Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 15, 1890, Image 1

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READ OUR “WANT” • COLUMN. “ iiV T QMLfr ADVERTISE IN TH* ONE CERT A WORD COLUMN. ESTABLISHED 1879. FJF AMERICUS, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16,1890. Y?.,\3 SH'OlTIOtlOO A D .aUOlH3.UA H-.T. SENATOR BROWN RISES HE WILL MAKE A SPEECH AT THB | STATE FAIR. „ Supposed to bo Stirred Up by Gov. I Oocdon’s Ho«Ut»Hh tbol Ion, Os* ( Foot in the Grave. .1 tmap- i. | rrron b&voxxe-t a .t^xnoo ycra-uIS. I 6'soim tXIow- aaiM -38*1 t e^rn( fin fifing thick oi nroaciaUa as to ci jTO^OATCIOT*! doUara worth of rfr” sMf raeoifradded to the steak. —.Great many specially attractive things tho coming week. Bilks and Block Goods in tho to isiihisa&R groatest profusion. Look at onr Henrietta Cloths at 75cts. and $1, in both blacks and colors. South Goorgia.' Prices way down. Extra good valnca in 'Flannels ’’VarLakata J j y v T<T ICagnifioeDt Mock of Hotting- J ham LaeeCnrtoins, Chenille Cnr- ' < ;a : -tains, Silk and Madras' Curtains and Porteeres ; ranging in prico ■ yrt >■»> from $1.75 to *25 a pair. If yon ' ^.. .i. want to famish your house in anything of the kind come and ' «SEi «|| .. n 11 ft H f 01 onj^ting in dry J , goods, Dress Go$ds and Gents ■I JU?M!! Famishing gdods como and see A SOLEMN DUTY. ] have »«n bow the treasury he* been depleted, in schemes gotten Aa Address to tbs Voters eir the Vhlnl I °P to pension soldiers, giving mil- Congressional District, By the Ohato. Hons of dollars to Northern men to tke NxeeaUv* Commute. | who never fought a battle, of even smelt the emoke of ope, Wnare At a recent session of the Demo- oratlo Executive Committee of the Third Congressional District, held | “Jj? 1 **!* “ d w,t J* ®®“ r *t® wawwwuw | In HawklnsTlHe.Qa., the following d n w}I^ bl !fL Atlanta, Ga., Oct. It.—Senator resolution was nnanlmopsly pass*| ?f?»»yiMn^ meaenrss, We aim Brown hut icMptsd tho Invitation I I. v ® *®®® *“® effort* umo by hi* of Gov^Northen toatteud the State Resolved, "That the ohalrmah of. Qp -S?,?,*?)* *?®™ ,h .reggaiaffljjr aaqaassLii; jffigss*' ffis National and Stats Issues. This ] quested to writ# and hava publish* j toCnngraaa byeslender vote announcement ha* created a eenea- led In the paper* of the district, an I “ d ,7" . ‘j 1 ® tlon here, and It ls_ generally be-1 address, to the voter* urging upon I***} 0 ** ° f . ^fng'S. WHEATLEY «. ANSLEY. ,.0*2 Artesian Block (opp. well.) Xarge stock of Sanitaxy Goods and Globe. Angle land Check Valves. Guage Cooks, GhA&eVGitoBetf.or Pull line of all sizes <0iefto Styles. Water Closets, Bath Tube. Basins, Open Lavatories, &o. *•* .bi£B ivWfearartUl prepared to do 5 ^M* : EINDS OP - ,'31 J jtMJiSi. .1SJ ; that Qlflqg Of work who want it done yell and promptly, CaUiandseeiusm our new Quarters. ''I Harris & Payne. > No. 12. V it held on tb* first Tuesday inNorem-, , . It le said bare that one reason I ber next, and that he impress upon | 9*®" “® ® or * vow* were polled that Induced Senator Brown to than the Importance of their turn-1 f“ r ‘‘j® ? _ rh ® outlook leperhape make this address was Oov. Uor-jjng out lnfullforoe and oastlag “*wo®**** WfU havath* don’, recent refereuoe to hint ae their vot* for tb* Demooratlo 1° th * ““‘.Congreae bnt , F Uh of* foot In the grave, nominee." thta *» by no means certain. Th# alor Senator seems to hare It would seem that from th* out- "Y c * n f?* to ™* * ^neon.Uf.r«.l,.U.«l. P b,th.t radons «U of th. Bapubileo, SSKjgflS “w STno^ rammrk. I p«rty In turning out Wr. .Turpin, a 111™“”;“.",, aegaroonpreo democrat from Alabama, Who was I "J 1 ™ 1 W ~ ® #1 “l 00 ^*** eleoud by . majority of more than •*““£ hava th. majority In th. thirteen thousand votes to m , k , naxt Hooa# of Reprasantatlvas, th# reom^r MoDuffle, aRspuh^an* I M,na * «» J“ d *« CrUp will n. and^fn^the case of'the Hkm! 0^7 *??