Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 07, 1890, Image 1

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READ OUR “WANT" COLUMN. ADVERTISE IN 1H* ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. ESTABLISHED 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1890. DRESS GOODS •Ar« Hying thick and fast l m Our stock is simply unap- proacbable as to completion. Thousands of dollars worth of stuff recently added to the stock. Great many specially attractive things the coming week. Silks and Black Goods in tbo greatest profusion. Look at our Henrietta Cloths at 75 eta. and $1, in both blacks and colors. x The largost lino Broadcloths in South Goorgia. Prices way down. Extra good values in Flannols and Blankets. Magnificent stock Of Notting ham Lace Curtains, Chonillo Cur tains, Silk and Madras Curtains and Porteoros; ranging in prico from $1.75 to $25 a pair. If you want to furnish your house in anything of the kind corno and sco us. If you want anything in dry goods, Dross Goods and Gents Furnishing goods como and soo WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. r New ■ Quarters, Artesian Block (opp. well.) :inff Stoves am Large stook of Sanitary Goods and Globe, Angle !and Check 1 Valves. Guage Cooks, Gnage Glasses. Full line of all sizes Wrought Iron Pipe, Gas and Steam fittings, Late Styles Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Basins, Open Lavatories, &o. OVER 52 PER CENT. WONDERFUL INCREASE OF THE TAXABLE PROPERTY OF AMERICUS. Ono Per Cant. Assessed by the Counoil Last Nlehti-The Showing Any City-In Georgia. Over fifty-two per cent. That is what the figure* show. Amerioua has made the finest record of any city in Georgia. Last night Abe OUy Council me mi iMiMynmwwfrr * and oily purposes. One-half was assessed for the benefit of the Bchools and one-half of one percent, was assessed for tUe expenses of the city government! thus making - In alt Sue per cent of the city’s entire property. The increase of taxable value* during the past year haa has beety^ one million two hundred and sixty thousand dollars. This Is more than 52 per cent. The total taxable value of Ameri cus is $35,060,011. Now then, let the croakers cease to croak and ever staud up lu astonishment and watch Amerlcua grow and become great. The city fathers also arranged to locale an electrio light at the inter section of Furlow and Barlow ■treots. POLITICAL POINTS IN ATLANTA. Special to Rxcoanaa. Atlanta, Oot. 6.—Next Satur day a Fifth District convention will meet In Atlanta to indorse the Re publican nominee or to put an Inde pendent Democratic nominee against Livingston. The call was issued at Douglassvllle, in an In. formal meeting of “Jeflfcrsonlan Democrats,” and to-morroW, Tues day, the Douglae county dele gates to the convention will be chosen In mass meeting. The Douglass county originators of the movement have Issued, to gether with th§ call for a* conven tion, a "manifesto,” taking, ex treme position against Livingston They even go to far as to say that they, personally, will vote forj Will Haight, the Republican nominee, In preference toLIvlngfton. This has weakened the rnove- monj Irreparably. A conservative Independent Democratic movement might havo embarrassed Living ston, butjthis will help rather than hurt him—so far as congress Is con cerned. Bp evident it this that an ulterior motive Is very generally suspected, and perhaps with reason. Gordon’s frieudt are Imbued with the Idea now that Livingston him self has designs upon the Senator- sblp, and as the Douglassvllle meeting was made up of extreme Gordon men, their polloy wae prob ably to help Gordon for the Senate —by blocking out LIvIngaton as a probable candidate—rather than to hurt Livingston for Congress. This Is really the only eflect it can have. BRUTALLY MURDERED. AMONG THE BLUE COATS. What Was Picked Up By The FoUoe Yesterday. Early yesterJay afternoon olfloers Ray and Wilkins looked up a white man who was found In front of Sheffield's hardware storeenjoylng an old fashioned drunk. Later in the day a negro named