Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, March 31, 1885, Image 2

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Americus Recorder. w. I>, OLKI«!IKR. Krtllor. Organ or Sumter County. ~ Official Organ or W elisler County. ’ TUESDAY. iW.tllt'H :l1 ' ‘* a ‘ Macon bat raised liv tubsetip- j tion the required $lO,nOO to insure the bolding of the State Fair there this fall. band rent in the Island of Jersey I is f 43 per acre, while in some parts of Georgia 43 acres of pretty good ; land can be bought outright for that sum of money. The negro voters of St. I.ouis threaten to desert the grand old party in a body. It appears that 1 the negro is becoming more than ever a problem in American poli ces. The civil service examiners are having their hands full wherever they go just now. The boys throughout the South are liberally patronizing the government school masters. It is thought that the mortal end of General Grant is near. While we have never been an admirer of the General, we are sorry to see suffering, misfortune and death overtake him at an age when he should be enjoying the fruits of his labors. The authorities of the Central Railroad at Macon are expecting the arrival of the Wadlev mono ment on or about May 1. It will be erected at the intersection of Mulberry and Third streets, and will be a worthy tribute to the memory of the late President. President Cleveland has been invited to visit Atlanta during the session of the Commercial Conven tion in that city in May, and he has pronaiaed to talk to his Cabinet about it, saying that he should like UROql'ET TOl elnoulyi^ Shares lit proport I HH1 °o **•0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. T. I» powder never ratio-. A mart el of j urltj •trench an«l whol#*nn»*ne«#. M<»r# economical than the ordinary kind*, and cannot '■** aol.l tu com pet l<>n \\ i> h the multitude of low te«t, oln-rt ■roioht alum or phosphate powder*. S>l'l only in in "*: rtOYAI BAK1 No 1‘OWDEK i'<\ 106 Will) 0> r Mt. N*w York. deeByl. Sfl0i s TOltn / H;,t *5r< a * e *icus ca. KINK AalsoR I MINT PHAN'. AND KAI’llAI.I.TIVK : MSS®* Louisiana State Lottery Co. | “ We (to hereby certify that ire supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Company,and in person man age and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with hon esty, fairness, and in good faith toward al. parties, and we authorize the Company to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our j signatures attached, in its advertisements.* WE A HE OFFERING AN ELEGANT ,v\oh b CONTAINING -&A C ‘ ani £ R\CV)S Gfk- R. T. EYED, Base Ball Goods, HAMMOCKS, ETC., F.Tl i a jam »n i H r to visit the South, and to do any thing that he could to make the j reconciliation of the two sections of the country perfect. The nomination of Normau J. Coleman, of St. Louis, for Commis- : sioner of Agriculture, is one emi- I nently fit to be made. Mr. Coleman baa been identified with the agri- ! cultural interests of the country for over a quarter of a century as editor ol an agricultural pa] er, and will bring to his oflioe a large fund of practical information. Hon. Ignatiua Donellv late Con gressman from Wisconsin, claims that he has found beyond doubt that Francia Bacon was tho author of Shaktpeare's plays. He worked DAILVWREkLY PIPERS FOR SUE. sept 18m out tho discovery by a study of the 1 arrangement of the paging in the first published edition of the plays, which arrangement, he says,consti tute* * cipher that discloses the auth or. Mr. George W. Childs, of Phila delphia, has sent his check for $1,000 as a contribution to the fund being raised in Baltimore for the relief of the needy Confederate sol diers. This generous act is highly appieciateJ by the society, and agaiu illustrate) the liberal spirit ot tbit benevolent gentleman, who in bestowing nis gilts, knows no