Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, March 22, 1885, Image 4

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It GLOVER’S OPERA HORSE Kitnordlrary Attraction • RodotMd b, p„bl li; Appruvt! : Americus Recorder. ' Tkr DAILY RKCORPKB |i*; . very morning (Monday eiorpted). T8* WEEKLY RECORDER, ia published • vary Friday inomln*. IIBKKIPTIOV UATKH. Holly HtsorJer, per month, M' Weakly Kecurdsr, |wiyesi ....feiOO. DAILY ADVERTIRINU HATE*. «11> 11 W| i k |(jTkTi « mi iv • huh. 1.68 ft MOt 4.00 $ 7.00 $ nob 1 Inch,... "ft 1.IW 4 00 in.uo 15.00 *2 *.00 % Column, $1 00 «.(« 6,06 12 00 20.00 -‘v 1 0< 2.06 8.a 4.00 A <1 'ulumn, A00 10.00 lii.O 20.0 w.u 0* 60.00 90.00 Ifto.uo Insertion nnd peclal r*t«** fc for controcts ran l>e made with L. GLK8SNER, Publisher. Local Notices 10.- per line f< *< par llnv for each subsequei Special ratra^for ronlr tha publish H. O. ITORRY, Local Krfltor. TO<^N T » wiaa people have their OailMlar aad ■•Hotter, Mr. M. M. Folsom ia the duly author- wed Collector ami Solicitor for tho Uk- CORDKR, ami all hia huNines* transactions in connection therewith will be duly recognized and accepted by the proprie- tor Chafat. We have juat received a fine lot of Chnfaa at one dollar a peck Ub'iOtt J. A. A D. F. Davenport. Emperor Cigar*, genuine Havanas; twenty-five in a box, at McKenzie's. tf Old Sinner Cigar*. The tiuest import- w**'- a at McKenaie*. Winter gootla at coat. fehisif Davis A Callaway. Secure a bargain to-day, at feblhif Davis A Callaway'*. The ‘‘Monarch" Shirt at $1 (H) ia the beat in America tor the money, and art* •old by John It. Shaw, ‘and don't you forget it** Do not aak for credit if yon are behind ou our beoke. feb‘J0tf 4. A. A D. F. Davenport. Stare Cure for Dyipepaia Pntley*s Malt Whiskey, sold by Brown A French. feb23d«fc wtf BPKCIAL NOTH'K. Grand closing out sale of Ladies I n derwear, embracing Chemise. Drawer*. Gowns. Skirt*. Const-Covers »nd ltridal Setts. We positively don't wish to han dle any more ladle* underwear, and should yon be in need of anything in the above line, you can get them at 15 per cent, lee* than cost, to close out. J. WAXELBACM A CO. Our Pianos and Organ trade having J largely increased timing the lapt nix months, thereby consuming much more of our time, aod requiring all the availa ble space in onr large store, we have decided to discontinue the sale of sew ing machine*. We have only four ma chines left and we will close them out at cost. Call early and secure a bargain. iuch5 tf James Frickbk A Pro •Il’.BsrpIs In a large lot of Lady's Lisle Gloves, Jer sey Stylo—New Goods. Light Colors, on ly 15c per pair. Worth double the price. Nothing like them in the city. John K. Shaw, Metis*. I have purchased an interest in Ja*. Harp's Beef Market, and will be found doing business there hereafter. Thank ing my friends for past favors, I solicit a continuance of their patronage at the new stand. W. H. COBB. Bangls Lace Pins at 10c. Four Grow, or 576, just received. Sold Sixteen Gross, or 2,904, within the past few month* John R. Shaw. Boo notice of 1100 reward. Mr. W. K. Minis nnd wife leave today for the Exposition. Henry McCleskev left yesterday afternoon for a visit to Atlanta and Alliens. Yesterday win one of those kind of days that makes a man want to get drunk on gin cocktails. Quite a number ot citizens ot Bronwood, Smithville, I.eeBbnrg, and other towns came in to see I.ulu Hurst Friday night. John Hickson has unraveled the SOT STRENGTH BI'T AWFCI. STRO.tO. Ml.. I.i New Advertisements. $ioo reward. aecrat af Lulu Hurst’s wonderful and the Library. When the