Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 31, 1890, Image 2

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■■■ mm ■-. -■ I—hbbhmhpwb ■HHHhhhh ^ERfC^ Recorder ^£ORG^ w, L. iiLr.i^MWt, ■ FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1890 , Dooly aud Wl Entered at Americtu mi rafctUr. All oothrnunlcatlon* •» AMKKICUH I U inAued every per year payable »r*Mt circulation l Georgia, circula te of Humter, Lee, , Hcbley. Marlon* EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NOTICE. The Executive Com ml lie, of the democratic party of Kutnter coun ty are feqneited to meet in Ameri- our on Friday, the Hist day of Oc tober, Inst., at 10 o’clock a. m. I would urge that every member will please he present in person If possible, as matters of importance are to be attended to. J. A. ANBLBY, (’hair’ii. Kx. Com. Amerlcus, (la., Oct. 15tli, 1800. A COMMERCIAL CLUB. For many months sod year* The Recorder has advocated the es tablishing of a Hoard of Trade, or a Commercial Club. The Record- xr Is glad to announce thU morn ing that such a organisation Is as sured, or st least something that embodies the feature! of such an organisation. The A. 8. A. Club, which has heretofore been a social organiza tion, is building s doe club house, and after a thorough discussion of the matter have determined to in corporate other features iu their dub so as as to make it a dub in •vary sense of the word, without dropping any of the Vestures that have already mado the club so popular. . As The Recorder has of en pre dicted, they And’ no trouble in placing their stock, and the success of the plan is already assured. The foil scope of the organization has Hot yet been decided upon, but every feature will be In thorough harmony with Us past record, aud without a doubt it will supply a want that has been felt several years. Every business man owes It to hlmaelf and his town to assist iu every possible way this new move ment, for it ineaus a great deal more than appears on the surface. And AmerlouHscores another en terprise this morning, and in futuro years Amerious people will rise up and bless the day when the new olub was Inaugurated. The Recorder tips its Messrs. C. A. Frlcker aud Hams, aud wishes them eve cesa in their etrorts for the ductiou of new features for 1 H. A. Club. The Macon Telegraph denies that It has made war on Mr. Livingston. It acknowledges that It don't like him or his methods, hot it has nev er published the silly charges made against him, and now that he 's the nominee of the Fifth for congress, DemocratsfshouId support him. Tills Is right, and The Recorder Is glad to see the Telegraph make such remarks. Whatever may he told of the Telegraph, no one has •ver doubted or questioned Its Dem ocracy. The Dawson News qi W. C. Kendrick, of Terr, log that Gordon is sure feated, as lie will not get Tfi votes. Mr. Kendrick rell'srepresentative in tl islature. Hon. say i he do tore than was Ter last leg Gordon spoke in Htewart county the other day, and the day of Uio Congressional election the voters will write on their ballots words “Gordon,” or "Against Gor don,” in order to Instruct their rop- tentative. inTFemand^for boarding houses still continues tu Amerlcus, and though hundreds of houses art lug built, they are Oiled so fast that the demand is Increasing. Verily, Anierteua Is growing; beyond all comprehension. Election day draws near. Huso the Democrats iu the Third made arrangements to get out a big vote? If they have not, they may look for surprises, at The Recorder lias warned them repeatedly. The Re publicans are not ldle/-~—■ cents per bottle. ffolk Is dead, and _ almost with 1 W* innocence. The 74c. idlon as to who killed the Wool* >d family wiitbe asked thousands u ® °*oes In the future, but whether really was guilty may never SkSinown with certainty. 