Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 25, 1884, Image 2

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CARRIER'S ADDRESS FOR 187», These lines were written, by ‘Dr. W., P. pnrjt*rs ngo as a Car rier’*'Addreas far Hugh L. Mize, . who was carrier for the Hzcordbk , at that Uaie.. We think they pos sess sufficient merit to be repro. disced this Christina* morning: There was' a man who made a name. ’A men of teishce, worth and fame; ■ A tnan Whoee name will never die 'While ceaseleae ages pass ns by. :i SyttimBSiSa 1 ‘He ’gan to learn|the printer's ttiae, 1 And time has proved the choite be made. ( He labored hard all through the day,, 1 For scanty food and little par; And when his daily work was done, , His mental labors were began, ' When he would search the hidden road That toad* to wisdom and to Hod. . In time he worked the mines of thought, And op' rich gemt of science brought. With nothing but* paper kite, ' ' ■This man poaaesied of mental might, Drew from Heaven ebpte the lire That tom the telegraphic wire. When this and more he bad dona, He hrsekly wore Ufa lanrels Wob; ’ He did not aeek^hta name toratoei He flonrlehed long mad lived to aee •Our land from foreign bondage free; . Then,pled, Apd winged his way above, To the home of Joy, peace end lore.— I’m bnt a poor young printer boy, ' Who may‘Cot hope to e'er »o Joy i The name or famwot Ben Franklin, Bnt etlll m« tho beet I een, Eternal hope Is in my breast— My yeerallfg desires here StKyell; In what my hands doth'flnd to do, Mymind’sa."willlng worker" too: Xjupugheold and beat, thrqugh wind end "ifon pever look for ine In rain; The'cheerful fate of the Bit*RD1R I bring to yon Jh pesos end order; I may bare aomettnie* akip't your door, .got IwiU Uy w<er do.itmore, fllra me now a'ftngle ijnirter— Asiodeed I think yon ought to. :Jt wilhtaotsneke your pliaanrea less, iBut eld so mnoU my iutPPloee«. Santa Cleus, yonaay? He did not come Ha seldom goes to humble home; He never does the hungri feed— ' la chargers lead. ara ip the lend, i great bind; A skvlng Christ to msn it 'given, Who beckons oh to graos end Heaven; He showers blessings on the heed Mo Who giree the needy breed. ThehpesS me not penniless by, ‘For He Who hears the raven's cry, Will not make yonr bounty lees, . Or add one mite In front distress; He wllj pot 1,ekp frpm Joys jn etore. Or to yoursorrows sdd one more.— ifsy nlessfngt rest on ell who give, . That they may long tod happy live, And then; fins rest beyond the ikies, la the prayer of . Hnao L. Mu*. A BOOBY COUNTY FARM. Cewnty Fleet, ii. j; OoniUlstlee. A Constitution representative .bad a . pleasant talk with Seuator Joseph E. Brown, a few day* ago, about-the resource* of Georgia. The Senator touched upon the aiqount of provisions furnished by SnuthwMtenh Georgla during the mac to the.: Confederate army. Senator Brown said he had no (ftmbt, if the faots could bo proper ly ascertained, that it would aston ish the M^fcto know the amount of provleiolWhat part of the State furnished to the Confederate Got- •rament.,, Se. said: HA* an In- atanoe tu show how easy it is to maks rtmnfksraUvs provision crops, in the winter of 1814 I was com pelled to. remove my hande ftom . mv plantation in Oherokee county. I bought a place in Dooly oonnty •f »|x.hundred acres, thirteen miles from Hontesuma. I made np my mind .to make all 2 could in the way of provltlone. Some tlmo early in the epring of 18841 pur chased , forty or fifty hogs—poor, .thin things—»t an adrniuistrator's .sale- In the same spring I aowed part of my land in oats and planted twenty-five mores in ground peat. ■Dates