Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, March 19, 1885, Image 2

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Americus Recorder. W. L, ol.KSS.MKH. Kdltor. ~~Oaiclal Own or Sumter County. OBrlal Own of Webster County. THURSDAY. MARCH 1». ’N*. The people of the South are more Jirectlv interested in the postotilce and internal revenue departments of the government than anything else. In the former they simply aak that goad, efficient men be ap pointed to office who will see that the mails are bandied correctly and expeditiously, instead of being made a matter of convenience. In the latter they want men who will faithfully execute the law, bring the guilty to punishment, but not use their office for tne purpose of pe cuniary gain and political persecu tion, by arresting innocent men upon trumped up charges. In other words, the people of the South are more interested in hav ing good government than that professional politicians should be rewarded with fat salaried offices. The monometalists are very fond of calling the standard silver dol- lor “a fraudulent coin,” when in taat, if there is any fraud, it at taches to the gold dollar, as evinced by the following statement of facts made by the Columbus Times: “From 1760 to 1873 the silver in a silver dollar was more, as a marketable value, than the gold in a gold dollar. In 1703 upon the passage of the original coinage act, the “Spanish milled dollar,” 412$ grains of fine silver, was made the unit of value in our money. Every bond or other promise to pay issued by the gov eminent up to 1873, was based on and guaged by that measure. IIo then, can it be in the nature of fraud to insist that the unit be re tained until all debts it measures arc paid? Thera was no growl that the gold dollar was “a fraud,” though its market value never equalled that of the silver dollar, for more than one hundred years, the two circulating together in every coinage of civilized men.” •.'0!ltiKE8S10?liL EXTRAVAUASCE. One of the periodical diversions of the two houses of Congress is to denounce alleged extravagance in the different executive depart ments of the Government, and the various buiesus in these depart ments are explored by Senators and Representatives in search of material of which to make speeches in favor of economy in the admin istration of the Government. Some of the department officers think Congress might find opportunities for retrenchment in the use of public money nearer home. They assert that the number of clerks and employes of the two houses is much larger than necessary, while their ealaries are greater than those of officers who do similar work in the departments. Clerks employed by the Senate and House receive from $2,000 to $3,000 a year; messengers from $1,440 to $1,800; laborers from $720 to $1,000 and pages $2 30 per lay. As the long session of Con gress rarely lasts more than seven months and the short session is limited to three months, most of the employes are required to work only ten months in two years. Yet in addition to their regular salaries the employes receive each year, by vote of Congress, one month's extra pay. The capitol policemen, who receive $1,100 a year, are in eluded in this generous provision fer extra pay, as are all the officers of the two houses, from the $6,100 Secretary of the Sen ate and the $5,100 Clerk of the House down to the pages The item for extra month's pay last year amounted to $74,527 Of this amount the Senate benettcia ries received $25,919 and $38,608 went to the House employes. As the number of employes was in creased at the last session and sala ries raised in several instances tlie extra pay this year will be nearly $100,000. A CARD. To all whs an suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youtn, uervonx weakness, early decay loss of manhood Ac., I will send e recipe that will cure yon. ■ or CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionan in Roalb America. Hand a aelf-eddreaiK d envelope to the Rev. Joaupa T. Innan, OkMtn D. S*w York (Mr As to official changes in Wash* Ington a correspondent of the Xew Orleans Picayune says: “A few nominations may be sent in during the present week, but there will be little or nothing done in the way of making changes until the Senate shall have closed ils sessions. At that time the policy of the Presi dent