Newspaper Page Text
Americas Recorder.
BMuiof (Monday eicapud).
TIm W1BKLT BKOOKDKR. U published
stsry Friday morning.
Dally Recorder, ptr month, ........... _B0c.
Dally Recorder, per month,.,.. no c.
Weekly Recorder, per year,.... ..$100.
■ o(te.ll«.for
Brat [
Lout Notice, toper line; (01 flrit iniertUm »nd
3c per line for r*eh eubfeqitent Jowrllon.
Spcel.1 rote, for contract, c,n l»o nude ottlr
tb. peblliber.
t | ,j| *. L. (JLK8MEK, l-ublhher.
Ho Paper, To-Morrow.
In observance of Ohristma* Day
there will be no work done In the
Recorder office, to-day; conse
quently there will be no paper to
morrow 1 ,* We wish otlr readers a
"Merry "Christmas and a Happy
Democratic New Year.
at Kdtur.
Bert wIm people have thdr car,
And aomruiaf new tell everyday.
r ».tb.;—.. .7. -h ,ioa!fe »i.
lOIlnortb MJp-m.
Ywbt ‘
Going west and south cloee at UM \p m
For.Buena Vista and Ellxville
closes doily except Sunday at ISM pm
Lumatdnp Prerton, Weston, and .
Plains of Data olozes on Mon
day, Wedneedayand Friday atl:00p
Friendship, Drznezville and Church
Hill eloate dally, exoeptSnhdxy,
Lamar closes Tuesday end Fri
day at 8.00 am
The above arrangements will continue
eutil ehange in railroad schedule.
jr W-A^lsci.P.M..
Mr. U M. Folsom it the duly author-
teed Oolloctor end Solicitor for tho Bk-
cordab, and all his business trensaotlone
In oonneotion therewith will be duly
recognized end accepted by the proprio-
• T.|
Cotton Report.
Wo quote: ' 1
Good Middling......:.
Low Middling.... . ...
Good Ordinary.......;.;
On band Sept, let
Beeeived yesterday,
Beeeived previous to data....
.... 191
.... 81
Shipped previously 19,949
Tolal ! 20,018
Amount on baud. 2,390
AmbrwteLfirJ cut at McEenzle’e
3 $Vah IJtb Ana Oyeten lob eale every
day at J, A. Turpin's, Agent, Bwtaurant.
novlStf — - -
-and HATS call on MBS. M. E. BAlNES,
JacksonStreet, America,, Go.
1 Oyster* (or Halo every
Fresh Fiah end Oyeten (or tale every
day at J. A. Turpin's, Agent, Restaurant.
Old Sinner Oigars. The finest import
ed wines at McKenzie’s. • - > -
Emperor Cigars, genuine H
twenty-five In a box, at MoKenzie'
we know, that a Con
ner Is the beet advertisement
we can have. But oftentimes low-priced
. Mode m$tn inferior and traaby materials
' And' make np,'hchee'our endeavor baa
been to oonneet these two etrangen, low
dent that our oustomera will be as well
pleased as we are at our aucoese.
■octl2tf J. B. SOaw.
Why, L wTs^er^eUoti Cinnty
Whiskey is preferred abovo all other
Brands is because it is the most regular
and most perfect Produet, Incontestably
aver made. A long experience In the
mannfaotare of the Harper, the large
capital of tho Distiller which enables him
to bold bte Whlekoy until it is folly ma
tured, together with the .foot, that the
Whiskey to bought by ahd shipped Ike to
direct from the DietUlary acceunta for
the unvarying satisfaction It baa given
those best edueeted to a fin* Whiskey.
J. Israels, Sole Agent,
OotobertlmO Amerious Go.
Jam Flicker^ Bro’a Baffle.
Shbscribera to our yaffle are
hereby notified that ttie' raffle wilt
take place this' morning at ten
o’eloek. Ail chances unpaid lor
at 10 a. ffl. will be sold or raffled
off. Jab. Fricker & Bao.
In friendship true, we wish to yon
A merry Christmas day; i ‘ •*). •
Abundant wealth, vigorous health,
And light in wisdom’s way.
What time tho holidays roll round,
The bad boy. aUll In frocks,
Led by the ear, to his ms draws near,
Andgetteth hie Christmas box.
