Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, April 02, 1885, Image 4

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Americus Recorder. ! ,U L • The DAILY RKOORftXft |«« nrrjr Morning tMotuUy ahcwptH). Tb# WKKKI.Y It Kl'Oltl»KH. !•; puhllrhM *»rr> rriiUj momliifr. ■ (IIIMNirTION HATKS. DoUv UtHoidor. |«#r muni |i. N*»' Weekly Mer«*r»ler, |H*r y•«r f** w - IIA11. V A I* V Kit TIAI Hill lt*TIC*. | Tlio farmer* will now lx> hurried to keep .ill ends up. The line warm weather of the past few days has maile vegetation boom. 11> l ■ XV | III w inch. W f I.' «• t * O' 1 1 Inch,,.. 74 IN* * '" I \ « t'oluniu ) Column. Don’t fail to nail Sohmnpert A Honey's new lulvertisement It is abort, but very loin!. I innortinti iiikI | Vrini't uni. mill thorough broil Jornov yearling lieif- W I,. ULKHSN I II. VuMi-her. II. V NTOItKY, Ii«rtl Editor. | era, one to Dougbia Mayes and the | other one to TO JVN TAIilL. yle) Mr. M. M Folsom i* th# duly author i«o«t (\dl#otor unit Solicitor for the Uk iMHOKii, Altai nil hie hu«inrtu trunsactiottN in connection therewith will l»«* iluly rtuogmml anil accepted by the propno* Tlio Amkiucia Kkcoiipkk lias been admitted to the list ol tlr»t ela*s papers by being subjected to a leu thousand dollar libel suit.— Atlanta Constitution. \, tor Ambroau tin# nit at McKcu«ic * Mrs. M. T. Kiam leaves York for home on the sixth. She brings with her an extraordinary tine line of goods, which will be sold low lor cash. See her adter- liscment. The new Presbyterian church is receiving its finishing touches, and when completed will be the hand Kmpcror t'i^in, Rcnmnc H.ivannn, 1 so meat church nil flee in Southwest Fr#ah b##r on draught, Arc glaoa. at 1 11 tVigginN A tV«. cots per *5d8t iscul\ Aic in a box, nt M- ki tmo \ tf AllfHlInu, I’luulfr*l It# sure an»l caII on me before puri'hss- ng your Mupnly of Tobacco. 1 bar# n I full lint* Atni miu Aclhng rcrj, cAc<>/> for A. 1>. 11 Mi Klmik. | cash lllrulluu |n«ul(iit II# stir# mill call on in# before pnrvban- luc your supply of Tolnuvti I h*r# * full line Atiii sin *• lliug tv r > rh.iy* f t cAAh. A IV B Mi Kknuk. A C ARD. To All wh# Ar# suffering from th##m>is An<l initiAcrciions of youtu, nervous w#*kn#««, early decay loaa ol manho<Ht Ac . 1 will Mend a recipe thAt will cure you, F&RB OF t'HAUGK. Thia gr-*a« remedy a as ducoieitil by a tuisaionari in South AuiiruvL Send a sell -addressed #m£i I 1> I AW ?£* cST* T I aavelhf work of culling ihc you- Oar Piano* end Organ trad# having *o largely increased dating the la«t an ntvintha, thereby aonnuning much lucre of our lime and requiring all the «eaila* bl# space id our Urge atora, w# bar# decided to diACv>ntinue th# male of sew ing tuachituv W# have only four mt- chin## left, aud we will elo*« them out at cost. Call early aud secure a bargain mch** tf J in a# Fkkxkn A Hko , pons of its bond tug hot weather Dawson, March 31.—The Stand*j ard Dramatic Company arrived in ! our city last Sum lav, gave an en tertainment at Halt’s opera house! last night and wilt give another to- | night. Their audience last night w as small on account of the revival going on at the Methodist Church. Our people are fond of entertain ment and amusement, but will not Bro "- thin week »old two a ||„ w UllMll to conflict with tlicir . religious duties. For instance, two young men, clerks in the same store, wrote notes to the same young lady yesterday, one asking her to aocotu, any him to the tliea-* i tre, the other asking tier company ] to church, and sent the notes