Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 04, 1890, Image 1

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3f WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. Tho immonso amount of trndo enjoyed by us the post wook bos been highly satisfactory. In- a groat many instances wo liavo been nnablo to wait on all of the trndo, but wo did our best, as wo always do, and those customers who failed to got waited on may rest assured wo did all in our power to servo everyone prompt ly and satisfactorily without rush ing them through. The coming wcok wo will ofifor exceptional values in Black Goods, Silks, Velvets, Henrietta Cloths, Broadcloths and every thing in the Dress Good#line. Wo ore very much crowded for room, and in order Jo get it will make you prices that you cannot fail to appreciate. The peoplo of Amoricus have long sinco found out where to got what they want in quality, stylo nnd price, and of course they como to us. That wo appreciate this to tho full extent can bo soon by look ing over our stock and getting our prices. Magnificent lot of Novelty Suits, opened yesterday, which wo aro selling at $7.50, worth anywhero from $10 to $12. Big lino of colors. Look at our Black and Colorod all-wool Henriettas at 50c., 75c., 89c. and $1.00. WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. New - Quarters, Artesian Block (opp. well.) Gas Fixtures. Large stock of Sanitary Goods and Globe, Angle .'and Check Valves. Guage Cooks, Gnage. Glasses. Full line of all sizes Wrought Iron Pipe, Gas and Steam fittings, Late Styles Water Closets. Bach Tubs. Basins, Open Lavatories, &c. A SUB-ALLIANCE OF DEKALB COUN TY RESOLVES. It Protest* Against tho Aotion of tho County Alliance la Opposing Gor don. WILL HAVETO AGAIN BATTLE WITH | THE PUBLIC SCHOOL ENROLLMENT. THE FENCE QUESH0N. A Decision of tho Supremo Court Whieh Practically Dccidcn the Aet of the Lost Legislature Governing the Stoek Law of Sumter Co. to bo Unconstitutional. Special to Bkcoudku. Atlanta, Oct. 3.--tidgowood Alliance, In DeKnib.couuty, resolv ed to-day against the action of tho 5 ■ county Alliance in opposing Gor don. The following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, The county Alliance of DeKalb county,at Its session yester day, paused a resolution dictating to Democratic Representatives la* General Assembly, how they should for United States Senator. Therefore, bo It Resolved, That such action does not reflect our seutimeuts, nor as wo believe the seutimeuts of true Aillaucemeu of this couuty,and wo hereby euter our solemu protest against such 9 resolution. We urge our brother Alllancemen every where to pause and consider, whether this discussion,a sub-treas* ury plan and senatorial matter, is not for the purpose of diverting at tention from the operations of the West Point Terminal to con trol the next General Assem bly of Georgia and prevent the pas sage of uny law carrying into efleet the provisions of constitution against unjust discrimination as to freight rates. It is well to pause and exaniiie why certaiu Alliance officials, who are making war on our fellow countryman, confer so frequently with West Point Ter minal ofllcials. Resolved, That we insist upon or couuty Allianco maintaining par amount allegiance to the cardinal principals of tho organisation and unyielding opposition to seduc tive influences 0 f the monopolies and Wall streot combinations. Hpoclal lO liKCOKDXK. Atlanta, Oct. 3.—The Hupreme Court met this morning and ren-1 .— derad the remaining declelon. In cases argued at the March term of I «®*®>>«®1®»I Indication that Ameri- How fait does Americas grow? Tho multitudes of new buildings going up on all eldee, the numerous heaps of brick and mortar, aud the great throng of workmen busy ou the Court Th. nnrt wlll a^i "Cr „ , convene on Monday, when the Oc- ..f“‘ the “‘“V* ■"! * how “ " tober term will commence. p , abllc 8ohoo ‘ ehl >- Among tb. deci.lons rendered dr °“ teU “ ,orolbI y “ * this morning was that of Mathis ve. I . . Jones, which will excite Interest Bl,, ®“ lnf “ m ** * throughout the entire State, a. It " * lb *‘“>® will affect the fence que.tlon In up- ‘°nr , hl V W “ , ,2S '- wards of Aft, oouutlee, where local L?. f ‘ bl ’“ r 601 "« I”*' Acte have been prooured to regulato tho matter of keeping the IrUky “8 ur . e ’ 11 wl „ , , cow within its propormeeUahd l,,* Dr, l lle ^ 0 ; i.min.i. Instruction In the public schools of I the city o'*Americue out-number is white children by 278. The total enrollment last year at this time was 821, the flgurei of the * AndV. flic Ch°cago thl. .hlwlnu o7more thT' 1 ” 6 ,^ "| * diaturbance was kicked up by an “ ore thlin pM,ln K ,l «- U ?n, U ^ bell®?! I It shows that an enormous per The cate of Mathis va. Jones orig- . 