will be developed. There is ground for the belief that the Presi dent will take the view that it is necessary in order to carry out the policy of the reform and purifica tion of the public service to make a number of changes in tne impor tant offices. The State of Virginia will tie among the first to be con sidered. The question of confirm ation of these appointments in the places of parties to be removed is an important one. Judge Seney,a Congressman of Ohio, in an inter view just made public,expresses the opinion that the President lias the power ot removal any time under the law. He assumes the case where the President removes a Republican postmaster and ap points Mr. Brown, a Democrat,and the Senate refuses to confiim Brown. In this ease lie holds that the original incumbent is not re stored, and that Brown remains until the Senate confirms a succes- cessor. The construction of the ’.aw upon this subject is one of the greatest importance; upon it the whole vigor nnu efficiency of the executive power depends.” Au exchange calls attention to the fact that every bushel of corn a cotton farmer buys is loaded with a charge of from fifteen to twenty- five cents railroad freight,and that it must be paid with cotton money, when the cotton was in most cases raised at a loss, and concludes that the advice of the press to “plant more corn" should be more gener ally followed. The Macon News has information that Wales Wynton, former Macon correspondent of the Atlanta Con stitution, is now connected with the Cincinnati.—Enquirer. Tore "‘Waps, 1 CUs G4. SVMTEtl COVKTY. S heriff s sale. Georgia—Sumter County. Will be sold before the Court house door, in the city of Americas. Sumter county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale: One sorrel mare. Levied on as the property of T. A. Snelgrove, by virtue of a Superior Court li fa from Sumter county in favor of Harrold Johnson A Co. vs. T. A. Snelgrove. 2.15 W. II. COBB, Sheriff. CJ HERIFF’S SALE. 1^ Georgia—Sumter County. Will be sold before the Court House door in the city of Americas, Sumter county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of One number five (No. 5) L. P. Miller iron safe. S Id as the property of the Americus Oil Company, by virtue of a County Court ii fa of Sumter county, in favor of L. II. Miller vs-. Americus Oil Company. W. H. COBB. 2 34 Sheriff. ft) Jt' t\ Jjto- ■pto- Gk S HERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—Sumter County. I Will be sold before the Court House I door, in ihe city ot Americas, Sumter i county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in i April next, between the legal hours of | sale: | One g'enm engine and boiler and tix- | tures be longing to the same, now in the engine room of the Americus Oil Mill, near the Southwestern railroad, in the j city of Americus. Levied on as the | oroperty of the Americus Oil Company by virtue of a tax fi fa for State and coun ty taxes for the year 1884 3 00 * W. H. COBB, Sheriff. S HERIFF’S S \LE. Georgia—Sumter County. Will be sild before Ihe Court House door, in the city of Americus, Sumter county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sal Tw of land lv » Hie Wheatley’s Corner llo! every one in need of Clothing, “COME* AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and buj T ' e splendid autre** which attendedJ)urfeffort«Jn Introducing the sale'of FTJN'iC CLOTHING in out C , ho* InducBuJns la bring out for the Spring trade the largest, handsomest and* moat complete line of Perfect Fitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AMERICUS! These goods have been selected with great care and poaaew' an elegance of design, beauty of flnla and durability of texture, that few iudeed can equal, and none aurpatf*. In every Instance we GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SaLE Wo have|nlso a large and well selected stock of perfect fitting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear ! 1 And everything In the way of Oent’a Furnishing Quop*. I’olite and attentive Saleam. n will take pleasure in dhplaying these beautiful goods whether you wish to buy or not, THORNTON WHEATLEY, Wheatley’s Corner, : : : Americus, Ga side ot the EUaville road hading from Americus to Ellaville and knoxu as the lute residence of W. J Patterson, de ceased,and now occupied by Wm. H. Mor gan. Sold as the property of Wm. H. Morgan by virtue of a County Court fi fa of Sumter county in favor of the Savan nah Guano Company vh. Wm. II. Morgan. 