* ar ‘\ b »* Shaker IWadttUaMatwa. ,i . | Bf^*k*Qridge.x>ftii* BtateofAr-h'“Jf. Hoa "‘ X5tJt»TAi iSTn.-The elactlon kansas, which together with th»| ”*h ‘. ‘^4,. passed off quietly to-esy-a demo- fraudulent eyeilngef .the two p+1 oratlo primary for oounty offloara. I groea, th* one from South Carolina Ijul a^eerw^ Th# interest centered hi the raoe and the other from Virginia, would I „v!l* the 4th, day of Nov, for sheriff—an entirely new ticket be enough to stir the forty thous-1 ““ “ against the'old one. Another warm and voters of this Congressional t0 on ® °* <»tt>*l»»no- nnnloat earaa that fas la* won a I era* I yillfwlnf In th« vaaw erraaf. Imnnr. I FULTON'S PRIMARY. A Very Hotly Conte.t.d Ono-Tho Ouls I W‘n«yaWaToSe. contest was that for tax receiver. I dletrlot to the very great Impor-1 honoredf Th* third light was foi#<xinty trsas- tanoe of giving to th* Hon. Chart** J?" * My feUow^ ownntoymen, let urer. Judge Ch H. Tanner, elerk of V. Crisp, th* Demeeratto nominee .* agala.heflaagq* th* superior oonrt, had no oppoel- of this Congressional district, (he I °"f “® noro “ frepresenutlv#, that tlon. Bo with Tax Colleetor Andy fnU vot* wlthoot more. th 1 °“ , “ d vote * ,n ^ Stewart. Theta are the only two It ba* been continually ebari*d I “l* , et ’ °”‘ 3r n *“ B thousand favor- offloers retaining thtlr places with- upon our Hon. Congressman be- ““ “* “ d outs fight. They are not "old" cause there baa been each a ellght p * rt ^ , ,’T* , * J5J.W *"• either; toith belngelected two years opposition to him and becaase I « r “ d pr ‘ n °‘ pl “ <>» ~“*‘ltutlon at ago, at th* last election. W. W. there hae beanauoh a slight vote I J} , ’*'* 3r wbloh we oharhh, andfor Griffin become* County Surveyor; I polled In his favor, that his party I , "Tr*" 10 .”® and Ben J. Davie becomes Coroner, practised fraud and Intimidation. ?' Crl, P* having cleared the field before the I The Republloaos have endeavored I Ie ™ w ““ 0M • ooord exert onr ut- day of election. I to make oapltal out of tbla email I ?° “* T ® * , * r E* v°l® polled on Morrow, th*candidate forsherIff| vot#and are ready stall timaito| tb ” | d ^Y] against th* “In," Is elected by near ly 900 majority. Armstead, for Tax Receiver,, wr.-..-. . elected by about 150, The Hon. Cbae. F. Crisp baa I du ;J , * d0 V ™ eT * r F Payne, -th# long-time treasurer, I dared to stand and fight Boa* Reed I T ot * r “ thla district. Leit ua not the only u ln” man, wai elected by | and hla gang against great odd* I ™ r ** t *° Perform that doty as a ab^otISO majority. |m>d thereby he la>n riagM | ^^“^u^Tf^era^ r . | make all manner of unfounded I Th» «>bort. of Republlea.lemar. I charges ayaln.t ourLSle and [ xt wor^egrinto onr hof r, Congressman In oontequeno* of Ik I ™ .» Tbs Wrong Han. In Sunday morning’s Recobdbb there appeared an Item Btatlug that B.F. Morgan bad been jailed by tho polio* on th* ebsrgo of being drunk and disorderly. The Item was based upon Information furnished our re porter by tb* policemen who made th* arrest. They Informed ua yes* torday that they ware mistaken (n the man; that tb* man who was ar rested gave hla name as Morgan, and as he reaembled B. F. Morgan, whom they knew, they supposed It was him. Aa the Bbcobdxb lias no desire to intentionally Injur* tho reputation of any one, ft make* this correction In Justloe to Mr. Morgan at the earliest period after finding that the Item regarding him was Incorrect. THE STATE FAIR. and thereby he has been elagled out a* a special mark for ihalr mal-,. ... ,. ..... - loe uid bate. Ha. no doubt will 