Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 24, 1884, Image 3

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•‘MY UNCLE’S ’’ HOUSE, PAWNBROKERS often abettors op thieves and burglars. the Felice Menace Them—Odd Do- ptnlta In the Fownbroken’ Loft— Starr of e Family’s Downfall •.Fawned for a Pittance. > fNew York Herald.] la New York especially pan ,re the greatest aids and. abetl thieves can have. iwnbrokert Jttore tlmt A man snatches clothing. lord for the rent; bathe can goto the Lent pawnbroker and get neat its nine. <1 foot-pad jerkn a watch and chain from tho pocket of n fellow possen- «r!n a 1‘.rcet car. It’a of no use to him utwatoli; he can’t wear it. It'aof no L to him as money; he can't turn it into i .jctuals or drink, bpt he can run to n liswnbrokcr and get a substantial sum ‘ 1 --iit A servant, rumaging her mis- t bureau, discovers a roll (3 expensive bit of finery, a trinket, a ring, a tine, an expenaivo fan, anything. . good ore those things to her as an ..dual? She dare not utilise them as [jag apparel; she would ho afraid to them sa .presents to her friends; i |s no way for her to sell them to Under Commercial Hotel, Osrdesiac In Alaska. [Sitka Cor. San Francisco Chronicle.J Socially and from an agricultural point of view Alaska at present does not present a particularly attractive appear- ancc. Not only are its towns few in number, but they are far from being at tractive or thickly populated, and ono cannot but feci that a prolonged exist- enco at any of the settlements would be WYDCIVrPU QW m? ltardshlp.compared with which almost rUllioUJU. |jl,. " ” (pmy other would amount to nothing. As for agriculture, an honest statement must bo that there is none now, while an equally honest opinion must admit that there may be farms and gardens undjtroducts if lad is evor properly proper attention 1* over given the business. Talking with the different inhabitants, one cannot dis cover that the soil of Alaska is at fault for the non-productiveness, but rather that proper attention has never been given the question of gardening. , Wrangell there are a few tiacts of land which hare been cultivated and which yield the more common and hardy vegetables, and one farm in par ticular, which has been worked by the mission-school Indians, has ctttdo a most creditable showing. At Tuiieau, a new and very fagged-looking villago around which are the largest and most promising mines in tho territory, there ore several small gardens surrounding servants’or to strangers; so, were which such yog- “ Jho might as ^tables as cabbage, boans, and potatoes are raised with more or less ease in consid erable abundance. AMERICUS, GA i SOMETHING SPECIAL Hi -FOR THE New Goods! Low Prices t for tho pawnshop, sho might as -are remalped an honest woman In tbe pawnshop she can get a reasonable ad- nace, it being a fair supposition that she ran get more than her mistress could; lor with an instant's glance the pawn broker delects that thp woman isn't tho owner of the article, and, Inferring that saya to himself: “A lib- nnl advance upon this will bo a very chrap purchase.” Many pawnbrokers are unquestionably blinds and conveniences for the use of (Moves and burglars. This the police understand thoroughly, and they have no hesitancy in going holdly to the proprietor of Ibis or the other pawnshop and de manding that watch No. 16,407 be In stantly delivered to them, and that a re volver of n certain make, with peculiar ornamentation, be given np, or that rolls of silk, stamped so and so, be delivered. The records of the police are marvelous exhibitions of the rascalities of some of the pawnbrokers of the city. A tour through the musty rooms and lofts of a pawnbroker'! place reveals many and many an odd deposit. Watches of every pattern and value; trinkets of every sort, diamonds and rubies and pearls ana emeralds are in the safe. Weapons of all Itids, canes and- pistols, knives and swords and daggers, modem revolvers and revolutionary muskets, Spanish stil ettos and American bowie-knives, delicate poniards and Scotch broadswords, the fashions of centuries in gowns end frocks and costumes; books, ancient and modern and In every tongue; every conceivable article played with by children, toyed with by women, utilized by men; carpets, stoves, eye-glasses, shirts, pictures, photo graphs, thermometers, pressed autumn laves, bankets, canes, backgammon boards are packed or stacked away, ac centing to their nature and their value. Every now and then these pawnbrokers have a sale. They are privileged at the expiration of n certain time to publicly offer at sale the unredeemed pledget. It