Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 16, 1890, Image 1

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n.'nnJn PreibyterUm church 'of America*, 4n»~pitZij Faracrapha Under Appro q Arcllyiiigthick auilfast! a£:A(, fofencTf to- uaiiij.av.f I 3< Onr stock is simply tmnp- proochablo as to completion. Thousands of dollars worth of stuff recently added to tho stock. Great many specially attractive things the coming week. Silks and Black Goods in tho greatest profusion. Look at onr Henrietta Cloths at 76 cts. and (1, in both blacks and colors. T .i-Tho largest line Broadcloths in ’ South Georgia. Pricei w$,JQjiwjv Extra good vajnes in Flannols and Blankets. Magniftoent stock of Notting ham Loco Curtains, Chcnillo Cur tains, Silk and Madras Curtains and Porteeres; ranging in price from $1.76 to $96 a pair. . If yon want to fnrnish your houso in .anything of tho kind como and § she U$«' •/ lL - * JL’ c , If you want anything in dry goods, Dross Goods and Gents Famishing goods como and soo us. Special to KJCCOXDXX. i Atlanta, Oct. 15.—The against the Savannah, Amcrlcus and Montgomery railroad-, was. hoard to-day before tho Bailx ’ Cothmistlon, and the ebargs cutting rates was sustained by the evMeno*. - - No penalty was In flicted, but the road was ordered dlacontlnrnitSelht-jdteg -A# §T I »01#HBUfnAt|. I * Major oKssn#,*WTH i ttteSA? mono or addresi , E night, and pn to be here on Northern Dayto-mbr- I** The body will adjourn on Saturday, I. At iq-day's meetingof thoDcwo- ora tie County Executive, Commit- WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. uAt held for the purpose bf cddedl- Republican poatmaatef here, had eas$ a ballot In the Democratic prlinartee. I Immediately, the qnee-. lltflefclk,,and r yroqkl-be enppdrt the Democratic uomlneo If the Re- b ut*Juel that the other aide publicans out a ticket In the Held, be heard. The very elmpleexplana- No atiloti Vai^Akea by the com- tlonof the whole matter of thiq mlttee. Gen. Lewie was seensnd failure of tbe gas supply, Is neither vote for some friends en one of the Amerlone has oVergr “ tickets, end no question was raised Itvof the gee worke. SKKiWBEJ® feet dally, end on dark and rainy, lonnnt^ u iwiahM. r..» local lesuee. SOME BAD NEGROES. Motive Work. Specie! to Kicobdk*. Lumpkin, Got, IS.—There are fourteen prisoners In Lumpkin jell, three of whom have been caught and put'In daring the past week by Troy Holder. last Friday Troy arrested two negroes in Loursle, fanned Will Porter and Llge" Yarbrough. Por ter la charged with assault with In- teat to murder a negro named Hairy Beall, the oause of which gsew out of gambling. Yarbrough le changed with carrying concealed weapons. The other day Troy received a telegram irem Mr. J. J>. Bhlrllng, oisrwiiESdTOc Troy found Mr. Bhlrllng suffering ugly .wound in the bi vOi2T. ,6J3f aotiiWi Artesian Block (qpjv well^rrj- nian Brower., with a rifle. Bhlrllng (a aganfaforMr. T.O. John son at Lowato,And,Jlnwo|tJiad been stealing his cane. Bhlrllng ^gemr‘*mreM*it it,* when the nags* .hooame very abusive and l 'faey eaeueto blows, when Brewer — 0 ver the. b«ad with pis Smi 1, $?fs?. the plant. ■ Snd hre | Muthal Building and Loan Also- 7 Tror '% ^ uu4 «** ”B«WW «» elation Installment WO. W ltrioo No.1 and No. 18terIe*No,2wUlbe Large stock of Sanitary- Goods and 1 Globe. 1 b r? *“? Dd , ow - Angle Tand Check Valves. Guage Cooker Guage Glassed. ® I^l 'Hn6 * t^ f atf A sizefe cWronght Iron Pipe, Gas and Steam fitfings,* Late Styles Water Closets* Bath JTtibs, Basins, Open Lavatories, &o. , _ THEY WANTED HIM' • P .apona-n/.-.. We are still prepared to do AEL KINDS OF and invite bids from all having that qjfps of work who want it done well anfl promp-.tfv, . Call'and see us in onr new quarters. m 4. 14, >90, - & Payne. Telephone No. 12. morning had '***' •* B *®drifl»- ▲lithe negro. * above have had^u "i* 1 ? b# * fore Judge Harr % *°» •*» h » r * Hnrnfh for our Troy Ho** sat Sheriff— yrstV The People el MUsa Went e VI '»»* onthsH. A.M. Hailtood. embraces five Presbyteries—Ath ens.. Atlanta, Augusta, Cherokee and Macon. , ... i Tha opening sermon will be de livered on Wednesday, November 5tb,-at7:80p. m., by the Rev. J. J. Boberton, bi D.,<rf Boswell. He I* retiring Ho/feritor.