Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 18, 1890, Image 1

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•r "i ESTABLISHED 1879. AMEEICUS, GEORGIA. SATURDAY. GCTOBER 18, 1890. ') /JTTQL L-l -ja l T T DRESSO GOODS Are flying thick and fast I - * '1.i ; x POT: "took is simply unap- • prooehable ns to completion. - Thousands of dollaia worth of stuff recently added to the stock. Groat many specially attractive things the coming week. Black God^lhe greatest profaston. ‘ ‘ Look at our Henrietta Cloths at 75 ctar an<t2l,in both blaoks TTaid colors. 'Zi Ci ’ ‘ Thfe largest ttne BrotaKlotha in seidi.l^ltw.-tii' Soath Georgia. Prioes way down. Extra good values in FJbnnela and Blimketo. * • , f'l^agniflcent stock of Notting- 3 trim Lace Curtains, Chenille Cur* _ tain*. Silk and Madras Curtains and Porteorcs; ranging in price from $1.78 to $36 a pair. If you want to furnish your house in anything of the kind oomo and .00 Y ^mc ,-Ifpon waat anything' in jtty * <_jL 1 U fa goods, Dross Goods and Gents Furnishing goods come and soe ' J '- ' ,H WHEATLEY & ANSLEY. ■ Artesian BlockKopp. welL) YWA9MOO ■ nanmo^Tf: tlliu ifoiiii ctur Large stock of Sanitary Goods and Globe, A^iglp’and Check, Valves. Quage Cooks, G-uage Classes. Fall line of all Itfen i^tfasapd Steam fittings, Late j#**;. Ttfatqj/,- Closets, ‘ Bath-Tubs, Basins, Open Lavatories, &c. SEARCHINGHISRECORD BRINOinGCHARGESAGAINST PRESI DENT LIVINGSTON. A Churchman Brims Charges Atslnst Him, And WcnU the Church to Xllu Au Investigation. the An Atlanta telegram to BrnnswIckTlmea of yeeterda; con tains the following: "Colonel L. F. Livingston, the Georgia Alliance boss, Is making Aiusnee epeechea In Kaneaa, bnt some members of hie ebureb, the Presbyterian, here In Atlanta, are after him with oharges of the most serious nature. * * * ' MAJOR ANSLEY AFTER LIVINGSTON. “Mejor J A. Ansley, well known here, wrote to Rev,' Henry Qolgg, of Conyete, some tlmu ego sobstan tlally as follows "You are a member of the Presby terian church, to whlch'Colonel L. F. I.lvlugston, a. ruling elder be. long*. Charges affecting bis con duct sh a man ami ass Christian are being brought against him. * laytiur duty 'ootta Colonel t.lvuig- ►b n lo appear before the preeby. tery in order that these charges rosy bo Investigated." LIVINGSTON’S DISGRACEFUL CON* _ B0CT> Alluding especially to the charg es, Major.Ausloy wrote that while President of the Georgia State Ag rfcultural Society, Colonel Living- Kton was drunk on the' fair grounds it llaeon, and that bo compromised himself ontho tame grounds with i woman. ' As witness against Colo nel Ltvlngron, Major Ansley gave fbe following: Governor eleot W. 9. Nortben; Colonel John O. Whd- flell,-President eleot or the state Agricultural Society; Colonel J. Mobley, of Hamilton; Colonel It. A. Nlsbet and Captain Robert TON. Rev. Mr. Qulgg, who la a warm Friend of Colonel Livingston's, le Said to be trying to prevont the sharges from being presented to the presbytery. The matter cause* a profound ien«atlon.,j.• PARDONED BY THE GOVERNOR. to Innocent Van Suffers Sixteen Yean ^ For Another. Crime. Ipeclal to ItKcoaosa. Atlanta, Oeb 17.—Bolin Whit- lald,oonvistad of asron In McIntosh luyerlor court 16 years ago, was unioned by the Governor to day. Newly discovered evldenoe. goes to show that Whitfield Is sn Inno cent man now, and that he- bat worn.oeytot stripes since lsr-l for Another man's'crime wQ We tale still prepared to do ,Mi!l mj&L KDiSs:ori::i i'y and, invite bids fteni atyhaving that olass of Hwjyw work who want it done well and promptlv. ° ur> ’ v " ' <: Call and see ns in our new quarters. &£}j3£l Hapt-M.’IO, Telephone No. 12. KILLED HIS FATHER. Special to Recorder. Cordele, Oct. 17.—Old men Mor ris wss killed at’kle plsoe, two miles below tbla pface, yesterday, by hit son.wkots now In Jail her*. He la trying to play offorsxy. ' - - Mfi.Eiam hasndt forgotten the gentlemen,*knd has a Dies selection of cblna ibavlng cups, whisk brooms and elgarholdar*. " Jf V IN COUNTY COURT. In oounty court yesterday morn ing his honor, Judge Pilsbury, beard th#evldenoe In the ease of Bl Hammond and William Grtena, tbs last two of Saturday'a rioters. Attorneys Wheatley and Fits- gerald were for the defeat*, aod Solicitor Blalock and Attorney Maynard for proaeoutlou. From the evidence' brought to bear on theease the' court decided to bind theprisoneraovol' tb cups- rlor court under .