Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 23, 1890, Image 2

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^ERIC^ Recorder IF* L, OLB88XKB, t • t « I Editor. Offlclal Organ of Ramter Count/. Offlelol Organ of Wobutor County. THURSDAY. • OCTOBER 23.18S0 The AKnuott.RkcobdssU pabiuaod Dally Mill Wwkly, dnrlnf the year. The Daily Recorder la laeoed erary morning except Monday., daring tb. year, at toe par Math, or|M0 per year. The WERRLT BeoordebU leaned orery Friday morning, at 1100 per year payable In advance. It ha. the largeet circulation any paper In South want Georgia, clrcola- tlnglargely In th. eonntlce of hnmter, law, Terrell, Stewart, Webeter, Schley. Marlon' Maeoa, Booty and Wilcox. Entered at AmerlcuaPoet-omceaaeeoond EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NOTICE. The Exeentlvo Committee ot the demooratio party ot Bnmter ooun- ty are reqmeted to meet in Amori- cue on Friday, the Slit day ot Oo- tober, inat., at 10 o’eloekA. M. would urge that every member will please be preeent In pereon if possible, as matters ot importance are to be attended to, J. A. Akbley, Chair’ll. Ex. Com. Americas, On., Oct. 18tb, 1800. BE ON GUARD. ... In late years so little opposition has been made to the Democratic candidate for Congress from the Third Congressional District that Democrats tuke It for granted that the nominee will be elected. This may be true to a great extent. But indications this year are different, and for this reason Thr Recorder points to a few slgnllloant facts tbat should rouse every white voter in the District. The policy of the Republican par ty. nnder the leadership of Tom Reed, Is, If the Republicans haven't got a good working majority in Congress, to make ouo. When tb. list Congress met the Republicans had a bare majority. They imme diately called up the contested oas es and proceeded to eeat the con testing Republicans, In one in stance overthrowing a majority of 18,000. This program will be fol lowed In the next Congress, If tbe Republicans can ' organise the House. For tbe Brst time in many years Republican candidates have been put out In every district In Georgia, and in several districts they are makings bold, open light. In’the others, and this applies to the Third, they are doing their work In a quiet, sooret manner. The Republican "barrel" has been tapped, and thousands of dollara have been sent Into Georgia, to be need in defeat ing Democratic candidates for Con. gress. Tub Recorder believes, without a doubt, and it has good reasons for suoh belief, that qrilM a earn of this money has been sent Into this dis trict to defeat Hon.' 0. F. Crisp and elect the negro Gibson. Tom Reed would give more to defeat Hr. Crisp than any man l» the Democratic party, for the simple reason that ■ Mr, Reed Is afraid of Hr. Crisp, the latter being the only man In Con gress who has worsted the Speaker Inhjs arbitrary rulings. The money that haajbeen sent into tbe Third Is being welt handled, and If the Republicans can poll a; good vote, they will have no best tancy In unseating Hr. Crisp, should they be able to (mister a Jorlty in the next Congress, anises Mr. Crisp has suoh an overwhelm ing majority as to defy even Tom Reed’e arbitrary rules. This ma jority Hr. Crisp will• get Democrats will only turn out and vote. Do you want the Third tq be rep resented by a negro? It not, let every Democrat be at the polls the first Taesdfy in Mo> vember. UNHEARD OF, Tbe il iiiins of abuse tbat the Gordo: ..