Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 02, 1890, Image 1

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' WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. & Thoimmonso amount of trade enjoyed by us the past week has been highly satisfactory. In a groat many instances wo havo been UQablo to ; «ait on all of the trade, but wecUa our beet, os we always do, end those pustomors who failed to got waited on may rest assured wo ' did all in our went for Todd by* UtUe over 300 now thorougmy overliaui^a, Drill- t ho freo and undisturbed exercise ^Walll^«W|%*of3n>)n^«rt lauU, I ghWandluanrlantl, fur- „ f hh , ltv ,. fn ,„,|,i.e lu „t power to sorve every one prompt ly and satisfactorily without rush ing them through. The coming week we will offor exceptional values in Black Goods, Silks, Velvets, Henrietta Cloths, Broadcloths and every thing in tho Dress Goods lino. Wo are very 'much crowded for room, and in order to got it will mako you prices that you cannot fail to appreciate. The people of Americas have long since found out where to get what they want in quality, stylo and price, and of course tlioy como to us. That we appreciate this to the full extent can bo scon by look ing ovor our stook and getting our prices. Magnificent lot of Novolty Suits, opened yosterday, which wo ore selling at $7.60, Worth anywhere from $10 to $12. Big lino of colors. Look at our Black and Colored all-wool Henriettas at 60c., 76c., 89c. and $1.00. WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. New - Quarters, Artesian Block (opp. well) Large stook of Sanitary Goods and Globe,. Angle land Check Valves. .Guage Cooks, Guage Glasses. Full line of all sizes Wrought Iron Pipe, Gas and Steam fittings, Late Styles Water Closets, Bath Tubs. Basins, Open Lavatories, &c. We are still prepared to do ALL KINDS OF ! and invite bids from all having that class of work who want it done well and promptly. Call and see us in our new quarters. Harris & Payne. Telephone No. 18. Sept. 14, *90, MpmIU :o Recorder. Atlanta, Georgia, October, 1 —The Senatorial race la the closest ever known here, It estimates from Cobb county are correct. Venable carried Fulton county by only 4114 majority. Complete return! are not In from Clayton, but It In Cobb to eloet Todd. Alllanoo candidate, notably, polled a light vote In Fulton (ourily. LATER Venable concedes Senatnrshlp to Todd by a small majority. Re turns from Cobb not In yet. STILL LATER. Three-fourths of the House and Senate on Joint ballot are straight out alllanoeinen. It is certain now that Joe Terrell Is elected Senator ovor A. J. Snel- Keturm I tom Glynn. HpcclAl o BscoUDRR. Brunswick, Oct. 1.—The State eleotion In Olenn county la the moat exolting held here In years. Two candidates are In the Held for Sen ator from the fourth dlstrlet, Hon. T. W. Lamb and a negro, Anthony Wilson. Two candidate* for the legislature, Hon. Harry F. Dun- woody, straight Democratic ticket, and John I. Spears, onthelnde- pondout Republican-Democratic ticket. It was thought In the morn. Ing that there was a good ohance for Spears, but when tickets woro distributed, then It was seeu differ ent. Tho vote stands for Senator: T. W. Lamb 1,176; Anthony Wil son, (ool.; 181; Lamb’s majority 094. For the Legislature, Henry F. Dunwoody, 1,107; John J. Spears, 200. Dnnwoody’r majority, 857. Great rejoicing here to-night over downing of Independent! and Re publican!. Hon. Tom Lamb car ried by a big majority Charlton and Camden counllea. Manager Olo'rer Is bubbling over with happiness this morning. The arrival of Mr. Charles Grady, ad- vance agent of the Three Fast Men Comedy company, fa the cause of Mr. Glover's exuberant happiness. Everything**!!! be Inorder to-night and Americua theatre goer* will be treated to the beat pertormanee of the ■ Last season theater goers will scarcely be able to recognize In the now thoroughly overhauled, bill! nished theater, the opera hones of lest year. Such a tram has never been seen In Amerlona before. - Instead of that small cooped op stage a large and roomy one appears. Large and oomforta- ble dressing rooms take the place of those little dungeons of the past. The old obalre and stools have been replaced by handsome opera seats. This news will be hailed with delight by theater Whiles great deal of money and labor has been expended on the exterior of the building the repairs on the interior most not be lost eight of. New stepe have replaced the old death traps, handsome doors have been swung and the walis have been testily painted. Bat the most catching thing lethe new and beautiful scenery that has Just been placed in position. Not one alhgle piece of the old einv aaa remains, but the whole la of the latest, designs, from*the brush of one of the beet artiste In the oona- try,and is complete In every detail. The garden scene deserves especial mention. Of the attraction to be presented to-night the least that can be aald la that it will be Immense. The “Three Fast Men” oompany has made a hit at every theaterjn which It baa been presented. A packed house should greet them to-night. The Jeffersonians Win. Hjwelal to IllCOBDSB. Rome, Oot. 1.