*> turn of ♦ 1.000 At two o'clock yesterday evening the court convened to bold com mitment trtU "of* the' following THE PROGRAMME OF THE STATE FAIR PUBLISHED COMPLETE. Subjeotsof tbs Dlfffc refit Lectures to be Delivered at tbs Ohautawque—The Other Attractions to be Seen There. Tire Recorder has from time to time mentioned the different fea tures of the State Fair. It now publishes In complete form the programme of the occaslou, except the races and other smniemente. The subjects of the dlffeient lee- tores to bo delivered at the Chatau. qua, will bo read with special In terest. TltE PROGRAMME. The programme of the Georgia State Fair, Central City Park, Ma con, Ga. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22. Georgia Day—Opening address by Hon. V. O. du Blgoon, Presl dent State Senate. Assembling of the members elect of the Legislature. Addresses by promlueut members aud candidates for various unices to bo filled by the Legislature. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, National Day—Address by Hon. Joseph FI. Brown, senior Senator tram Georgia. The congressmen and candidates for eleotlon to next Congress have accepted an Invitation to be pres ent. They wlli'bold a grand reoep- tlon in Muslo Hall, and give their constituents an opportunity to meet them In a body and discus* the Is sues of the day. FRIDAY, OCTORER 24. Macon Day—Grandest Trades Dlaplay over seen tnfleorgla. Gov. Gordon wllj address the multitudes SATURDAY, OCTOBER'25. Children's Day — A flood Of amusement* for the little on**. MONDAY, OCTORER 27.‘ Education Day—An exhibition of the method* used In the princi pal systems of publlo schools of the State, at well as of the' principal oolltges, both mslo aud female, af fording an excellent opportunity to Compare.them. Addresses wllhb* delivered by H. C. White, president of the State Oollege oL Agrlculturo, 1’roft ' Lawton B. Evans, superintendent publlo schools of Richmond county, and MaxW.F. Seaton.' 1 At every* body Interested In the education of the people be proient. * TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, Alliance Day—Address of wel- HON. CHARLES F. CRISP. Invited to Bpeok by Tammany, In Yaw York, and Boston, Mass. Hou. Charles F. Crisp, congress man of the third diatriotof Georgia, hat been Invited to deliver an ad' dresa before the Demooraoy of Tam many, In New York, on the 23d Inet. Mr. Crisp has also been Invited to deliver an address at Boston, Mast., at any time that may suit hi* convenience. Tammany le the heart of the Democratic party, aod to be Invited to deliver an addreei thero le quits a compliment. The Democrats of Boston arc also quite powerful factors In the action of the Dcmoeratlo party. Should Mr. Crisp deliver the shove addressee he will no doubt acquit himself with eredlt. Another Cur* for Rheumatism. Lake City, Fla. I*. F. P. Mn’fk Co„ ttavannah, Ga. Gentleman—I had Rheumatism for over six yesrs, aod last May was taken down and confined to my bed. My lens and feet were badly ewollco and the color of a red apple, and I was In a fearful condl tlou. I beard of P. P. P. (Prlokl, Ash, Poke Root and Pottasaluih) aod aftar seeing what tba tngre- dltnts werw—as the formula la on ths bottle—I oonclnded to try It, and after taking three small bottles was abla to go down town and at tend to my Ibuelne**, and I must say that I reel like another man. Am now taking the targe else, and to-day'I believe that I will soon be os llkeiy as any man of slxty-one yean or age can expect to be. A. C. LANG. - ON THE CORNERS, WHAT A RECORDER MAN HEARS ON HIS ROUNDS. Showing the Northern Tourists Iht Ad vantages of Americas and Southwest Gsorxla—Other Pointed Paragraphs. Krtry day brings strangers from the North and West to Investigate the advantage* of Amerlons and Southwest Georgia. oveMothe county court In the *uu Phyetclsn’a Prescriptions Family Receipt* , prepared with * s.wwvwww - come by Hon. Dsn Hughei. Grand street demonstration by elllancemen of Georgia, to eonelude on th* grounds with apaeohea by Ben Terrell and others. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, Masons’ Day—The grand lodge of Georgia will vlglt the par jt In a body and be addressed by Horn John B. Davidson, graqd master. THURSDAY, OCTOBER SO. Manufacturers’ Day—Meeting of the manufacturer*’ of th* Btste, whan as association will be formed In Muslo Hall. / THE OnAUTDAQOA Feature of thefalr will be entirely new and will bawf iqarkad |nteMa$< Th* following will ba Uw progamme for the evenings, to be held In Muslo H*)l, at the park. Lectures wiltb* delivered by tb* following dlstingulabed gentlemen: Wednesday, Ootober 22.—Dr. W. . Chandler, President Emoiy Col- 5&K36K5 “S’ Thursday, Ootober 23.