive
l 'fix <hr r
I -the. present of a'
d be bad.’*^he eul
tute was lost, tbe yeas and nays
standing as follows: Yeas—Aid.
Bell and Harper. Nays—Aid.
Eden. Bai£frlfer:an£'Mrtor PS.
der. The originsl motion-tbadtpt
ts much by Aid. Eden was then
put and carried. Tbe yeas and
nays. Icing : Yeas—Aid. Eden,
Barktaaltefv <«*» EeIder. Nays—
Aid. Bell and Harper.”
There can hardly bo a mistake
in the above, as it is am extract
from the proceedings pf Mayor and
OopnOilN This shows how Mr.
B^j( vbfed.iip^n'th’d proposition ;to;
tax thepeoplf 'for- rife support of
public schools. X,
Just Received at Ansley Bros
25 barrels eboiee Applet.
5,000 Florida Oranges.
2,000 Aspinwsl Bsnsau.
1,000 Bar aces Oocosnntt,
2,000 pounds French Candy.
I learn that a report ia current in seme
parts of Ibe county tbat I am not,a candi
date for Ordinary. My annonneement
was pnblitbed some weeks ago. I have
not asked a man to vote for me. I have
too mneb respect for yon, fellow-eitizenr,
and for tbe sacred prorogation with
whloh your eonntry has entrusted you
to electioneer with yon, or in soy wise
bribe or bios yonr vote. Ism before yon
a candidate for on office of high respon
sibility and trust. It is not mine to tell
yon that Ism competent and qualified,
and beve claims upon yonr cmfidence.
Tbat is for yon to determine by your
honest vote on tbe first Mondsy in Jan
uary, 1885. THOS. H. STEWART.
For Clerk Superior Court,
100 bozos Figs.
50 boxes Lsrrsbes's Sweet sud Plain
Jetty and Mince Meat by tbe barrel, Kegs
and Five”ponnd pails.
Sweet and Plain Plcklrs.
Chow-Chow, end oil kind of Fence* both
. Imported and Domestic.
Hama, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Spioss, Tea,
Flour, Cbeaee, Mseroni, Geliiine.
Vermeeilti, Cboeeoiats, Cod Fish,
Potatoes, Onions, and everything yon
want to oat.
City Clerk Brinson, assisted by
Mr. J. J. Hanesiev, was up to bis
-bead in work Monday, registering
voters and receiving taxes. Over
three hundred voters registered tbat
_ _ —r - -r, _ day, And to make out receipts for
Bell offered the following oubztl- money, pnt down their names, and
totei.. ‘That: farther action be podfc' * n8wer the
Christmas flours of Jus* Wrick-
For tb* speeinl convenience : of the
ladies, on and after Wednesday, the 17th
lost, our store will remain open in the
evenings until 10 o'clock.
No efforts- will be spared which are
calculated to odd to" yonr comforts or
pleasure; Our EduSewiU be well lighted
end comfortably bestod. Wo extend yon
s cordial Invitation to visit U9 whether
you desire to pnrebsse or not, we will be
pleased to show onr goods. We have jnet
opened s new and elegant line of holiday
novolticn which are very attractive.
Jab. Fhickeii A Bro.
While the cotton ia rolling in, is * good
time ta settle that old account,
ootid Mtawedtf Aortas Avcock.
> j > Card, j , j
Mb. Eortbat—T wish it. nnder-
stood among the pnblto school
supporters tbst I suggested and
paid for the publication of the
ahH-sohool 'ticket two year*, ago,
and it was at my instanoa tbat the
same was gotten up. Mr. A. T.
Oliver did not vote for ox support
it. Mr. AqO. Belt, on being asked
to vote for it, flatly refused to do
so, and Mr. J. C. Roney, although
personally ffiendly to U, .told me
we were on the wrong side of tbe
fence. ‘ This is the true inwardness
of their anti school isfue.
/ H' *AV L. ‘Res*.