would he e very easy matter to tell the story of a family’s downfall, dating from the death of the bread-winner,- the father, end the straggle of the wife and mother to keep the heads of her chtldrea and herself above the water of death by boentlng-house experiments. She first pawns their jowols, then their pictures; tho piano has to go; the guitar that stood In the comer follows suit, the best bound hooks, evety nrticlo of luxury, all the utlele* not absolutely necessary to con venience, find their way to tho pawnshop. Tho hoarders don't pay, tho rent Is not forthcoming, a dispossession warrant fol lows, and tho only way money can be had Is by pawning something that is left What is loft? Well, the sealskin coat, the black silk dresses, the little fineries, that seemod nothing out of common when father wet alive, furnish the money with which to movo and to sab tic down. And that 1s what they keep doing, settling down, each settle being a little further down than its predecessor, until sickness comes, when money must bo had for the doctor, end prescriptions hnvo to bo paid for on dclivoiy. But what's the use? Wo have all seen it; sonic of us have endured it The end comes in a garret or a cellar, and the lov ing wife ana the thoughtless children, who la other days knew the luxury of comfort, now eke out a miserable existence, every thing gone, not sold for its true value, but for a pittance, and charity— Pretty tough lot that—does the rest till the city buries them out of tight. One of tbs Coming ''Itefonua.” Tho act of disguising patent medicine advertisements by covering them up with an Interesting article Is a crime, and should be punishable by law. Mon who never ■wore in their lives have been known to swear like troopers whon they had baffome Interested in some article, and had it cud up something like this. “Boozine is a sura cure for jlrajama,” or “Uao Qnll- weed’s Cream for Qooso Pimple*. ” Such advertising dodges as theso can be seen in almost every newspaper, tempting men to thrash their wives, orto kick their mother- In law, and still wo Wonder at the preval ence of crlmo. No, U Is very wrong, and should be stopped at once. Obstructions In tbn Water Plpss. [Scientific Journal.] Two methods are in use In Philadelphia to prevent chemical obstructions In the water pipes. Ono Is to coat tho interior of the pipes with coal tar pitch, which does well enough for large mains and keeps the passage tolerably clear for more than a quarter of a century. The other method Is the one called Shower barff,” which consists of subjecting the pipes at a high temperature to the action of steam or air, so that there ts a film of magnetic oxide acquired by tho metal This In sures a clean surface for a long time Wicked Japanese Noblemen. Jiji Slutmbo, a Japanese newspaper, le quoted as declaring that Japanese noble* men have unfitted themselves by Immor ality and luxurious living for the respon- Ability of state, and warns them that if they do not turn over a new leaf they will ■eon be sa low In tho scale of humanity ss are German princes. The Thought-Header In Batata. [Chicago Herald.] Irving Bishop, the great thought- Ruder, Bavjog raid tho thoughts of the khtg and queen of Sweden, has gone to fit. Petersburg. It Is thought tbo czar •111 pnt him at work on tome of theNl- must — The greatest diffi culty, so far, has been that the under ground carrots, absorb too much of tho moisture which tho soil contains. But this trouble, as I have often been as sured, can easily be obviated by a sys tem of drainage. At Sitka one sees more gardons, small to bo surOj and carelessly attended to, but in which thore is a good and largo assortment of vegetables, evincing a growth whloh, although not rank, is surely encouraging to those who beliove that Alaska can grow enough products to more than meet tho demands of it$ possiblo population. That tho country will over become notod as an agricul tural region in particular, or that it will oven become a distributing center of cereals, fruits and vegetables, no ono ox- pectsand no ono really hopes. The question is whether anything will trow, and the answer really must he in the af firmative. Alaska has natural woalth enough in Its fisheries and mines, so it seems now, and has no need to trouble itself about its agriculture more than to see that enough can bo raised to keep starvation from the door independently of outside aid. .The llleck Mini's Handicraft. [Joaquin’s Hiller's New Orleans Letter.] Another strikingly now feature of this exposition will be the exhibit of tho black man’s handicraft. The colored man has a department; ample, too, spacious