I, planted some oew pea*. The bhlance of,my crop I put in ptovielona,, sugar cane ana corn. In: the early part of '65, when I came to Atlanta I bad ninety bead of ei fine fattening hug* as I have seen anywhere in north Georgia— lattfnapioo.tlit cow peas-1 turned the hog* in on theground peas and it mi astonishing how they •pros pered, and'bow they picked up and got fit. I brought a Urge Quanri ■*> to Atlanta lows ai ‘ Absolutely Pure. This powder BW*rr«lii A martel of purity ■trongtb and whole<omenes«.aMur» economical than the ordinary kind*, nod cannot be sold in eompetion with the mdttitade of low tert, short weight, alam or phosphate powders. Sold only in •im cant. ROYAL BAKING POWDEB CO, IN Wall Street, Now York. dec22yl. Mr*. Mtl'i Cm—. mud what the Her. Mr. MtShutr)’ kMtoioy aboat It« To m Pratres I hare been a foarta) sufferer cooraced that/ hoi a» tno* die a* lire. I havo been •obaaiy affi feted eometiniH tha (there waeuot tho ■mallet* spot front the crown of toy head, to the aolea of my feet that wae r.ot diaeaaed and as red M crinson. It would commence In email white spots, which bad a eilrery appearanoe, but wer* not deep, but if I attempted to heal them, or soon after their first appearance, they would bum and ran together until there was a complete dry. red •CM*, which would beeoms do inflamed as to crack Mdlookfiery udtngrr, aud tbe boning *#n*a- ^Iriteattimeseo^ii»•&** jh»*ld jjeareeJy get, iOM ungle instance to • physjcian, but hare n !y . IM cKtnstry, who are woll- to try yonr Omaotnu —lebow a little courage. aasx turajskw UUng the F*nt*die«.*nd within six m to Me a permanent improvement. 1), I am aboat aa good ae new, and It lie MB Of M Child. MRS. BKNJ. SMITH, /certify that the above statement of my wife je onkusi&se B. SMITH. SSsSisa tad nit statement, with that of blrwiffi is folly L. C. McKINSTRY. JllnUcr of (Me GohjkI. LiTUt-I hare Men Mra. Smith recently and believe her to be thoroughly and permanently c ”* d- u B. McKtKSTHV, Ml Adtml Cl,, ft,/., P. «. A’o. «• «■ «. Bovrog SopL 0,188*. CcnctinA R*\ prxJr, the new blood purifier, •ad Oonoima. and concern* Soap, the Rreatakin nrae and beautiHem. are everywhere. Price, Smnnu,Ne.| Boaf,2»c.; lUutoLvurr, gl.ou |»aU>rPr*giMul Cketaleal Cw., Boetow. 200 VALUABLE GIFTS, Americus Recorder TO lTf* ADVANCE PAYING SUBSCBIBBBS. Mttttdayp Ifletagobi *2xxd P 13@S. Desirin Increase the circulation of the Rg- o jadrm, at the same time to encourage the payment of «tet> tions in advance, we have for the past two yean annually distributed a number of valuable and useful presents among thoae of our subscribers who paid up all arrears and ona year in advance. These Distribution! wore ao fairly conducted, and the presents gave such gen- eml satisfaction, we have determined to make another distribution on the Sd of March ne xt, at which we shall distribute among those of •nbacrlbera who pay np all arrears and one year in advance the following presents: ONE TON GTMA8TODON GUANO l^J 1ST MASTODON GUANO !“6t| Manufactured by tho Georgia Chemical "Work*,of Augusta, Go., and sold by Toole, McGarrah dc Toudee, Americas, Ga. This brand is acknowl edged to be without a superior in its fertilizing qualities, being of high grade and manufactured of tho best material*. This ton will be distrib uted in threo prizes—one of one half ton, one o! COO pounds, and one of 400 pounds. CTCOTTON SEED HEAL J-® COTTON SEED MEAL !