Americas,-Dee. 16, ’84. ^ i *
'HHjlvks' st'UK euim ■etna wash and
dintlfries Is sn Infallible cure for Uloer-
ated Soro Throat. Bleeding Onms, .Sore
mofith and Ulcer*. 01v*ns the Teeth and
zeepa tb* Onms healthy. Prepend sole
ly by Drs. J. P. A W. R. Hiiluks, Den-
f. X.IUl), and all drug^sti'an^dgttisU
Phil Jackson,, of Lee coqnty,
wbiio killing bogs, Saturday, hap
pened, tb jt flfouf accident. He
had shot one, and while climbing
on the pen’to shoot’another tbe
gun, a breech-loading shot gun,
was accidentally discharged, the
shot passing through bis Wrist sod
several striking his Md. - Hs came
to the city Tuesday to have Dr.
Hfhtlfe* ; dVe4s’ (tie' wound, and st
last acconnj* was doing well.
A Broken Dam
, The heavy rain of Sunday night
washed ibe streets , clean.' Along
lg Mitchell’s, mill
tTarn gave ’ vtA^'Jfodor^jfie
pressure of the water. . It will
doubtless be repaired- tr.Q-Ji:
.ho v white sngsr 41 -00. st H.
Us. deel2d7wlt
.nswer tbe numerous questions
was’no little task for him. Be
sides this, hs bad to make up a list
of .the voters to be posted tbe next
day. Between one thousand and
treTvo hundred dollars was eol
(ectetf for city taxes daring tho
hours allotcd for registering.
ffewilear Cards.
We have just received a fine line
of samples of New Year Cards.
Those of our friends who may want
any are invited to call and examine
Wishes to inform her old patrons and
friends tbst she will confined in the
Dress Making business, but has movsd
to bri roside-ee, in tbs house with Mr.
8:- Oobon, eorner Church and Forrest
Streets, whsre ske will be pleaset'
oil her old enstomers and friends,
The exercises of this sohool will hs re.
sumed on Mondsy, the 6th of January,
Tebus, Bates, Etc.:
Primary Department par month,.. ..82.00
Intermediate, per month, 8.00
First-Class, per month 4.00
Tuition due at the end of neb Scho-
Isstio month.
. Patronage earnestly solicited.
• Good, honest, true and square work
guaranteed. For farther psnionlsrs call
on W. H. ALLEN, Principal.
Wednesday Sight, Dee. 17.
Tbs Wonderful Negro Boy Pianist,
Bsnowned throughout tbs world- ss tbe
Tbe Greatest ilataral Pianist Living.
Tbe exhibition ot whoso msrvelnns gift
bss gained him world-wide celebrity,
and bra both astonished and delighted
tbs greatest masters otmnsio, will appear
1 shove for
Admission, 60 cants. Bsservsd seats 75
cents. Seats secured st usual places.
ST. 2
We are authorized to announce the
name of C. C. SHEPHERD as a candi
date for re-election to the office of Treas
urer of Sumter county.
We are authorized to announce the
as candidate for Coroner of S a niter
Savannah, Florida & Western
RA1 IaW^V.
*K? ‘.ffi
U^PMtenKerTrkin. OB lhl , ^ vU1
We are authorized to Anuouuce tbe
name of 8. AL LE3TER as a candidate
for the office of Coronor of Sumter
county. te
We are authorized to announce tbe
name of JOHN A. SPEIGHT as a candi
date for Coroner of Sumter county at
the ensuing election. tde
Wo are authorized to announce the
name of Vf. H. COBB as a candidate for
Sheriff of Sumter county. If elected, N.
H. White, of the 15th District, will be his
deputy. te
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for tho office of Ordinary of Sumter
county. If elected to the office, in Janu<
ary next, I pledge myself to disobarge
the duties which will be incumbent upon
metoihebo8t of my ability. I respect
fully solicit the votes of tho people.
novO-tde A. C. SPEER.
and Jacluortnllp.
Leare Sarannah dally at...
Arrive at 8«vanwib dally at | ,4 * ®
Arrive at Je«up daily at.