The Demoeratic reign cometh!
. Dr. J. F. Thurman, of Deoly, was
in -town yesterday.
The Recorder takes but one holi
day this winter, add that Is to-day.
‘•Mr. John Polhili came down
from Macon yesterday to make a
holiday visit.
' ' _ ■ 1 1 * t
Dr. R: T. Bivins,' of Schley
county, was in the city yesterday,
buying Christmas tricks.
At Mr. Kirvin’s residence, three
miles west of the city, the boys bad
a most enjoyable party, Monday
The City Council should sow rye
on Cotton Avenue so thst the cows
could "go in and out and find pas
Mr- A. R. Howard, of this coun
ty, ato too much possum, Tuesday
night, and was confined to bis bed
in the Alien House all day Wed*’
nesday. - <
The banks, telegraph office and
post office are the only houses that
we knew of wbioh will observe
Christmas. 'The man with the pe'<
tition was not around. *
Mr. John McNeil, of Tifton,isin
the city for a few day. Ho reports
the lumber business still booming
A Recorder, man saw John bring
in his first log three years ago.
Yesterday the merchants enjoy'
ed another big day of trade. Hun.
dreds, of negroes were in town
where they had borne to meet their
employers and get paid off for their
year’s work. After they would
got their money, they would buy
everything that came in their reach
M long as it lasted. SBI ■
The Huntley’s.
The Huntley Dramatic Company
• i*#u tbs .j, billed for Friday and Saturday
nights, and Saturday matinoe. Mr.
O. F, McDonald, proprietor of the
Montgomery opera house, in writ
ing to Mr, Glover about the troupe,
aaya they aro really good in their
pries* and good goods, «itd wo are oonfi business, and will play up to what
J us* Beeeived at A alley Bros
85 bands oboios Apples.
6,000 Florida Otanges.
9 Aspinwal Banana
J Eaiuooa Cesoanuw, .
0 pounds French Candy.
100 boxes Figs. ,
60 boxes Larrabeo’s Sweet and Plain
. Jetty endMkulo Meat by tfialbairal, Kegs
and Five?poand pells.
Bwestand Plain Pickles.
Sow-Chew, and all kind of Saeoee both
Imported and Domestic.
Vital il<Lglonenle*e,Cod pub.
Potatoes, Onions, and everything yon
want teeth
ilHt Iptlllljti
| A noted Amerioon told that he would
. not give* Cent for a man whoeouldnt
1 spelt a wonl "more'' No-
Met the following ipelliDg: C-l-o-a-t-h-e-e,
O-l o-e-e C-I-o-f-h-e-z, C-l-o-e-e. You can
take your choice and know that John B.
they promise, Mr. McDonald
says tho orchestra of the eompany
Is superb. Their printing and
paper, which Is now up, is very
Oats Are Safe.
It was the opinion of many farm'
era that the oat crop would bo
severely injured by the late cold
snap, but Mr. M. B. Counoil, who
baa been on a little tour iu the
country, informe us that oats sown
previous to the severe weather are
not at all injured, and that the out
look was never better.
<1 Due Caution. I
Every cold night that comes
Chief Smith has the diflerent fire
companies build and keep up big
Gras in tbelr engine houses for the
purpose of having the engines
ready for prompt work. As long
•8. there is that much care exer
cised, the city need never fear a
big fire. / j '
Effects of a Spree.
A young man came into town,
Wednesday, having taken on too
mneh steam previous to hie arrival.
He waa toon whooping drunk, and
lay down In tbe rear of a (tore to
sleep. When he awoke, bis bat,
pocket book (with seven dollars In
it), Rbf other effects were missing.
I will keep my stars open until ’10
The Election for Ordinary,
Mr. Editor:—Mr. T. H. Stew
art, tbs'present Ordinary of this
ebunty, has been publishing some
very pretty cards about bis candl
daoy for election, and it was not
until be bad thus began to try and
turn the popular wlfl of the people
In his favor that I decided to go
into print myself and tell a few
things I know nbout bis wonderful
capacity for the high position be
oeenpies. Two years ago a widow
lady, whose husband’e property
was being administered upon, was
allowed by him $3,000 per year
for living until tbe estate was set
tled. On making tblr allowance
he said -ft was fully email enough
and he Would see that she
should have that much. When
the matter came to a trial
he repudiated his decision and out
tbe allowance down one-half. This
was all right, if be conscientiously
thought he was doing his duty.