Will Dudley undertook to run the wheel of fortnne adjoining the Racket store on Forsyth street He ♦h-»»rssth>pof»¥W> ‘ ' t some 3T prize displayed on the magic circle, and when the needle failed to "come out” on the thing he wanted, he dellherstly proceeded to pick up and pockej the entire shop. * ' The police were called In and the embryo riot, which was raging, was . A case waa made against to and i£A' be Investigated m be mayor’s court this morn- A white man named Burus, who had managed to get on an ample sup ply of beer was ran In from lower Forsyth and secured a free lodging in the station house. A negro named Dock Wesson who has been parted from his wife for. several months went over Ur Mr. Scarbrough’s to see bis wife and attempted to whip her. The racket that followed resulted In the police being called, and Dock being carried to the took up. He will know bow the market stands. on wife whipping In Amerlous this morning, and will no doubt oon elude that there has been a wonder ful looking up in the market. Do you want to know what will best suit your appetite. Nebring’s pound cakes. listed to Loose Blm. The Columbus Euqulrer-Bun haa this to say In regard to a late acqui sition to the citizenship of Ameri- cus: . In the departure of Mr. Jos eph E. Johnston for his futnre home In Amerlous, tbo library loses on* of-it* best friends. For the last m years Mr. Johnston has volun- rfrily taken charge of every enter- taihment given for the benefit of this Institution, and to his untiring efforts is due the financial success of each and every one of tham. He added largely to the appearance of tho library rooms by the pretty drop ourtaln which haa been bo much admired, and not satisfied with that, hebaajust finished paint ing another to be used for the small- stage- The last represents an old negro woman catching "one of them black nigger boys” pulling her sunflowers. Mr.Johnstoncalls It his "eaught-ln-tho-aot ourtaln." We hope It will not be very long be fore Mr. Johnston is caught In the aotof returning to his oldCoInm- bus home and hie many friends. IN OPERATION.- THE NEft BRICKWORKS STARTED UP YESTERDAY. The First Bricks st the Hcmll Yard Were Xsde Yesterdsjr-Tbo City all Blcbt. In operation. - That Is the condition of the Ham- 11 brlek works. • The first bricks In that yarfl Trier* la something nt» every day whloh adds to the life and In dustrial progress of Americas. The new brick works Is only another step In the onward maroh of pro gress, and In the near future will be followed by others) which will oarry the booming oity forward to the great, broad and perfeot pros perity which lies out before it. The ospaclty of the new works Is 25,(R)0 bricks per day, and la sup plied with the latest and most Im proved machinery and Is vyell pre pared. to do the best work la the way of brick manufacturing of any yard In this section. A large force of hands are em ployed to operate the works, and In a short time many more will be needed. The works will result In great good by giving employment to such a large number of people, and will prove a notable and Im portant acquisition to the already long catalogue of Amerlous’ Indus tries. There were some doubts *s to the adaptability of the clay at the new yard, but It was found to work most excellently, and indeed there is ev ery indication that the clay Is much better than that used at the other yards. Eyorytblng Is moving In perfect harmony at the new works and the future of that enterprise Is a moat hopeful and promising one. A BENEVOLENT ORDER. TYPOS IN UNION. Application for a Charter for a Corpora tion for the Protection of the Railroad Men. A Popular Phyaioian Shot Down and Killed by a Negro. We are still prepared to do ALL KINDS OF ? ; and invite bids from ^ having that class of work who want it done well and promptly. Call and see ns in onr new quarters. K Harris & Payne. IJ Sept. 1$, '90, Telephone No. 18. Moiiile, Ala., October 0.