77. : A. “ * mated by the Impounding of a cow P ° PU : in Maoon county, the plaintiff seek- M P “‘ lug to regain po.eee.lon of hi. anl- *£*' h *’ «‘>»bat tho growth mal, which had strayed onto hi. ““ 1 “ d ‘°.* ted h “ beea 1,011,1 * nd rSXM: 1 a b n*d n ®bowe also an increased Interest !Lar7h.7^ n rr^,»r, Macon county was Illegal and void 7 ’ a ? It was this question that tho court , ?, , . ( W ,n 8 * decided, holding that the bounds. And Sumter is ono of the coun-1,. . . ,, tie. Interested, .. tbl. decision thowh ( "f ? bUd 'f, n by f ? 8 - knock, the bottom out of the Act 1 * Tbe t0 ‘* 1 enrollmc,lt , “ l passed at the last term of the legls HELD OVER THE BODY OF DAVID MILLS | Drs. MoNsth end Wise. Coroner Psrkdr and .Jury. ON THE CORNERS. WHAT IS PICKED UP BY A LOUNGER. Something About tho Business of Amerl* cus-Bomo Reminiscences. AFTER A LONG TIME E.cspcd Convict is Pulled In St the A. M. Depot, After Ravins Enjoy ed Pour Year, of Jrcodom. About four years ago a negro named Allen Whatley was found guilty of somo oflenso In the mayor’s court ef this city, and was sonteuced to a term of labor on the I law enacted for Macon county was I .... ° „ In conflict with the constitution, ehiIdron llve which provides that laws | We are still prepared to do ALL KINDS OF ! and invite bids from all having that olass of work who want it done well and promptly. Call and see us in our new quarters. Harris & Payne. 8*pt. h, streets Ho worked a few days and then made hie escape from the street work, and went abroad from Ameri- one. He was a good painter, and drift ed away working at his trade a many places on the 8. A. M. rail road towards Havannah. As tho years passed on he took oare to stay dear of Amerlcua, and epent hie time In other places with out showing hie head In this city. He had been away so long until he had almost forgotten hie oflenso and scorned to think that the oflt ccrs bad also. Yosterday he concluded to ven ture Into the city and spend the day. He came up with several of hie fellow workmen over the J . A. M railroad yesterday morning and In tended to return In the afternoon. Allen went quietly and shyly about the city but, as 111 luck would have It, Id lew tbau two houro the police were on Ills trail. . He managed to keep elesr until the train u as almost ready to leave the depot, but Officer W. H. Feugiu, with that alacrity which characler- Ixea him, wee on board the tralu just before leaving time lookiug and searching into every nook aud corner of the oars, and over lu oue corner be found Ids man. Alton was fllled with regret’ at being disturbed lu hie journey, but an Iron bracelet acted as a per suader for him and soon he was marching along to the etetlon house with tfio officer. There Is an Indlotoieut found by the grand Jury of Hu mter-oountjr against him for es-a'plng from the street chain-gang, aud Judge J. Bi PUsbuiy will Investigate the mai ler Monday.* Allen will no doubt get another long lerm. The figures show that more negro in Amerlcue than whites, or that tho colored race are muet have uniform operation I S"' 1 " '“f 0rel,t „ 1 “ ‘ be throughout the State, and ho .pc- ° tbe,r ohlldren ,h “ the cial law shall bo passed In any case wb “°; dolDg , , where provision ha. already been “'m ! S *1, “ umber made by g.nbral law. . • °“ be chlldre , n «* ‘ be oolle * e A. tb. general law, which pro. “ orD, ?« bn ‘ tbe vide, that the que.tlon be settled tb * b " 1,d,B « U notfl " l,hed by election, lus been disregarded, no f" Ub * tandlnB * Urg0 forc ® and local laws have been passed in I * T , .“ a. work, very nearly fifty counties In this 11 '* ,up « >0 “ d th » l «verythlng State regulating tbe matter, the I be completed next week and decision will have very muoh the ‘he building made ready for ooeu effect of putting a chunk of Ice I P»»oy. ■town a fellow’s back. At present It It Impoeelblo to tell But Sumter muet grin and bear I w * ien the school can be opened, 11,-taking consolation from the fact but the date will be announced by that it has company In Its misery. I the oommleelonere when the work Following le the head note of the I la completed declelon, whloh wilt show exactly Of tho largo number of colored tho ground taken by the court: people enrolled but a small portion siatiiib vs. jokes. I ® r ® present In school. Most of I Bleokloy, C. J. I them arc still lu the cotton Holds, 1. The Code, as moulded and *“<1 wil * be there forsoms time yet. modified by general legislation on I Whon tbe cotton season le over, the eabject of fences, has establish-1 However, the ettendanoo will be ed an optional system of fence lawi I oonelderably augmented, general In its nature