But listen: The day after the mat
ter was decided by him, he met me
on the street and said:
“Ifl have lost any friends by
this matter, I have gained some
good monied friends on the other
Had it not been for the respect
I have always tried to have for
grey hairs, I would have made a
sand bag of bint, then and there.
Tms is the man who calls upon the
people to keep him in office, that
he may, by listening to tho voice
ef i^oney, rob those whose interests
are placed within his hands.
County, Dec. 24,1884.
Rabbit Dogs.
Late Wednesday afternoon Mr.
John Walker drove into town, fol
lowed by a dozen dogs, of all kinds
—fox hounds, cars, and flees "of
low degree." He was evidently on
a hunting exoursion, but not a fox
hunt. “Are they fox hounds?"
asked the astonished Recorder
man. "Oh, no; only rabbit dogs,
but they are the best of tbk kind in
these woods.”
Fruit and Vegetable Store.
0. H. Byrd has opened a fruit and veg
etable storo next door to the Commercial
Hotel, where he keeps on hand a fine
stock of apples, oranges, nuts, csbbsges,
bananas, eto., which he will sell cheap at
wholeaalo or retail. He will also bay
cbloltens, eggs, and other country pro
dace and pay the highest market price.
When in want of anything in his line,
give him n call. declOtf
Our Carriers.
In observance of a time honored
custom, the Recorder carriers will
be around this morning with their
annual Christmas Address, for
which we bespeak a good welcome.
Tho boys ara faithful in tbe
performance of their duty, and it is
but once a year that they call upon
yoti for any gratuity. Make them
happy by giving them a quarter.
The Flying Jennies.
From a source of annoyance the
flying jennies have become a real
nuisanee. The unearthly din which
thoy keep up Is enough to drive
the business men crazy, who are
so unfortunate as to live in that
neighberhood, and is well calcu
lated to frighten a horse out o( his
wits. The town would rejoice to
be relieved of thoir presenoe.
Christmas Bonn of Jas. Frick-
er fit Bro.
For the special convenience of tho
ladiei, on and utter Wednesday, the 17th
talk, onr store will remain open in the
ovenings until 10 n’olock.
No efforts will be spared which are
ealoulatedto add to iyour comforts or
pleasnr* Onr bonxo will be well lighted
and comfortably heated. Wo extend you
a cordial Invitation to visit us whether
you desiro to puroheee or not, we will be
pleased to show onr goods. We have just
opened a new and elegant line of holiday
novelties wbioh are very attractive.
Jas. Fnicxsn A Bno.
Yesterday it was announced on
good authority that Mr. J. W. Mize
had withdrawn from tho race for
Sheriff, and was no more a candi
date. We are not authorized to
•tate that zuch is the case, but our
authority for the news is reliable.
Hade a Mistake
The boys say there is a turkey
in Webster county who has made
an awful mistake in the season*,
and is now busily engaged in batch
log out a big log of Christmas tur
To New Orleans.
Round trip tickets now on sale
via fonr different route*. Prices
Holmes' souk cuke mouth wash and
dentifrice is an infallible cars for Ulcer
ated Sore Throat, Bleeding Gums, Sore
mouth and Ulcers, Cleans the Teeth and
keeps the Gums healthy. Prepared sole
ly byllrs. J. P.1W. B. Holmes, Den
tists, 102 Mulberry Street, Maeon, G*.
For sale by Dr. W. P. Bart, dentist
J. E. Hall, and all druggists and dentists
New Advertisements.
Friday and Saturday, Dec. 26tli and 27th.
Pint appearance of tbe talented actor,
and thejyounc emotional actreM,
Florsnca Kennedy,
Supported by tnc
Friday, December £8, the Greatest Drama or
modern times, entitled,
Change of bill each nlglit.
We ore authorized tq. announce tbe
name of W. H. FEAGIN*as a ctndldate
for the office of Bailiff for the 789tt> Din
trict, G, M, Election, Saturday, January
3d, 1886. •
For Clerk Superior Court,
afcja:. allekt,
We are authorized to announce tbe
name of 0. 0. SHEPHERD as a candi
date for re-eleotion to the office of Treaa.
nrer of Sumter oouuty.