* Two business sessions wl)l be held each day, to which the publlo ivllejr There ftUl be #er- addresses delivered ekob id' .probahlJcsW eleven tha petf.'PtAtf at)W.»r. C.W. Lone, of Athens,_Dr. J. T. Plunket, of J6 Carter, of era. -rt»^i'tarsgagt:^u: r - evenings U,000 to 18,000 cable feet, and on Saturday evening*, It runs as high as 18,000 cubic feet. To try to meet this consump tion the’works are ruunlng^nl^ht and day, and every effort power of the management le put demand, which orth to supply the demand, w! half the - nearly I he time la In excess of the cspaelty of the worke to make. The men In oberge oan onl-" The men In oberge oan only i ^* a a nd q»Ho‘i gallon as circumstances will | Another New Beal dsns,. Mr. Thomas Jolnyr Is erectlns e besdUfall , rtsldtnoe , r on Xlburoh street. The work on the balldlog commenced yesterday- ^f^acsaaiasr The farmers are now gathering corn, Av their cotton crop needs all tl&ktUi&taVUy will hero a bard lima gathering both. «s^sns£itu.L will go out this morning nn$er charge,artlfo flfYF isymaster, Mr, Bhlpp. Nearly $80,000 will be dls- trlbnted among their employees. . •/, !., .Itouseoeert. There was only i . on* ease befira hla honor, Mayor Felder, In the po lice court Able meroiog, that of the usual "drunk aod^disorderly" kind, who was sentenced to $8.80 or ten days work on the street*. I 1 jjww. $$w$wi>^$m»#g., o mule hitehed to a wagon became frightened and backing beck sat US * drtyd* Jh*. soft, .flat down in Um body of lb aw* gnn with HhtSSfesuA, There will be prayer meeting set- slow 41 the BapQir and Prseoy- ffii^^rkr WnUl * , * , * 0 *'!‘W4lC®#$»Sb »»MPSa$: 7180 o'clock. All are Invited to atteqd- A cordial wsleonesnd an entortaln- lug and Is torofbr all l Volts* While In polios headquarters yes- terdsy a reporter notlood on f chief’s desk a collection of pocki kntses of all slses and deseriptloi These knives were taken at dj st9»mw bold a per- Respectfully Yours,' H. Tt. YfHin, Bupb » When Tub Recorder makes a Cpntract to do work, Ills compelled to fill It. If the. present faollltle* of the gas plant are insufficient, It Is due Itis customers that they ■hould not tell from 2,000 to 8,000 feet of gae more per day than they have. In other worde, If the oompany cannot r mate s "quart pot haw liaMn A ,1*1 Itl the- gallon.' ‘No one using gas cares to slsdk**j> on hihd a tall supply of Br ' and what It has said about tbs gas company It has been requested to •ayhff doien* of the Mbrony's nnoinisiara ’Z- customer*. «- ill- *- —" Mr. White's card explalue mat ters perfectly, however, and now the oastomen should lap tbs blame where It belongs -on the owners of due snd'-peyltblc-on' Thursday the 18th lost., at my offlo* In. The Bank ofBuaotar building eoroer of La mer end Jackson streets. All who t* patfsy. hjf « o’olock p, m., on that day, will ha aubjeet to a fine l$r fbua unpaid ^Tbe funds of both eeviss will be offered for ealo on Thuradtr night at 7:iasbarpln the Cyuuiell Chamber at the old Court *Lo1» Vositt. * Secretary and Treaenror On Monday of this -'week a fore man on one of the B. A. M. engine'’* remarked while passing throug.H did not boilers neighbor!)odd be lieve that ho did, and If b* Is aver caught will do Mm up In greet vlpilioaa Aommittw, agaaad tbsuistives with i Winchester*, pis- loir,' etc., and watched tho trains that come by for.tsip day*. The employees esy that if the crowd bad found the fireman there outdfaave been'* bloody battle.' The fireman was placed In a box ear, Urn ear sealed nnd locked aa It It waa loaded, eo that he could re mote Id that eeetloa Is a 1IIU* too “warm"for him, and will mak* hi* trips on the western division ta the future. The rsseocS House, he vs.’dlet of all who have bad tabng house In Gi' or **»- Peacock looks 0(1*4' **.