and completo, all his own. The negro aspires to bo an artisan, something above and better than eter nal howers of wood and drawers of water. And here he puts in his claim for popular consideration, for competi tion by the side of the ailk-weaver, the cotton-spinner, the maker of fine fabrics or coarse fabrics of all kinds and all classes. Hero for tho first time in the world’s history, so far as wo are certain of it, the children of Ethiopia and of ancient Egypt are permitted to oail in tho in terest of their work. Others have claimed and hnvo lived oft their handi craft for all tho years past; had tho honor of it and tho profit of it; some thing pthetio in this, I think? And it was with espeoial pride that I looked in upon tho earnest and intelligent col ored men in the arrangement and tho ordering of their department. Thoy claim, and the man at tho whole stupendous work hero claims for them, that they are as canning as old Tubal Cain in ovory kind of craft. Their dis play here it going to carry them forward and upward. Millions of those black men can and are to do better work than field work, and that right soon. DmIi for the Sick Itoom. [Dio Lewi*.] Two narrow beds with fresh hair or straw mattresses are the best. Theso beds are easily moved, and thus tho pa tient will net bo compelled to look con stantly at the same craoks in tho wall, or count tho same three spots in the corner. You can movo him, now into a shaded corner, now to tbo western win dow to soe tho snn go down, again in front of tho tiro, that no may look nt tho cheerful blaze, and anon into tho moat seclnded corner that ho may rest anrl sleep. All this is an immense gain, find is sure-not only to comfort tho .patient, but to shorten his sickness. No matter what tho malady may be, there is more or less fever, and, in every possible* case, the emanations from the skin render tho bod foul through and through. All the emanations should be got rid of as soon as possiblo. The out; way to manago is to nave two beds, am lift tbo patent from ono to tho othor. When tho bod which baa been in use from four to six hours to released, the mattress and blankets should be thoroughly aired, and, if practicable, sunnodT This will not only shorten and mitigato the graver stages of the malady, but will greatly hasten the convales- TO FILL MY NEW 6TOBEI HAVE OBDEBED A LARGE STOCK OF Boots, Siationery, Toys, Fancy Goods, Etc Testaments and Bibles from 5 cts. to $14.00 each. Albums ... from 25 cts. to 10.00 each. Papetries ... from 15 cts. to 5.00 each. Toys .... from 1 ct. to 6 00 each. WRITING PAPER AND ENVELOPES A SPECIALTY Large Stock of Blank Books, Ink and Pens—Best Quality. Best Grades of Tobacco and Cigars. Goods to sbit all /tastes and purses from Candy and Chewing Gum to Quarto Dictionaries and Bibles. ' PLEASE CALL AND FXAMINE PRICES ! UQ^Special orders receive prompt attention. Borjtf AGNES AYCOCK R. T. BYRD, INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Forsyth Street, . Amerious, Ga AGENT FOR THE LEADING IN THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST HATES. ALSO ACS-ENTurOri TUB GULLET AND LUMMES COTTON GINS Tlio SostiCtlxxa Made t CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OR GINS. septl8m3 R, T. I Their Ignorance. [Harper's Bazar.] Walter and his little sister arrived early ono morning in Albany, where, with their mother, they were to spend the day with an old friend of here, who has s homo more elegant than the chil dren had ever Men. After quite an elaborate breakfast the children were overheard in conversation by tbeir mother, “Wasn't it lovelyl” Florence was con fiding to her brother—“so many things kept coming, and there was so much glass, all different colors, and such beautiful plates, and flowers, and auch lots of tout—” “Pooh!’’ interrupted Walter, who, in reality, had been qnite overpowered by the breakfast, hot who never lost an op portunity to assume a patronizing tono toward his stoter, “why the poor things didn’t know enough to have griddle cakss!” ___ J, Ball: To quarrel with a superiot |a injurious; with an equal todoubtfult - inferior, radUtMd but; with cf Wheatleys Corner. Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and buy l!