' We are authorized to announce the
ns candidate for Coroner of 8umter
We are authorized to announce the
name of S. M. LESTER as a candidate
for tbe offioo of Coroner of Sumter
county. to
We are authorized to announoe the
name of JOHN A. SPEIGHT sis a candi
date for Coroner of Snmter county at
the ensuing election. tde
rksbkved seats usual places.
A Popular Monthly of General Literature.
distinctive reputation of being,"eminently reada
Arrangement* have been made for many eontri-
butlonsof fipcclal intereit daring tbe coming year.
Among these particular attention ;is invited to a
••rial atory entitled
by F. 0. Baylor, author of "Tbe Perfect Treat*
nre,” in which the experiences of an English bar
onet and bte friends durimr a tour thtough th'
United States nro'rclated with a mirth provokln
bnmor, a knowledge and appreciation of national
characteristics, and a perfect fairness of tono and
freedom from caricature, that cannot frill to secure
critical approval and wide popularity. V
Tincher 1 * beautiful novel, "Aurora," trill be <
pleted In tbe summer, and will be followed by
•ral stories In two or more parts, including "The
T.ady Lawyer’s First Client,” by too author of "A
Latter-Day Saint."
A description of bric*a<>brac hunting in England
and France, by Mrs. lacy C. Lillie, sketches of
Italian life, by lire. Launt Thompson, an account
of the Pioneer* of Tennessee, by .Edmund Kirks,
an article on tbe Premier of Canada (Sir John
Macdonald), a narrative of tho experiences of a
Bteerago Passenger to >nd from Liverpool, by
Thomas Wharton, an article on Queen Anne, or
Freo Classic Architecture, by Georgo C. Mason,
Jr., and a comedy for nrlrito theatricals, by James
Payn, will bo pnbilshed in early numbers, to
gether with tbe usual variety of ahort stories and
articles of general interest by popular writers.
For Sale by alt News Dealers.
U5 cts. per copy. $3 pfrjannum.
J. B. LIPPINCOIT & CO., Publishers,
decfl 71S and 71 •’ Market St., Philadelphia.
Tie Atlanta Constitution for 1885 ?
If not, lay Ibis paper down and send for It right
f 2.60 for three months.
r $5.00 for six months,
If you went It every week, send for] the! Great
Weekly, wbioh costs $1.25 a year,* or §5.00 for
Is the Cheapest!
Biggest and Best Paper
Printed in America /
It,has twelve pages chock full of nows, fosslp,
and sketches every week. It prints! more ro«
manes than tbe story papers, more farm news
than the agricultural papers, more Am than the
humoroui papers—beudes all tbs news, and
Bill Arp’s and Betsy Hamilton’s Let-
Talmago’* Sorxn
Coots 9 Cents a Week!
It coinss onco a week—takes a whole week to
read It!
You can’t well farm or koop house without ill
Write yoor name on a pos’al card, address It to
I, and ws will send you Specimen Copy Free!
Weekly asws-
mscnsBfcs, sa-
— ppsoa t&^u be without. The popularity of
'•“Uorrmo A Mexican is such that its sir-
o'clock at night' daring the holiday* tor i $14.20, $20.10, $23.00, $25.85—
tb* accommodation of those who cannot I good for 16 and 40 d»j8* Parti0-
g.t around during the day. ulara at ticket office. * '
dtc83*i J>. a Hitt. J Do** WAWttN, Agent.
A. plantation of 1,700 acres in Terrell
County; 1,000 acres cleared. Good land;
good building*. Will tell on long time,
with good lecurity, and will tell allatock,
tool*, forage, eto. Or will lease or rent
on good terns, with good teenrity. This
it a splendid opportunity for an en-
ergetio man with alittle capital. Enquire
at Exoobder office.
Hotambet«, 1W4. wtl
We are authorized to announce tbe
name of W. H. GOBB as a candidate for
Sheriff of Snmter oonnty. If elected, N.