3.42 W. II. COBB, Sheriff. A PPLICATION; *1 LETTERS OF DISMISSION Qeoioia—Sumter County. To all Whom it May Concern. Whereas, Amos Las.iter, adminiatral on the estate of Henry L waiter, ap„i le for letters of dismission from the e»t»t of Henry La siter, deceased, Th. se srs tber. fore In cite and adnion- ish all and singular, the kindred an 1 creditors, to file their ol,j ctinn in office on or before the first Monday ir June nut, the regular term of said Court of Ordinary, oih-rwiae letters of disini, sion nil I be granted as prayed f„ r Witne.s niv hand anil . fficial signature tin-, the 2nd day of naroh, IBs.*, h 3 00 A. C.SPF.EH, Ordinary A PPLICATION: LETTERS GUARDIAN’S Hip. Georgia—Sbmtkk County. To all Whom it May Concern. Wherens, M. A. Ca'chings applies f,, r letters of Guardianship of Ihe persi n an I prop, rty of William F„ Minnie, Uktu and Jessie Green, minor children Tuese are therefore to cite and kdrnnn ish all and singular Ihe kindred and creditors, to file their objection in uu office • n or before the April term of Or’ dinary's Court, to be held on the first Monday in April next, why Raid letters should not be granted to said applicant as prayed for. GivV-n under my band anil offleid sic. ua' lire this, the 2nd day of March 1885 ~ 3 (JO A. C. SPEER. Ordinary. A PPLICATION: LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia—Sumter County. To Al Whom it May Concern. Whereas, Wm. Tomlinson, administra tor on estate of James K. Driver, applies for leave to sell the realty and personalty belonging to estate of James K. Driver, deceased, These are therefore to cite and atlmbn- ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors, to file their objection in my office on or before the April term of Or dinary's Court, to be held on the fiist Monday in April next, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant j as prayed for. j Given under mv band and official „ig. j nature at Ameiicus, Ga , Ibis 2d day ol I March, 1885. 3.00 A C. SPEER, Ordinary. s HERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—Sumter County. Will bo sold before Ihe Court house door, in the city of Americus, Sumter county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale: The undivided two thirds interest in lots of land numbers one hundred and seventeen and one hundred and fifty-one in the Old Sixteenth District of Sumter County, Georgia, and known as part of the Dobbs old place, now occu pied by R. L. Kite. Levied on as the property of R L. Kite by virtue of a County Court fi fa from Sumter county in favor of Savannah Guano Company va. Ii. L. Kite. W\ H. COBB, Sheriff. 3 35 s R. T. POWDER Absolutely Pure. vnrb-i*. kind*. comnriion unit the in.iituailc <»l l"W t. weight, alum or phojphnf. nowtlci-. Sol. in can*. HOY A S. lit KINO I’OWDEIf Wall 8*root. New York. decKyl. ECZEMA And Every Species of Itch ing and Burning Diseas es Positively Cured. INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK. Forsyte Street, Americus Ca E czema, nr s»t< itching and he warm hath with 4 ' plication of ci m e repeated dailv. with CUBA KnoLVKNI. I the hlood cool, the {wu^llTichi'n i»i and every apecie* o Humor* of the Scal| aiciana and all know HERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—Sumter County. Will be sold before the Court Honae door, in the city of Americas, Sumter county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale: Forty Hve Acres off tho south east corner of lot or land number seventy-eight in the sixteenth district of Sumter county, Georgia, to-wit: Beginning at the south east corner of said lot of laud and run ning due north five hundred and sixty yards, and thence due west three hun dred and ninety-three and one-fourth yards, thence due south to the southern land line of said lot. Also, fifteen acres in north-east corner ot lot of land number seventy-seven in same district, to-wii: Beginning in n« rth-east corner of said lot, ihence running due west on land line two hundred and ten yards, thence due south three hundred and fifty yards, thence due east to land line of said iot. Said two pieces of land being the land on which G. W. Wiggins lived and cultivated the year 188-1. Property pointed out by J. A Ansley, plaintiff*s attorney. Levied on as the propel ty • f G. W. Wiggins by virtue ot a Count) Court ti fa from Sum ter county, in favor of Etawan Pliosph t- Company for use of H. T. Bvrd «V Co. 7.17 W. II. COBB, Sheriff. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia— Sumter County. Will be sold l efore the Court House door, in the city of Americas, Sumter county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tii'Rdav in April n« x\ a* the property of Richa.l Lowe, dee. ns-.!, il.e following property to-wit; One house and lot on Lamar street, in the eastern portion of Americus, contain ing a tjnaiter of an acre, more or less, bounded east ov place of Alice Myers, west by place of Peter Williams, being known as the residence of said Rachael Lowe at the time of her death and situ ated on Lamar st. Al-o cook stove, beds and bedding, and other furniture. Done agreeably to order of Court of Ordinary. s WEBSTER LOUMY. HERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—Webster County 1 Will be sold before the Court house i of Preston. Wehste n the first Tuesday in i n the usual hours of J AUSTIN JONES, 3(JG Ad nnu ■id kidney* au nt. K tint worm, .Ad. Dandruff. ludie* fAil Will McDonald, 2&42 Dcarboi gratefully acknowledge* • cur# of«m» or Rheum uii u..k. 1st. arm., and leg, li ra*,- entean year-' not nlil.i to wnlk except on hand* and knee* for one year: not able to help himaelf for eight yearn: tried hundred* of remedic. doc tors pronounced in* »»»•• lmpele«»: permanently cured by t’UTP URA Resolvent tblood pantier in ternally. and Curii'CUA and CUTiUCBA Soav Ube great wkin cure.) eilcruall*. IN THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST RATES. ALSO AGENTtFOn TIIB GULLET and LUMMES COTTON GIN?, ITDol J3o*t Olil* Mario ! CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IX WANT OF INSURANCE OR GINS •cptism R. T- RYR13 A PPLR’VI ION: LETTERS ADMIKISTUA HON. Georgia—Sumter County. To all Whom it May Concern. Whereas, Emanuel Davis having filed bis petition in my office for letters of ad- ministriuu n ou the estate of Uhoda Davis, door, in the county. Georgia. April next, betv sale: Twenty-six acies of land off* of lot of land number sixty-six, in the thirty- second district, and fifteen acres off of lot of land number sixty-nine, iu the tbiriy- second district in sa d county. L vied on as the property of Shelby Miller tor State and countv tax-s for the year 1KM4. 3.00 DANIEL DAVIS, Shenff. S HERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—Webster County. Will be sold before the Court house door, in the town ol Preston, Webster county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of One hundred and one acres of land - tf of lot of land number two hundred and one, in the eighteenth district in said county, being the north half ofiMid lot. Levied on as the property of W. E. B ze- man, agent for wife, for State and county taxes for the year 1884. 3.00 DANIEL DAVIS, Sheriff. S HERIFF’S SALE. Georgia — Webster County. Will be sold before the Court house door, in the town of Poston, Webster county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual horns of sale: Two hundred and two acres of land, lot number two hurdred and four, twen ty-fourth district of Webster county. Also, two hundred and two acres of I n I. iot number one hundred and seveuty- three, 24th district of Webster county. Also, one hundred and one acres of lund, lot number two hundred >.ud fourteen, twenty-fourth district, Webster county. Also, one huudrt d and one acres • f laud, lot number fifty, twenty-fifth district, Webster county. Also, one buu red and o"c acres of land, lot number forty-seven, twenty-fifth district, Webster county. Levied ou as the pr p^rty of Daniel J. Norman, for State uud county tuxes for the year 1884. 4.40 DANIEL DAVIS, Sheriff. A PPLICATION: LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia—Webster County. To Whom it May Councern Whereas. J F. Sts pi ft on. a I m initia tor with the will annexed, applies for Letters «>f Disiuiksi'-ii on the estate i t John Blight well, iltceaved, These ure therefore to cite and admon ish all und hingiilur, t' e kindred and creditors, to file their objections in my office on or before the June term of Or dinary’s Court, to tie In Id on the first Monday iu June next, why said letters should not be granted said applicant as prayed for, Given under my hand and seal, tLis the 4th day of March, 1885. 