Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, March 20, 1885, Image 2

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<T»« Americus Recorder. W. L.. UI.KSSS KR. Kdllnr. Official Organ of Sumter Counlj._ OtBrial Organ or debater County. FRIDAY. MARCH 30, ’8S. j Hen Hill baa been nominated for J Attorney of tbe United Stales for tbe Northern District of Georgia. | It is a nomination that will give j general satisfaction. Atlanta was the scene of a most j destructive fire on Wednesday morning. The James block was entirely destroyed and one man burned to death, while several per sons were severely injured. The loss is about $30,000. We have received from the au thor an address delivered before the Georgia Har Association at its last annual meeting in Atlanta, by (.'has. C. Jones, Jr., in which lie takes tbe ground that the Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts sheuld be paid larger sala ries. He makes a good argument and we are inclined to agree with him, lor it is a noteworthy fact that our best lawyers cannot alTord to take a place on the bench, on account of the smallness of the salary. There are only three States which pay as small salaries to their judicial officers as Georgia. Wo are not an advocate of high sala- ' ries, but we believe in paying enough to secure the services of j the best men for tbe position. The Chicago Tribune professes to bare discovered a plan by which tbe Democrats in the Illinois legis lature expect to elect their candi date for United States Senator. Tbe plan is as follows : On the first day when nearly a full Democratic vote is present, and some lte publicans absent, Haines, ns speak er, is to direct his large force of sergeants at arms to close the doors of the house. Then the roll call for Senator will proceed. The Re publicans in attendance will refrain from voting, believing their failure to vote will make them, under par liamentary rules,absentees. Haines, however, will direct the count to he made and verified of (hose actu ally present in the flesh at the joint session. He will then order the roll called again. Perhaps ninety-odd Democrats will vote for Morrison, and eighty or less Republicans actually present will not vo’e. Haines will then say : “Tbe count of the legislature in joint session shows there are present, say, one hundred and sixty members, or one hundred and four, being more than the quorum required by the United States statute, and of that number a majority having voted for William R. Morrison, I declare him duly elected," etc. We hope the Democrats will succeed in their plan. It looks now as if the Illinois legialatnre would fail to elect an United States Senator to succeed Logan, and tbe vacancy will have to be filled by an appointment by tbe Governoi. We shall look for this appointment with peculiar in terest, as it will show which is the strongest with Governor Oglesby —party pressure or personal resent ment, and thereby bangs a tale. In 187* Senator Logan a lime expired and be was defeated for re election by Judge Davis, after a long and stubborn contest. In 1879 Sena- Under the very appropriate head ing of “The Wages ofSin” it is an nounced the secretary of the treas ury has issued a warrant tor $3,950.73 in favor of ex-President R. B. Hayes, being the sum appro- I priat“d by congress to reimburse ! him for payments made on account j of the expenses of the commission j appointed to go to Louisians. A CARD. To all whs are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youtn, nervous . weakness, early decay loss of manhood ’ Ac., I will Rend a recipe that will enre you, FIIEE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman. Htntum I). Asm Yrvrk f 'ltv t orm f Ojt l 'oof: *AKlfl 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. T U powder never varies. A m-irvel of purity strength and whole-omeno**. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot l»e aol<l in compelmn with 'the multitude of low teat, short weight, alum or phosphate powder*. Sold only in incann. ROYAL BtKINU POWDER 0>, 106 Wall H'reel. .New York. decICyl. ECZEMA And Every Species of Itch* Ing and Burning Diseas es Positively Cured. ICUs ga. , with its agonizing utantly relieved by a warm hath with (,'UTirURA Soap, and a single ap plication of UUTICPRA. tile great Skin Cure This repeated daily, with two or three doaes of CUTI- CUBA Resolvent, the New Blood Purifier to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pure and unirn- tatitig, the bowel* open the liver and kidney* ac tive, will apeedily cure Eczema. Tetter. Ringworm, PtorianiN, Lichen Pruritus. Head. Dandruff, and every species of Itching 1 Humors of the Scalp and Skir . aician* and all known remedies fail. Will MrDonnld, 2542 Dearborn St.. Chicago gratefully acknowledges a cure of Eczema or Halt Rheum on head. neck. face. arms, and legs fi r sev enteen years; not able to walk except on hands and knees for one year: not able to help himself for eight years; tried hundreds of remedies, doc tors pronounced his case hopeless; permanently cured by CUTICUBA Resolvent (blood purifier in ternally. and CtmctJBA and C'UTICUUa Soap tth* great akin cures; externally. 4’lma. Houghton. Eaq., lawyer. 2RState8t., Boston re|s»rts a case of Eczema under bis obser vation for ten years which covered the patient’s bodv and limbs, and to which all known metUcmI* of treatment had been applied without benefit, which wa*completely cured solely hv the L'uti- CVha Remedies, leaving a clean aud health) skill. UBS®* SftOSStO® 5 SUMTER COUNTY. S HERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—Sumter County. Will be told before the Court house • door, in the city of Americas, Sumter ! county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of I sale: One sorrel mare. Levied on as the J propejty of T. A. Snelgrove, by virtue of | a Superior Court ti fa from Sumter | county in favor of Harrold Johnson k Co. vs. T. A. Snelgrove. 2.15 W. H. COBB, Sheriff. S heriffs sale. Georgia—Sumter County, Will be sold before the Court House door in the city of Americus, Sumter county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale: One number five (No. 5) L. P. Miller iron safe. Sold as the property of the Americus Oil Company, by virtue of a County Court fi fa of Sumter county, in favor of L. H. Miller vs. Americus Oil Company. W. H. COBB, 2.34 Sheriff. Is _frO& ' £R\CV> S Gk- HERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—Sumter County. | Will be sold before the Court House 1 door, in the city ot Americus, Sumter I county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the legal hours of | sale: I One s*eam engine and boiler and fix- I turps belonging to the same, now in tbe | engine room of the Americus Oil Mill, j near the Southwestern railroad, in the j city of Americus. Levied on as the i oroperty of the Americus Oil Company by virtue of a tax fi fa for State and coun- ! tv taxes for the year 1884. j 3 00 W. H. COBB, Sheriff. S ' HERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—Sumter County. I Will be said before the Court House | door, in the city of Americus, Sumter county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in j April next, between the usual hours of 1 sale: Twenty acres of land lying on the east side of the Ellaville rosd h ading from Americus to Ellaville and known as the late residence of W. J Patterson, de- I ceased.and now occupied by Wm. H. Mor gan. Sold as the propjrly of Wm. H. Morgan by virtue of a County Court fi ta of Sumter county in favor of the Savan nah Guano Company vs. Wm. H. Morgan. 3.42 W. H. COBB, Sheriff. A pplication. LETTERS OF DISMISSION Geoshia—SrMTF.ii County. To all Whom it May Concern. Whereas, Amos Las.iter, administrator on the estate of Henry Lwsiter, apnlie. for letters of dismission from the eLtat of Henry La aiter, deceased, These are ther. fore to cite and admon ish all and aingular, the kindred and creditors, to file their ot.j ction io », office on or before the first Monday in June next, the regular term of said Court of Ordinary, otherwise letters of di.tuis sion »ill be granted us prayed for. Witners mv hand and official signature this, the 2nd day of uarch, 18K5 __3.00 A. C. SPEER, Ordinary A PPLICATION: LETTERS GUARDIANSHIP. GEOBOIA—ScMTKK COUNTY. To all Whom it May Concern. Whereas, M. A. Ca'chings applies for letters of Guardiaoshtp of the person and prop, rty of William F., Minnie. Kbett and Jessie Green, minor children, Tnese are therefore to cite and admon. ish all and eitigular the kindred and creditors, to file their objection in mv office ■ n or before the April term of Ur diuary’s Court, to be h. Id on the first Monday in April next, »hy s«id letiers should not he granted to said applicant as prayed for. GivVn under my hand and offici.l sig. nature this, the 2nd day of March ISM. J 00 A. C. SPEER, Ordinary. hi* hand*, head a •>«*. After the i •ulUtion of phya u»ed the OOTirui ha* remained ho I Mr. John Thirl, Wilkeabarra. Ta.. write*; r bottle* Re* tiraly cured me of thi* dreadful di*eaa«." Bold by all druggiata. Price: COTIcnu, 50 eta.; Resolvent, f I; Soap. 25 ct*. Potte* Dbug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Bead lb* “ How to Cure Sklu MUeiaara.” cuti 1 Bath, and Nursery Sanative. Special Mice. Wlieatley^s Corner. Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Comer and buj *1 .'•* splendid aurca** which »tten<ledjour{effortsiln Introducing the aale'of FINS CLOTHING in our c , ha* IndnceOJii* ta bring out for the Spring trade the largest, handsomest and- moat complete line of Perfect Fitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AMERICUS I Theae gooda have been selected wit^ great care and posse*** an elegance of design, beauty of flnla and durability of texture, that few indeed can equal, aud none aurpa*a. In every inatance we GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SaLE We Iiave|a!no a large a\d well aeleeted atock of parfect fitting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear ! And everything In the way of Gent'a Furnishing Ooopa. Polite and atteotlva Salesmen will take [pleasure in displaying theae beautiful good* whether you wish to buy or not. THORNTON WHEATLEY, Wheatley’s Corner, : : : Americus, Ga R. T. INSURANCE AGENT, Everyone who nit* indebted i to the firm of Oliver <& Oliver, are requested to come forward! and settle, otherwise their ac count will be placed in the hands of sin attorney with in structions to sue. We will also state that all work done by us in the future will be for the cash. We will not deliver any OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Forsyte Street, * * - - Americus AGENT FOR THE LEADING C* tor Ogleaby’s time expired and be I work until it is paid for. IN’ THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST HATES. S HERIFF'S SALE. Georgia—Sluter County. ^ ill be sold before the Court house door, in the city of Americas, Sumter county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale: The undivided two thirds interest in lots of land numbers one hundred and seventeen anil one hundred and fifty-one in the Old Sixteenth District of Sumter County, Georgia, and known as part of the Dobb’s old place, now’ occu pied by R. L. Kite. Levied on as the property of It L. Kite by virtue of a County Court fi fa from Sumter county in favor of Savannah Guano Company vs. R. L. Kite. W. H. COBB. Sheriff. 3.35 S heriffs sale. Georgia- Sumter County. Will be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Auiericus, Sumter county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale: Forty five acres off the south east corner of lot oi land number seventy-eight in tho sixteenth district of Sumter county, Georgia, to-wit: Beginning at the south east corner of said lot of land and run ning due north five hundred and sixty yards, and thence due west three hun dred and ninety-three and one-fourth yards, thence due south to the southern land line of said lot. Also, fifteen acres in north-east corner ot lot ot land number seventy-seven in same district, to-wit: Beginning in nerth-east corner of said lot, thence running due west on land line two hundred and ten yards, thence due south three hundred and fifty yards, thence due east to land line of said iot. Said two pieces of land being ihe laud on which G. W. Wiggins lived and cultivated the yoir 1884. Property pointed out by J. A Ansley, plaintiff's attorney. Levied on as tbe property of (». W. Wiggins by virtue of a County Court ti fa from Sum ter county, io favor of Etawan Phosph te Company for use of R. T. Bvrd A Co. 7.17 W. H. COBB, Sheriff. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Georgia—Sumter County. Will be sold before tbe Court House door, in the city of Americus, Sumter county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April ne\». a-the property of Rachael Lowe, deceMsed, tl e following properly to-wit; One house und lot on Lamar street, in the eastern portion of Americus, contain- j ing a quarter of an acre, more or less, hounded east uv place of Alice Myers, j west by place of Peter Williams, being j known as the residence of said Rachael Lowe at the time of her death aud situ ated on Lamar st. Also cook stove, beds I and bedding, and other furniture^ Done j agreeably to order of Court of Ordinary. J A PPLICATION: LEAVE TO SELL. Georgia—Sumter County. • To Ab Wh im it May Concern. Whereas, Wm. Tomlinson, administra tor on t state of James K. Driver, applies for leave to sell the realty and persoi alty belonging to estate of James K. Driver deceased, These are t!ierefore to cite and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors, to file their objection in mv office on or before the April term of Or dinary s Conrt, to be held on the first Monday in April next, why said letters should not be granted to s«id applicant as prayed for. Givr-u under my hand and official sig nature at Americus, Ga , this 2d dav of March, 1885, 3.00 A. C. SPEER, Ordinary. WEBSTER LOUN'IY. s HERIFF’S SALE. G EO KG IA—W EBSTEIl COUNTY* Will be sold before the Court house door, in the town of Preston. Webster county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April ntxt, between the usual hours of sale: Twenty-six acres of land off of lot of land number *ixty-six, in the thirty- second district, and fifteen acres off'ef li.t of land number sixty-nine, in the thir.y- second district in sad county. L vied on as the property of Shelby Miller for State and countv tux s for the ve»r 1884. 3 00 DANIEL DAVIS, Shenff S heriffs sale. Georgia—Webbter County. Will be sold before the Court house door, in the town ot Pieston, Webster county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between tlie usual hours ol One hundred and one acres of land ttt' of lot of land number two hundred and one, in the eighteenth district in said county, being the north half of said lot. Levied on as the property of W. E. B ze- man, agent for wife, for M ite and county trtX»*s for the ve»tr 1884. 3.00 DANIEL DAVIS, Sheriff S HERIFF’S SALE. Georgia—Webster County. Will be sold before the Conrt house door, in the town of Preston, WVbster county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual houis of sale: Two hundred and two acres of land, lot number two hundred and four, twen ty-fourth district of Webster county. Also, two hundred and two acres ot 1 nd, lot number one hundred and seventy- three, 24th district of Webster county. Also, one hundred and one acres of land, lot nil in I er two hundred und tourteen, twenty-fourth district, Webster county Also, one hundred and one acres of land, lot number fifty, twenty-fifth d strict. Webster county. Also, one bun red and o M e acres of land, lot number forty-seven, twenty-fifth district, Webster county. Levied on as the pr p^rty of Daniel J. Norman, for State and county tuxes for the venr 1884. 4.40 DANIEL DAVIS, Sheriff 3-66 J. AUSTIN JONES, Administratn Oliver & Oliver. febI0-2ul was a candidate for re-election. Tbe legislature was strongly repub lican, and by tbe right of party precedent Oglesby was entitled to re-election; but Logan, hv sharp and questionable tactics, defeated him in tbe caucus and was elected, j Tbe promise was then given Ogles- ! by that be should be elected to till i Davis’ place; but when tbe time came Governor Cullom formed a s . , Baldwin A Co., one n»>* n combination with Logan and Lieu- 1 R \ wi»*i*r, k«ifh.rr.i ^ I one * ill. pl°“* nn * hnT ,n tenant Governor Han-iltan and was elected Senator, thus cheating “Uncle Dick” a second lime. He REDICED RATES TO HEW ORLEANS new will bare an opportunity to Sale of Unclaimed Freight. Kailmad, unclaiiurd. will bt* charge* on Wrdneidtjr, A«rll 15th. t f cn*r|fe* a not previously paid and yo>»d- removed: J. A. Rein, one c«>tton cm, e e. Itev* Bros, one r«lr liiralvrrar wheel*. II. Robinson, one hdl. u) a**-. J. Iliiine-I* y, one pee cs* In*. Key* A Stephen*, one bdl*. • a*lme. i buggy seal and caahion hardware. > mark*. irk ('legible. LOTT WARREN, Agent. revenge himself upon Logan for bia treachery by appointing some one else to fill tbe Senatorial va cancy; but it may be that party pressure and promises will over- oome Governor Oglesby’s personal Cn11*(* and be be induced to ap- p*ta$ Left*. We dull M*. ROUND TRIP TICKETS, 811.85. GOOD FOR TEN DAYA LOTT WABBER. Agsnt. FOR SALE I Oas stoood bond