Kaat, West, North or South. Such meu are au honor to any country INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK. Forsyth. Street, .... Americus Ca. ONE FIFE, Two Cigar Holders, One Cigarette Holder, One Cigar Cutter, and One Match Box, TO THE SMOKER WHO PURCHAS ES THE LARGEST NUM BER OF OCR THURBER No. 5 / CoinmUsloucra. T*«rpo» i n reierv* uf over #550,000 has since been added. Bv an ovi i wilt-lining poinil .r \ r- it n wifi made it part of the pic sent State Couatitut on adopted December 2d, A. l>., 1879. Th* only Lottery *r*r t r4t< I on anti tmfontj. ly the />'ople cf any Stair. Jt n*v*r fairs nr postpones. Ita Grauri Single Number Drawings take place mouthy. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. KOI Rl II GRAND DRAWING, (’LANS I>, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. April J4, 1883—179th Monthly Drawing. CAPITA!, rillZE, ST5,flOO. 100,000 1 iekets Sit Five Dollars Each. Fractions. In Firths, In Proportion. LIST OF ITIIZES: 1 CAPITAL I’llIZK STS,WO 1 do do V5,0()u 1 do do in,ikK) 2 FRIZES OF 0,000. 1.M«KJ 6 do 2,000, I".0)0 0 do 1,000 1' ,<ii) 200.. , 2".G' 1.907 Pi 1*0*, amounting t‘> f-6 ,M) Application for rate# to < ut>* should n.n- « onlvto the office <-f the Company in N< w Orle;tn». K<»r further Informnti' n vnte «- i«*n: 1 •.. . full address POSTAL NOTES. F.rpr. Monev Orler*. or New Y rk 1.x hang.- 1 • • mry letter. Currency by Exj r»s* (;»'l kim* ul # j ’ml upward at our exi-ci.wc) siddre-s*-.; M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La, or M. A. DAUPHIN. 607 Seventh St., Wnalilugton, D. C. Make P. O. Money Orders payanlc and addr * Reristered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK New Or lea u*. La THE SI IEM E OF LIFE. «.\L1 $1 l tGW ,HYSELF.i._ | a Great Medical \l»rk mi MaiiliDiid. I ' Kxbanate*! Vitality, Nervous and Pliy’ bility premature !>«*< Hm* in Ilian, r Youth, and the w .told miseries.resulting discretion or caec.-ses. A l-'ck young, middle acre end old. it c> veriptione tor all a ut-’ ml < hrot. onc of which is Invaluable. £•> lound I | tbor, xvboae experience or 5W fear* ! pr.b.b’y never b-tore :• 1 '«• Hi- l"t- el.iu. 3G0 juigi* lmund la b« willful E> cm’" t*ed covera. fail n work in everv m-in-h: I rofcsaional —th auy otl I . Stations, Seals. Etc. Subncriptions Received for <tli Periodicals, AGNES AYCOCK. AMERICUS. GA. maich'.X’ml 75 BARRELS IN THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE Ll >WEST RATES ALiBO AGBNTtFOR TIIE GULLET andLUMMES COTTON GIN?, Tho)3ost , Grlu« Made ! C ALL AM) SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OK INSURANCE Oli GINS R.. T. T^YR-D CIGAR! A woman's will has long liex n recognised to be llie most potent of anything earthly. anJ the case oI Mias Becky Jones is but another proof. Some six months ago this ancient maiden iaiiy was cal e>l upon to teatify in one of the New Tork coarts; but speak she would not and did not, and was thereupon aent to jail for eoulempt of court. Incarceration made no impression upon her will, and the court was compelled to discharge her from ouatody, thus verifying the lines : Wht«e woman will she will, you may ,if|>«n l on it. AnJ when she wont she wont, anJ that's th. end on it. It ia strange, but nevertheless a hot, that genuine Perinue tobac co only grows on a ridge situated about one mile fr< in the Missisiip- - pi river, In 8t Jame* parish, La., and that said ridge ia only about two mile* wide and seven miles in length. Tobacco will grow in any part of the State, but it U on this 0D iy that the famous Perique ia anltivated. The average crop i* about 76,000 pouode. Louisiana PROTECT VOIR FBI IT TREES ! AARON COHEN, IMPROVE AND SAVE TOUR FRUIT C. W. Wfsllirwilk’s .Veil Insertirnlc. “VICTOnY." 'I’he pront Spitif.t Hfiiich l«*t il»«- (. u> u i ’ * "d* n.C Molh. li-r.r, ( . kfi'Waiir. B.d.W Aplritlen W.wtly Aphin,Tluw IK NO »«!