3.00 * W. H. COSBY, Ordinary. PPLICATION: LETTERS OF DISMISSION A Georgia—W knstici; Cot;nty. To Whom it May Concern. Whereas, John N. Foremen. » dn trater, applies for L-tfers of PPmi late of said t nut v. ite uni admon- . whether kin- rhM. Houghton, r.«q„ Uwyer. 38 Hute 8t., Booton. r«|K,rts a of Kc/em* under his qbo»r- votioa for ten yearn, which cmerod the patient a hodv and 11Libs, and to which all known methiNla of treatment hod been applied without benefit, which woo completely cured oololy by the t uri- criiA ReMKIUKs, leaving a clean and health) akin. F. II. Druke, I>«| if phyi haa remained ao , Detroit. Mich., suffered ;e:na. which appeared on , and nearly destroyed hie o-t careful doctoring and a con- •ians failed to relieve him. ho v Ui.meuils, and uucured, and House for Rent. The Stews11 place, on Forrest street, uear die- politic Schotd biuldiog, is ofter- etl for l'bui. 'lucre is about one snd a half acres of ground, good dwelling, out j houses and well. Also two stables. Ap- I ply at this office. janl8t! AARON COHEN, To Tax Fe.yers. Mr. John Thirl, Wilke.barre. P*.. write " I have .lUfa-red fnim Salt Itheum for over eigl yeam at timea oo bail that I c.m d not attend my bu»ine»» for week* at a tune. Three boxes CtrncCBA and four ImttU o RxaoLvKNT have ei tirely cored me of this dreadful di*ca»<‘." Sold by all druggi«ta. Price: CCTICtnu, SO cU Rkholvaxg 91; Soap. Meta. Pottkh DBCO as CBSVICaL Co., Boston. Ma*i>. Mend for “ How to Cure Hkla Diseases. OUTI j AMEIUCUS, UA. \ Will make up to order Su!t«, or Sinai* Coat?, 1 have DOW in my b»ncl« fi fas for taxes f. tt ut* mol Vests, and guarantee complete suits- f<>r 1884. and iinless th« y are promptly faction or NO SAI.K. paid 1 shall proceed to levy upon prop- j CLEANING, BINDING, ertv to Hatisfvtho same. C«*me ana pay ( REPAIRING AND up and save costs. W r . H. Cobb, 1 ALTERATIONS March 5. 18H5 w 1 Sheaiff. ; nia ,i^ ti, t* •• most at roved stylo*, and all goods — — — j datnac I *’7 Horse for Sale. A PONY HOUSE, perfectly gentle and sate, will work in single or double harness. Just tho animal fora ladv to drive J B. Hinkle. M. D. masltf ill lx* laid ,t th»- I’uttir^c lOntcr *t.d bench for scvt-rnl ye«is I jicld so no comp<titi<>n. My work will be st c *d as the best ».n.t twen ty-five j»er cent. lo«r*r ihau any coaci etitiou. Give Me « Trial I UttshBBl AARON COHEN 4 Th ish all parlies i , dred or credit..n before ih • April term of .said Court, to be 1 held o:i the first Monday in April next, why said letters should not be granted to said petitioner as pnyed lor. Witness my hand and official signature this, the 2nd day of March, 1885. 3.00 A. C. JSPEER, Ordinaiy. A PPLICATION: L UTTERS A1) MI N 1ST RATION. J Georgia—Sumter County. To ull Whom it Miy Concern. \\ her* as. M. B. Council having filed his petition in ray offi e for letters of ad ministration on Ihe estate of Alexander Autry, late of said county deceased, Tfitse are therefore to cite and admon ish all parties interested, whether kin dred or creditors, t“ show cause on or before the April term of said Court, to be held on the firs r Monday in April n* xt, w hy said lett* rs should not be granted to said petitioner as prayed f<»r. Witness my hand and official signature this, the 2nd day of M irch, 1885. 1 3 00 A. C. SPEER, Ordinal). on the t state of J tne Fort m« These are ther* fer«- to c ish all autl singular, th urolitors, to fl'e their object dee. kindred snd tet ill of Or dinary's Court, to be held tin th*- first Monday in June next, why said lctur-< should not he granted to said applicant as prayed for. Given under my hand the 4th day of March, 1885 3.0<> * W II COSBY, Ordina ml seal, this A PPLICATION: v LEITEUS OF* DISMIS8K >V Georgia—Wedsteb County. To Whom it May Concern. Whereas, A. L. Fletcher, guaidian, ap plies for Letteis of Dismission from h‘» guardianship « f H B. Fletcher, I’hesi are therefore to cite an«l aom f ish all and singular, the kindr.d ar.a credit rs, to tile their objection n i . office on or betore the June term • i * dinary’s Court, to bo held «>n , e ir ' Monday in J one next, why said _ chould not be gtanted to said »PP* |C ‘* as prayed for. , is Giveu under n»y hand and ses*i the 4th day of March, 1885 3.00 W. H. COBBY. Ordinary