— A Brewton Special to the Mobile News taysDr. Sumter Lovelace was shot down and killed by it negro last night. The negro was suspected of stealing a revolver fAm Lovelace, who, In company with several friends, went to the negro’s cabin. The door was suddenly-opened and Lovelace demanded admission ana was shot down. The negro was Jailed. He will undoubtedly be lynched. Lovelace was very popu lar. B. L. E. The twenty-seventh annual con vention of the Grand International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers, meets at Pittsburg, Pa., on the 15tb. It will beattendedby Mr. A. Nix, of the H. A. M., delegate from Marshall Division No. 449, who will be accomanied by Mr. W. D. Flint. They will leave on Saturday. CALVIN FOR GORDON. Be WU1 Abide Democratic Instructions. “Don't Care to Eat,' Say some dealers who try to sell a substitute prepuation when n cus tomer call* for Hood’* Sarsaparilla. Do not allow any inch falfe state ments as this Induce you to buy what you do uot want. Remember that the only reason for making It is that • few oents.more profit will ie on tho eubatltoto. Insist having tb* best medicine— to itself. . ^*ti*$iooauat Webster Superior Court., Special to Rsoonnsa. _ Pbxstok, Ga„ Oct. 8.—Webstar Superior Coart convened to day. Tb* attendance Is large, and the prospect* are that tb* court will holdall weak. Never can too much bo said In praise nf Nebring’s Pullman bread. - f, . ' i V - I Augusta, Ga., October 6.—Hon. Martin V. Calvin la out In a eard in the Evening Hews to-day stating his position on the senatorial ques tion as the same he publicly an nounced during the campaign that If elected be would vote for Gordon first, last, and all the time. Ho holds It to be his religions duty to obey the Instrnotlons given by the democracy of Richmond connty, and will follow them to the letter and vofo for Gordon. This may lose blm the speakership, but he will not saerlfioe duty for position. He Is an Alllanceman devoted to the order, but as between instruc tion* Istned by the democracy of the county and those formulated by the Alliance, he Is In honor bouod to abide by tbo former. By r«fereno* to an Illustration In another oolumn it will be seen that Calvin, Carter A Bon, stand on tbo top round so far as shoes are con cerned. This la an old firm and'they have made their reputation by always selling the best goods for the least money.* Their atm la always to keep the best, whlcb'ltt the end are the cheapeet, and have thus got to the top of theladdej P. L. Maekay and others have mad* application for a charter to Incorporate a body known as the “BeuoPblent Railway Order of Track and Bridgs Foremen of the United States of America." The main office Is to bo located here lu Amerlous, end the objeot of tbs organization la the protection of traok aud bridge men all over the union. It will do doubt accomplish much good among those oltase* of the great Industry of railroading. A True Friend. Weak and enfeebled constitutions need a good tonlo occasionally. Now there leone tonlo which a grent many delicate and weak folks have need to good advantage. It restores the appetite and Improves the digestion. It drive* ont malaria. It prevents colds and Influence, It makes one feel better and stronger every way. It will also cure chills and fever, even after all ether trert- ment fella Do you want to feel strong and well? Tbtn give it a trial. It Is called Smith’s Tonlo Syruy, and Is tho discovery of that eminent puyslolan, Dr. John Bull, of Louisville. Ky. It is rapidly taking the place of quinine, as |t has aU the good qualltle. as it has all the good qoalltlet of that drag and none of Its hurtful tendencies. It will not harm the most delicate Individual, livery pleasant to take, and never fall to ae good. DEMOCRATIC ACTIVITY- The Congressional Commlttho toStlrup sad Make It Lively. Every day brlngi a new enterprise for Amerlous. It may be a factory, It may be rallrdad, a compress, a brickworks, a new building, a new land oom- pany, a new something that help* tha town and Indicates growth and an-Increase, of .strength and pro gram in city ways. Thus thing! are brought forth every day. They may not always be very great or