at | the same tune, but by different bays I happened to ho present when the answers were received and permitted to read them. One ran thus: ‘ Von will please excuse me. 1 do not think it right to at tend theatres while the meeting is in progress. Otherwise would accept your kind invitati n." To the other she wrote: I will bo pleased to accept your company to church." Both the young men acknowledged that the lady had raised herself twenty per cent, in their estimation, and both went to church. What an influence for good could our young ladies exert over our young men it they all had the firmness an.I moral courage the one in I’lestion li:,s I'rof .looms hit thi> aiternoon for riiotnasville, to witness, to night. the nuptials of his friends. Miss Mamie Chain's, former music teacher i f the South Georgia Male and Female College, and a gentle man Irom Burke county, name not known to the writer. Mi Lloyd B. Parks, of Atlanta, after rein rilling w ith relatives ill our city several days, and selling 1 many goods to our mocha its.' re •limed to his home today. Miss Nettie Allen, who tins Iven enjoying a visit of several weeks with her sister. Mrs. .1 G Porks. Toiiriiiimriil Talk. Mr. A. T. Oliver went up to Bartlesville Tuesday to inspect Wide Awake s new reel. One ot the Montezuma team teas down yesterday watching the home team practice. The Cutlibert company lias noti fied the department that they will he on hand. The list of companies who will le present, so far as known, is ns fol lows; Stonewall. Giillin; No. t. Macon: Pula-ki. Ilawkinsvl e; K B Voting an I t Ichurnes. Fnfmla: Tnronatoeska, Albany; Cutlibert; Alert, Montezuma. C0RT1CELLI JUST RECEIVED TO-DAY Wilson & Smith’s, IN SKEINS JACKSOM STltEET, Another lot of BOSS LUNCH MILK BISCUITS FINKFKE.N II CANDIES. OHAXOKS, APPLI S BAN ANAS Fins. DATES, CHUNKS, * ‘ ' I.allies mill Miss'* Hals at IOi ALL COLORS! ItrUurcit from IOf ! BUCKWHEAT FLOUH, FULT'i.N MAHKET BEEF PKis FEET, DEEP SEA MACKEREL AND CODFISH- JOHN R. S1IAW Also an ex 'ellent asiortment of I'aimrd Fish for the Lenten Season. 1 We call your special attention to our MOMAJA COFFEE! That 1 am soiling a Fine S'.might Whiskey. Spring of *83. for $2 00. feh25iul A D IV McKenzie a rich and correct blend of high grade* whol** ronstpil C in bulk, we d.» so in ! the full*at coofMeni!# tlint it will be found, upm trial. THE FINEST you ever used# We solicit a trial order. Georgia, if not in the Stnle. The workman?hip is line unci displays the best Usle. Aaron Cohen rt eeivetl a letter a fear days ago addressed to him in Care of his defa'diing clerk. .Mevers. The writer evidently «uppos»d i!»st .s' the istv* Mc\ii- a as shipping goods l.e must in* proprietor of the stou ami Cohen Ins clerk XK\V ADVKRTISF.MKNTs. Mrs. i T. Elam Try our Teas and F Strictly Pure nod Fresh GrounJ Tlif (jnaliti of thf Silk is Our CANNED GOOD* are all of the best iju litv, ii*-t liMlf juice and wnur. but *-olid, whole p;tck#*d, both Frui's and Vegetables. njr it. MFC 11 BETTER The AMEHitTS lt*:t u;i*KK having been sued for $10,000 worth of libel, entieits its subseril>ers to come in and pay up. This would The Sixth of April! bh|*-h rjti.1* :ie • !. Aud will brine with her tin than that ronmnnly sold in Skeins or on Cards. The To the Front Again ! J. ISRAELS, during tilt' coin- -Griltin N<w. LtTEST MIVKLTIHS l\ HITS! Mingo tiU/e wddrcsst'.l s very pat hot io note to l'r. Hall from bis b»»rding house st the nil yester day, wr.iniiug some snake killer *nd » rolled wuli ruboeron