—Dr. J. B. Hawthorne, of Atlanta, 'The Ethi cal Features of th* Tariff and Labor 'Question.” Friday, October 24.—Dr. O. A. Nunnally, President of Marcar Uni versity, “Educational Destitution In Georgia.” Saturday, Ootober 25—Prof. Chat. Lane, Pyofeespr Georgia School of tr**nf)Ipgy., ,“.AwiJyiM» and History of Laughter.” • , Mondaj’, October 27,-Dr. G. B. Strlckler, of Atlanta, “True Cul ture.” i ■ U. . . (, i i. .. Tuesday, October 28.—Dr-. LB. Hopkins, Prestdant Georgia School of Techifology, “Tba Educational Criele." " ‘ - .i- m Wadneadxy, October 29.—Dr. W* ellor.UElver.lty of er-Jvducatlon In oare and rf the best material* at Cook’s Pharmacy, Lee street,. near artesian well. W. A. Cook. Erysipelas—L. L. Irvin,of Thom- sevllla,'-'G*., says he was alHIeted with Erysipelas . for teu yean and was only cured when P..P. P. was used. Th* Bulbuls Tin Tournament. Th* colored firemnnlc asoantoD' lets from Msoon .snd Amerlons to Eofaul* had a vary bad day of it Thursday. Th* axounlon train from Macon via. America* lo Km faula left Americas al 7i30a.m, Thursday, arriving at Enfauls at 2 The weather was extremely bad. The street* wen aloppy, and numbers of the ‘ excursionists did not leave the train. Thsazcnnlon' kite left Enfanlaat 6:30 p. m. and arrived at.Amerlons at 2 o’clock the next morning, v*ry tired and gen erally dlseatlsflad with th* trip. I have removed my Pharmsoy to Lee street—Slsppey corner, near artesian well—wliero I offer every- thing in Drngs and Medlolhei. Will ba pleated to have you call. W. A. Cook. A Meeonlo Temple. There It some considerable talk amohg tb* Masons hare shoot bolldlng.a Masonic tamplc. The Masons received some money some tlm* slooe from the city tor the sale of the Old College building, and are very well able to build tempi*, rtlstob* hoped that they will erect a handsome building kn» addition to the many other Handsome buildings lh*t*ir* eith er already expected or are now In process of tnotion. Horseshoe baskets In dainty blue, pink, and white, to hang on your gas chandeliers for matches and aa an ornament, at HnnenlaL Cards art out for th* marriage of Mle* Minnie T. Pryor to Mr. F. Wilson, at th* retldano* of th* brlda’a father, Hr. B. G. Pryor, thli oounty,on Thursday afternoon, Oete her 46th, 1*60/ Tb* contracting parti** are of the Aral families of our . county. Tub Recorder wlehca them a pure and prosper ous journey through life. Chateleln* Autograph Al borne, something new. Nice for sehool girts. Mbr, Elam. Magistral*'* Court, ■ in Magistrates court yesterday Goa Davis and his wife were suing for a division of furniture, his wife having si^orn out a poascsory war rant for the furniture. Judge Oliver,upon investigating the case, found'that the man had paid only one dollar on the furniture. He therefore made the woman j>ay the man ons dollar and the man paid tho casta. .. Work on th* Street Cos Alas. Nearly every day some Improve ment Is made on the streetcar line. Yesterday a fores of laborers were at work on the track In front of the Recorder building. ' Randall Pope, th* retired drug get of Madison, Fla., saysP. P. p. s tb* best alterative In the market, and b« ha* bandied and sold all tha sarsaparilla* and blood medicines that were advertised. mechanics, business man, capitalists and svary olasa of Industrious and deelrableolUsant, all want lo come to our Southland to enjoy Its excellent ollmateand to make use of her great natural advantages. Our real eetate men and patriotic cltisens are doing everything In their |lower to persuade these pro*- peotore to come *and make them, selves as one of us, tor by Imprqv- log this section of country we shall be of mutual bentfltto *ioh other. To a Southerner tt la quite amus ing lose* .the great Interest die played, by some of these prospec tors, upon seeing cotton, the rfreat Southern stable, In lta different atagee of growth. These gentlemen Ell get several stalks, blooms and bolls to take home, and show to their people. . The Recorder man of these gentlemen attempt to cut ■talk of sugar cane yesterday and It was quite amueing to note with what awkwardness be went at It. At every opportunity when be thought that_, he would not be notleed, ho would turn and watch some ons else cut their cane so that he would not make any mlstakt. Every new comer seems very much pleased, and It le te ba hoped that they will be properly conducted In ths neighborhood or In the city of Amerious. Competent brick masons and car penters are in great demand In the city joet now. This class of work men are In sboh great demand Jost now that they oan command at most any salary. More