1 «oa*tat forAnd for which th. Dam- suffer and feal all the darts of mal- oor * Uo P" 4 * baa so long contended, Th* Exhibit Bole—The Program ss | Ice and political venom that th* In-1 Your Obedient Servant, genulty of th* cohorts of Bepubll- „ , J. E. D.Bhipp, autism can Invent and on the Chairman Congressional Com Editor Recorder—Pleaie do me | slightest pretence they woqjd not | 8rd Dletrlot. the favor to call attention to the I hesitate to perpetrate upon him I nil* requiring entries to be made I th* earn* wrongs they have p*rp*- l PEOPLES LITERARY CLUB on exhibit* to be In plaoe by 81 traced upon Beckenbrldg* and Tnr- «, a p ; S' ^r^ 7 ' °?^ r p . ln . , . honM & itut ooc ” lon oftr I A 21st. A strict observance of tbl* Itself. 1 rale will be essential to the raeoees Thli Repnbliean majority in the, ., „ _ of tbs elaborate program that w# national House of Representative I annoanoed In the RacoancB have arranged for th* lntortaln-1 haa passed the infamon*. Lodge I * f* r d * T *,**°’ th .* 1 Y ? a °, , ^*°f!r ment of vleltort. I beg you will I bill, qy whlea the majority seek I Club met Iaet night at the note that program, which Is as fol- masquerading wider th* gnls* of I ™* 1<leno * <* *»• A. A. Adams, on loirs t" —■ I fra* bftllol ud (ilr oonnt to Nris* I itrwt. Ook 22, Georgia Day, whan the I taste their power -by aiildaontly I .Quit# a number af young people members-elect of th* next General destroying the liberty of American I w,r * ,n oMondanoe, and a select Assembly wUI be . present. At eltlsena Its nritetoo. purpose to night a Cbaatauaa Isotaro by Dr. to establish a supremacy of Ignor-1 ™® DB w#r ® rtnasrsd, 1. 8. Hopfrtni, subject, “Better I ance oyar Intelligence In the South* I ™ pro * r ^ mtof ttl . # ®J ® n I Urt ^ p * School* Through Bettor Terms, I era Btatoasodtlmraby angandar m«*U^aIw.y»enterUlning, but Oct. 23, National Day. Meeting I raoe antagonlam and sectional anl-1 the on * *** especially ‘ Congressman. A lee tare sllmoelty. I *°' , • . , . ‘If Dr. J. B. Hawthorn: The passage of this bUI In the After tharendering of the pro- seal Feature. «(th. Tariff Hone* and Us defeat, forthapiM- ««“• «>• »«>talfe*ture of the oo- rQuestion. ent In tha Benate by only »t£nuj«»?° n *V‘“®rde t and waagreaUy Oct, M, Trades Display. Lecture Iona effort*, clearly demonato^m en J®Y* < w •** praaenk at night by Dr. O. A. NunnMly. the animat of Reed ud «jPP * AfUr having .pent amort anjoy Oek IS, Childrens Day. Leotur. I tons. This bill should It «bl* evening the guerta, after at night by Prof. Chat. Lane. An-1 become a law will nranrp the Pm*** 0 ! their thank* for t pleasant alyato of Laughter. I legislative functions of th* State Ock 27, Edges tlon Day. Night government, and will bring tha laetota by Dr. G. B. Smakler. I federal machinery Into InUrmln- Oek 28, AUlanee Day. Hpeaohas I able conflict and collision with the by Ban Tarrill and other* and leo- I statutory efforts of th* people of tor* at night by Dr. I. B. Bopklna. I tb* various commonwealths of onr Oek 29, Masons Day. Address by union tolnatltatoa general, pnetl- Hon. Ben TerreUand night lecture I eal and permanent reform, This by Dr. W. B. Boggs. I spools* of fadsral Interference In Oot. 90, Manufacturers Day and I the registration of their sovereign lectors at night by Dr. J. W. Lee. will by th* people to despotic, een- Yourt Truly, I trallilng la It* tendency, dangerous B. W. JxniaoN. I to th* peace and prosperity of th* Secretary, f people, revolutionary In Its nature and In direct contravention of tha I In Ibis lean* will be found tb* an- * 0T */““* nt ** bequeathed to ua by [Mancementof Mr. J. W. Mb* a* a 00 l r *l£* r *- k „ , . , candidate for re-election to th. of- The Republican party haeimpo.