10c.' H* Hand, of Milford,, Ga., — en the clearest letter do- 1 entire P difference* between the P er hr old Cl*od Gov. Gordon that tfJORDKU haa yet read. Id eubeta(oce he says that the farmers want Relief; they are iu the major ity; any niau that cannot aupport the meat.ures they believe right they etf mot vote for. Tbla* Is tlio whole question in a nut shell. NO WONDER IT IS HAPPY. “The Constitution * • * this morninggalutes its friends ill happiest of moods,” says the Con stitution Tuesday morning. , Well, Tub Recorder would f«l |» w .y too. If It bad Ju.t put In « pwfectlUK pre„ IliRt print, p fur*-- tluui the eye can or that will print eltli.r lour, ..Ion, twalYa. .Ixt«cu. twrotj-l .o4 w. prtaum. on up to •Ighlpua. at Ibouiaud. per ■ ,Tbo hot to, wa would feel atntllof U wa bad the old prrM of tha Cwatltutlou, and believe vre could worry or two. Truly. tha jComtltutlon l.e great paper, aud make, a* few me aojr Spaa, oooalderlug th. II- ■ ability« mortal to err, and when wa think ttat a young man but lll- ■ --ale over tMrtw teat, of af., wbi TSftofc a ijtol#Trofk B >0 the elxtll wary, oontratoA. and front day to rrlee the reapoollblllty of iat oonaarn on bin about- , think of tbla, we do in’ pnopla are no itha power of the gavel of the Speaker of the Hanoi Ofgapreaentall rw*Bg Oeor *W» -wonder the ' tfl carrlee tne reap ' each kwaet oonoern 01 ■dan. When wa think c fedktod.r that the p jkWy tolrset to him I tloo le A Boon to tne Sick. Dr. King’s Royal Germeluer . Is endorsed by Rev. J. H. Hawthorne, paator Flrat Haptlst church, Atlau- ta, Ga., who says: “It is a great remedy.” Rev. Bam P. Jones says: "I wish every poor suffering wife hed access to that medicine.” Thousands of others attest Its vir tues. Fifty gallons are drank iu Atlanta dally, where It Is perform ing remarkable cures. It removes the oeuse of disease aud builds up from the flrat dose. Bend stamp for full particulars, certificates of won derful cures, etc., to King's Royal Germetuer Co., Atlanta, Ga. It CURBS WHEN ALL ELSE KAILS. Price, $1.60 per concentrated bottle, which makes one gallon of medi cine aa per dlrectloua accompany ing ea- h bottle. Can be sent by ex press C. O. D. If yonr druggist can- uoteupply you. Advice ta* Molhtri. Mrs. Winslow’s Booth ino Syr up should always be u»ed for chil dren teethlog. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, eures wind colic. and is the best remedy foi diarrhoea. Twenty-five -X COUHTT. lonterflroaitheHonora- .ileary of Samter county, will baaold • lbs court hou*o door In the city of ' us. On., said county, on tbs flrat t le Deeer*- * **-- *-■*— imbsr next, tbs folluwlns m veal estate. to-wlt: I he tdrsd (UW) acre* of land, more sltuatsd In Tcrrsll County, Ga., twelve miles Southeast of Dawson, and eleven miles north of Albany, and located nearly broad-side with the t'olumhua ^>mhcrn railroad, mid known aa the old H. finer hundred and five (IBS) scree, more or leas, aiiaaled la Lee County, Ha, one-half mile from Southwestern railroad, five miles (**, urn, situated la Sumter County, Oa, two from Andersonvllle, known aa tbs Corkteptaee. Ninety, (W) acres, more or lees. In the townorAndersoQVUle.a'.d known as the leg the leads of Arnold Uodwl .flve miles from Amerlcus. One haeared (ISO) seres, move or lees In tbs New 9th District of Mumter county, ad joining lands of #. M. Kidd and others. Thirty (k)) acres, mo e or less, one mile and aqusrierfrom (he city of Amerlcus, aijnlateg laade of Mrs. Earaey 1‘aikrr, MraStaufuni and others Two houses and lota la the suburbs of tbs city of < martens, north of the seart house All of the above property soUl aa the «*•- he late Barney Parker, deceased, o| distribution among th< MALI HR A PARKER. J. C. PARKER, Kkccnturi A PPLICAVION. A. LETTKUd OP ADMINISTRATION. A HOUSEHOLD FAVORITE. A young girl hers had been suffering (or 13 yra(s with blood diseases until the had lost tbs use if her limbs and was subject to many tr ties incident to the disease. The phyiidaM declared her case Incurable and predicted that her life would come to a speedy end. After taking S. S. S. she recuperated so fast that it was phin that she had obtained a new lease life, and she haa continued to grow better u her (ermanent cure is assured. Many other pa- signal bene fit fro J. S. S., t has becor fonts ii i house Treat!