cur- power, blithe refuses to divulge tain rolled «p. it showed Miss Lulu, it to our befogged community. Farr," <1.1, Away With IH« Americus Boy*. . .... I I will pay one hundred dollars reward I ve solved the mystery ot Miss to any one who will arrest, and furnish Lulu's p iwer," said Hr Baker of evid, ’ ncc sufficient to convict, the person ... or persona wbofired my barn on March 17. Marion county, to an Americus niar21dl2t H. C. BLACK. man a few dajsago. “It’s nothing more and less thsn the old fashion ed Baptist faith.” If this solution is correct, it would scctn that there are few peo ple who have the “faith” in the quantity that Miss Lulu has. The audience which assembled at the opera house Friday night win very gratifying to Miss Lulu Manager Atkinson and Mrs. Hurst. The names of tei or twelve well known gentlemen of this city and county were read who were selected for their poweit of strength and “staying” qualities. After a little Editor Olessner, of the Ameri- j talk bv Mr. Haul, the work was s Recorpkr, has nothing but kind begun. The performance was vir* Uev.John Hall, a I’rimilive Bap tist from Huoly ccunty, will preach at the court house to night, ser vices beginning at seven o’clock. Just Received. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF To PRANG AM) RAPHAEL TUCK'S words for the people of Leo county, tuallv the same as the one given B/ISfi Rnl] GOOdS amt tli.v it n« hia 1 i Li. 1 u... —1. — ... - :..i. _ I * and they appreciate it, as his lib eral list of subscribers in thiscoun- ty will attest.—Smithville Enter prise. Miss Lulu Hurst is able to cure here about a year ago, with the exception of more “power" being eliown. A chair was first taken up and passed to a gentleman, who endeavored to hold it when Miss < ROQl’ET TOPS. HAMMOCKS, ETC headache, neuralgia and other com-1 E«lu put her bauds on it. Then plaints, by rubbing, but the trouble two H’isd to hold it, and then as is she always suffers afterwards with whatever complaint she cures. Consequently her father has pro hibited her curing anyone. The sadly out of repair. They puddle the sidewalks and cause considers blc inconvenience to people who do not feel like jumping end are com pelled to wade. The authoitics should start a line of ferry boats, or mend the pipes. Attention Mecliunio ! You are hereby ordered to ap pear at your had at 12:3U p. m., to day, in full uniform, to attend the tusuy as could get a hand hold were ruthlessly thrown around, without respect to either age, beau ty or strength. The umbrella was then brought out and was very soon demolished, WE ARE OFFERING AN ELEGANT tin water pipes ou the i srn side of Cotton Avenue are the ^nUemen „| 10 endeavored to hold it being thrown around from one side of the stage to the other. Ssme one then sat down in a ebai slid Miss Lulu raised him as eas as if lie was a feather. A dozen or so then piled oil the chair and each otuer, but it only required a touch lrorn Miss Lulu’s mag netic hands to raiss chair, men and all from the stage. The bil liard cue was then introduced, and i.atbst sti r.Bs is : Stitiomv, Sms, Ere. DAILY-WEEKLY PAPERS FOR SALE, funeral services of K. A. Cameron, those gentlemen who were experts 1st Assistant Engineer. H. T>. Watts, Foreman. J. L. Tt’fklH, Secretary. Attention. Wide Anakes! You are requested to appear at your hall in full uniform, this after noon at 12:30 o’clock, for the pur pose of joining the members of Mechanics Fire Co. No. 2, in pay ing a last tribune ol respect to the memory of their late comrade, F. A. Cameron. W. M. Hawkks, Foreman. H. C. Storf.y. Secretary. The