stores are very much need ed. Tub Recorder man was In. formed yesterday that all th* stone booses now In process of erection are already rented. Th* saloons seems to ba well sup plied with beer. A oarload came In yesterday. Tha number of new buildings now going up la very large, and all of the buildings are nle* and beau tiful, from Ih* cottages op to the new $100,000 summer retort hotel. The lumber and mill men around Amtricus are having all the orders they can fill and more too. Anoth er saw and planing mill wonld pay wall, If properly conducted. Ha was 'alio Informed that there have been numbers of inataneea where (tore houses have been rent ed before, the foundations of tba buildings bad bean laid. Thera are qnmbenofgood bust nets man who would locate here If tbayoonld only gat storehouses. Although It seems that new stores are now going up about as fast and In aa large numbers ha onght rea sonably be expected, yet If more were built (he business of the city Mould be greatly Increased. Room* over th* store houses are also to great demand for offices and Bleeping apartments. There Is a Ho* opportunity tot investment In a first-class, commodious dwell ing, near the business portion of the city, to be rented as sleeping apartmenls. Meals can be had at restaurant*, hotels and private boarding houses, hut sleeping rooms are very scarce. A large boarding house, to tar nish plain substantial food and comfortable sleeping apartments, at a moderato price, that wage- wufkers, book-keepers, meohaolos, clerks and others, who work on small salaries could afford, would bo a good thing, both lor Its pro prietors and patrons. The farmers of Southwest Geor gia, notwithstanding the many difficulties under which they are now laboring In preparing the Utter part of the cotton crop for market, havo had unusually good luck this year. Tho cotton crop of this year is one - of the largest ever made ,although there le Iota of it still in the field. There Is enough already ploked out, ginned and marketed to pay the farmers yearly expenses and to hayo some ovor. Tho corn crop Is exceptionally fine. The potato and pea crops, which are very large,dan be marketed or fed to the hogs for tho farmers meat. The cane crop of this year Is the largest that has been raised In a number of years. Sugar boilings will bo In order very * soon, and there will be enough Syrup made to sell quite a Urge quantity and still keep plenty at home. - » >vL Accidentally Shot. On their return from a fishing frolic, several youug men, among whom wore Messrs. Arthur Rylan- der and J. E. Mathis, were shoot ing birds. Mr. Mathis In shoot ing at A bird did not see Mr. Ry- Undcr on account of the hushes that hid him, and accidentally shot him, one shot taking effect abovo Ills left hand. The wound, though qulto painful at the time, did not amount to very much. Dr. Bull, of Louisville, Ky., showed his lovo for littlo children when ho Invented those dainty lit- lo candles'namod Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroyers. It's fun for the child ren but It’s death to the worms. An Opera llouto at Richland. C'apt. Joel A. Walker, of Rich- was In tho city yesterday and Informed ono of our reporters that Mr. James A. Lewis, of Columbus, had bought a lot and contracted for the erection of a $12,060 building, the second floor of wbioh would bo used for opera houeo purposes. We congratulate our neighbor upon her new acquisition. unhesitatingly rooornmend Bull’s HarBaparitla as a our* for syphilitic blood ;>olsou, scrofula a id all diseases of the skin and ands.—Dr. Knapp, Lewfsport, - Winter Tim*. -i Winter seems now to be here la earnest. Tho weather Is extremely i:old and fires will glow In’many I lonscholda to-day. The night watchman at tb* Cen tral depot authorises us to state that there was frost this morning. this Is true ripe ’simmons, and still better, fat ’possums, will ba now In order. Mrs. Elam’s stock of Vases ■ complete in quality and quantity, but more are coming before Xmas. Jlsd to Count Them on HI* Ylngen* A gentleman applied for member ship to the Knlglita of Honor yes terday, and upon being asked how many children be haJ that tb* In surance would benefit, could not re-, niembqt all their names aod had to count them on bit flogere. “ had quite a number of ehlMrenr Drill Lost Night. The drill st the Armory of Ukg . Auierlcus Light Infentry lost night, was well attended by the member* of the company. The company la ., very proficient In the manual of arms. : = - ; 1 H* Highest of all in Leavening Power—U. S. Gcv’t Report, Aug. 17,1M9, hKH