*e on Blood and S If YOU WISH to Advertise Anything • Anywhere * T Any time WRITE TO Geo. P. Roweli. & No. 10 Spruce Street, NEW YORK. GLOVER'SOPERA HOUSE Positively One Night Only. Friday, Oct. 31. THEFASTMAIL A Great Company of Actors In the Cast. Gorgeous ami Elabor ate Scenic Effects. Phe nomenal and Marvelous Mechanical Effects. Will positively he produced with all the effects that characterized its success throughout the United States. Reserved seats for sale at Little Mardre’s Hook store. Trouble Brewing Shall the 8. A. M. or the Central get the freight on Hail’s Immense Stock -OF- Garden.-. Seeds That are just beginning to arrive, Listen for Competitive rates. The struggle for Pearl Onion Bets has commenced—first eumes, first served. All know that HALL keeps the best of everything—don't get left! Call at Everybody knows where it Is. ... I applies, ofAdmlalsi ra tion on tha relate of-Jfsoter A. Park.rr oflhs Ilmmmjiigd Uon In my oAca te ■HI, to show annas an or barer* tin r#mb*rternioltha^»rtofQr»nu*r^ oi miimr ihu mr—mmm hSayoC Octeb. & LEAVET a County: PPLICATION tpRajA— ■VlMmikH. Ball. Uusrdlao of J. C. and for th* purpose of scUtamcnt with wards. ■ Thom are UMiakwe to cite an^rngmanteN all parties concerned, wt.nhrr People’s - Bar! The undersigned having opened a Har oil the cmoruM m lie smtm near the Aitesian well, we are pared to serve at all tlniea Beer on Draubt ail in Bottles, Ijprs Cigars ai Totacca aud ask the patronage of the public We also keep FRESH FISH, In Season. Henry Jones & Co Eitibffihed 1867 Inctirporaled 1890. XMAS GIFTS FREE $600 IN PRESENTS To b* Ulven to tha Nubacrtbaraof JAMES FRICKER i BRO, 400 jackaon sritEEr AM ERICl fl, OA ntly r nn New York, m wrought U> A.n«*i Kar Kings La DU- Consisting la part it, Htuds, Scarf Pins, Etc. rtrle*)-fr a tli*! i-hcaw-kt U» t h .«* beot. An Immense assortment of Ino Plated War.*. Clocks of »!l kinds and s'sos from the cheapest to srtfli. An oleg.tnt I'no of opera (ilasoM, RpcM.-tac1o« of all kinds, tyi.*t,U»td I'ous, !* ,'ticlls, Tooth Picks, and Fountain Pons, Table Fine Pottery, llronze and Onyx Goods. Pianos and Organs, Ac rid. iirln**s, Harmonicas, Hiring* for all Instruments, Violin Bows, I kind*. Tito very best Hewing Machine Needles and Oil, and a which cannot l»« ea-nm-raled here. We have got ttiainost extensive tInlay aud Holiday goads in Southwest Georgia, and arc receiving iese goods have nil boon carefully selected, and bought right, and that defy competition anywhere In this country. Everything that to he exactly os represented. Goods we sell engraved free. We re- s ami Jewelry, Plauoiaod Organs, and guarantee* our work to he the got the goods and respectfully ask ever t ons # to call aud Inspect the and If we cannot Interest you, we certainty will not expect your Charles A. Fricker. p. P. HOLT, DEALER IN BUGGIFS, WAGONS, AND HARNESS! Will duplicate any grade of Buggy or Prices given in the (17 LAMA It STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I Her Wagon. AMERIUUB, GEORGIA FIR.ST-OLAS 1 BRICK, FOR; RfEHSTT- W. R. HCHROEDuiR. J- W. STRICKLAND Formerly with M. P. Holland UTg Co. I Former! with Hunnlcutt A BelUogrttb ITLABTA, GA. | ATLANTA, GA. SGHROEDER & STRICKLAND, 724 Cotton Avenue, Amnrlcus, Ga. KaAnSdum of flu, Coppa ud Shtet Irsa Wan, GilTeai'td Irca Ccnise, Tin ud Irea Hscfisg HOT AIR HEATING, ETC- IRON SMOKE STACKSiA SPECIALTY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS : We woulo be pleased to give you estimates on youi Tin. Iron and Cornice work. We guarantee all work to be first-jlaaa In every partin' ar. Ridging. Cresting and PInah furnished on abort po.Ice. We also do Heavy Iron Workfmtn TI u»*X. Roofing, Out Spouting, etc. rnl&hlm AN0 OET OUR ESTIMATES AND GIVE tUS A TRIAL. U. H. JOSISEY, THE LEADING DEADER IN Tobacco, Cigars ami Liquors. an Rut or th Cum oil 'Gin Sprit" [tiltch WllKr. 31 COTTON AVENUE. - AMERICUS. GA RUGS. BAKERY! R. F. NEHRINC PROP It IKTOR. lacisoi Street, Older Alien Boue AMERICUS, GA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Orden Sr Ctfai of aU Snds frjsftlj tM! M ud bh Wig:: Its nl Country Merchanta supplier! with bread at wholesale price*. BUILDERS’ SUPPLY CO. Handsome two-story, eight room resilience with out buildings, stubles, etc. Two minutes walk of business. Suitable for two or three families or a boarding house. M. Callaway. - Real Estate Agent. The. People's. National. Bank H. Monthomkkv, I'rt' J. C. Ito.vrv, Vice Pmldcnt. Jimin Windsor. Cuhlcr. E. A. Hawkins, Attorney. H..C. Mitchell, Book-keopor. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE! CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $25,000. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. tng desirable property oloee in at a bargain Terms Kaay. Hast horn# fn A. Ona house and lot on Jackson street, fronting th* College. Large lot, S rooms to tha comparative!v new house with rook room and bath house attached, nlc* out house and nd Iota, houses Just completed; 4 large snoma each; lota &0xl<6 each, s"houscand lot on College Hill, large lot 210x770, fronting two streets. Th* pret* Call for bargains. HUGH M. BROWN, : Amoricus, Ca. V. HOOD HITT, RF.SIDKNT AI1KNT OP . HR Feu Mutual 1 Insurance Cppany. Tltls company offers great* r Inruc 'im K'* than anjr other, In teat Its security la un equalled, Is a purrly mutual riimpituy rondncled^by memlters solely In the Interest^ nl stock mmpanh-a. |fy e Im*fore Insuring. FOR S-A.X_.IElL Ono farm, 726 acre«, three miles from Ainoricua. Ouo farm, (500 acrca, near Lonlic, on 8. A. M. R. It., twelvo uiiloH from Amcricus, about 360 acres cleared, 10 new tenant houses place. This i« one of the finest cotton farms iu Georgia; will l>o sold at a bargain. AIho several houses and vacant lots in Americas, Call on W. jo. Haynes cto Son, 20ft Forsyth Bt., Recorder RuUdlng. AMERICUS, OA. R. T BYRD, FI AND LIFE REPRESENTS THE SAFEST AND STRONGEST COMPANIES IN THE MOREL. Insurance Placed on City and Country Property. Office ou Jackson Street, two doom north of Telegraph Office. Seed for Paftkuiart and Sample Copy. A CHANCE ID DEI S0MCTNM0 FOR NO TIMM. Knights of honor. Tbe lxMge In America* Dover ten yean STORE HOUSE F .'RSALE I can offer for a few days a well located two-story brick store-house. LOTT WAR.RB3XT. Bank of Stunter Building. io Now Hot raold on Installmenm. H. X>. WA TT® —Wkoleali ui Httill Daltr u— G-ROCEBIES Fine Tobacco, Cigars and Wblvky a Specialty! No. 1103 Fortylh 1004 Lee Htrfet*, - • AHRHIL'US. ORORO CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA southwestern xsivlsion. Correct Schedule, Ho, IN, in Effect Auguat 34, IS90. SAVANNAH & WESTERN DIVISION It Auftwt M.y*. - - lilrmlugham gfo ..Arrive Mtp*ii raw, Mlam ::“X' Dally. No. 14 No. M bur. No. • Dally. Fast Mai RAHT BOUND. No. 5 Dally Faat Mall Paaaettgcr o. 13 lytThr • w •• 1064 - 6 40 p in 6» pm 5M •• 3:00am 1 •• 11 A " Opm 4 15 “ 410 “ 5 40 “ Ginn 6 90 , “ Lv. Amerlcua Ar Ar. Fort Valley Lv “ Macon 44 Atlanta 44 Augueta 44 *• Havannah 44 11 35 a m IUIA 44 9 50pm xiuptn 10 10 p m H 9) 44 7«0 44 215 - 700am 4 40 44 5 it P “ 400 w m . 640 No. 7 Dally No. 4 Dally. Fast Mall WKHT BOUND. No. 4 Dally Faat Mall No. I Paeeengai IU 10 :• in 460 nm 7 64 a m Its pm 194 - 4 10 “ 7 04 “ Lv. Ar. 44 Montgomery Lv. ,fe 7 54a m 31UL fit 2 40 a Vi .an, 000 No. 7 Pally >6 lo p rn 1040 “ 1190pm &»a m 740 am nnOam No. 5 Dally 100 p m 910 » too •• 5 40 4 to rt/)»f!>\. SraVlhrU?* Ar Albany Lv. •• Thomaavllle Lv 44 Waycroae 44 44 Jackaonvilla 44 U 00 pro s»am Solid Train* with Pullman Duffel I Pullman Buffet Hiecplng rnra Amtr -epIngCara Itoieeen Bavnnuah nod lllrmlng- . _ jJackaonville, Florida. For further Information relative lo tleketa,ach«U»l*», beet rontea etc. eta., apply to . T. MAY WKLL. Agent. J. C. McKENSIK. Hop’L R.T. CHARLTON.Oen. Paa*. Af*t- Amerlour, Ga Macon. Ga. Savannah.Oa. D. II. DYT1IEWOOD, DIVUIon Po*a. Ag’l., Coluintma, Oa. . D. CURRAM, Hup't, Columbus. Oa. J. C. HH AW.Trav. Paee. Ag'L, Havannah Oa Savannah, Americus& Montgomery Railway RUCS. Owing to the great delay in freights, I am compelled to retire from I lie Carpet busi ness. J offer tor sale M Samples, in my store on Cotton Avenue, consisting of They are suitable for Rugs only and will bo sold at Low Prices 14 Call and examine them. There are a number of beautiful pieces. *Jf f j. No trouble to show them,' SICO®, MANAGER. 414,416 imf 4l6 Cotton Ave —--a - S w *v^. I Meal station. • - • Daily. mag Mat Iona. ..."