Arrive fit Wnycros* dally at * oS?2
Arrive at Callahan d*Uy at *** ii St 2
Arrive at Jacksonville daily at... MtS 9 S
Anlve at Dnpoat duUy at.f. iiS« 2
Arrive at VaJdopta dally at. w ee 12
Arrive at OaUman daily at ia ia S 2
Arrive at Tloma«viUe daily at t££2
Arrive at Balnbrldje dally rt.,,.,,... ” «m!!2
Arrive at Ohattabooobee daily at.,• mI2
Stopaonlvatiutlona named above andafJ!
etatlona between Thoouuville and ChatiabnadiM.'
Paaaenferj tor Brunswick talSi tSli ’
!?*Sp£ B,u '” lok <T "' a * wT&ilSlJ’)";
Paewngcra f”r Fernandlna, Waldo, Ocala. Lm.
htirg. Gainesville, Cedar Key and ail^UooTon
Sifftrain QDl * Company taka
Clow connection, nt Jsckwnrille daily fa.
Orcon Cot. Bprlnra 8t. Ancmlln., Pn-ula, S
terpriw, SunfurU nud;aH Lindiuga.oa 8* jihn*.
P.lwngw. for Pcnwcoi., Mobil., X,. OtImm
Tniu nne tnm.Mlni«lppl cclnl.tak. thte train.
Arrlvlnf st PcrucuL nt to03 p m„ Mobile 2 ID.
m. No. Orleans nt 7 *9 n m. 1
Pnllmra buffet and .Icepln^mn W.ycrou to
new Orleans.
Leave Savannah daily at.... i *e a ■
Arrive at Savannah daily at tn £ £
Arrive at Jearp da‘ly at a31 am
Arrive at Wayeroae daily at 5 oo n m
Arrive at Callahan dally at 7 II n m
Arrive at Jaekfonville aaljy at goo pm
To tub Voteks of SuMTKa Couxtt:
I announce myself oh a candidate for
re-election to tho office of Tax Receiver
of Sumter Gounty at the ensuing election
in January. Thnnlring you foryour sup
port in the past I earnestly solicit your
votes. J. A. DANIEL, R. T. R. 8. C.
We are authorized to announce the
name of W. R. STEWART ns a candidate
for re-election to tho office of Tax Collec
tor of Sumter County at the ensuing elec
tion in January next. te
Wa are authorized to announco the
name of W. W. GUERRY as a candidate
for £ht office of Justice of tbe Peace for
the 789th district. tde
Stopaat all regular rtatfona batweM SavaaLS
and Jacksonville.
Fa liman jarlcr cars Swvnnnah to Jacksonville
Leave ?avannah daily at 410 p m
Arrive at Savannah dally at.... ‘845am
An ive at Jeanp dally at . 7 00 p m
Htope at all regular and flag ataijoaa between
Savannah and Jeaup.
Leave Havannah dally at 7 20 p m
Arrive at Savannah daily at 8 IS a m
Arrive at Jviup doily at 0 M n m
Arri^re at W aver, ui dally at 118ft p m
Arrive nt Callahan daily at 4 45am
Arrive at Jacksonville dally a* 815 a m
Arrive at Dupont daily at 1V0 a m
Ai rive at Live Oak dally at. 147 a u
Arrive at Gainesville daily at. T 00 a m
Arrive at Valdoata dai y «t S 30 a m
Arrive at Quitman dally at 480am
Arrive at 'i hotnnsvillo dally at 6 00 a m
Anlve at Albatyr dally at 10 80 a ia
Pullman palace alccplng cara Savannah to
Pullman buffet end sleeping cars Savannah to
Paa engeri for Brnnawlek via. Jeaup take this
train, arnvlng at Brunswick at 815 a m.
Paasenaera trom Fe> Landing, Gap eavllle, Cedar
K v. Ocala, Wildwood. Leesburg and ullststlou*
on Railway and Xavigution Company and
Florida Southern Railway take ti is irsln.
PaMcnuerj for Madiaon, Wonticello. Tollahn*-
■on and all Middle Florida points take this train.
Connection* at Jacksonville dally with People**
Line Steamers and Railroad* for St. John's river.
Through tickets sold and sleeping ear berth ac
commodations secured at Dren’a Ticket Office,
No. 22 Bml street and at tbo Comi any'* Depot,
foot of Liberty atreet JAS. L. TA * I OK,
Gen 1 1 Pat*. Agent.