and of uniform I ** le also expea ted that the white operation throughout tho State. »ttondane® will be oonelderably This being to, there le no power,to I Increased legislate specially for two militia Terribleblood poleon,body covered districts so aa to dispense, at to with sores, and two bottles of P. P. them, with the popular vote pro-1 P. (Prickly Aeb, Poka Boot and vided for In tbe Code of 1882, the 1 Pot “ ,,a “/ I cu 5®f *H® disease, mak- constitution of 1877 declaring that: tbo|,atlent Uve, y “ Laws of a general nature shall I have uniform operation throughout | DEFECTIVE MAIN, the Btate, and no.apeoial law shall bo enacted In any cate for which I Boms Water Works Bepairlns to provision has been made by an ex-I Done «a Lee Street. Istlng general law.” 2. It follows that the Aot of Oe- I Yesterday while Su|>erln(eudeDt cember 20th, 1888, (pampb. p. 820J I Obaa. Hawkins was having ah ex- requiring unconditionally that all I eavatlon made for a main on Lee domestic animals be kept from run- street, near the residence of Mr. W. nlng at large In the 1002d and 1070th districts G. M., In Macon county, am) declaring their owners liable for ,auy damage done upon the lands of other persons, Is unconstltutlon al and void. Judgment'reversed. KILLED WHILE LOADING IT. If you want .a large, handsome home, two minutes walk from busi ness, suitable for two families, or a hoarding house, call at once on Mr. Callaway, the Real Ualatc Dealer. Special to llKOOXDKK. Atlanta, Oct, 3.—George Rama- peck, Jr., seven teen-year-old, acci dentally shot himself this morning while loadings revolver. Hie home Is in Decatur, six miles from At lanta. George Ramspeck, bla fath er, Is one of the moat prominent men In Fnlton county. There Is but little hopeof tbe boy'a reoovery. Sixteen heavy and' massive atage pictures, a moving panorama, tour hundred feet long, and tbe georg- cous transformation eoene, the work of Mr. Charles S. Oats, Halley, Merry, • Hugh L. Reid and Homer Kmeue, comprise the scenic ejfbcte introduced In “The Twelve Tempta tions," and which Is uonveyed In two 'speceially built railroad cars, tbe aggregate weight of the scenery being twenty-six ums. D. Bailey, it was discovered that the principal water main on that street was In's very d.feotlve con dition and was badly ID need' of repairs, and a new main will be put In to-day. It will be necessary to cut off all the water on Lee street until the defective pipes aro taken out and new oues putln tbolr places. A Boon to ins sick. Dr. Klug’s Royal Germetuer Is indorsed by Rev. J. B. Hawthorne, pastor First Baptist church, Atlan ta, Ga., who sa}i: -'It is a great remedy.” Rev. 8am P. Jones says: “I wish every poor suffering wife had access to that medicine." Thousands of others attest Its vir tues. Fifty gallons an drank In Attala daily, where It to perform- log remarkable cures It rsmovss tbe cause of disease and builds np from the first dost. Send stamp for lull particulars, certificates of won derful cures, etc., to King’s Royal Germetuer Co., Atlanta, Ga. It Ctmxs WHEN. ALL ELSE SAILS. Price, $1A0 per concentrated bottle, which makes ono gallon of medi- cine aa per directions accompany, ing each Milk. Can Le sent by ex press O. O. I>. If your druggist eau* not supply your It will be remembered that sever al weeks ago David Mills died lu very mysterious manner on a rail' way train not far from Tlfton. An Inquest was held, and the re mains laid to rest among ttye rela tives of tbe deceased at Sumter City In this county. The circumstance of the decease of Mills was snob that his relatives were led to suspect that foul play was In somo way .the oause. Their dleaatlafaotlon with the •ult of the Inquest held at the time of Mllle death led to a post mortem examination Thursday, whon the body was taken up at the Bumter City burying ground. Coroner Parker, of this eounty, empanueledajury, and with the assistance of Drs. Wise and McNath . the examination waa bold. Attar the examination the remains were again Interred. Dre. Wise and MoNath returned’ this conclusion: "There Is no cause that we can pereelve that should have produced the death of. David Mills exoept a out ill the inside of the right leg, nesr the ankle, that would have produoed death by bleeding If It had not been (topped, aa the main artary of the Ug was severed.” The only witness before tbe coroners ’jury was 8, T. Wltkerson, and he testified as follows: I first saw Mr. Mills at Tlfton After leaving Albany, Mr. Mills had a pistol In his hand, hiia left band, and I begged him til giro me the pistol. He refuse^ He then got out of the ear on tha ground, and I tried to'got him back on the oar. I ealled Bob Wil liams to assist me to .get him on