* mont" himself, which 1 ^ ancatfiot everything is * t’tsen* of tho ncoteot hotels 1 Georgia. Woh *a Oe Btrast OsrTraok. . JSSZSXSiXi'Sz leg* street. The street car trscU is generally In fiist-claa* condition and when anything oan be done'to The Trombons Bsnd. Considerable Interwt was ovlm by qulta a large audlene* tut night, upon hearing a band eompoeediot leadership of Mr. Tom Blappoy. playing on toy trombones, at lAttlb Mardra’s book storf. Ohio, on* , of the most proaperoua and thoronth-gdlng farmers of that section of oountry, to in tho city and will inspect tho fanning ad- zx-tsrissi.sra - Marriage Last Night. " j Lut evening st the residence of the bride’s (other, about five miles west of the city neat Benevolence ted In marriage. The Recordrr extendi wlsbw for eOBfnialiilODft mmA Jtnrt for thToonUduedlfigalih hndProepOrByhr^owwflir. tied oou pie. 1 ,ii x I Bunswey Yeeessdag Meralng- ; Yesterday morning between six and seven o’clock tho bore* hitched to Mr. J. R. Hudson’* soda water the store, down Foreyth stroet. dlstano* beyond the Jail, spilling soda water all around. The horse freed himself from the wagon and ho only damage to'to which was Injured by tlon now belngtsri bly one of the moet'Importsnt meet ings of the Association. A num ber of Amerieoe people ..areIn at tendance, - among whom are: Dr.- Matthew*, Messrs. SL InmCM) tarn to Annum.. ..... „ D. K. Brinson and 0, B. Lockett. The flremau thins* that Use ell- Ostrich feather boas, the novelty of the ****** In,four colors at Mia*. Blab’s. Bobbery at Sumter Cltj The bedroom* of Mrs. r her residence In Bnmtor City, was broken Into by a burglar last Friday night. Tha burglar had hto hands .in e trunk when Mrs. Webb Jump ed at and grabbed him. The bur glar jerked himself loose, jumped through an open window and made good hi* oeoap*. A negro, who lived neat by, bee been arrested on eoeploioo, and is now lo Jell In this city, but as It ta not oertalu that lr- to guilty we wUl not aaontioa hi -Mr. Ceoll a Abbott, General Mana ger of the Central Railroad, says, in regard to Use rafueal of the Cen tral go. furnish -coal -oars to the Mara*Creek Cool Co., nt Birming ham .- "It to true that our company re- .fused to famish, for tb* present, any more oan tothe Horae Greek Coal Co., at Birmingham to loaded-with eoaifor the 8. A. M, It. Co., for the reason that the 8. A. M. rood ha* a very largo num ber of our oars loaded with ooel standing lit their yards, In 101 Instance for a month to six wool resulting In our inability to furnish ears to bo loaded for private parties. We were oompolled to take this no tion io justice to the general pub llo as well aa ourselves, for unless w* eon have the us* of our cars we oannotsupply tb* demands of the publlo. Attbto season of the year coal ears are in demand, and as ooal cannot be shipped In other cars, It to necessary that wo should have all in us*. The 8. A. M. road have now In thsir possession twelve ofour oosl oars, which ware dellv end to them by. os two months and ten days ago, and not yet returned. As soon as these oars are returned our order will bo withdrawn and they can get ear* the same as aoy other patron ofour road. It to not our Intention to boycott Amariou* or th„43. A. M. road, but to accom modate tha publlo generally as promptly as it lies within our pow er, and our order In reference to the loading of coal can to with re ference to that end." THE A. S. A. CLUB. Another step forward. Amerloue 1* to have a handsome olub house. One that will be a credit to the city and to the olub. The directors of the Amerloue Soolal eod Athlotlo Club met Tues day night and Resided positively to ereot a new dab house. The plans and epeolflostlon* for the new building that have Just been'gotten up by Mr. Novatan,tk« well known arobiteot of Atlanta, war* submitted and accepted. A committee of three, composed of Messrs.