formidable enter prises, but they are something that scores another stop forward and up ward. Amerlous has reoalred a typo graphical union. Drlatrlot organizer, Mr. 6am Freeman, cam* down Sunday from Birmingham, and yeatarday an organization of all the stick- holders of Amerloua waa perfected. Tho foil membership Is twenty- three, and the following officers were elected: W. O. Hallowell, president. George D, Kimbrough, vlce-pres- IdenL C. F. Glddlngs, secretary and treasurer. John Hoflknan, corresponding and recording secretary. O. W. Wilder, sergeant at arms. The Uulon commences Its career lu Anierloas under the most flatter ing elreumstanees, and will donbt- less accomplish great good for both the printer* and publishers of the eity. The officers are all capable and efficient men and will manage the aflUrs of the Union with ability and oNdlt. Stockholders Meeting. There will bo a meeting of the twelvo stockholders of the AUlanoe Exohango on Friday, 10th Inst. All twelve stockholders are earnestly requested to attend. Wm. A. WuhoN, County Trustee. Application for Charter. GEORGIA—Huxtkk Coohtt. To the non, Superior Court of mU(1 County: Tho petition of P.L. Mookay, J. B. Robin- sii, T. C. GresbAU), I. Naylor, J. A. Be- solves and associates, they desire to ba lc- to “Banavolent d Bridge Fore* Htales of America, association le tor mo tion aud good fetllng and not for peounlary tbe inten-st, welfare members, protection .w jucunBiMiont with law. afford Its members when In distress. ' no capital etock but lnltia- ..i! such assessments as >r tbe purpoeee or the . >e paid In am required nnd by-laws an the order adopter or removed under provision* in by-laws to' ' as they deem fit, which - such place „ _ removed by gucli by-laws as tl {^tfl 0 ». y »tSo P .fflo , S5ir-tt«d.rlh6 name aforesaid shnll under said name ue created a body corporate and politic for the terra of twenty years with the privilege of renewal at the explration of that time, to sue and be sued. plead and be Impleaded, to contract and be oonl racted with, to carry tho purpoeee of their organisation, have aud use a common seal, pt by-laws, rules nnd regulations finding on Its members not nconsistent with tho constitution nnd laws of the Htato or the United HUtes, to create branch orders through the Htatea and Ter ritories or the United States; to elect its officers to govern and manage the order and Us branches an may bo provided for undor such by-laws ’as they ileum fit and — * —* * ■-*—( with law: tho mutual " - in: I lf:ir.- of tin- order, not cen- rnryto laws; to elect office* under by laws nnd Ut-si/mili- ih<> term -.fomce of tbo same, and under their‘proper names or otherwise, and {enjoy all th« powers and privileges of tho general lawn of this Htato ufernsd uponoorgorations of this eharao- T!i"ou..,m. a iM4CKAY Filed In Office this 4th day of October 1890. j. n. Ati.KK, erk h. c. A True Extract from tho Record of Char ters this Ith day of Ocloiwr.1890. J. 11. AI.L.KN, Clerk. IPMINISTRATOK’H SALE, A GBOBGIA—Sum r*K l THE MAYOR'S DOCKET, New Oblkamb, La., Oct.The Dally States' Washington special says: "Tbe Democratic congress ional committee indicate that It In tends to stir up and take a look over the political field. There Is much work to be done In four weeks left before the November election, and activity la to be the rale all Hong tb* line. Scrofula Is an imparity- of the blood wblob produces unsfghty lump* or swelling, wblob, accumu lating In tha glands of the ntek, causes painful running sores on tha arms, lags or feet, which de velop* nlsere in the note, often causing . deafness. Take P7P. P. Ash, Poke Root and Potaeeium). It has proved itself tha most remark able of all blood purifiers. Bring jronr school tickets to tbs new book store of Allison A Sin ner. Remember, we have a fall line of all tbe school hooka used In the schools, and will take pleasure In waiting ou our customers. Very respectfully, ptiotf Allison 4 Hiksxkr. Yesterday morning when the mayor’s docket waa taken up, for setting straight all crooked ness that bad developed