csrpot, but Unit worn, soataialog about UdrtjrJjards. Xa- | driT«. fain at this eSse. jioMW astl 3 aoxhutiron tub GULLET andLUMMESCOTTON GINS iTh.tSeat 'O-ln. Modal CALL AND SEE ME. WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OR GINS. septl8m R. T- RYRD Bouse for Rent, The Htpwnrr plfwv, on Forrest street, uettr the Public School building, is offer- j ed for rent. There is about one sod a | half acres of ground, good dwelling, out houses and well. Also two stables. Ap ply st this office. janl8tt To Tax Payers. I have now in my hands fi fa* for taxes fi»r ls84. mid unless they are promptly paid I shall proceed to levy upon prop erty to gHtisfvtbe same. Come snd pay up sod save co«ts. W. H. Cobb, March 5. 1885 wl Sheaiff. AARON COHEN, Horse for Sale. A l’ONY HORSE, perfectly gentle snd ante, will work in einple or doubts J B. Blast*. M. AMERICUS, GA. Will m.k. k.m. and V fw.-tl.m or NO 8AI.K. CLEANING, BINDING, REPAIRING AND ALTERATIONS mad* In De tno*t nr roved *tyle*, and *11 gooda damaged l.j me will be t«id tor. Harm* served et the Tuto r*counter ar.d bench for neveral jre«r* 1 yield ro no competition. My «ork will be a* ff.itd a* the beat and twen ty-fire per cent, loser than any comi etlcioo. QLw Mi * Trial I tuoiuossir. A PPLKUl ION: LETTERS ADMINISTRA riON. | Georgia—Sumter County. j To all Whom it May Concern. I Whereis, Emanuel D.ivis having filed j , his petition in my office for letters of ad ministration on the estate of lthods Davis, 1 late of Slid county, deceased, 1 These are therefore to cite und admon- | j ish all parties interested, whether kin- i dred or creditors, to show cause on or I before the April term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in April next, why said letters should not be grunted to said petitioner as pr.iyed lor. Witness my hand and official signature this, the 2nd day of March, 1885. 3.00 A. C. SPEER, Ordinaty. A PPLICATION: LETTERS ADMINISTRATION. Georgia—Sumter County. To all Whom it May Concern. Wher«as, M. B. Council having tiled his petition in my office for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Alexander Autry, late of said county deceased, These are therefore to cite»nd admon ish all parties interested, whether kin dred or creditors, to show cause on or betore the April term of said Court, to be held on the first Monday in April next, why said letters should not be granted to •aid petitioner as prayed for. Witneaa my hand and <>tfi< ial signature thia^thi 2nd d »v of M reh. 1885. too JL C. IPfiU Ordluty* A PPLICATION: LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georg i a—Websteb County. To Whom it May Councern Whereas, J F Stapleton, n lu.o i-H:i- tor w th tie will aiiLiXtd, applies It Letters of DiKiijtMSi>>ii ou the estate i t John Brigbtwell. ritetused, These ur* therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular, t' e kindred aud oreditors, to file their objections in my office on or betore the JuueMerm of 1 Or dinary's Court, to be h* Id on the first Monday in June next, why said letters should not b' granted paid applicant as praved lor, Given under my hand und seal, this the 4th day of March. 1885. 3.00 W. H. COSBY, Ordinary. A PPLICATION: LETTERS OF DISMISSION Georgia—Webster County. To Whom it May Concern. Whereas, John N. Foreman, adminis trate, applies for Letiers of Dismission on the estate of J ine Fore mm, deceased, These are therefere to cite and admon ish all and singular, the kindred ami orelitors, to file their objections in my ofti -e on or before the June terra of Or dinary’s Conrt, to be held on tb*- first Monday in June next, why said letter* shoul I not tie granted to said applicant as prayed for. Given under my hand and seal, this tbe 4th dav of March. 1885 3.00 W. H COSBY, Ordinary. Gboroia—Wepstbr Countv, To Whom it May Concern. Whereas, A. L. Fletcher, guardian, ap plies for Letters of Dismission from nu guardianship «*f H 8. Fietcher. Then* are therefore to cite and admon ish a'l and singular, the kindred ami credit *rs, to file their objection in my office on or before the June terra »»f ’r- dinary’s Court, to be held on the fir> Monday in June rex', why said IO |er ’ should not be gtauteU to said apj l:can M pray *d for. # , . . Qjn • nrwlar flit* linn 1 find I6B • iv«x under ray hand and sea'j 4th il»y uf Man-h, I8S5 .00 W. H COHBY, OrditWT*