*« Manufactured by tho Amcrleus Oil Company. As fertilizer this Meal has proved to be of the greatest value. It not only produces immediate ~'■mite, bug its effects can bo seen on the soil for jveral years after. It la also a line food for stock, ft la sold by the OU Company at their n 111 tor the oil Company .... ... |22 per ton. This too will bo distributed In three prizes—on# of one-half ton and two of one*quar- ter ton. * WHITE SEWING. MACHINE! WHITEJ8EWING MACHINE 11 WHITE SEWING MACHINE! I! BARLOW BLOCK. Mrs. L S. WARLICK & CO. i and sold it in gp'-. : the spring at a lair price. 11 do not think, l ever made a> good a provirion crop in Oheroke coun ty, north Georgia, with theaane amount of Kboras I made on that Dooly county Urn, and aa my I rime w/u almoet entirely engaged at HiUedgeviUo and I could only give inatruotiana by writing what ■ to do, I waaiinrprtaed to seethe reeulf made by my negroes in pro- visions, such aa corn,bacon, augarj molasses, peas and everything us ually raised by farmers.” We merely cite this imtance to let oar people anderetand. that it ie ■net a* easy, to make {food bacon in Bdfath western Georgia by using tbe crops that can be made there a* it ia in ^e^ufky o^Teiuywie,. JUfflMM. M>k« tminI/ kidybbrereditor kippy °Zunn7v«KSa *1 Ladles’ Fanoy Goods Underwear! . Dress Goods! Eta, Etc, INVITE THE LADIES OF GOODS AND PRICES, BE- 1 THEY WILL FIND B-GOODMAN? AS * IN THE CITY. 6 MONARCH G &r BOUND BOSOM SHIRTS! f From the* well-known haute of Geo. B. Cluott Bro. A Co., Troy New York. Thwe zblrt the very best made, both in material, cut l workmanship. They are handsome, durable and never foil to give *ati«foctton. Thiy can be aeon at the store of John R. Shaw, on ronyth street, who is agent for their sale. Go * «J see them. ONE BOX-FIVE POU NDS “CROSS-CUr’ SMOKING TOBACCO Manulaetnred by W. Duke, Sons A Co., Dur ham, N. C., irom old North Carolina leaf, and put up In handsome fbll packages. As we would like a* many aa possible to try It, we .shall distrlT it in packages of one i>ound each. Manufactured by the Wbfte Sewing Macbln Company, Cleveland, Ohio. TbU machine haa a Fancy Cover, Drop Leaf, two Drawers at each end ot Table, and U handsomely finished through- oat There go with U aU the modern attach ments, and It U warranted tor five ytw. This Improved Machine ta the crowning feature of years of successful efforts; la a model of beaaty, of anezoelled workmanship, embodying ell the Utc«t Improvements known to sewing machine meehanUro, executing a larger range ef work and doing It better than ail other machines combined. The machine can be aeon at tbe Dry Good* fetor* of JOBS It. SHAW, on Vonyth street, who la Bole Agent for 1‘seale in Amerisns. OTGENTS'iFINE HAT H0 To be selected by tho lucky man from the latge and fineetoek of Oahrln Carter A Bon, tiw popu lar Shoe and list dealer* ef Americas. Thu in* BTPAIK OF LADIES’ FINE SHOES I Worn Hi, c.I.UiUd rn.naAct.Hn, Ht.bK.lim.nt .teutboy A Co, Clucln-.U, Ohio who h»J. .t- UfncU • u.tlonO rcpnUUoa i. Uric line. ThH. HKMustb. bnndmmnt poll mr bmnsbt to America., »*d null .till Mi pmtr. Tb.yc.n bo'Kcn ,t the Dty Good, ud Sho. store nf John B '8b.w, who I, eoto Agrmt for.theM eooJitn 1000—TWO BOXES—1000 DUKE OF DURHAM CIGARETTES 11 MSJ3T SS£&SffiSM! world. The c.ta.ortbH. bomb IMS la , • . HANDSOME HTSeth Thomas clock rea Famished by MeBride* Co., of Atlanta. ONE BOX-FIVE POUNDS ^ “MAY LEE” SMOKING TOBACCO! FIFTEEN BOXES- TWENTY BARS EACII- LIGHTNING SOAP !!! Manufactured I by W. O. 'Neff A Co.,WAtl»nta. This la a new soap, one of the moat wonderful dU- coverlr* of the age. By a new process this soap ia made io that it will wash clot bin* almost with out tbe use of the wash board, at tbe same time clennng without in the least injuring the fabric. Jt is the finest laundry soap ev*r made, and In or- dor to give as many as possible an opportunity of try in^ lt, it will bo distributed (injjboxes of 20 100-B-O-O-K-S!