Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 19, 1884, Image 3

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( A CITr IN THE AIR. W 0N^UL,PU E BtO or ANCIENT a cn»** ,t * r ® • D ."«' rou ‘ P * , “* A *“"'“ T Clmreli sod Graveyard—l' and People. [Cor. Lawrence (Kan.) Journal.) The pueblo of Acorns, situated ninety «w west of Alberquerque. to one of tbo * . rc markab]o communities in New or tbo United State). To reach U Ko Atlantic & Pacific railroad to airtby station, and then transfer to an Liu pony and ride eighteen miles'south HS When near your Journey's end Itecend almoet imperceptibly into the Esix miles in width, in the middle of Sitandsabutte, and on the top of JiJAcoma. Eight hundred people are ?L there, and they and their ancestors knotbered there the sum of their poa- ms for nearly three centuries This Shone of many that ere the remnants jTsesa that has been worn away by Mansion of the ages, and survive* only tfbttopped mountains here and there, {vislley* between are fertile, and un- agciaeratlons of men have teen them Jund with waving grain and flocks of +&*!%!<&!} CELEBRITIES. A K*w York Cormpondent GItm a F«w , ^ PW Sketches. id Bned faced..woman with an expense of forehead and 1 thin hair and a classic pro- foe wore a purple brocaded walking suit, turned away at the front with velvet of the same hue and panels of velvet, pfckets, and a bonnet of velvet She leaned heavily on the arm of a alight young girl, and walked somewhat lama This was RIstorl and 1 daughter. Gating in at a window in which were exhibited some magnificent costumes, stood a very stout woman, acurately dercribed by the word fat With the usual taste of fat women, she was clothed in brocade, stiff with threads of gold, and hung with fluffy fringes, her black . hair piled up. and a bonnet with birds of various plumage perched aloft This was Clam Louise Kellogg. Rushing along like a whirl, and closely buttoned up in a tailor-made suit of green cloth, was Fanny Davenport and 4 Under Commercial Hotel, FORSYTH ST., - - AMERICUS, GA New Goods! Low Prices! TO FILL MY NEW STORE I HAVE ORDERED A LARGE STOCK OF Books, Stationery, Toys, Fancy Goofls, Etc. SOMETHING SPECIAL .FOR THE IN THE LINE OF- Aae time in the seventeenth century AtUgano, or valloy Indians made war ■noslo Acomas for the possession of the twulry, and the latter being the weaker oonpied this butte as a defensive position believed to he impregnable. Their Judg ment has been abundantly indicated. It las proved a Gibraltar of strength and nfetv. The comparison is not inappro- ufety. The comparison is not inappro- 1 priate, and In approaching it from the north I was struck with tbo resemblance to tie picturea I have seen of that grim fortress that frowns over the straits to the Mediterranean. The height obovo tin rjlley i.) nearly 400 feet and the wells in several places nearly perpendicular. There ut) two means of ascent, one by a flight of stops cut into the face of the wall and rising stan angle of 45 degrees and the otler by a fissure in the rocks leading up into the heart of the mountain. Both ways tbs bsve been trodden by human feet until steps are hollowed out like shallow troughs. Either one is exceedingly difficult and neither is tolerably safe. We chose the one sloag the fissure. With all the danger and fatigue. It is a laughable sight to see a person- some other person—make the ascent One has to stride over tho fissure, one foot on the right-band side and the other on the loft, end at the same lime press tho hands alternately against the rocks for support. An Indian will throw a live sheep around bis neck and go up uuito rapidly without touching either band to tho rocks; but I am satisfied I could never do It. They told us of a pathetic incident that occurred on the outer stairway several generations ago. Several men started up, -each with a sheep on his back. When nearly to the top tho sheep carried hy the foremost man became restless, ana the shepherd in trying to hold it fast lost his footing, and in railing swept his compan ions over the precipice, and they all fell on tbo rocks at the foot in a lifeless heap. The Indians have carved a representation of the accident on a rock near where It oc curred, which scarcoty serves to steady the nerves of thoso wuo go by that route. The top of the elevation is level, and contains an area of sixty or seventy acres. At one side stands the pueblo, n blunt pyramid adobe and stone honeycombed tnth rooms, at tho other the church and graveyard, and near the center a pond •of pure water thirty feet in depth ana sev eral rods in extent The priest was made acquainted with tho object of our visit, and tho ringing of the church bell brought the inhabitants of the viliago around us. When they under- stood that tho title to their lands was in question and wo had