R. G. FLEMING. Gen'l 8up t.
We ore authorized to Announce the
name'of ARCHIE GOSS os a candidate
for the office of Tax Collector of Webste
* Great Medical Work on Manhood.
discretion or excoeees. A book (or every man
young, middle are <*nd old. it contains 125 pre
•criptioua for all aente and chronic diseases, each
one of which Is invaluable. Bo found bv tVu an-
tbor, wlioae experience 'or S3 year* I* anrh a*
— - * ly never before Wl to tho lot of any phyo-
JOOpagts bound in bvaattful k'lenchmusUn,
cm bowed covert, fall gilt guaranteed to bo m liner
work In everv venae—mechanical, literary and
professional— than any other work told In this
eonntry (or (2.M, or tho money will be refunded
In every instance. Price only fl by mail, poet
K id. fUostrative sample • cent*, fiend now.
M modal awarded tho author by tho National
Medical Amoclatlon, to tho officers of whiclfhe
for Initructiou, and by the afflicted for roll
in benefit alL—London Lancet.
There le »o membe.’ of society to whom the
Science of LifewQl not bo merit!, whether youth,
purest, guardian, Instructor or clergyman.-Ar.
^Address tha Peatiody Medical Inatltulc, or Dr.
W. B. Parker, No. 4 Bnlflueb Street, Boston,
Maw, who may be oonsulted on all dtaeaae* re
iniriag skill and experience. Chronic and ohe>t-
.ate disease* that have baffled tliolj PA I *klH
_f all other physician* a spec! rl Cn Laity
Sach treated anflcewfollywita-f-U VC Cl C
out an instance of failure. 1 n¥SBI r
Mention thU paper,
Tbo goods bought on my second riilt
to New York have come in, and my New
York buyer, wishing to redma himself
of his short-comings, which necessitated
my second trip, buys and ships net
goods with every steamer, and at price*
that cannot fail to please in Style, Qual*
ity and Prioe*.
My Store-room U filled, every available
spaco having been used, and many arti
cles that ought to have conspicuous places
are hidden,
To avoid more orowding, I have de
cided to offer during tbe oommg month
goods of alt descriptions at prices Uut
must make them go whether you wbk
to buy or not.
Nover before, and perhaps never her#*
after, were the Amerious trading people
offered suoh extraordinary bargains.
Especially is tbst applicable to nj
large stock of Clothing, Cloaks, Dolman*
and Ladies Hats and Trimming?,
These goods must go and will be aoM
(like goods sold at auction) st tbe belt
price obtainable. Don't delay oomie*
but come now. Now is tho accepted timi
and your coming now will aave yoo I
sorrowful bnt common expreaaioD, '*1
wish I bad o*ime sooner.” My Dr**
Goods Department is replete with chok*
and stylish fabric*, in Silks, Satins, Caab*
meres and every other kind ot Dr«*
Goods usually bat often not found to
other Dry Goods stores, and here they
ore at the mercy of your own bid aw
prices. Please remember that tbe Bar*
gain Store oflfcrs no leaders. Here J°*
buy everything, Domestics and
goods at close prices. Respectfully.
The Bargain Man.
Red Mammoth Sign and Flag,
Yon era find board sfc tbs iwo story
boue on Book Hill st *12.50 par a oath.
deelSdiv A.O.UIXG.
A Good Plantation
1 seres, 75 is original pine, eight
a Intsriono, in good neighkor-
,i be bought ebsap if applies
i nude soon. It is goad cation land
andean be nude to pay for itsoirin a
couple of years. The timber on the lend
is worth nearly ss mneb ss the whole
tract esn be bongbt for. For farther par.
tieulsrs apply st this office. novlCal
J. W* Sheffield & 1
All .IS do:<» end ■***£ti^
btKtcrWIysrrusradMjray wtute^w _
ts. band, of emeu, for
wbatscuy. J.W..8HXrlItt“*' w
Por Rent
A neat and comfortable dwelltof j
Sprlpgstreet. *!$«£.,*<**
decl4trl Hsrdw«* 8ta *’