-gausare dally burling at the Governor’s opponents, and also at those who are not his npponeuta nor his supporters,Is somethlnguc* preceJentcd In Georgia. Gov. Gordon's military record Is paraded and shouted from oDe end of (lie State to tbe otlior. It is said he Is being vilified and traduced, though The Recorder has sifted hun dreds of exchanger and'' not a line of tbat kind can be fonnd. The feet Is that tho Governor has surrounded bimsolf by a set of dis contented politicians who were nev er known to bo satisfied with any thing, and who seem tomakolta particular point to always try and defeat the will of the people. Borne months ago Gov. Gordon said that “ho would be elected Senator, even if one hundred of tbe one hundred and thirty-seven coun ties bad been Instructed against him." In other words, he consid ered himself invincible. And so be was—at that time. The Gover nor considered himself stronger than any man. any sot of men, or any party in Georgia, and conso nantly he felt perfectly safe in mab Ing his (now) lamous anti-sub treasury speech. #No party or organixatloif likes to be told it has no influence; that its plans are unpracticablo; and when tbe Governor had gone that far the Alliance people concluded they would show him just what it could do. As a consequenoe there has been a most wonderful change iu the tone of the Governor’s speeches. He no . longer offers “something better” for tbe aub-treasury bill, and Indeed, avoids that subject as hs would a snake. As for tbe Alliance, It goes se renely along, and sub and oonnty Alliances continue to pass resolu tions opposing Gordon. While it haa been charged re peatedly that a olique controlled the political machinery of state politics, and while It may bavo been true, yet no man baa had the audacity to boast that he could be elected even if three-fourths of tbe people were against him, without raising a veritable hornet’s nest around bis ears. Yet that is what Gov. Gordon has doue.’ Tho Democrats seem to have the Republicans on the run In tbe West. It is barely possible that the name of the future Henator from Georgia will be given to the public to mor row morning. Established 180 Mncou Is the Mecca of |s.lltlelnus to-day, but no one ever heard of tho Htate Fair being held In that city but what It rained. ThaHaeon Telegraph aoams to baafrald that the Aliianoe will be come Independents and cause break up in tho Democratic party. The only danger to tho Democratio party that Thr Rroobdrr can see is that which will come from pro- fiwaliranl politicians and office seek ers, who oaanot control tho asee. A stogie Instance where I tlllsasvTin not stood by tbs • nominee baa yet to bo r knowledge. STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER. “Borne of our esteemed contem poraries claim that Tbe Constitu tion laoppoalngGov. Gordon. And yet If Tho Constitution bad oppos ed Norwood and Bacon aa it la now opposing Gordon, those gentlemen would havs bad a walk-over some years ago. In our opinion, Govern or Gordon himself and soma of those who stand oloae to him are hie moet powerful opponents.” The above Is a significant item which appeared In the editorial columns of tbd Constitution yester day. There is “more truth than poetry” in It. Four yeare ago MsJ Bacon was practically certa'ln of being nominated und elected Gov ernor. Then, suddenly, Henry Grady boieted Gordon’s name in tho Constitution. The fight that followed, and tba victory - who' well kuowu. For soma reason, beat known to itaslf, tbe Constitution la content to lot Gov. Gordon doiile own fight ing this year. That the Conatttu tlon haa a perfect right to support or not support Gordon uoooo oan deny, and yet souio people think because It supported Gordon before, tho Constitution should do so now. The Constitution did not tight nor did it support Gov. Gordon befor* hit sub-treasury ipeeehranif te'ts following tbe same coarse now. Tub Recorder, knows, of con rae, that the Constitution Is perfectly capable of fighting Ha owu battles, but It believes that a newspaper baa Juat aa much right to change Its policy or