%«- BUti. I: pr« \ mu Ihr Fruit front Diuppin* ft. Kottit v, lb- omma Knotty. Wormy, Ktr. - i.tdion (viiaraotcwd if the dinctlon* are followed If the •VICTORY" fail* to ben. tit th* tree* and money "ill JefindaL lb*. Fader 25 pound, 1 wtlont . ;., n i*>ck.t» •eriptivt eirrulnr I •*>•*! I BEFORE MAY ± 18S5. ^ The"Science o( Life aboubl for ln*tr .• tlo„. mid by tin nffli ted for i will U-neflt all.—London f*nc«t. Tltei* U im> u.eniU-. of aociciv to « Seienc. of Li.ewill u .lb. ... eU.* r 5 • Uh parent, f, inaira !«>r or elerjj ifonxut. Addreae the lV*’-odv Medic G In- I'i W. II. l’arkrr. No •* BtilUncb Wro M ' \ .tnrifig -k . ' ! HEAL'j i'irSS * "‘TH YS E Li Mention thi* paper. ,,u ' AMEHICrS, («A. Fault and Vest*, and gtiarantif com|-let* -xii* faction ..r NO SAI.K. CLEANIN'!;. HINDINtJ. IIE! ’ AI It IN f; AM) ALTEHATK >N> ii.. ,.i if nder ll*i* l'*e th. M>ion* allowed. ‘ An -tt* r th«u a pound of VIt poit Y“ in April l n»a*lia»t •m t ■ yen* I > i d I., no coni|>.'titi<>n- ri' c per «,nt. i. w. r i ban any * or petition. Live Me a Trial! n.i.MJmd AARON COUF.N de'troy n Kr 1- * 1 * of inaw't- nn«1 rm- your fruit nd protect y. nr tree*. N- hurtful t.i the i -rnuda. but quite l^neli ia! to tieve. xtm*. plant* rd vi getatiou. | Addreee, i.« tt KSTRRi'OK, ('.ft b«U ro. K.K . latte of Wilton N\ r er if, W» *• n N. C.J marrfalt«3 ‘Dick Mieiis. j AY. J. Phillips & Co. JUST RECEIVED AT G. W. GLOVER’. 8100 reward. BAKERY. I will pay i nr bnnilr^il ditllarn reward to any one who will arres*. and furnish evidence atirticient to ooovicl, the pt-reoji or persons who lired iuv barn on M.irch 1 •. mar»ldl‘>t * ll C. BLACK. TAZ NOTICE. Mr Hook* »»U be ..peu*i for |Le parpos* i«*. eeivtof the la* Be un>. ,.f »*« ' »e couaty f«w Mate and i ounty, - u April 2i «l. ISO. I can be foaa l at lh- eoail h »u e wtery way u .id itoa of bookvCnleu aHwat makLiia niy muni*. In*** »*k. joat ittaraa * aar j a* no** We «a4«tr J a i sOriKL. |f, T R *. CN ltd I Kmt\ one who are indebted to the firm ol Oliver cV Oliver arc requested to come forward and settle, otherwise thi'ir ae- cotint will he plact'd in the hands of an attorney with in structions to site. We will > lso state that all work done by us in the future will he for the cash. We will not deliver any work until it is paid for. Oi.ivki; & Oi.ivek. fehlOtim Saif oflnclaiiiieil Freight. THE 1‘ll’K AND Ht.LDKl S ARE (It ARAN THEN GENUINE MEIt SUHAUM ARTICLE cm AM) SEE THE CASE. Cotton A venue % A meric tts,Ga. rbtSn.3 To Tax Fayers. ; I have now in my tund* 6 fas for tax* a j for 1HH4, and unless they *re promptly paid I ahiil pn>cee»I to lt?vy npon prop erty to aarisfy the tame. C ome and {ay up aadaave co«ia. W. H.Cosb, , March 5. US5 wl Shteiff . UK* U A. W hxcU-r, half h«rr, I Cider. i)*c !«dL »k»* *, on* t « x , i.onuiki On# Purl* m*ik t>>HlbU- jrarrMi d. l*)Ti W $rWK!f .|* |*M. Sctaimerl 4 Roney, SPOT CASH STORE. MITCHELL’S EYE-SALVi-! Sore, Weak 1 liillamed yes, 0 l.omj- \i‘ihtrtlnr** 9 /•**' ttorittff th’ Sif//*f o/ thr ota. ! Cl‘HE.4 Tl’AH i.U«*I*r*. OHaNUL jSTYI.K Tl * • !>. 1:5 5» *-V i ' NI , KYK LAS . K- A NO I * K • M i i i’INo 1 1 D ,v KLLI'.E AM l’KUMANKNT CM.K - r • Salt Kbourn. Burn*. J’ * «-r « ba»« v*r i t a. t»t-. mITCIIMJ.’S .-AI.VKil.v’ f t advan's.e. , - .d I y all I rn. gi .*»-t’-■••' e. t» CONSUMPTION. 1*! Kit) .* of c . - ,»,tin:hjt»b«iitti'»‘i-o i'tw.V H or. I' 1 :aSSS'lyii.*»«i.ava»y r i>Kv,|. ;*" ~ “t “SSI*, a.'.uiv'a.’i.i r-.*. >■ • Come and See ns at Hart's Old Slant I.H. WIGGINS & CO. U K KKEf A I I'M. LINK si- (IRtll'HIrN (IF .III ll* FANCY AND SIA1I.K. Fine Whisky an I Hinex a S|»ftial'.L We a’eo have a liAK connect. J" 1,11 our busings where gen fiml the very best W bt»- ky, Beer, etc. We now have tn a f" 11 iue Dry GotxU 1 , Eoots, Shoes, HATS, ETC. Give us » call »nJ wr wil nrpr ‘*'' 1 ” ,B M*hll , ml YOar ' 'iVwiO 1 *iU S A c0.