the ear. I then took the 1 pistol from him. Mr. Mills put oh a pair of brass knacks and straok tha ear door. The door was then opened and I shoved him In the car and sat down near him and held him In my lap. He then promised to be have, and I left him to get some water to wash my bands, and whan I returned I found him dead, ballevaha waa erasy." The Jury then returned the fob lowing verdlot: “We, the jury, ompannelled to hold an Inquest ovsr the body of David Mills, dome to tbe oonolU' alon, after hearing tha evldtioe of Drs. Wlsoand MoNath and Mr. B. T. Wilkersou, that tbe deceased come to his death by blooding from aont In tha leg, how received la un known to us. [Signed.J J. B. Parker, coroner. M. G. Logan, W. P. Gbennbls. J. W. Law. E. T. Smith. W. A. Stephens. T. S. Spann. Yesterday a small group of trav eling men sst out In front of the Allen House. "w*.T One of theip, a man who has car ried the grip for more than twenty years,-eald i - -‘When I commenced Waiting this place, about fifteen years ago, It wasnothlngmore than an Insignifi cant village. i. ■ ■ , . ‘‘There was nothing down here where you seo all that .wilderness of track and box cars, but one side tracks and the depot, and It was something rare to sea a dosen box cars standing over here at one time. It was a very rough and Incomplete tqwn with apparently little future. Its business was disorganised end unsatisfactory so far as I was able to learn, but behold what time has developed. Oil all the places to which my business oarrles me don't think there Is one that will compare with Amerlcue. It le Unquestionably tbe beet place of the sire that I have ever seen, and what Is being done Is being done on a foundation os solid as a rock, r :T:lt!7W Jk* ‘‘How conld Iho business of Amer- lous go down 7 It depends on no such uncertainties as mlningwhlch . may at any time become unprofit able and of no value to the town, It does not dopend oil manufacturing whloh might be disorganised by various disasters, but It rests on the agriculture of one of tbe most favored sections of tho South. The lands aro rich, the seasons of the most satisfactory kind, and every thing Is conducive to tho highest and most satisfactory success. I am well acquainted with the growth and development of many towns in Georgia, but of them all there is not oue wboro I had rather risk my chances than in Amerlous. I have removed my Pharmacy to Lae street—Slappey corner, near artesian well—where I offer every, thing In Drugs and Hedlelnes. Will be pleased to have yon call. W. A. Cook. Burp rise Party. There waa a pleasant surprise party given by the UtUe folks to Anna Belle Ronty, at tbe home of her father, Mr. J. C. Roney, last night. Those present were: Eugene Hsyneaaud Landis Prince, Cliff Prince and Nell Morgan, Arthur Williford and Amoa Bbumpert, Lm ther WlUlford and Florence Bab cock, Fred Crisp and Ethel Prince, Will Harrold and Virginia H1U, Luther Hawkins and Mattie Wheat- ley, Carl Glover and Carrie Adams, Frank Burke and Flora Williford, Harrold Davenport and Vernon WUIIford. ‘That old oak there,” remarked one of tho oldest citizen* of Ameri- cus yosterday, pointing to one of tho forest relios whloh stand on the court house square, "Is a historical tree. Around that tree twenty years ago crowds used to. oolleet during court weeks, aud engage In flst-cnffii. It waa known aa the fighting tree.” ‘‘Those fights were little more then matters of pure athletic exer cise and nover got anybody Into trouble.’’ . .; A stranger said that he haul never on n city with more beautiful streets than those widely shaded thoroughfares In tbe southern portion of.the city. He suggested that Amerlcua was more entitled to tho appellation of "Forest City” than any othor place In the United States. A Little Bsby Dead. Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Doughtte tost their little lufant daughter, and to-day Its silent lit tle form will be safely laid away. The sadness of a baby’s death Is Incomprehensible, for who knows the fond hopes and tender withes the loving parents give up when they part from their little baby. Kind sympathy cpn only comfort, or strive to, aud the weary, break- lug hearts again take up their loads of sorrow uuto the end. * Work- baskets, baby baekats and all kinds of lovely fahey baskets. h ’ Mrs. M. T. Elam. Fine Fox Ohua. Mr. Brlgbtwell, the champion fox hunter of Webster county, had a fine chase Thursday awning. His dogs aueessdsd in striking trail of a large red fox, and aftar a long chase, suooeded lo capturing him. His brush was men than twenty Inches In length. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. i 1t iU» ABSOLUTELY The Celebrated Royal *fN|pg And ether daedera'