Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 24, 1890, Image 2

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Recorder W. U QLXSSNKB, fit JCdltor. ' OBUU1 Organ of Wokotnr Omtf. FRIDAY. OOTOBER 88,1890 The Avzaicus Raoomanli pnbiiibtd fMV U4 W0M7,4nla( (bo T*W. Tbo Daily rscobdxk u lamed mrj morals, Rondoja, daring tbo paor, at Ms par month, otIMOpir poor. Fridop morning, ot 9100 per peorpopobla It boa thelorgwt emulation 'paper la aoathwaat Georgla,elreala- IfpRy talbaaeaatlaiof laaileT, Lea, 1, Stevart, MTebeter, Bebler. Marlon’ a, Dooly and Wllcoi, dUAnwrietuPoaMIffloeaeaeoond AUEKICU8 PUBLISHING CO. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NOTICE. VkfXKMatlra Committed of tbo democratic party of Sumter conn- ty an requested to moat In Ameri ca* on Friday, the Slat day of Oc- tober, Inst, at 10 o’olook a. m. I would urge that every member will pleaie bo present in peraon If peeeiMot aa matter* of Importance are to bo attended to, J. A. Aim.rr, Cbalr’n. Ez. Com. Americas, Go., Oct. Utb, 1800. tffi* Augusta Chronicle, ainoe donning It* new dreaa, la a* lively and frisky aa a sweet girl graduate. Ball road accidents are becoming more nameroas and dangerous. Is tblaa penalty of great railroad building? » Th# largeat stock of goods In Al bany returned for tax** this year was. owned by a druggist, and val ued at (18,OOD. Slanderer' Conley’a charge* against the Sapreme Coart of Geor- ' gla are being treated With the con tempt they deserve. “A political party without politi cians,” that Is what Editor Bran ham; of. tbo Branawlok Times, want*. The mlUenJum most bo drawing near. N The Branawlok Time*’ Atlanta correspondent says there I* a big sensation brewing In military elr- ■ cles, but It will not alTCct the fair ness of the Exposition drills. Islt true that Business Manager . Hemphill and the Managing Editor of the Oonstltatlonfibave agreed to disagree on the Senatorial que*. ttewT If not both* first time the bestows manager and tb* editor of a paper havo don* f so.. Tan Bxcobdbb's experience is that thsy generally disagree. HON. J. P. WALKER. Hon.J.P. Walker, of Webstar, who Isa candidate for President of the Benate, was mentioned by the Macon Telegraph as being In Ma- oon Wesdesday, and that bis candi dacy was favorably regarded by the members-alect of .the legislature who were present. Thelndlcatlons are that Mr. .Walker stands a good chance of being! the next President of tho Senate. AUIancemen from all portions of the State are pledg ing Ihemselvea to support him, and a big delegation from Booth west Georgia will go to Atlanta to pi sin claims. The Recorder • heartily favors Mr. Walker’s candldaoy. Tho far mers have done the voting long enough, and allowed other people to oecupy the offices, and now that they have the power, they should put men of their own stamp In the offices—Just for a trial, you know. MAGAZINE NOTES. ■ Mrs. Jennie Gwynne Bettany, whea* notable novel, “The House of Blmmon,” created a stir In En glish literary clroles about a year ago, ha* written another romance entitled “A Laggard In Love," whioh will appear In the November number of Lipplncott’a Magtilne. Alphonse Daudet’s latest work, “Pert Tareecon: the Last Adven tures of th* Illustrious Tartarin," translated by Henry Jamas, Is an nounced by Harper A Brothers as nearly ready for publication. The volnme wlU contain nearly on* hundred and fifty ' Illustrations from drawings by th* famous French artists, Bocal, Myrbaah, Montegot, and Montennrd—the In- vsntesa. It mgy be said, of an origl nal style of Illustration. “Theonly defect In th* stary," says Henry Jasaea, “Is