—Shake. The Jet- feraonlan Democrats won a great vlotory to-day. Felix Corpot, Sea born Whatly and J. Lindsay John son, alliance candidates for the legislature, were defeated by Jno, J, Seay, Jno. W. Turner and W. O. llryau, genuine Democratic noml nee*. The defeat of the alliance ticket means death knell of R. W. Everett, Alliance candidate for congress from the Seventh district, and the election of Dr. Felton. The victory for pure Democracy Is a notable one, and gives. Sullivan qnletls to demsgognee of alllanoe and should teach some papers to go alow In potting their oars where they have no business. The old Seventh,led by Floyd county, will yet eave Geor- gls to the Democratic party. All Quiet In Burke. Special to Recorder. Augusta, Oot. 1.—The election in Burke county le very quiet, a light vote was polled. Calaway carries Burke, Bullock and Scrlven for Senate, and Davis, Herrington, and Brinson were elected to the home. A YOUTHFUL MURDERER. A Notro School Bor Kills a Whit* Special to Recorder. Atlanta, Oct. 1.—Charlie Blacketock, eleven years, old, a white boy, was stabbed by an eleven year old negro boy to-day, killing him Instantly. The negroe’a name le Marshall Colea. There la a white school situated near the negro aohool In that sec tion of tho ally, and lights between the eobool boys ore a matter of al- most daily occurrence. The killing was • done just after school dismissed. Coles was ar rested shortly afterwards at his home The extreme youth of the ■layer and hi* victim made the case without s parallel here. The work on the New Baotlet Church is progressing finely. The workmen ere now framing tLe roof, the supporting timbers are already long before the covering of tbs roof will be com- Americas expects to lesd cborch'bnlldlng* she will come up with any city in Georgia. - Special to The Kkcsuse. Montezuma, Oct. L—Mies Clouudo Willis, of Spring Vale, Is visit!og Mlaa Annie Smltb. Miss Artie Gay, of Hatcher Hta- Ron, le spending a few days with the family of Mr. J. J. Easterlln Mieses lone Lewis, Rota De- Vaughn,Eva Westorook and Bertha Burnam, of this place entered Shor ter College Monday. Mias Lena Lewie will return to Wealeyan to-morrow. Onr pnbllo school Is In a flourish ing condition. Vtw pupils enter every day. Much cotton Is In the Jleldi yet. Some has not been picked over at all. A scarcity of labor is rather prevalent. The Alllanco warehouse and (tore Is doing a flourishing business. The election occasions little ex citement. A negro bearing the distinguished name of Dlok Hob- bard Is running for the legislature. He will hardly get there. Gordon has many friends In this ■eetlon. There Is no Senatorial ex citement. We think Senator Crlap sounds electrical. . _ . _ „ Tueaday night two negroes broke A Day of Unusual Quietude-The Ne- 0Den . window and entered area- ■roes Beemedto Cars But Little About ®P« , »» wmaow ana cmerea » res Voting—No Orest Interest Taken. Election day I It is over and It went nearly all the same way. Promptly at six o’clock yesterday the polls were opened and every thing wee made ready for every citizen who had paid a vlilt to the registration books to walk np In CAUGHT A DUCK. A Fishing Exploit Pram Bsndolph County. Randolph oonnty leads I That oounty will lead in a great many thlnp, bnt when it comes to flzh.etorles It has no equal. Yesterday a -man reported that recently In that county a woman went fishing on one of the numer ous streams of that favored land, and she halted the book and threw It Into the water and waited for something to bite. Something bit bnt It was not a fish nor a moccasin snake, it was a wild dock which chanced to swim along and swallow the bait. Tho female fisher hauled away, and landed the dock high and dry on tb* land. She did not catch any fish bnt the dock was much better gam*. , .... Physician's Prescriptions and Family Receipts prepared with care and of the best materials at Cook’e Pharmacy, Lee street, near artesian well. W. A. Cook. Terrible blood poison,boijy covered with sorts, and two bottle* of P. P. P. (Prtekly A*b, Poke Boot and Fountain) cured tho disease, mak ing the patient lively as a ten-year- it his all powerful ballot. Managers Mathews, Sullivan and Oliver were not rushed with holi