- C. A. Frioker, It. F. Sams and Crawford Wheatley were appointed as * committee on build ing, Then gentleman are empow ered with full authority tomsko all arraagemente In connection with'(hd building and will super vise lie construction. The building will be oreoled on the corner of Jaokaon' street and Cjiuroh street. The lot to better known as tbs Buchanan lot. Thawork on tb* bnlldlng wlU nenoe as soon a* material and labor can bo aoqulred. The building, eommltteo hope to bav* tha bnlldlng ready for oodu- ponoy by tbefintof January next. . The building wUl cost between five and six thousand dollar* and when completed will be ono of tho handsomest and most conveniently arranged club house In tho Booth. Tbto olub to three years old, on a solid substantial financial footing and Is aoredltaltk* toitoalfandto tho olty of Amerlcu*. Bins Fish. Mr. 8. M. Cohen Is In receipt of some lino fresh water Deb, T^o fish are shipped on Ico from Klor- Ida and are perfectly froth. All his customers seem very much pleased with bla fresh goods and |»llte' attention. When wanting ’-"'fish, oysters, eggs, dressed . try,'fruits or-vegetablcs, pay ilmacall. Mr, Cohenlaalso agent for tho Brunawlok City Brewing company, who'manufacture some of the best beer on the market. The new one hundred thousand dollar hotel Is rspldly going up. Tho whole stdowatk ou Jackson street, where the front of the build ing le to be, Is.completely covered wlthbulldlng material. On Lamar street there is a large pile of mortar with whloh the brick muons aro supplied. Al though thereto oqo man, and some times several men, kept busy mak ing mortar, yet so great Is the num ber of muonB and so rapidly do they accomplish their work, that tho mortar taken from tho pllo by them keeps It from growing any larger. Tho great size of this pile of mortar Is attracting ths atten tion of many passers-by. Tho brick for UiIb building to tho finest made, and the , beautiful rough gray atone In combination will Indeed add great beauty to this Immense structure. The engine and planing mill put In by the contractor Is kept busy every day plamug lumber to bo used in the building. When this handsomo end im mense structure Is completed It will bo a greet matter of rrlde to Amerlcus people. Blnot tho bnlldlng of the now court houso It hu been very neces sary to the business Interests and appearance of tbo city to have this front of thle block filled up, and to have it filled with such a handsome building, Is a matter or great Inter est to our citlxons. Tho necessary stock has all boon taken and lsnowtenpor ceutabovo P»r. ' LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink. FOr blllousucsa and constipation fako Lemon Elixir. For Indlgoatlon and foul stomachs tako Lemon Elixir. For sick and norvoui. headaches, toko Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervous- Lsi ness, tokoLo /non Elixir. Forlouof appctlto and debility, tako Lemon El lx I r. 1 For fevers, chills and malaria, tako Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mosley’s Lemon Elixir will not fall you in nny of the abovo named diseases, all of which ariso from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidney nr bowels. Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozloy, Atlanta, Ga. 50o and $1.00 per bottle at drug gists. • i A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suitering from Indigestion, with great nerv ous postration biliousness, dlsor- red kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mosley’s Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. O. U. Davis, Eld. M. E, Church South, No. •' Tatnall Ht., Atlanta, Ua. Prom A Prominent Lady. I have not been able In two yuan to walk or stand without auflerlng ley’s 1 a mile without suffering the least nconvenletice. Mrs. It. H. flLOObworth, Griffin, ua. BUCK BEAUTY. Ths “Undo Tom's Cabin” of the Horso. "The first gospel of the correct treatment of the horse."—Albany Y.)Press. Probably no book has ever ap peared In America which has re ceived such universal, uniform and unanimous praise from both the secular and religious press In all. book Is on sale at Alliron A Hlssner’sat the following prices. Board or terra uotta binding, 25 cents, No home or |»rsou soould be without tills book. ootllwl Officer W. D, Smith, recelv- telegram from Hmlthvllle Tuesday to arrest Will Suett, col ored, charging MbbwHbMHBBB after trust. Officer Smith arresi the negro yesterday and Mar ■hall R. J. Halter, of Bmtthtllle carried him back to that place. Highest of all in'Leavening Power.—U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17,1889,' essss&a ABSOLUTELY The Celebrated Boy al Baking Powder to sold ft ANSLBY, High-Os ta