that It leavw no more to 00me; it exhaaats the poselblll- tie*." Jan is* Henri Browne contrlb* ntee n clever end appreciative ar- tielenpoo Baleae’s women) enti tled “Jferolaee of the Homan Com edy." A sketch ef Balxac, who Is attegetii er too Uttle known In thU I a weserlption of his etboQ* of work, Is into this very entertaining THE CONGRESSIONAL OUTLOOK. Things are warming np In the ten Congressional District* In Georgia. Every Demoeratle eandi- data has opposition, classed from Independents, Jeirereonlan-Demo- erats, Republicans, and every kind of.a politloal shade or color that can be thought of. But there are no Alliance candidates opposing the Democratic nominees. In aevsrtl districts the fight promises to be very warm and close. Honey hes been furnished the meu who are opposing (lie Democrats, but where it comes from con only bo conjectured. Iu the first Mr. Lester Is being opposed by Doyle, a Republican, and both; candldatos are making a canvas* of the district. Lester will win, bnt bis majority is unoertain In the second Mr, Turner I* sure, of defeating a one-armed Republl can named Mattleeou, who claims hale the Alliance, though every county Alliance in the district has repudiated him. Id this, the Third, aa polntedjout In The Recorder yesterday, I’oter Gibson,the negro Republican notnl use, Is making a "still haat’’ for the place, and Is undoubtsdly back ed by money. The slie of Mr. Crisp’s majority, lu esse tho next Congress is Republican, Is all that will save him from being unseated Gibson is the only negro candidate for Congrosa in the State. In the Fourth Mr. Moaea la being opposed by a Federal office holder. In the Fifth Will Haight, Republl- oppoaea Mr. Llvlngton. In the Sixth tb* Democratic nomine* will have but Uttle trouble, while the Felton-Everett fight In the Seventh Is well known. The other three districts are being olosely contested, but the present Indica tions are that th* Democrat* will win. If Demoontio voters will only eome out, there Is no doubt but that Georgia will return a solid Demo cratic delegation, and evefy Demo cratio voter should not fall to rote, and also see that hie neighbor votes. HERO WORSHIPPERS. The American every decade must have a hero to worship ;ln fuel,sever al of them. And In the estimation of the Americau ■ very Uttle 1* re quired to make a man a hero. Heroes are made, they are uot born, and a very Uttle, in certain cases, I* required of th* hero for hie name to be lauded from ocean to ocean, and from Maino to Mexlco- Wlthout a hero th* people are help- Consider what great orowds gathered only lately to greet th* Oonnt of Parle, though no one could call him a hero. Look at th* great multitudes that gathered to greet Harrison on bis late Western trip—and surely he is no hero. But many people, In their blind partisan beliefs, cannot dlveat their mtnde-ot the belief that these men are heroes. Many a brave engineer has lost bis life In saving hie load of passengers, who was 'resUy entitled to this appeUatlon, and hie reward was a conscious ness of duty performed, and a short obituary In the telegraphic columns of th* papers th* following merm lug, with, perhaps, a small reward In the way of a purse from the saved-from death passengers,which would keep the poor wife and .chil dren alive for a week or two, when they will have been forgotten. In th* minds of tb* flokle pobllo It la better to be a live bogus hero than a dead real one, aa the rewards are more abnndant—end It I* much more pleasant. CHARLES A. FRICKEU. President. Jewelers and Opticians Jackson St., (Barlow Block.) Amhbious, Ga. Our stock i«complete in all