come to take testi mony they showed gren't Interest, and die- cm™ the various points involved will) re markable intelligence, considering their Mmltcd opportunities for a knowledge of law. As nightfall came on a number of tho men, who had been at work In tho rsUey camo u| up In our Navajo blankets and never felt more secure or happier in our lives. "S 01 ! **>o gray dawn peered through the little mica window panes it revealed peat roof beams more than a foot in di ameter and thirty or forty feet long, and “rough the open tower a bell that was ® “> JHO. How theso immense timbers » ., l , i* 1 * were brought up to the top SL this .cliff no one living knows. The Indians shake their heads and the f™* 1 shakes his, but no one ventures an opinion. Tho timbers are there, however, J» witneses, and morning and night, as me seasons come and go and generations j*st sway, the bell speaks for itself in the “J'ytoue. that pleased its founder in 'K™ Spain when King George was on m* throne. The adobes—or the earth of fhjfh they were made—were brought up from the volley also, for tho top of t ie JjJS'FJI * ha Id rock In the beginning. And tho earth; for tho graven came the ■“away, requiring forty yearn, tbo priest ■Ju, to complete tho graveyard. 11 Is the completed graveyard I have ever ine old priest seemed very happv m green ciotn, was jranny Davenport, and not a block off, sauntering down the street arm and arm, were the Chicago syndicate actor, George Edgar and Willie Winter, the dramatic critic. Winter is nothing if not picturesque, and on this occasion he wore under a fall coat a short neglige, ono of bright blue velvet. Behind him a few step* further was a couple every one stopped to look after. A slight little woman whose glossy raven locks were clubbed up under a turban of green velvet, on which a single small bird of vivid orange waa perched; n neat stand ing collar with a monstrous diamond clasped her precious throat, and her trim figure Incased In a perfectly fitting walk- lng-ault of moss-green cloth, trimmed with bands of ostrich feathers. She has been lo a confectionery, and her escort car ried some packages while he looked unutterable sweets nt the marve lous woman besldo him, Adelina Petti. Of course the gentleman was Nlcolinl. Rather heavier than last season, but a very handsome man Is the dlva'n choice. Passing a glove store the pro prietor has stuck In a window a largo picture of Patti wearing a pair of gloves that reach her shoulders as an advertise ment of tbo glovea he sella Both Nicoliu! and Patti laughed heartily as they paused and looked at it Another minute, with •low step and pre-ooenpied air, wearing a much too big suit of check-brown stuff, there marched along dear John McCul lough. When accosted, the old-time sweet smile lighted up his face foon moment and then left it aa dull as it waa before. “My engagement thie week is can celed on account of tho 61001100,” he said. “I have postponed the time at St Louis to' let the political excitement dio out a little, but I shell go out soon. This presidential business has knocked me out as well os a good many others, but things are getting cool, and I take the road Sunday. ” No ono has told him that his company is disbanded and his engagements all off As John passes along a shabby, Incon spicuous fellow lounges along behind. All the time the actor has been talking the man has been closely examining the lore store where Patti's picture is hung. Is the tragedian suddenly takes a cor the shabby man Jumps ou behind. Wherever McCullough goes when out alone this man or some other follows The actor's friends are not going to have a repetition of the Delmonioo business in this caso. Testaments and Bibles from 5 cts. to $1400 each. .Ubuiris • • • from 25 cts. to 10.00 each. Papetries r - - from 15 cts. to 5.00 each. Toys .... from 1 ct. to 6 00 each. WRITING PAPER AND ENVELOPES A SPECIALTY ! Large Stock of Blank Books, Ink and Pens—Best Quality. Best Grades of Tobacco and Cigars. Goods to suit all tastes and purses from Candy and Chewing Gum to Quarto Dictionaries and Bibles. PLEASE CALL AND FXAMINE PRICES ! [PlPSpecial orders receive prompt attention. AGNES AYCOCK R. T. EYED, INSURANCE AGENT, Forsyth, Street, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, ... Amerious, Ga AGENT FOR THE LEADING IN THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST RATES. Portraits to Dato. [New York Cer. Pioneer Press.] The artist laid that he waa engaged in adding a year to the visage of a woman in the picture gallery of a rich New York family—that of a gentleman who made n fortune in the manufacturing of wex ‘ goods and retired from active business long ago. ___ lost hie wife about tho time that he was ready to settle down to leisure, ” said the artist “Ho had been devotedly attached to her, and an admirer