Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 29, 1890, Image 2

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■MA FROM IWK chILDHOOU otlt nil «,»• which Im-c grew ohji: failed I dftermi HkoordkbU imud every ■ f 100 per year paytbls tho circulation Georgia,clrculx* lof Homier. Lee, WebeUr, BebUy. Marlon’l EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NOTICE. Tb« Kiecullve Committee of tlie democratic party of Sumter coun ty are reijueetei] to meet In Atnerl- oue on Friday, the 31at day of Oc tober, tnet., at 10 o'clock A. H. I would urge that every member will pleaae lie preedit In person If poealkle, ae mailer, of Importance are to be attended to, J, A. Ansley, Cliair’n. Kx. Com. AditIAh, Qit„ Oct. 15th, 1890. Home papers are a great deal more anxioua to belleye Republican Livingston In preference to Demo* cratlc Livingston. The "Boy's Democrat” la tbo name of a neat little amateur paper In Atlanta, with Kugene P. Thomas as editor and Frank K. Roland as business manager. Yfe congratu late the boys on their pluck. We publish this morning a por tion of a letter written by Mr. J. G. Oglesby. It breathes -the right spirit, and if Georgia had a few more such men It would, In. tho next ten years, grow beyond oven the dreams of the most enthusi astic. Advertise! Advertise! That Is what Georgia should do, and do liberally. GOING TO EXTREMES. The Montezuma Record says: The State of Georgia would have been Inestimably blessed If Gordon, CollqoUt, Hrown, (look, Phillips, w - \ a dozen or so more of Generals with braes , had been shelved years ago. * This may be the opinion of the editor of the Record, but Tim Re* cordkk Is quite certain it Is not shared by the people of Georgia. The people may differ with Gov. Oordoa on certain Issues, si:d re fuse to endorse bis candidacy for the Senate on oocouut of that dif ference, but they do not want to "shelve” him. As to Gen. Cook, if any man baa served more aealeusly or faithful!; Everybody in Georgia, and many in other States, know Mr. J. G. Oglesby, who for some years past has been President of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. It is recognized fact that under Mi Oglesby’s efficient and aggressiv administration (he Atlanta Cham ber of Commerce lias developed to be a lasting monument honor to his name. Mr. Oglesby has been spending some time in Colorado. Ife has recently written from there ter giving facts and statistic gard to Colorado’s imputation, wealth, resources and development that are exceedingly Interesting. To which be adds: "Now, when I compare with this Georgia, with tier population of nearly 2,000,009, with a soil capable of producing profitably everything that can be grown tinder America' sun, with her forests of timber nnd her hills and mountains holding limitless treasure of mineral and metal, a perfect climate with lb four regular and uniform seasons, I can but thluk that with these superior inducements of capital. Georgia should and will be In the wealth of her people what she Is in natural resources, one of tho rich •st States of this Union; a ( iid that her capital city, standing in the very midst of all these advantages, with her homes, business blocks and factories built and building out of her own pocket, and independ ent, can by the next census be easily made a city of 200,000. that Is needed is for our people to realize what we have and let other people know it. Let our Ht^i what these western States have done, advertise Georgia and pay for it out of the public treasury, Let the knowledge of the pro>|>eri- ty of Atlanta go abroad through out the land, and toward this aod Opf Ol other work for the good of our city ■ ■lUdjrj wLL. w I ■ let our real estate owuers—all of them-contrlbule liberally,and with thts increased growth they reap the harvest that the pro|>erty holders of Denver are enjoying, residence lots on the best streets selling at $200 to $400 per front foot, and business ground at $1,200 to $2,600. Tiiere are In Denver .'<00 real estate agents. 