- fleTof Tax Receiver. Mr. Mtoo hu •* "“f? 0 * 1 <>PPWul*» burden, mad* an efficient and faithful offl-1 u^n tte peoplq. • cqf, and under bis admlnletretlon I •*® n ^ 10 * *b« Speaker the of property hu been I ,n lha H® 0 *® ot Bepreaentattvei, unequalised and^ Inoteaaad, and with an arbitrary disregard of all Bumter county bat the reputation parilamantwy rule.andpr.eed.nto, Of being on* of the most fairly as- ba* “ a * ht * t3rr * nn,c *J *“•* Si ^Ioouo’.Im In the State, and he I»»‘ d *« t ^!®; to 1 p "» U " U . th ® be* received tb. blgbmt , nc0Ill ,. P®^ton inm^ol only for the true urn. from the Compt-oll.r General l* w ®t“ d “i' W# upon th«.eha>*cter of hto work. " I tha aaaJorUy of ih* last Hons* of Ostrich feather boas, tha novelty I Repreaentatatlva* displayed la of tb* season In four Colors at yelldlng ready ohadtonea to the Mbs. Siam’s. 1 Speakers dasprtto raUng. W* evening to their charming hortaaa, tobk thelr departure. Th* horror of blood diseases to the (art that they ore eontageoue. Ecxema, - Baltrheum, Itch and other akin diseases may he con tracted by using the same towel, and Urns It frequently happen* a whole family become# affected with th* disease some member has contracted elsewhere. It to ob viously the sacred duty of anyone who suffers from n blood disease to rid themselves 6f the Impurity. This can easily and quickly be donebynalng Dr. Bull’s Sarsap arilla, the only perfectly safe and oomptote blood purifier In the world. “Its vlrtnre* to exclusively Its own, and no other medicine can compare with It In itreegth or ef* ficaoy." Any druggist will get it for you* Tskeno other. Observe Its els* and tart Its virtu#.—Wash Ington Observer. Brisk OoMenna, Some brick guttering to being neatly executed ** Jackson street between College street and th* S. A. M. road, that will add greatly to th* appaorana* of tha street. It more of this work was doe* all avertheeily wa should kart pret tier and bettor (treats and side- THE STREET CARS, Belas Put la Pint Class Order-Num ber Poofs First Home time ago one of the street care, No. It got outof order, some of its gearing being broken. Later on No. 4, got In the same fix. Both thseanhadto atop miming ends* a consequence theta were only twp ears left on th* line. ! When' No. 4, went In the eh6f the depot ear rice wasdtoeontlnued, with th*, except iou of the tfn o’clock ear; ’07j) Jt\ 1 At new Intermediate shafting bad to be ordered some delay was experienced in . staking on t$e ear*. - - The shafting for .'ono.'of jtho.’curs arrived yesterday morning and Supk Basse, with the anUtance bf several othtrs, paMttb shafting In Its proper poelilon‘ and the c|ir earn* out on the Un* late yeeterday evening. I / Mayor Faldar and a number of eitliens went out on a short trip ae far aa Mayor Feldar’a residence and returned. The ear ran exceptlonsbly smoothly and almost noiselessly. Th* promptness and elllolenoy with wbloh the work wasdonore. fleets credit upon the mechanical genius and ability of Supt. Recto, and shows that lb* eleetrle eon can be repaired at bom*. CITY INTELLIGENCE. WHAT IS GOING ON IN OUR ENTER- PRISING CITY. News Notes of Locst Interest Prose tke Note-Books of Beeordsr Ntw»f>eia*|ft ore.