during Saturday night and Sunday, sever- il cases were dlepoied of. Alex' Williams, charged with being drank and disorderly ooq- Suet, waa fined $0.50 Henry Barnes, drank and disor derly, was fined $4.00 or eight days on tb* street. John Brown was tbe appellation of an Individual who got himself entered up for $4.00 for being drunk and disorderly. The next on tb* program wae West Whitehead, and the vain* of hie drunkness and disorderly con- duct was found to figure out at thy rats of $4.00. When tb* calmest of joy' Has emptied it* froth, And skies are blackened With shadows of dread. Ah! than to the bakery Hi* yourself forth, And buy some of Nebring’s Pullman bread. Will Be Two Metrosa Special to Recoups*. Atlanta, Oct. 9.—Complete re turns from Camden oounty show the election of John M. HolsendofT, a negro. 80 there will be two colored member* of the nextjegle- lature, the othor being Lectured Crawford, or McIntosh county. What steam Is to tbe engine, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is to the body power and famishing mental force. At Friendship. Bunday a large party m Ameri cas people went ont to Friendship and .attended the Baptist associa tion, which was held there. There was quite a concourse of people and some fin* sermons were preached. ( County, i order from the Honora- inary of .said connty, will November next, between n of Hale, all tho real estate i estate of It. E. Cobh, de- jof three dwelling houses ir vacant lots to bo laid out. " ciutlons and numbered h thereto on Forsyth , and’west by Fayette fou, cuuiiwiuut,' one-half acre more or nlNO ono vacant lot lying between wso street nnd Cobb utroot, bop ruled north rUsH.Mnyoet nl, cast by itoeso struot. uth by J. N. 1J. Carson,Mrn. Hubttam et al id west by Cobb Htreet. containing one- ilf acre moro or lehs; ah’» ono vacant lot i we*t side of Cobb street, bounded north - K. E. HullIvan et al, eow h by Julia Mar- west by Ur. Illnkle, contain! >i more or less: also tho rcsldeuiu irorit. K Cobb.noivowupisdby jiberry, ou north side of I* orsyth •trcet.conlalnliig ono acre more 01 less. Al so the dwelling house and lot on north For syth street now occupied by Van Riper and family, fronting paid Htreet 78 feet and run ning bnok north isu ie» t, bounded e$uit by A. 0. ypc«r, north by T. L. tiranborry anti a strip of land belonging to tbo estate, and . r s *•- —- Also two va- i the oldresl- Jper lot, north ol ruunfng back north ro or less, aud fronting Forsyth , more or less. Also vacant lot .or Forsyth itreetand between ’* lot and lot of T. F. Logan: J north by <»lory Cohen,east by said south by Forsyth street, and west Jarner, containing two ucref more * a vacant atrip of land lying rth of the Van Blporlot, feet wide by 80 feet long, iy lands of the estate, east of T. h. Gmnberry, south by J Riper lot belonging to the estate, ami wtut hv tho citato. To li. "old In lots to suit purchasers or as a whole. Also oth- cr lotion Klrnor* atmMand ton ■ n.w.lrc«tlobno ? ned.,No...naJ».W. i sr"fe nb .?. n, !n^;: tud bring on Um northern said propeityjruatttog >me two honored yards, KrartJ’KSKSa- west by James Lilia et al, Ing some thirteen acres moro or less. Hold for tho benefit af the helraand creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. This cth day of o,:L, U>90. . J., H, ALLEN, Affmlnlslfatoiy^ Knights of honor. In Amerfent Is over ten years »•• Tor Assessments light. I eneapent life Insurance. For Physician’s Prescriptions and Family Receipts prepared with care aud of the best materials at Cook’a Pharmacy, Leo itreet, near artesian well.; - W. A. Cook. Do you want something oomfort- able, choap? Get one of these Japanese Mats for chain at Mra. Elam’s. If you take a trip around the Electric Car Line every day, each time you will find some new bull ing. The residence* that are being built out in that section would as tonish you both In number And In style. • Highest of all in Leavening Power.—U. S, Gov’t Report, Ang. 17,1U9, ABSOLUTE!* The Celebrated Royal Baking Powder Is .old E. D., ANSLEY And other] dealers bn iPfh-Cl*«|