Order Husnu **. Mr. F. A. Gyles reports his bud ness, in the way of suits made to order, as greatly improving this spring. He handles samp’es for three lirst-class bouses this season, ; and says he can satisfy anybody in j goods, styles and prices. He par- ! SuhsrriReceive*/ for till Rrriixlinils. in its use requested to handle it, j which they did without an v success A YfUCJ A whatever. Miss Lulu then balanced AYjl\ AiLUL'JY, herself on one dainty foot and neld ! AMERICUS GA an umbrella out from her body with her hands, while Cliff Clay endeav ored to pusii her off her balance. Getting a geoct brace he pushed witu all his strength, breaking the umbrella, but leaving Miss Lulu still on one foot, calm and unruffled. Gene Houghtie planted bis daiuty boots on the floor and tried to boss a chair around, but after getting a stunning blow on his proboscis and having his hair disarranged, retired in disorder. Those on the stage were fully satisfied that Miss Lula was a bet ter mas they were, and are quite | anxious to find out the secret of j always and her power. ONLY 5 CENTS PER GLASS. All theories in regard i. it have j will SOON START THE ICE BU8I- To the Front Again I J. ISRAELS, DEALER IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC LIQUORS I BEF.R4. ALES, POSTER, WINE. ( It.AltS, TOBACCO, ETC., ETC. FRESH BEER (IS DR.UGHT CONTAINING ONI PXPI, Two Cigar Holders, One Cigarette Holder, One Cigar Cutter, and One Match Box, TO THE SMOKER WHO PURCHAS ES THE LARGEST NUM BER OF OUR THURBER No. 5 Military Band and Orchestra, McELHETH A HUDSON Prop.,.,.,.. COMM^NCTNO MONDAY, MARCH 234, entitled, ‘ UNCLE JOSH WHITCOMB OR, LIFE IN NEW ENGLAND. ' A Play written to make people limb a t. r „„ S«.'„r r Efficient Com pat y, *t the Present 1 apalar Price* of AdmUaioo. Chain, SJCti. Beaches, lftcis. Chsir. can beieeured wlthcni n i„ at the uaual place*. * ' Tbs management with to state that althoa.K they have cut the price of udmiaaion down to on, fourth their regular price, the* each d!»v wnted will be fall and eompl.te, with all pity 7 m,MlC and ucc#i,onet Ihcidantal to P Entire ebange of bill each night JUST RECEIVED to-day Wilson & Smitii’s, JACKSON STREET, Another lot*of BOSS LUNCH MILK BISCUITS FINE FRENCH CANDIES ORANGES, APPLES. BANANAS FIGS, DATES, PRUNES BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, FULTON MARKET BEEF, PIG8 FEET, DEEP SEA MACKEREL AND CODFISH Also an excellent assortment of Canned Fish fur the Lenten Season. We call your speciel attention to our M0MAJA COFFEE! a rich and correct blend of high grade, whole roaeted Coffee, in bulk, we do to in the fulleet confidence that it will ba fonnd, upon trial, THE FINEST you avar used. We solicit a trial order. Try wr Teas and Spices|! Strictly Pare and Fresh Ground. Oar CANNED GOODS are all of the bait quality, not half jaice and water, bat nolid, whole pecked, both Fraite and Vegetables. (‘ompetin* honaao inay sometime*, for an ob ject, cut ur.der oor prices, but In the Ion* ron w# nave fonnd that wbert our rustomers boupbt at laes thaa our flrurei they found a difference im quantity or quality, which eiplsfiec thr d!6#r- ence in pi lee. Onr motto is : 'Lou etf prim («• •itttnt with pood quality and hontU quantay '' BREAKING THE MtOTOW. ticnltriy asks those in need of been exploded. And nothing but clothing to give him a call before time end science, perhaps, will i*x- j Kllitklmlek. Yacht Claband Killikioick Tobacco, at febSOtf J. A. A D. F. Davkspokt Attsatlsa, Ploalars! 