—Pttby Psncrephs Under Appro priate Hosdints. Pratt Stends. Fruit stands are beginning to ap pear In large numbers all over the business portion of the city. Thto predicts the early opening of the holiday season, : ,*» Hunting Squirrels. Messrs. H, P. Wilson and Frank Raney are going eqalrral hunting to-day. We Judg* from the prepara tions made by them that they in tend killing all th* aqulrrah. , Murderer Captured. Marshall R, F. Salter, of Smith- vllle, passed through the oity yee terday with Frank Walker,oolored, who to wanted In Mitchell oounty for murder. Walker was oaptured at Marliallvillo by Conduotor J. S. Hall, of the Central railroad. The Water Work a The pipe for the water works .to Brooklyn Heights haa been laid beyond the Central railroad, where it crossea Cotton avenue, and wlU probably be completed in a short while. When this work to finished water works to Leeton will ba.' rap idly poshed. The Fountains. The pipe Is already laid from the artesian well to the Methodist ohurch and to Wheattoy’e oorntr, eo that when the fountains arrive they can be rapidly put In position. The fountains will probably arrive at an early date and will oertalnly add great bcautyjto the plaoea where they are put. "tat |i Good,** <•«*«" who try to sellja substitute preparation when a cus tomer calls for Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Do not allow any euoh false slate- a thla luduco you to buy u do not want. Remember ic only reason for making it U that * few cent* moreprofltwlll be made on the substitute. Insist upon having the best medicine— Hoods BareerarUla. It is Peculiar toltaalf. Mutual Building and Loan Asso ciation Installment No. 27 eerie* No. 1 and No. 18 series No, 2 will be due and payablo on Thursday tha 18tb Inst., at my office In The Rank ofBnmtor building corner of Lk- mar and Jackson street*. AU who do not pay by 8 o’olook p. m., on that day, Will, be aubjeet to * lino of tenoentooneaoh and every dol lar tbns unpaid. Th# fund* of both eerie* wUI be oflbred for aalo on Thursday night at 7:30 sharp In llie Connell Chamber at the old Court Hone* building, Lott Wabrbn, Secretary and Treasurer. A BANQUET By Ik* Knights Templar at Their Lo*» Lest Night The Hnlgbt* Templar met last night to take In charge a number of candidates for the “Red Cross” tact part ot th* services In lb* taking of the degree a banquet was gironjby Sir Knight H. D. Watts. Of courts tbto.meetlog was a A* cret, bnt the numbers of chicken*, eglpt; turkeys and other appetizing edtlbtos were being bought by the Knights attracted a reporter’s at tention and, upon Inquiring, be ob tained the above Informatton. A Fishing Party. Messrs. Arthur Rylaader, Ell Warreh, Merrlok Ford and Pro fessor Mathews leave for WeUs' pond to-dey on a fishing exonralon. They wllltako a tent and probably camp out several days. We wish the young gentlemen muoh luek, but respectfully decline to print any "fishy stories" for them on their, return. Bolted West Xus. An Amerloue man man hu found how to economise In the way of nut eggs. He bolls them and pats one In each nest,being particularity when gathering eggs, to leave the boiled one In th* nut. It emu that he made a mistake on* time, however, and sold a boiled egg, and hie frlende are joklnghlm consider ably about It. Another New outran. Mr. H. H. Stmt* and hto ohnras- lug wife, nee ' Ml*. Kill* Oliver, have moved to th* oity and will make their borne here, ,, „ • Mr. Steele hu accepted * posi tion with the B. A. M. read, and §3 their many friends beta extend them a cordial veloome to Arnwrl- ous. Mrs. Stule held quite a reception at the Allen House yesterday, attar her friend# had found ah* was In theolty. Mbs. Winsdow’s vp should always be used dreu teething. It soothu th* softens the gums, allays all euru wind eolie, remedy for dlarrl cent* per bottle. Oolombes lots CO tele Loan Aeeoel The monthly duu oa of tb* Columbus Inter-State 1 lug and Loan Association, win he due and payable at my etla* an Wednesday, the Uth lastant. All those who do not pay promptly an that day will be charged th* usual 10 cents on each share. V. Hood Hm, * Oct. 12th, 1890. AmmtJ — " -i I a Highest of aO in Laareniaf Power,- •U. & Gov’t Report, Aaf. ry, agfip. ■ i HflH