ness, but were oompelled to devote considerable time to looking np re gistrations and properly looatlng many oolored voters who did not know In whatdistrlot they II red, or barely what their .names were. Clerks Wheatley, FiUgerald and Maynard found plenty of time be tween the writing of name* to re count old oollege remlnlssences and discuss embryo law potato. Early In the day there wax a con siderable number of white votes In the olty from the surrounding coun ty, and most of them went straight to the polls, dsposlted their ballots and after transacting their other business went home again. The negro votes were very few. They seemed to hardly know that It was election day, and when they did learn that It was, they seemed net to care how It went. A Recorder man saw a small group of Ham's dusky children standing near the corner of the court house, and in the midst of them was a toll blaok coon with hla hand* full of tloketo for Little and Littleton, and he was making them a lecture after this fashion ‘■You niggers ain’t no ’count. Heali yon Is now de half ob you ain’t reg’ater’d. You say you dun- no’iMtlon am cornin' so soon. Wo una mightergone jrouu’- cboryday an’ tole you to fix fur de ’leotion an’ you 'ud still say you dunno nutbln’ 'toll 'bout hit." He told them unless they gave more attention to fclltlei and look ed more after the Interest of their candidates that they would soon find themselvoB In such a condition that they could never hope to elMt anybody. When he finished the crowd broke np, and some went one way and some another, all of them doubtless feeling like one old gray-halred plantotlouer, who grinned* great broad grli^of eatiifaotlon as he ex claimed; "What yer sped I gulnor fool boot dee 'lections fur long ex I'se got plenty o’ oo’n in 'do orib, an’ meal In de kitchen. I goes er pos sum huntln whin I wants any fun.” So far as could bo learned tne ne groes took but little Interest In any part of the county and In every dis trict It was the same way. The total vote oast In the city waa 745. The nominees for the legislature from Sumter, A. S. Cults and J. A. McDonald received each 651. Tbe negro oahdldatea, Little and Littleton, reoelved each 88. Thera were 258 votes for ratifica tion. The shortage le explained by the fact that one half of the tlcklta had nothing printed on them about ratification. The State boose ticket straight with R. T. Nesbitt for Agricultural Commissioner and Robb Patton for Senator from the 13th District, re ceived each 040 vote*. Of course the result Is just what was expected and jnit what the Democratic party desired. The Democracy of Snmter la Mild. BURGLARS IN BRUNSWICK. Epeoixt to KtoomoBB. Brunswick, October 1.—'There to much excitement here to-day over attempted robbery of the Merchants sad Traders National Bank at one- o’clock this morning,when burglars were frightened away by two Time* reporters. The police are on tb* lookout. The burglar* are thought to have boon expert*. BRUNSWICK BUSINESS. Cotton basinets brighter than ever before. Thlrtren steamships are bar* now, and two ealled yes terday, with cargoes of 60,000 bales each. Two more will arrive to morrow.* tan rant kept by a negro woman named Emma Wood on lower Cot ton Avenue, and stole from the houM about $26, There waa no olue as to who did the stealtag,bnt yesterday afternoon Officer BUI Feagln struck the trail of the mlasing money and with no other aid than a ahos heel track In the ground, succeeded In locating a negro named Bedford Gibson, whom he immediately arrested. When the negro found he was in the clntohes of the law, he oonfesaed that ho knew something of the stolen money and said that another negro named Malard Thompson had a $20 blU pined up In the lining of bla coat. Officer Feagln, aocompanled by Officer Bay, then proceeded to ar rest Thompson,and niton searching him found tbe money as described by the other negro. Tbe negroes then said that tbe remainder of the money was across the creek Did under an old well shed. The officers w At over and secur ed the money, which consisted of a few dollars In silver wrapped np in a rag. Later thq officers succeeded In re- covering several artlole* whloh had been stolen. Among them was a' drummer’s valise bearing the name of J. A. Lambert, who represented a belting houM In Atlanta. Among the e0Mto of the vallM waa an un limited tioket over the E. T. V. A G. railroad. It waa a difficult piece of work, and would have been noxt to Im possible to work up had not officer Feagln thrown Into It tho fullness ofhlsrloh experience and shrewd judgmont, and In the work he ably satiated by Officer Ray, who waa on duty for his first day. The thieves promised todevelopsomo of the