line*. Wo make a specialty of Diamonds and Flue Watches. We am inspectors of watches for the 8. A. M. road; sell watches on the In< etallment Plan.and have •Tiro-Hundred and Piny Dollar Ship Chronometer to regu late them by. Oooda we sell will be artistically engraved free of charge. We have the very latest instruments with wh'ch to teet * he eye and And out Just what Is needed spectacled, ana we sell “King's Combination,” the Onest glasses la the world. Music Department Wonelltno HOIIMKIt, KIMBALL and “JAMES PRICKER A H BO.” PIANOS and the KIMBALL ORUANB. Those Instruments are all flrat-class. Everp one fully warranted for five yearn. We have been eclllng thorn from eight to twelve yean and know lust what they are. Call and too th*-m or write for catalogue. Wo ropnlr Watches, Clocks and Jewclry.and Pianos and Organs, and guarantee our. work. We have been at our present stand for twenty-throe years. No trouble And the place. Ut wblcn everybody Is Invited to come. James Fricker & Bro p. L. HOLT, DEALER IN BUGGIES, WAGONS, AND HARNESS Willdeplleate Allan- Will depllcata any grade of Baggy — Prices given in State* Handles the Stude- baker Wagon. 917 LAMAR STREET, - - - AMEKICUB, GEORGIA wholesale and retail dealer in FXRST-OlsASB FOIR IR-mUSTT- Handsome, two-story, eight room resiilenco with oat buildings, stables, etc. Two minntes walk of bnsinoss. Suitable) for two or three familios or a boarding house. M. Callaway, - Real Estate Agent The. People's. National. Bank. S, Montgomery, President. J. 0. Roney, Vice Preeldent. John Windsor, Cashier. E. A. IIawkinb, Attorney. H. C. Mitchell, Book-keeper. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE 1 Macon gave the politicians a very damp greeting Wednesday. Th* king of medicine*—Hood 1 . ~ iere scrofula, isr blood dl Sarsaparilla. It com salt rheum and all A Bar or Hope. of scrofula or othtr dfi bonds of discos* and aatathe cap tive frs*. Noothai remedy In exis tence combine* the positive econo my. the peculiar merit and tb* medicinal power of Hood’* parllla. • Tmtim «* Blood saJSMalKl—■■ s_ ■a —TT UlMi fl CAPITAL, 850.000. SURPLUS, 825,000. REAL: ESTATE : BARGAINS ! I have TWO VERY DESIRABLE NEW COTTAGES whioh I can SELL ON EASY TERMS. LOTT WARREN, Bank of Sumter Building. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. I offer for 8 few dan th* following desirable property clone in at * bargain: ^^Four houie* and lou, UoummJutt completed; 4 large room* each; lota 60x183 ^One hoaseand lot on College Hill, large lot 110x770, fronting two street*. The pret tiest home fn Americas. \ One house and lot on Jackson street, fronting the College. Large lot* 6 rooms to the comparatively new house with oook room and bath Louie attached, nice oat house and barn on th* place. Call for bargains. r HUGH M. BROWN, 705 Jackson St, : : : Americus, Gq. Fifteen Chores Furniture Factory Stock tor Bale V. [OOD HITT, resident agkkt or . as Feu Mutual life Insurance Company. ■ v router urcly mutual eoH^M ■HBPHMan therefore aflkrenf* insurance itM ock companies. Xfyoaw-tni Insurance, call on me Office la Kbcobdre Building, Americus, Go. Incac-mrnu than any other. In that Ita security Is un< * * embers solely In the Interest ol rates ^tban the large eelerled One farm, 726 acres, throe miles from Americus. One farm, 600 acres, near Leslie, on 8. A. M. A Bq twelve miles from Americus, about 860 acres cleared, 10 now tenant houses on place. This is one of tho finest cotton farms in Georgia; will bo sold at a bargain. Also several houses and vacant lots in Amotions. CUlon W. 30. Haynes dks 2(8 Forsyth 8k, Recorder Building. AMERICUS, GA. fiirm life e, urn sous m ufhi m mown? coipaciei in the mmlc. Insnranoe Placed on City and Country Property. Offie* on Jackson Streat, two doors north of Telegraph Offioe. tochlMAvlf WiMf I SilHROEDER 724 Cotton Avenue, Amirico*, 6a XxanMumoflk, Copper ud Shut Iroa Warn CalTesi'td Iroa Conice,^ ud Ins Beofing HOT AIR HEATING, ETC- IRON SMOKE STACKS.A SPECIALTY. To) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS : W* wooka be Pleased to five you estimates on you* Tin, Iran aad Cornice work. V K '**??