of her beauty. Not long before this a of her beauty. Not long before this a portrait in oil had been painted of her. It ehowed her at a handsome lady of 40, lonablc at tho period. After it bed hung five yean on the widower's wall, he con cluded that he did not wish to be re minded constantly of what the had been so much ns to feel that the picture was a real presence; and in the latter view, he conceived tho romantic idea of haring it brought up to date in the matter of dress: Undorhto direction, an artist carefully added fivoyeaia to the face, and changed the clothee'tp thoso which had beebme fashionable, Youemlleatf " the oddity of the thing, bat I assure you that it was done lovingly and reverently. The be- liband * '*“■ ‘ “ reared husband felt that the portrait oujht to stand for that com[ death bad taken away from him. By keeping it like what the wife would have been, if the had lived, it waa a solace to him. The Job has been repeated twlco. This is tho first time I hare done It, and In n week I shall have dressed tho lady in the stylo of 1884, while the face will be a matron's of 80." . ,, — hie flock and hit *®ed happy in possession of him. , '' “*0 the time for our departure came uete was handshaking and handshaking •aa a gracious blessing from the old man •ad a message lo Father Dc Fouri, end we climbed down from tho city in the Ur and rode bock in silence to the rail- moo. A New Antiseptic. Interesting experiments have been made «the Paris hospitals under the direction JfBr. Baumctznnd other high authori ses, with sulphide of carbon as an antimi- Bobe antiseptic and revulsive. This cheap mintance has been found one of the most efficacious agents in restoring the normal ■ction of the bowels, and. may be used on * Urge scale; Gkiandi Bey, the engineer, ■as demonstrated that not only may it bo jjuuod without danger, but that dissolved at water it may be taken aa n draught and- eeacer great service In cholera attacks It has a'so been employed as a compress an hysterical patients insensible, to manual treatment and even to pricking with nee- ' 1J es, and in thirty seconds consciousness “•been restored. Gkiandi Bey has for •"*aty years been studvinc the action of f-uphide of carbon Ap epidemics, particu larly la those wher^he patient alongwilb “meiousneas lose the power of resist- .Tl*m is not o'etoam fire-engine in the wheie of Italy. Little engines with hand Pnmps are still used. Jjmcnltiration of licorice is profitably Sacraments The Man With the Quilt Toothpick. [Arkaniaw Traveler.) As civilisation advances, the man who ics the quill toothpick, gradually retires. Of course the statutes do not furnish a law lo Justify the severe punishment of tho. man who picks hit teeth with a quill, but this is the result of oversight rather than leniency on the part of ourlcgislators; for no manprorldod with a full complement of nerves, an contemplate tho goooe-quill barbarian without feeling a strong desire to do him bodily injury. , This man, when he has finished the atrocious work of gouging hit teeth, keeps the quill in his mouth and talks through the quill in ms mourn ana rants mrougn it. lie makes some sage-like remark and then sucks the quill u though hr would draw hack his words II he should be standing, and you should be occupying a similar purt- tlon, be will approach, poke hla fan under tho brim of your tut and whistle hie words In your face. He may be a man of high standing; he may bo the monolith of a church or the solid column of a tcmplo of Justice, bat with all, be Is human body whoso every molecule tremble* when he comes around with his diabolical quill. Han of bestial Instincts, let him be hanged. [Chicago Herald.] A novel experiment of carrying a rail road through a forest has been tried in Sonoma county, California. Tbo trees ere sawed off and leveled and the ties are fastened on the etumpe, two of which are huge redwood* standing side by side and reaching seventy-fire feet from the ground, bo finals this support that heavily loaded cars paa over with (ex' ' “~ Jaduigei in throughout taaoty, CalifoniT^S .iru'f. Sydney Smith: Lv AXiBO AG-ENTiPOIl TECH GULLET and LUMME3 COTTON GINS TMs SoatlCUna Ustde I CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OR GINS. scptl8m3 Jfc-*.. ’X'> BYRD, L.B.B0SW0RTH FORSYTH ST., AMERICUS, GA. Has Jnat received the following new goods for the Holidays, to which he invite* special attention. Dried Fruits, Citrons, Prunes, Currants, Raisins and Figs, MALAGA GRAPES AND MINCE MEATS FRESH APPLES. ORANGES, APPLE BUTTER FRESH AND GOOD, MAPLE SYRUP, BUNKER HILL PICKLES AND GHERKINS. CHRISTMAS / CANDIES! CHOICE, FRESn, MIXED CANDIES, TOY CANDIES, ETC. Canned I have the finest line of Canned Goode eves brought to tmerions, all (of which are full weight and first-claaa goods, embracing BARTLETT PEARS, PINE APPLES. STRAWBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES, PEACHES, TOMATOES, GREEN CORN, STRING BEANS, CODFISH BALLS, FULTON MARKET BEEF. PRESERVES AND JELLIES OF ALL KINDS, PICKLES-BUNKER HILL, GHERKINS, CHOW-CHOW, MIXED. BUCKWEAT FLOUR AND OAT MEAL, CODFISH AND YANKEE BEANS. CANNED MACKEREL, CANNED SALMON. BEEF AND HAMS, DRIED BEEF, CREAM CHEESE, FINE GOSHEN BUTTER, lAKV ETERYTIIISO ELBE IK,TBE^ZKE Of FANCY AN1) STAPLE GROCERIES. ALSO KEEPS TEE PIKES T BRAD DM OP UQUORS AND OIOARS. BudwaiMr Seer on Xoe, Sto. X*. B. BOSWOBTS. American, Ga,, December 3,1884; ml Wlieatley’s Corner Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Comer and buy 1!'