moat noted rascals In Georgia. Sr.J. X. Bosworth Tenders His Pro- fesslonal Services to all Persons Is All diseases of tho eye. AH dieeasee of tho ear. All diseases of the throat and nos*. All -diseases curable by tnrgsiy and by surgical methods. General surgery and trsati chronic diseases, both of males and females, wUl receive careful atten tion. , . "5?" No inoureable diseases will be treated.' Examinations and eohsultaUons free to all persons. Examinations will be rigid and thorough, ahd persons objecting to such examina tions will not bo received for treat ment. • ’pi Charges in all cases shall be most reasonable, and generally less than my charges were during my but engagement, because lam prepared to treat snob affection* as Catarrh and throat diseases by a method now that quickly cares and causes the patient not to have to visit the office eo often. Beside the recent method of treating all diseases of deep cavities In the body Is more pleasant aa well a* effectual. Hart -Building opposite the Re- coreek Building. Will open on Monday, Oct. Gth. J. M. Bosworth, M. D. BACK AT HOME. A Pleasant Lemon Drink. HURT BY A FALL. An Amateur SI 1 tutor Is Mishap. Injured by a For biliousness and constipation take .Lemon Elixir. For tadlgostlon and foul stomach* take Lemon Elixir. For slok and nervous headaches, take Lemon EUxlr. For sleeplessness and nervous- ness, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, obllle and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mosley’s Lemon Elixir will not fall you In any of the above One of tho latest eouroe* of enter- named dueases, all of which arise from a torpid or dleeaMd liver, stomach, kidney or bowel*. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, 60o° and-tl.00 per bottle at drag, gists. A Prominent Minister Write* After ton yean of great euflhring from indigestion, with groat nerv ous poetratlon biliousness, disor dered kidneys ud eqnitlpation, -1 have been cured by Dr. Modey’s Lemon EUxlr ud am now* well mu. O. C. Davis, Eld. M.E, Church Bouth, No. * Tatnall Bt„ Atlanta, Ga. From A Prominent Lsdj. I havo not been able In twoyeur* to walk or stand' 7 without suffering great pain. Since taking Dr. Mos ley's Lemon Elixir I cu walk half mil* without suffering the lout □convenience. Hu. R. H. Bloodwobth, • Griffin, Ga. Hudrome screens, lovely screen* ud pretty screen*, all cheap. Max. M.T. Elam, Hew Prlntlec OMse. A new enterpriMhas been opened in the olty, Our wonderful growth brlnf* them along ovary day. Tble time It to a printing office which has bun opened by Col. C. W. Hancock, and wUl bo known aa tb* Franklin Printing Honse. It takes this dignified name from a citizen who lived muy yearn ago In Philadelphia ud was. called Benjamin Franklin. Several days ago a little Americua boy concluded that he|wanvCdto see what the great world beyond the net work of streets and tbe wil derness of housetops was llke,'ud he started out to travel. Hla name was Louis Allen. He wended his.way toSmlthvllle,where ho was joined by a young adven turer who was bis kinsman. To gether they journeyed to Union Springs, Alabama. There they paused for sometime, and during their sojourn there, Mr. Allen, father 9 f young Louis $fe, peered and escorted them back brake. Mr. Allen and Louis arrived In the olty yesterday. The pavlUlon out on tbe etoetrie oar llpo where It crosses the B. A. M. track, furnishes' amusement In various ways to all olassss. tatament to whloh the pavllllonl put by the small boys 1> to us* it as a akating place. In order to do this they smoothed down a few planks In tho middle of the floor, over which they embark on their dry land toboggan expeditions. Yesterday some boys were enjoy ing thejlceles* skate, and Charley Hudson fell andhad the misfortune to dislocate his wrist. In this palufnl condition he waa brought to the olty on u elMtr'-j car and received medical attention. MONROE—MERRITT. Oolles* Street Nuptials Last Night. The marriage of Mias Annie M< rltt ud George Monro* oocurr last night at 7 o’olock at the ’ dense of the bride’s father, Mr. T. M, Merritt, on Oollege street. The oeremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Vughn, of Maoon. Only the Immediate relatlvM ud a few friends were present at the mar riage. ’ * ..••■-4'B The groom to one -Of tit* moat promising young eltlsena of Buena Vista,and the bride one of tho most lovely ud estimable daughter! at Amerlcus. They have a host of friends who wleh for them tho " ‘ They will Buena Vista. . Highest of all in Leavening Power,.-—U. S, Gov’t Report, Aag. ij, ABSOLUTELY PURE The Celebrated Royal Baking Powder to sold In Ameif*** by E. D, ANSLEY And other dealers In- Hlgh-ClaeaJ Groceries. , ;