it. He says COLORS ARE ALSO BETTER. DKALEK IX IMPORTED an.1 DOMESTIC LIQUORS! Fiufst (ioods iii MiTu ri cier stdd in Am ricus.' HKKRN. tilts. POIITftlt. WISE, < It. Ills. IIIRU I O, FT. .. ET. . Stienir Gold, lud his rabbit foot on of our city, returned to her borne in Americus to-day, to the teg ret him, but it wasn’t worth a i HI Dll IIEER ll\ IIIIIKilU' Wb#n it it Uk#a mts* ooMiduaUtMi the fact that Whtok#y i« us#*t largely by thy-*## who a##k ita ui«sticinal t>#r)#A(a, the tXarity and r *nu of th# Whukica #old. (*#y'cin## a <|a##uca of groat mi)vrtanc# L f. Hintfs Nelson Cointy Whiskey haa l*##n b#(or# th# public b*r many eyara. iu Purity i« Hy*t only guamnlctsl by th# IbatilUr, but it Cv*UHu« nt«sl on by a great number ot th# m.*at eminent Phyai«iana ta th# Vmtal Stat#a Sv*ld by Jaxk Iskui. Aa>#rw'u<k via. (.HOD OPIMM. NKW ITtIRK tVU tK 11 open Then;ton Wheatley d.ato * t. th# l«diea that hi* new atsM-e i* n Aid ready for baaiaaa* He La* liAnyl«t*tue*i and beat arranges! * *n the city, while the good* ate the latrat. and s'ksMs'eet a* well a» the cheaprat ih*t -an he found in thi« market. e art* Dstw offering auras* umi* in all depart wentv but would mertion esjvvully at thta limes the large*! an.t prettieat K't sU Hamburg K.lg ng* fh'm the great gv'iern meat a«le fv>c under vaUiattoa. Mi buyer wa* ttere. and the g*v\!« are heuv I\* met tail to examine them Tb# t'Kithmg and ShsV Department aenoa tull. ansi atU be fc«»sl in the sNirwer atsire. Ladn* IVjNartuuct ;n it ** new at sire. A s**ll »* Osdiv'ited mar&u Tmv U\tv\n "Himn Miw I.iiIii'ii Pan eta. The publication oi the com muni I cation in ycaterday a Kkoordkr in regaixl to Mias Lulu a wonderlul power emtftl quite a diacuauion on the at recta a»d in the atorva. Many were of the opinion that the expose wa* a complete one. while I other* contended that while a«»mr of the trieka might lv done bv the peculiar power of a leverage. Mi*» j Lula did not retort to ml Si a method in difing her work—in I other worda, they firmly belie\e\l in her power. In IVnvneaboro and Thomaavtlle the same opinion held by our correapondeni »s .a Ha need by them, ansi in both place* they are making arranjemee.s to onpli cate all the trick*, ths'*** at Wayne* boro ha'mg aueceeiie<l. we heiie\o l* aeeai* very Oiid. to aay *.h« least, that Mias Lulu could >o aihws*. fully dupe the people *s> l^ng. if ahe ha* dujnd them of her many friend*. Miaa Kul* Uesvi, niece of Mrs II Kogera, reiurned thia afteruoou to her home near Xewnan. Dr. T. A. Chap(iell, of Bronwood, is in the city to day. Mr. II. 8 Lee. who went to Cof fee county recently to remain a week, returned \c»tetda\ aftet an absence of five wet ks. Sam is cer tainly fond of Codec. M eather tint; buds burating; fruit tree* bIsH>mmg; I'lnl* and spring ha\e sprung. J. A F. HATS! C0RTICELLI .\LWAYS AND ONLY 5 CKNTS PKR GLASS. Evcrvthiiis Stridli fur the Ousli! •W-IS : WILL HK)V >rvl.T THE ICE IV> NESS AND WILL 4LW YS KEEP A H td. M iTLY Of let A No A L**u KhF.P *rv-kh titrd.o i pnlllf J A A l* F D*\ k.Nl\)KT. 11 r. *f Pi#ryibiBg u nit b# ^*1.1 bi apnllif J . ke Drug aud S#«d ..c< a^ s'h#an a* anybsvdy A l' F l\av oni\'RT. ttl\U H4l M 04 THF ftIK 4t\ a. w iUkBUH a ra ksv l onvJiy* paewMaaUy ibF.uIu h aid tvlrwiir^i r»*jvBtiK*r all do »a*»* sir %N*mplt.iaii-ma as t • kK'k may ana# !rv*m tk# :rab> (wtta yrv» awMsi by ^s %* ki«iO#a#i A l'a , aa «W« Drxia ftsCtUMi# T w# .ws bf ail lk* iU» wkvk iw tmu u bear uv kul wt jir.'pvw u* m;:igat< o •vU wkvk U» t*k#e r,\-’ rm*4#l a >tap*w v > b<igkl aci i* sV pMfWR.M* tv^au. tk# TX*gk s % ' Eaa«» PiM*» f Aw wltsVfsi si.a if Ivi p«av t al silt S'fx'rtiwl UK MI a»*t Kvw ia t»fc|«ny awd *kK-k MITSS Silt., I'vt Its Pi IK. OS, .IsKISIK, tv, ,.slsll. ss^l its ntl »i v*:,- ” ^ *1 s, JiN-i-r. u,: to it* psopi, * t It* otty oi A se<■*».