« splendid raccM» which alienacd|our>fforU;in Introducing the sale of FLNTD CLOTHING , has inducougus Ij bring out for the Spring trade the largest, handaomeet and moat complete line of Perfect Fitting Clothing EVEIt SHOWN IN AMERICUS! Thsas poods liivo boon selected with peat ears and possess! an elegance 0» design, beauty of Haleb sad durability of texture, that tour indeed can equal, and none surpass. In uvsry Instance wn GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE We havetalao a large and well selected Block of perfect fitting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neok and Underwear! And everything in the way of Gent'e Furnishing Goope. Felite and ntteatlvaJSnletmeD will take |p!eaenre la displaying these beantlftil good# whether yot» wieh to boy ri THORNTQN WHEATLEY, Wheatley’s Corner, Americus, Ga GYLES, SANTA CLAUSE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. And now boya sines we have gathered onr crops and bung up our meal, lot us all go right to GYLES THE CLOTHIER AND HATTER at Americus, O-i., and rat ua each a nice auit of clo'h- ., Spirts, Drawers, Under-Shirt*, Handkerchiefs, Mocks, Gloves, Neck-wear, Kn»pender», an Umbrella anil real Leather Valise. Something teefnl, *• well as ornamental. None of your "gew-gawa” ' ' 'isle, D for na. want •nlntantials, and (iylea hoi the good* anil the place to get } onr moncy'a worth. Ho won't sell you a uboddy arti cle. No he won't. Tbw big onitom be be* ju»t freeze* to him becacsa they know be won’t misrep resent, never mind under what circam- •tancev. 80 now gather tp the boja and fall into the proeeeeioD, end the orchestra will strike np to the tone of ••Yankee- Doodle.” Wa all of na have eome to town - * come these many miles, * And eome these many niUee, To buy our clothes of first alas* style. From clothier, Frank A. Gyle*. Then whoop up, boya, dont mind tha merchants make, beat them all— SSSKS SiSX 1 CHRISTMAS IB COMING, AND SMTA CLAUS ff.E. CLARK, On Lamar Street. VVIIKKE CAS BE) FOUND A BEAUTIfOL CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, RAISINS, CAKES, PIES, ForUmlUtlaooeaat very low rrieea. arOidere for Cakes And ether Bakiag attended to promptly, Jas. Flicker & Bro. AND DEALERS IN PIANOS ORGANS, Barlow Block, - - - - Americus, Ga. We detir* to call the attention of the puhliu to tha fact that wa hav* at last got settled in our now etore on tb* PUBLIC SQUARE and have on hand a Urge and handsome stock of every thing In our line. Our stock consists partly of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, of All Kinds! SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE, »B»T?il«Nrc. We are Headquarters fur Spectacles and Eye-Glasses! Can enit any and every one in Gold, Silver, Steel, Bronze, Zylonlta; OeUulold or Robber Frames. We ere Bole Agents for KING'S CELEBRATED PATENT OOM* BINATION SPECTACLES—the beet in the world. We sell the Davis and Williams Singer Sewing Machines! and have constantly on band Needles. Oita, Attachment* and Parts lot all Machine*. We have the beet equipped sbop.for the Repair of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry in this section of Ine State. Wa employ non* bnt first-etaa* workman and goanuta* all onr work. a * PIANO AND ORGAN DEPARTMENT. For yonreelvea we do not ask your patronage. Thaftct that wa bava sold Ptanoa ana Organs to dozen* of tb* beet buulneaa men in American shows plainly that we eell as low u any one, end when yon buy from ne yon have no freight to pay and save .the trouble of unboxing tb. Instrument, ee we ptaee it in yonv house and rive you a FIVE YEAR'S guarantee. Wa etao have on h*cd a large etoek of email Marten! In struments, consisting of Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Tambourines, Aocoideon* end HarmonieuTandstao keep String* of the very beat finality. Violin bows, Tail pieces, Bridgaa, Boein and all kind of Musical Instrument Trimmings. The’Office of the Southern Express Company to in oar store and their Agent, Mr. 8. a COOPER to inonr employ at Book-keeptt and gatafan and will be glad to servo all who are needing anything in oar line. CALL AND SEE US IN OUR NEW STORE! JAS. FRICKER A BRO ‘ ’ L „