*•? •**. *? ** W'dMi In every purlieu ar. Ridging. Creating end Flm rnUhsd on short notice. We>lao do Heavy Inm Vo rk from 14 to 27. UooAng, Gu tsrln- Spouting, etc. iJBftbk ANP QET OUR ESTIMATES and qiveius a trial- CALL AND SEE J. "W_ At hli new quarters on Cotton Avenuo, under Hawkins House keeps the fineat Wines, Whiskies. Cigars, Etc., Etc. in town. He always has cm tap kegs of tho Famous Cook. Beer. ' The BEST Beer ever sold In Americus. Fancy Drinks at Lowest Living Prices! Ho keep* nothing bat first-eles* goods, sqd don’t charge fsney prices for them. GIVE ME A CALL. W. W. Wheeler <& Co. ore now in their new quarters. HAND-MADE AND NORTHERN HARNESS BY THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CALL AND SEE THEM. They have also secured the services of First-class Shoemaker, Repairing a Spools!ty. Prloes reasonable aad Satisfaction Guaranteed A. B. XX, JOiSSEY, THE LEADING DEALER IN- Tobacco,Cigars a»d Uquors, hit nut or tie CttUnttoii “Gu Sum* InticKWMj. COTTON AVENUE. AMERICUS. GA If YOU WISH TO Advertise Anything Anywhere AT Any time write to Geo. P. Rowell & . No. io Spruce Street NEW YORK. People’s-Bar! s The undersigned having opened a Baron tho nwm nr nvit ju gm .near the Artesian well, we are pre pared to serve at all times Liprs Gkan ani Totacco. and aak the patronage of tbepnblio We also keep FRESH FISH, In Season. Henry Jones & Co XMAS GIFTS FREE $600 IN PRESENTS To be Given to the Subscribers hf Send for Particular! and Sample Copt* 3EACOCK HOUSE ■LLAV LLE. GEORGIA NEW HOUSE. NEW FURNITURE Oood aaapl. _d riMptn, room. IU commercial men ud Ur. public. Vlnt-etaM Ikro ud asUsIMriM ,osru led. Yoarpalron.,. Mllvttcd. _ O. L PEACOCK. Proprietor. w ATTS HOUSE AMERICUS. GEORGIA D* WATTS* Proprietor. Kleetrto eora from Drpeu to Ho* el ( ELL HOUSE PRESTON. GEORGIA PlmLsIsm sen Ulan. Porter. aw* all ualaa. (Trouble Brewing | Shall the S. A. M. or tb* Central get the freight on Hall’s Immense Stock GardenSeeds That are Jutt beginning lo arrive. Listen for Competitive rates. The struggle for Pearl Oolon Seta has commenced—first comes, first served. All know that HALL keep, the beet of everything—don’t gel left! Call at ’ll Owing to tne great delay in freights, I am compelled to retire from the Carpet busi ness. I offer lor sale X in my store on Avenue, consisting of They are suitable for Rugs only and will be sold at Everybody knows where It Is. Joe Sing & Co., Proprietors of the CHINESE .*. LAUNDRY, Will open this, Wednesday, for business. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! 810 F0B8YTH Street. Collet, le., or Map. t dossn. Cuff* Sc a pair. Shirts 13c., afor 25c. SCHEDULE AMERICUS STREET RAILWAY* Can leave Wheatley's Corner tor Cllj limits, Lee Street end comer Magnolia Avenue and Fefder Street, »t« J0,7rtW,7:», 10:00 N 1:20 12:00 X:&) IT 5:30 Call and examine them. There are a number of beautiful pieces. .- $ No trouble to show them, u MANAGED 414,416 and 418 Cotton Ave RUGS City Limits, Lee Street and comer Mag< nolle Avenue and Felder street at l:4i and 9:10 p. m. Meet Central Trains at •:% 9:00 a. TO WEAK MEN Knights of honor. . BRINSON.