-c* *,J s«*t«uj nuk u*. * #»** l> Kt«sr pv.t: «.*o s, • Itn ilsi.HJ Kiffft o< it*«r tsr.i *■,». is*. Mvt {Its It.* » fc-.t sis! *s« I*sl t« <*oi uJ ***** tfvai sut n X»i u IWrv si*> « st* 1W1* .J—> >\.,B> S to M»t tO ISll.t* s> Itrt*t** sissy. V* .SI* 15*1 J*J si* i. It* imi rsjioc Look si tk* Kjt .'«< I, * It .Ilf of ItoatoHir. t'n tin- return ui|> tr >ui liio F 1 po.ilion tLo I’otusm It Ses ad<1 sho once Vo Americus Fight I u l.alrv site •wtie-l in ll.e Min e couch, the for mer sere m,s:r_ ui.. ng mertv over * .’!e »lT»ir oliK'ii litiviHce-l to v'ne of lh« ir cow|v,nv lie s c nv to the rsi.iot-i ,ge,l vo get hi, ticket st,ni|K.i .i olrvl, "he long , ’.1.1, g.xsl for*' ■ Tnree repliol ;he ,genl. Weil, sr.en ,, '.he ,i.ree >1»., ou.V he »,ke,l Mi Ii.en.l, r\piled ihe sgent.' You've iu>: x* much line »o figure fhnt v'ul *, 1 h»\e. Tl.e A l 1 N'i* overheard ihe con versiVkt *r 1 Iving ign>r»c; >>' the f»es ihtv oae or vi e K fle N\v, »s, '.he suFiiCt. Ben J.wssv said. "«iil. tii*: s», , Kg ;,s'i ^uitvioa , to*sk l'crh»v-i G S»,. repii.evi , vice id' '.he K.fif host. " t>u; m, , fiKh l I o vhe c*n th,’. n Ttv nece vhtv fosioaevl .'An is; .. ... . . - A . Vhe i*ugh i.:t*slel, »|> tuikNU *erv cle ,:i trouiKi is i ihe K'_v > parted o* I e Fe«; ed term, «nh e»oi other l et u« have a Test. Avfzxict , April Uv 1 >>o. Ms FioiTvR Nobud v should u:ge spve'via: ol jection, if vine e'r m >re of the l.ulu Hurst victim, should desire to expdsin lies it vis th»t he or they sere C'mi>.'li-d to dvneo * specie, of C*o-Csn to the infinite smuse-ment of, hilarious audience: neither should they of i et to the views expressed vs to the nature ol the motive p wer l>v which the dauc' s «, iav :« i It wa, fun .maka'Urat e to the » ii atch the gv latior.s of ;! e geutieuieti ar. I *L ,eg.n era movLai.n'.s sou .I h»\e d no no discrevlit to the grace >l I inir. v-*c es of the old p-igevin-aag Tnea.ileo>e «.;i rvaiKmlver to have Ken favored s j addre,s<s from Messrs. Uawkuis. and Giav aa.i in si,v> r t. jguvd vlo ^ueace ».> sere alv,^vi ;ue sh.'e b.:> i.ess wv, 'v.i.... >n tie extreme anti that F i!u sv, a dan.1v Nos these <*xi gen'.iex>a tCsl u< the »uo'c ti ;ag .> .. ... >_ iag iagg>-v s *e fair Lulu » fraud. T#e ditti.-u v .1 reeoa.:.- iti these . - i \ -. ALL COLORS. FULL and SELECT J-IUELS . Aa*»ricji, THE SEASON nPE.NED KBoLEMLi: l\!i KtFAiL liiHllVS. Trv II. Base Balls and Bats -T BKvTJVKD At MRS. FRED LEWIS' SEEDS THE BEST SEWING SILK MADE! I HAVE A Liu i ii IN\ v EIYFPALA1 'R E OF PUREFRESHSEEDS f:- MW VMK ar,>KK t * mmiuzst*. Mn Fnr* tor >) Kfeyia b Haft Wtiske.. #dd by #hMda«tf sxi Preshv lert«H »d e* of ;hf I'rv'hv lertan are -equesie I to meet a. the ertreh this c.eoi-'g at three »» may p-rvMat ;he«s i for the Vh a K.kXY Ti« Char. . .a.a i .1,. Etjt f.T Silt:: Ml-:; Si*4 ::t Flu L;iir. rtfilLi fasti. rni i.n .'; in . THE FRANK! IN v A ’U VRE I KV ' \ 1 it OPENED. A 'l . >. KlUEIts v.vX MAKi ' . .. N' fn >H r.-.ikv *5.(10 H CHIJI »<n j'tv'pft hbea; .Lc U . ;s:<rca: x d »xn I'fkwk^.k kixlz of o«r v m 2 si ii tre »ivi tti <s* L_ r *Lt n ). ti r.ttvi r ! , • \c: S. b#-* * l\ la; a »-»hf i; of k v: J A. i* D. F. DA YEN FORT, LkHAS STREET. FORSYTH STREET A CARD AV.ERICUS. • GEORGIA. ; h, i