IU' opinions aa an Individ ual. * -lll» The average Frencli aoldle£ costa bis goverumSut t&i.AdfpSr year. Tbv Culled States has about 400,000 people ou Its pay rolls who do nothing but draw from $120to?8,000 a year. What other government Iu the world could stand such a drain? Delays are dangerous. Don’t wait for your child to hare an epl- leptlo (it. KIU at onco the worms that are making her feel so poorly by giving Dr. Ball’s Worm De stroyers. i . :> -, Incorporated 1890. < J Jewelers and Opticians Jackson Bt., (Barlow Block.) , i -1 Ahbbicus, Ga. stallmsnt Ptan.and have a Taro-Hundred sod Fitly Dollar Ship Chronometer to refu- l«te them by. Uoods we nil will be artistically eufhvsd tree of shatg* WA have very latest Instruments with which to test the eysaod and ontjnat what Is nesdei ■peetaelss, and ws sell “King’s Combination," the Ooeet (lessee lx tbs world. Music Department WO BOIIMKR, KIMBALL and “JAMES PRICKER A llBO.” PIAN and tho KIMBALL UIUJAN8. Tboto liutrmmento are all flrat-cliua. Every ono fully warranted for flvo yearn. We have been eelllng them from eight to twelve yean and know loot what they are. Call and tee thorn or writ# for satalogue. We repair Wotebee* Clock* and Jewelry, and Plano* and Organs, and gnarantee our work. We have been at our preeent Mtand for twenty*threo- yeare. Mo trouble to dnd the pisee. to wnien everybody la Invited to come. James Fricker A Bro. 8 NOT one of the old worn-out. potash, meroury, sarsaparilla, uaand doses for a shining med- idno. It la a remedy whloh never falls In Blood Dlaaaaes, and always builds up the general health of tho patient. _____ Cured Horaelf and Har Child.. my now first Mcatinh,then carles of the booe, and continued to eat until It destroyed the ioft boo*!* the rteht aide c* the note, then went to fsissfiteasr fisa SWIFT Sraciric Co. Aliuu, Ga. If YOU WISH to Advertise Anything' Anywhere at Any time WRITE TO ** Geo. P. Rowell & No. 16 Spruce Street NEW YORK. WILL IT BE BUCK? A telegram In this morning’* Re corder aays tho talk In Macon among member* ot the row legisla ture Is favorable to Hoo. J. C. C. of Auguste, aa tbo Alliance candidate for Senator. It would bo aomowbat strange It the Alllanee would select a man who baa never yet given a positive opinion about Alliance af fairs, but Utah Hr. Blank would grade and honor tbe position goes without saying. Ha Is out of tho most prominent man In Georgia to day, and has as olaau a record as could bo dMltcd. - -—-* Probably tha matter wilt taka a definite shape iu the next twenty- four bourn. Cleveland aid for 1ML* Qor.Ci P. L. HOLT, > DEALER IN—> , ,, , BUGGIES, WAGONS* AND HARNESS Will daplleat* Allan* t* and Macon Price* In Plaatei Lime, Cement and lla.1. fSS PUSfr hr *" n ,u sSrttewSr 8w<l - 417 LAMAR STREET, - - - AMERICUS, GEORGIA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FIRST- OLAB8 : FOR 3RE33STT. • n ■■ ■ -I* i. . Handsome two-story, eight room resldenoe with out buildings, stables, eto. Two minutes walk of business. Suitable for two or tbroo families or a boarding bouse. ■* M. Callaway. • Real Estate Agent The, People's. National. Bank B, Montgomery, President. John Windsor, Cashier. H.C. J. t\ Roney, VteaPrvsIdent, E. A. IIawkins, Attorney.’ Mitchell, Book-keeper. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE 1 OAPITAL, #50.000. SURPLUS, $25,000. ■ 'wlfw sat ■unwi' " ■' REAL: ESTATE: BARGAINS i ,.U Lna . - > I have TWO VERY. DESIRABLE NEW COTTAGER whioh I can BELL ON EASY TEAMS.. .... , y LOTT WARRE5KT. vjm ififiDi TH J' .,♦ i . «4r*o *■*■* tiiart , Bank of Sumter Building. real estate bargaiNS. r cae^lmuRcandloton Collcgv (Till, laigvlatnozyn), fronting two (travla. Tb* prat- barn on the ptaee. Call fov balgalna. - u > >>i ■ HUGH M. BROWN, ;; ■ 705 Jackson St., -> Americus, Oa. x fifteen Sham Furniture factory Btoeh for Sals- V. HOOO HFPT, RESIDENT AGENT OF i MB / aland aid ■ Campbell will do ] the bl< treat- t g |H| | , and, also like Cleveland, be cannot be moved. Gov. Hill ti pourlqf hotehot Into tbo Bepgblloan ranks In McKin ley'* district In .Ohio. What a crusher it will be tolieKInley It he | 1* defeated, and what a victory for tariff reform I r> p p. cu Rts ' jo Y-S P’EPS I A ABBOTT’S v usms&w COR Ns ^S OILV^ BUNIONS’ '’VO PAIN Thli company offers greater •qaaiied, 1* a purely mutual company members, and can therefor* affer safe tnsuranes at lo irlty linn- ‘Krestol ■alartgd J. W. STRICKLAND .•“iSSBSttA"""""'" r SGHftOEDEUr & STRICKLAND; >j *-'1 | MhHbw, •*’" IwAttanofSBtbprudibellnVia hhrtdtaftnigftuihiM^ HOT AIR HEATING, ETC -NOTiGE TO CONTRACTORS AK — .ie<i on abort noilco. Wa alao do Heavy Iron irln* Hpoutinge etc. 1 luS4bii AND GET OUR ESTIMATES ANftj -CALL AND SEE- : Mi W- At.his new • .it quarters on Cotton Avenue, under Hawkins House - Ha ■ i... keep*thefinaet ".tldocaotjiiIvttoA . Wines, Whiskies. Cigai’S, EtCar Etd in towi^ 7 He always has oh ttgs W.-tte"”"; wW Famous Cool5,1Be©r. Th# BEST Beer aver aold In Amerloua.- * . ^.[q’ ^ TJI , Fancy Drinks at Lowest Living, *'-*■** He keeps nothing but firsfc*olaim goods, and don’t charge fancy pflotfl tor them. GIVE ME A CALL. *w lift «i'j W. W. Wheeler d Co. are now in their pew quarters. — .fiq HAND-MADE AND NORTHERN HARNESS BY THE WHOLESALE 'AN* RETAIL. CALL AND SEE THEM; ’ ; W o They have alao seeuredthe rervjeeeof A Eirst-class Rapairing a Specialty. Prices reasonable as J SatlsfaeUon Guaranteed aroasBYi; THE LEADING DEALER IN- I. liTt-ufl Sole amt or tie CttimteOM -Su-iiiiar UMmkr: r -O 3. ObTTON AVENUE. - - - - ' - ^ DR.GROSVE/JOR'S A Bclleapsic PLASTERS. TH* BEST POROUS PLAIT*RS IH THI WWLO, . ”SS£?iSh!r*HHEIIIIATISII, KIDNEY PAIRS, LAME WBUfc; MamanaaUt «—■»■*—EagWfi Hvive/ 1 Peppier-Bar! The undersigned having opened a . Baron the COSO or UMtfBUE STUBS near' the Artesian well, we are pre- 0 pared to sar-ve at all time* 6eer on Drangbt ani in Bottles, Liprs Cigars anil Tobacco. and atk the patronage of tbepubllo _Wa alao keep q FRESH FISH, In Skamw. Hfenry~Jones & Co “w AS GIFTS FREE Given tb tbs Bub^iibcr* of Tb WteEdljr Vtm, SmuuIl h swing Shall tho B. A. M. or Um *1 get the freight on Send tor Particular, and Sainplt Copy. CHA.VCE TO a(r SOMETHING FOE WTHiDO. dthrTy t ^ ’V’ ( ■ - FOR S-A.I_.E- One tom, 726 acres, three miles bom Americus. ' One farm, 600 scree, near Leslie, on S. A, M. B. B., twelve P ACOCK HOUSE ELLaVLLE. QEOROlA NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE Oood aampl. —d ilMpInu room, (hi 1 turn and tho eonmeyslal andtba yoblia. - _ *m-«i^. r.n and w miles from Americus, about 860 acres cleared, 10 new tenant bouses [yyATTS HOUSE on p}eoe., This |s One of the finest cotton farms in Georgia; ■old at a bargain. Also several houses and vacant lota in A ■ceiion " ; W.D.anyXXi (M Forsyth BL, Recorder Building. will be Americus. i db Son. < ■ AMERICUB, GA. ..I, — ■„ . —— T R. T FIRE AND LIFE I HPRIUTI THE UfaT ill tTROMtir CMMKKt IN tat KOULL. InauraDO#^Uo#d on City and Country Property. Offldg on Japkaon Btmt* two doora north of Telegraph Office. ^ tli - AMERICUS. GEORGIA B O^WJLTTH, rre.prlevt .r, rint’ClM* AccommoJatioQHl J * Clectiin curt, from Depota to Hotel <*ortem meet *11 tnUna BELL HOUSE 70 D PRESTON. GEORGIA Preyvtater SSt^rinS!SS!SfuSJ! m * use nR SS2Sw. HallVIm GardenSeeds That are Just begiUDlnmtofMve. LiatenforCo^iu^^M. Th* struggle for Pearl Onion keep* the beet of everything—don’t get loft! -pallet HiuitiifiSiE loe Sing & Co, fruprletora of tbe v CHINESE. VtWNORY, Will open tide, Wrduaoday, for ALL WORK I sio; iimiMifi, Cut* 1 UgtrJ ConwT foe nny Kovan rair* KACN WAV. ft pen tola, Wedueaday, Tor f .40 J-5