—100 BY STANDARD AUTHORS ! I BOUND IN CLOTH AND GOLD !! TheM book, me .11 by tbe iao.1 popular .atbora, printed on good paper, handsomely bound in Cloth and bold, and would mako a valuable ad dition to any library. 0* 8-I-L-V-E-U W-A-T-C-H ! Fine Vue end Oood Honmcnt>. AV.^offer BTSILVER BUTTER DISH ! —1(1] Cover,, ITandinm. article. SILVER PLATED TABLE SPOONS, SILVER PLATED.TEA SPOONS, SILVER PLATED FORKS. CIIAMBER SETT—FOUR PIECES. 'CHINA FBUIT DISH, SILK HANKERCHIEF8, BRONZE LAMP, HANDSAW,! JEWELRY, BUGGY WHIP, And a Number of Otber Articles. MANNER OF DISTRIBUTION The Distribution - ,will be made?n tho foUowini manner: Thename*aad(*poot{ofllceof each «ub- ■criber trill be written on a slip of paper and pal in an envelope, and ail placed in a box. Tht name of each of the present* to be drawn wll 1 also bo placed In envelope* and pat ia aaothei box. On the day of the distribution these boxes will be turned over to a committee of responsible gentlemen, whs. before tbe drawing begin*, wll call upon tom* of th« audience to mis tho con tents of the boxes it o Jhelr tatlt'fact Ion. Aftoi this, two boys, one at each, will take envelope* •Imultaneoazlv from the bozo* and band them U tha committee, who will first read tha name and then tho present. The secretaries will keep correct list of the names of the subscribers aao the articles drawn m they are called out. This will continue until every article has been drawn from tbe box of presents, when the committee will declare the distribution completed. In the box of pzeients there will be go blaxzz, hence every name drawn ftom the box of names before the.preeeutt age exhausted wIl&etfoD* ot thee* articles, most of which are worth many times the amount paid for snbacripUoo. Bemtttancea may b* made by peat office order or registered letter. Clwfoa,—W* will give a cepyjof the paper fret toany on#7geUing np a slab of ten subscribers either new or old cnee renewing; Cash to. accompany names In all cases. Any one .can aet aa agent for tbe RECORDER, ut w* will not be responsible until we receive the money for subscription. Wo guarantee to furnish a paper worth at leas* the pnea asked for It—f*—besides giving an op- portaatty la gab ona,# tha^abovelbandmoa Pl 2membar that yo^eannot poeaiUy Invest fI fa a aettar way than;hy.f ulaorihing for the RE* CQRDH* Address, ' W* Em OltBMMBKj •■•riief t aa STILL LEADS! L.1- We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our ahop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own manufacture, and will be sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in any market. In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we .will say we were the first to intioduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give us a trial. A word now io those who have old bug gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new: We will give you more work, and a better job, for^s money than any other shop in Americus. Try us and be convinced. Americus Ga., July 25, 1884. «« itpST UO TO • ‘ CALVIN CARTER & SON See SOOTS.ASTO SSOSU*, Public Square, . . Amtrlciu, Ga. BEST GOODS . Jki W- • • LEAST MOSEY! NewlStore f'ANDg New Goods. This is My Space! L D.B.McHensie WHOLESALE AXI) RETAIL DEALER IN WHISKIES, ' TOBACCO, CIGARS,Etc- old. 1 FOR CASH ! Now to your Hoi loounbuo a pore artioto for lwa noa.ythan bofoM. Remember that Otentond and WhUkey, Tobacco and Cigar*. A. B. B. hffoBSlTZXS, Cotton Avenue. * Undet Recorder Office, * Abo.* lam AmerieuJ, G* Wmki liffl