0e e«re and call on me before parch**- ng yoar supply of TobkOOO. I have full line and am acllinf oa-h u selling rsry chf.ip for A. D. R MiKlmif. purchasing, and he 1 inducement to trade rill make it an with him. p’ain the mystery. It i* quite evi dent that there is no humbug about ▲mbroaia fine sat«t McKenzie * AOTICK : AH acciTnnu due us from l*>t year uin>t be paid within the next fifteen days or oatiafActory arrangt-mt ot* made. «tb»-r- wt*e they will be placed in the hands cf »n attorner for imtnediste suit. J. WAXELBAl M A CO. mrlMf ProprietorsNevr Yoik S-t e. .4 Good Box Gone. At 2 l*. M. Saturday F. A Cam eroa died at his father’s residence, in this city. Frank wa* about ge. and had many friends as any man in NESS AND WILL ALWAYS KEEP A FI LL SUPPLY OF ICF.. AND ALSO KEEP FANCY GROCERIES. kid Ulavss. MousqneUire, ten-button Uagth Tan Shadea. (a, red need from #2.75. Font-button BUck nnd T»n«(ff. «1SS: to- j twonlv nine t ears ol Jncwd from tlM. Font-hook. Fonttr • Patent, in T, u,. (c 11.00; iwdvotd from ll.ifi. Jon* K. Shs» | for bis many noble qualities of When it is ukos into consideration lh< mln ^ * n '^ O'* 'lo* 1 * 1 feet that Whiekey is need largely by thoee | caused bv an atlection of the kitl- who eeek ile medicinsl benefiu, the | neys, from which he has boon suf- Purity and n - 'rite of the Whiekiee eold. ; fer '; ng for Mme time, the disease t-comm . cjueetion of gr«. im^runce. proriog ftU , detpiw the et!oru of L V. Harpert Nelson Cooitr Hufiei the best physicians. He w»* »n has been before the public for many tclive snemb * r of Mechanics Fire ayar*. its Purity ie not only guaranteed Companv. being first a<si*laut cn- by the Distiller, hat it commented on by giueer. By his Heath the company s greet number of the most emmeo! loses one of its most useful mem- Tournauirnl Talk. Friday evening the steamer Sumter burst her suction hose while the Mechanics were practic ing. The hose had been used for about eight years with a crack in it. About that long ago Chief Smith ordered a new hose for the the" Sumter, to take the place of the o id one. The new one has been lving Til ST I ay OFFKKIXG CHEAP I HAVE AGAIN' STARTED FREE EiTTNOm Every Dai from 10:30* m to 12 in. Thanking tht* public for their patron- * agT kindly extended to me for iLe peat and reapectiuily aolicit a continuance of 1 CIGAR! BEFORE MAY % 18M. Physic nr, in ths United StttM by JsKI Isxaki, Americas. Gs. Sold A CARD. To all wbs ara suffering from the error* and indmerwuons of yontn, nerron. waaknswa, early dsoay loss of manho**l Ac., I will send a recq>e that will cars too. FREE OF CHARGE This gr*»i rsaiedy wae discovered by a miaaicnkrv tachool every >qcviav at 5 p. m ul 1 pr»y«r in booth*. Sandaa^f-midraaawd masting artry Tuesday night TOO sawaiope to Iks Rxv Joaxra T. Ixmax ' - i A JFsss Fart Cut Americus. He was highly esteemed in ,h * eD * iD<> l,0,,,e ’ ws,liE * for lhe old one i. break, which it finally ! did Friday. The track bas a fall of two fee! and a half. The boya can guage their running powers to that. Invitations to the Southwest Georgia firemanic tournament, to be held a; Americus April 2, have been received bv the firemen in this city. The tournament will be participated in by all the depart ments ot Southwest Georgia, and, it is exi>ecte.l. »ii! be unusually interesting and exciting. It is probable that representatives from the Savannah department will be present, although since its reor ganization as a paid department there can In- no participation.