-o splendid iucccm which attendedJoor^efforta^n Introducing the sals'of FUSTIC CLOTHING (m;onrc , ba» Induceuftw to bring out for the Spring trad* tbo Itrgcot, bondtomeat and; • moot complete line of Perfect Pitting Clothing •EVER 8H0WN IN AMERICUS! Theso pud. tun been .elected *!tb meat cart and posaesa] an alcanna of deaifn, beauty of Unbb and durability of tenure, tbat tow Indeed can equal, and non, aurpaia. In avary balance v. GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE We havojalso a largo and well (elected dock of perfect fitting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear 1 And everything In tbo way of Qent'a Vornlahlnj Ooope. Fotlte and alteallva|SaIaimen will take Iplcaaore In dlaplnylns ihcao beautiful geode whether you wlah to bay or Dot. THORNTON Wheatley’s Corner, WHEATLEY, : : Americus, Ga Rylanfler Academy! The exercises of this school will be re* sumed cd Monday, the 5th of January. Tbbiw, Rates, Etc. : Primary Department per month $2.00 Intermediate,*per month, 3.00 First-Class, per month, 4 00 Tuition due at the end of each Scho lastic month. Patronage earnestly solicited. Good, honest true and square work guaranteed. For farther particulars call on W. H. ALLEN, Principal. declOdlm Andersonville School Will Open Sprine Term January 12th, 1884. TniUon $15.00. $20,00 and $25.00 per annum—less public fun& about $3.00 per pupil. Board and toition ton dollars per four wooka) month, paid monthly In ad vance. Moats $3.00 par month. For AndtraoDTille, Go. deel7-W*eodtf ^ CHRISTMAS IS COMING, AND -IN THE LINE OF- L.B.B0SWORTH FORSYTH ST., AMERICUS, GA. Haa just received the following new goodz for tb* Holiday* to whloh he Invites ■peoial attention. Dried Fruits, Citrons, Prunes, Currants, Raisins and Fig9, MALAGA GRAPES AND MINCE MEATS N FRESH APPLES, ORANGES, APPLE BUTTER FRESH AND GOOD, MAPLE SYRUP, BUNKER HILL PICKLES AND GHERKINS. CHRISTMAS CANDIES! CHOICE, FRESH, MIXED CANDIES, TOY CANDIES, ETC, Canned Goods! I have the fineat line of Canned Goods evei brought to Amerious, aU (of which ere full weight and first-olaaa goods, embraolog BARTLETT PEARS, PINE APPLES, STRAWBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES, PEACHES, TOMATOES, GREEN CORN, STRING BEANS, CODFISH BALLS, FULTON MARKET BEEF. PRESERVES AND JELLIES OF ALL KINDS, PICKLES-BUNKER HILL, GHERKINS, CHOW-CHOW, MIXED. BUCKWEAT FLOUR AND OAT MEAL, CODFISH AND YANKEE BEANS, CANNED MACKERELi CANNED SALMON. BEEF AND IIAMS, DRIED BEEF, CREAM CHEESE, FINE GOSHEN BUTTER, ~AKD;ErEErTtlZNO ELSE IWlTUEgLlEE OE / FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. ALSO KEEPS TIIE EZKEST BEAK VS OE LIQUORS JSL3V3D OEO-ARS. Budweisor Boer on, Xoe, Bto. X.. B. BOSWORTH. Amerious, Go,, Deoember 3, 1884* ml Jas. Fricker & Bro. JEWELERS, AND DEALERS IN PlAN OS ORGANS, Barlow Block, Americus, Ga. ffAH'.MAPE III8 HEADQUARTERS AT THE CONFECTIONERY ■TORS OF W. E. CLARK, On Lamar Street. WimitK CABjE g wmtD n AtBEatmFDL CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, RAISINS, CAKES, PIES, Tot the mb can it vary Low Priaaal HTOrdera for Oakea and other Baking attended to promptly. Wo dealre to call the attention of tba pnblio to th* bet that wo have at loot got uttled in onr new atoro on the PUBLIC SQUARE and have on hand a largo and bandioms atook of every thing in our line. Onr etook eonatoto portly of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, of All Kinds 1 BOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY^ GOLD PENS, PENCILS AND TC WALKING dANES, OPERA GL GOLD AND AND SILVER TUI Wo era Headquarters for Spectacles and Eye-Glasses 1 Can auit any and every one in Gold, Blivor, Stool Bronze, Zylonlte. Celluloid or Robber Frames. We are Soto Ageota for KING’S-CELEBRATED PATENT COM* BINATION SPECTACLES—tho bafrt in tho world. Wo toll Uie Davis and Williams Singer Sewing Machines! and hare constantly on hand Needles, Oils, Attachments and Porto for aU Machine*. We have the best equipped ahopYor the Repair of Watches,' Clocks and Jewelry to tbla Motion of tne State. Wo employ non* bnt first-clou workmen and guarantee all onr work. PIANO AND ORGAN DEPARTMENT. Tbfa branch of our buainaaa to atoadily inereoringaudall wo a*k fa that part!** who expect to bny a Piano or Organ will oall and examine oar stock and get onr priest before thoy bny. If wa cannot do at well or bettor for yon than,yon can do for yonreetvoo wo do not uk your patronage. Tb# foct that we have •oldPlanoe and Oman, to dozena of tba boat buaincu man in Amtricna ihowi plainly that we oell at low at any ono, and whon yon buy from u» yon have no freight to pay and aave tho trouble of unboxing tholaitrument, at wa plus it fa your bouee and give you a FIVE YEAR'S guarantee. Wo tbo bare on band a luge itoek of email Moaical In. Bridget, Boafa and all 1 The^Office of the Southern Express Company to In onr atom and their Agent, Mr. S. a COOI’ER to In onr employ m Book-keopet and Salesman and wilt bo glad to terre all who are neediog anything fa oar line. CALL AND SEE US IN OUR NEW STORE! JA8. FRICKER It BRO m