'I did not intend writiug at such length,” concludes Mr. Oglesby, "but when I get to comparing At lanta and Georgia with this coun try, my appreciation of home en thuse* me. I frequently find here reminders of Atlanta. Getting a glass of soda water the other dsy, I •aw on a magnificent fountain, In •liver letters, 'The Atlanta Consti tution/ and upon inquiry learned that the Boston manufacturer had given the fountain tlila name. I am now a regular patron, and since then the soda water from that fountalu seems to have a fresh?!* and more Invigorating sparkle. Inge record, to hear of the lien. Cook who i thousands of dollars as a I Commissioner when the new capl- > built. He well earned Ills r for the several years heserv- id if he does not make a first- i Beerstary of Htate the Record uld Inform the people wherein i is dslloieut. WHY SHOULD THEY NOT? { Rkookdkk admires the Ma- i Telegraph, and believes it to i Yair-niluded paper, but In a ; editorial the other day It ned the frieuds of- certain Ue for doing exactly what i candidate Is doiug aud will We allude to the interview of which It so caustlcal rilicized, in regard to (ho Alii k holding a caucus. Rkorukk is not holding p as a champion of the AIM Jaor la it a Gordon organ, (ievea that what is right I surely right for tho other |e Telegraph says that >he on have no right to hold /jumI determine on whom 1 support for the Beuatc, as |ng It will place the f?ena- i the hands of a minority ds to that effect, he Telegraph doubt for a j that 'Jordon’s supporters will (Ml IsM a caucus, or ttiat the friends of Norwood, Smith or Hines Joe Sing & Co., Proprietors of the CHINESE.*. LAUNDRY, Will open this, Wednesday, for business. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! 810 Fobotth Bthkkt. Collars 1c., or SOo. p. r rtnxen. P EACOCK, HOUSE ELLAV LLE. GEORGIA NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE Good atm*!* alteplng rooms for commercial men and the public. First-class fare and satisfaction xuaran- W ATTS HOUSE, AMERICUS. GEORGIA I. D. WATTS. First-Class Accommodations I B ell house, •’ PRESTON. GEORGI *U a B1T.T, ‘JPlopxloto. First-class accommodations and polite utters. Farters meat all trains. M;t fny Ixxly broke aggravated as if •ry noted physician js tried or commit- I.o « f ago I visited k., and was treated licul men, but was When ull things had ‘ »ed to try 8. 8. 8., auu m jour months was entirely cured. Tho terrible Eczema wo* all go ue. not n sign left; my general health built up, and 1 hare never had any return of tho disease. Geo. W. law in, Irwin, Pa. Treatise on Illood and Skin Disease* nulled free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta. Ga. If YOU WISH to Advertise Anything Anywhere "Any time WRITE TO Gko. I’. Rowki.i.& No. 10 Spruce Street, NEW YORK. JAMES FRICKER A M 409 JACIWIN* sntKKr AM ERICL'H, GA irrhskc-d I lie larg« lataltng la part of Dla- Hud-. He*rf Pin*. KUr. GLOVER'SOPERA HOUSE Positively One Night only. THEFASTMAIl A Great Company of Actors In (he Cast. Gorgeous and Elabor •to Hcenio Effects. Phe nomenal and Marvelous Mechanical KIIVcIh. Will positively be produced t all the effects that characterized its success throughout the United States. Deserved seals for sale at little Mardre’s Mook store. Trouble Brewing Hhall the H. A. M. or the Central get the freight on Hall’s Immenso Stock OF GardenSeeds That are Just beginning to arrive. Listen for Competitive rates. The struggle for Pearl Onion Hets l-as commenced—first .-oinea, first served. All know that HALL keeps the best of everything—don’t get left! Call at Everybody knows where It Is. tf People’s-Bar! The undersigned having n|x>ned a liar oa the corns mmm he srams near the Aitealau well, we are pre pared to serve at all times Beer on Dranibl anil in Bottles, lip’s Ciian ail Tobacco. aud ask the patronage of the public We also keep FRESH FISH, In Simoon. Henry Jones & Co XMAS GIFTS free Charles A. Fricker P. I, HOLT, DEALER IN BUGGIES, WAGONS, AND HARNESS 417 LAMAR STREET, Handle! Hie Htudi AMERICUS, GEORGIA : AND It ETA IL DEALER IN FIRST-OLAS^ BRICK Handsome* two-story, eight room rosidenco with out buildings, stables, etc. Two minutes walk of business. Suitable for two or three families or a boarding house. M. Callaway. - Real Estate Agent. The, People's, National. Bank 'resident. OK, Cashler. H. C. Mitci J (’. Ronkv, Vice President. E. A. Hawkins, Attorney. :M., Hook-keeper. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE! CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $25,000. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. tinu*** Juat ’ol|«-f« llll rhrtf, nice out liouae and “lively trew lionm* Wl'li cook and bath, Hie place. Tall f.»r baUgalna. HUGH M. BROWN, : Americus, Ca. V. HOOD HITT, UKAlDttNT AUKST OF UK Fern Mutual Life kirn Company. sny other, In that Its security II .... roml'icn-d l»y solely In the InU-rrat ol n-ursnee st lower rates ihau the larxe aalarled n-r. -nil 011 lire hefore tenuring. Ono farm, 725 acres, three miles from Americus. One farm, GOO ncres, near Leslie, cn 8. A. M. R. R., twelve miles from Americus, about 350 acres cleared, 10 now tenant houses on place. This is ono of tho finest cotton farms in Georgia; will bo sold at a bargain. Also several houses and vacant lots in Americus. Call on w. 30. Haynes tfc Son, tyrayth St.. Recorder Mull,ling. AMER1CU8, OA. rmy tesvc? FI AND LIFE INSURANCE. REPRESENTS THE SAFEST AND STRONGEST COMPANIES IN THtJMftlC.. Inhuranee Placed on City and Country Property. « dice on Jackxou Street, two doors north of Telegraph Office. Ytlabta, Oa. SCHROEDER & STRICKLAND, 724 Cotton Avenue, Americus, Ga. ui&duotsf hi, Ctftff ul Slat Ires Win, hhoMiratox&uihi HOT AIR HEATING, ETC- IRON SMOKE STACKS.A SPECIALTY- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS : woulu be pleated to gl va you eatlmatea on y be tint *Ih!! In every purl 1 Tin, Iron and 1 ar. fudging. Vorkiroin Tl 'renting and Final m^L AND GET OUR ESTIMATES AND GIVE CUS A TRIAL- U. H. JO88EY, THE LEADING DEA'.ER IN Tobacco, Cigars and Liquors. sou Aieit or Ue Ceebnted oil 'Bin srif leilictLWlirtr. 31 COTTON AVENUE. O m • * # S9 - m 1 II H m AMERICUS. GA BAKERY R. F. NEHRINC, riinruiKToK. licboi Street, Older Allei House AMERICUS, GA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! : fiir Cab, of ill Sndi Fnaptlj filed! • 8ml ui bta Wgo Boa nt M» Country Merchants supplied with bread at wholesale prices. BUILDERS’ SUPPLY CO IO Now Lumber told on Initallmei H. B. WATTS —Wkolenle u< fietill Deiier 11— GROCERIES Fine Tobacco, Cigars and Whisky a Specialty! No. 303 Forsyth end 1004 Lee Street., - - AMKHIGU8. OBORQ CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA Soutnwestern Division. Correct Schedule, Mo. IS, In Effect AugunttM, ISfiO SAVANNAH & WESTERN DIVISION No. &. Dally. 2(Bp m Dally. 7 40 a ally. Mall KA8T HOUND. WF.HT HOUND. ,v. Aiiirrleua Ar r. Hmllhvllla ** " Kufaula " '• Montgomery Lv. T > FLORIDA. “Jr.,, I thrill# Albany f • Thoniaivllle Wayero- Hrnnm 1 Jarki I Hilly t i» p in I 1.% p in III# 1 700pm N<nr rally ii llulfei M.’eeplng C i lUlw.i i Kavniundi and Klrmlii* Hoi Id Tralnn wil bam. I’ullmtn lluffetMieepIngcani Aniencu! to Jaektonvilla, Florida. For further Information relative to ticket!, aclietlulet, route! ate. ate.,apply A. T. MAY WELL, Agent, J. C. McKKNZIK, Hup’l, K.T. I’ll A RLTOM.Uen. Ptmm. Af*l, t marled!. <la Mamn.Ua. Mavannab.Ua. D. R. BYTUEWOOD, DlvUlon PaM. Ag’t., Columbui, lia. 1). D. CUBKAK, Hap’t, Columbua. (la. J. C. MilAW.Trav. Paia. Ag’t., Havannah Oa Savannah, Americus & Montgomery Railway Time Card in Effect October 12, 1890. Western Division. •so. a 1 HTATIOK8. _ K Ul It'.* ... Jaimpkln Klrhlaml a an 1 s 40 am 1 Ar*»e tmerlcua Iret, Eastern Division, REAL : ESTATE : BARGAINS ! I hove TWO V BUY DESIR.% BLK NEW LOTT AO EH which I ci SELL ON EASY TEI‘MH LOTT WARRENT. Bank of Sumter Building. DeMoto, Cobba, Johnson, ... .Coney .... J Cordrle Penia .Williford,. Hevllle Pitta. .. .Koch lie, ... WDhart ...Abbavlll . ..Horten. ....Helena Krtek D p mil' t t Ii BUGS. Owing to the great delay in freights, I am compelled to retire from the Carpet busi ness. i offer for sale ill Samples, in my store on Cotton Avenue, consisting of They are suitable for Rugs only and will be sold at Low Prices! Call and examine them. There are a number of beautiful I pieces. * f X No trouble to show them, mm, MANAGER. 414,416 md 418 Colton Ave rPi RUGS jrrtea*, ....Mount Varaou VMala. .. . ~L ■!A 71 V) ■r^ Ul T Om ec !S • ■ | Meal aUUon. • Dally. f Flag Mai kx*#. ir any Information aa to rates, etc., call «ta your ateal, or address W. N. MARSHALL, C. M. ADAMS, K H GOODMAN, Bapcrlnt,od«nt. Train QUfnlcbrr. Urn. fu Ax-ut. l\ ■ j ■3 V V/ . iC- r T»LiS IA . m