— Savannah News. ISRAELS, Cotton Avenue, Americus, Ga. ; c. ir-Sienil Loobolonr Interest. i FOR SA-uZ I Twenly-Foiir Beautiful Building Lots! THE PIPE AND HOLDERS ARE GUARANTEKN GENUINE MER- SCHAUM ARTICLE. hers. To the bereaved ones we tender our hearl-iell sympathies. He will bo buried at Stewart's Crossing at 2 r M to day. EKLIiiiUl a. Auaarcta Chvbch—Sundae aiuauea. Pisal,r,l Ua aura and rail on me before pnrehaa- a rour anpply of Tobacco. I have a tins nnd am sailing aery cJUtf for cask A. D. B. McKxxxtx i ia paiera to salt Us timss fcr tkhtjtjUya at Vak talk. •dock Baptist Cm Ben—Prayer meeting ever; Thnradav evemr.g at T p u at Watts' Hail. Snn.lay School every Sun lay at PKa. u klCTk. IDmCinca-lUr A T Mnur. Pa*tor the cLtrch every Sucday at 11 a. M . aod 7 P M Praytr meeting every Wedoeeiav eveoiog at 7 o'eltek s?2 0dey School at 9 %) a. m Retired Mr W. H. Cobb b*s withdrowa from the firm of Htrp A' Cobb, butchers, bis cfflciol duiies at Sherifl claiming oil bis time. Mr. Within the corps rat# 1i«iU. kiiuated on lhe S >ath aide of the LanJoom* residence of A. W Soiitb, and nearly opposite the elegant home of Mr*. F L Burke. These lou Lavr street ruuning East and Weet and one North an i Soath, also L«a street on the Ea»t vrhu'h l* the m<>ei faahion- able and desirable ia the city and ia <*on- aidered ;he Boulevard of Americus! Theae loti are convenient 1o cburchaa and achoola, and within ten minute* walk to the cou»t houoe. The natural growth of oak and hickory ia abundant and the eoil level and fertile. TERMS— H*if caah and half on twelve months time with eight per cent interest. Call on A. C BELL and T J BRAN- CUll! i» SEE TIE CASE. Harp will continue the boiineM at diagram of thia valuaUa . ,. , , property the old eund marshal Schupert & Boner, SPOT CASH STOKE. To the people of Americus and thoi* trading in our city, I make herewith tbe announcement that I have returned from my Northern trip, where 1 bought and am now receiving one of largest and beet ■elected etooke of Dry Goode, Drew Goods, Clothing, 8hoe*, Hats and Trim ming*. Notion*, Hosiery, etc., etc., ever brought or exhibited in this city. Most of the goods were bought at auction ami job lots, and at prices that I can afford to sell them for a good profit and then sell goods for lees than other merchants can buy them. My motto in the future will be aa in the past, to make my profits in the pur chase of the goods and give to my coi- tooiei* the benefit of anr and all baru»:o» w biota I buy . D i*. perhaps, not amias to mention that the firm position my competitor* here bate taken in my recent trouble h** •purred me to such an extent that I am determined to do the Cash Dry Good* business of Americus whether it will yield me a profit or not. It ie useless to quote prices. I de termined to sell my goods and I will ,e * T< it to those that will come, inspect and price my goods whether 1 mean buoines* or not. Domestics, until further notice. 1 will cell strictly at Factory coat The Bargain Store in order to accomo date the extensive Spring Stock b** bv*® enlarged and ie one of tbe largest a* w* 1 * aa the neatest in the city. With a determination to sell and ple**« at any coat, a large selection and stock o all descriptions, a polite and alteib™ corps of elerki to wait upon iU custom ers, the Bargain Store, thankful for patronage, extends an invitation to all to | call and inepeot their slock, satisfied tt>» 1 it will be to your interest to do »o Respectfully. S. M. COHEN. Tbe Bargain Cotton Avenu*. opposite Bank Americas, Sign of Ked Flag. IEHCEr,llTE8 TO.«» OILEJN ROUND TRIP TICKETS, 811.8& GOOD FOR TEN DAYS. LOTT WABRER )«*“' JPOR SAl>^ r ' , # lift!® On# aaeonJ kaad aaryaC b ‘ tl p. vran. aontaiaiof akoul UunjJj qnira at tkia oAs.