H. White, of the 15th District, will be his
deputy. te
* I hereby announce myself a candidate
for tbe offioe of Ordinary of Sumter
county. If elected to the office, in Janu
ary next, I pledge myself to discharge
tbe duties whioh will be inoumbent upon
me to the best of my ability. I respect-
fully solicit the votes of tbe people.
nov9-tdo A. 0. SPEER,
To the Voters of SvmtbbXouktt:
I announce myself as a candidate for
re-eleotion to the office of Tax Reoeiver
of Sumter County at the ensuing election
in January. Thanking you for your sup
port in the past I earnestly solicit your
votes. J. A. DANIEL, R. T. R. S. C.
We are authorized to announce the
name of W. R, STEWART as a candidate
for re-election to the office of Tax Collec
tor of Sumter Couuty at the ensuing elec
tion in January next. te
We are authorized to announce the
name of W. W. GUERRY as a candidate
for the office of .Justice of tho Pe&co for
the 789th district. tde
We are authorized t.» announce the
name of ARCHIE GOSS cs n candidate
for the office of Tax Coll* ctcr cf Wtbste
The goods bought on my second visit
to New York have come in, and ay New
York buyer, wishing to redeem himielf
of hie ehort-comlngs, which necessitated
my second trip, boys and ships new
goods with every steamer, and at prices
that cannot fill to please lu Style, Qua!
ity and Prices.
My store-room is filled, every available
space having been used, and many arti
cles that ought to have eontplonous places
are hidden.
To avoid more crowding, I have de
cided to offer during the earning month
gaode of ell descriptions at prices that
mnet make them ga whethoryou wish
to buy or not.
Never before, and perhaps never here
after, were the Amerloue trading people
offered inch extraordinary bargains.
Especially Is that applicable to my
Urge stock of Clothing, Cloaks, Dolmans,
and Ladies Hats snd Trimmings, *
Those good, mast go end will be sold
(like geode sold at auction) at the best
price obtainable. Don’t delay coming,
bnt come now. Now is the accepted time
end yonr earning now will save yon tha*
sorrowful bnt common expression, "I
wish I had cents sooner.” Uy Dress
Good, Department te replete with choice
and etyUehfabnos, in Silk*, Satins, Cash
meres and every other kind ot Dress
Goods usually but often not found in
other Dry Goods stores, and here they
are at the mercy of your own bid and
price* PlcSte remember that tbe Bar
gain Store offers no leaders. Here yon
bay everything, Domestics and finer
goods at close prises. Beepeetfally,
Tbe Bargain Mon.
Bed Mammoth Sign and Flog, Cotton
wb wk h a ^
Whebeas, Many citizens rj
this community have heretofore
subjected themselves to umec-
essary expense and burdensome
overcharges in the purchase <J
goods; Therefore be it
R^olved, That the interesb
of the people demand the for.
mation of a new party whid
shall concentrate its patronagt
on one close-dealing candidate,
and thuB combining with on
rect principles, make still smalt
er profits practical and result ii
the greatest good for all.
To this end weannounceour
self as the
Low tariff on all goods usd
by the people, such as Df
Goods, Notions, Fancy Goofy
Millinery, Clothing, M
Shoes, Hats, Tranks, Etc.
As low prices surely increai
es trade and results in tli
A Good PI wiistiffla
Of4784 acres, 75 in original pine, eight
milee from Amerieut, in good neighbor
hood, can be bought cheap if applies,
tion te made toon. It te good cotton land
and can be made to pay tor itself in a
couple of yearz. Th* timber cm lbs land
1s worth nearly x* much zz the whole
‘ can be bought for. For farther —
— gey)
seller Values must goveit
prices. Deal only in good
liable goods, making the pritf
as low as possible. (A poor
article is dear atanyprice.) S
misrepresentation. Sell eva]
article on its own merits andii
its true value.
Be on
ready we ore elected—eleetd
to sell you cheaper than
cheapest; elected to show J*
the best and newest; in
elected as the people’s truebr
gain-giving, fair dealing cani
date. Be one to help roll
the big majority in favor ofc
rect principles and^the advan
ment of true economy and |
form. See us personally *
learn our civil service prindpl
In return for patronage
promise Foil Dealing, Strai
Goods, Bed-Rock Prices.
Polls now open and will
main so until further notict
Vote early and often i» ““
wish of yours truly-
Forsyth Street, America 01