Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 01, 1890, Image 2

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7' . . mm mm mm ■ ■— - ^ tK/ Cc^ Recorder ^GorG^ Sumter Cawaty. Webster Cenat;. SATURDAY- NOVEMBER I. IB90 MBMICU4 riKCORDClt la puhlla 1 Weekly, daring the year. | RKOocDklt la tsuuc.i every _ . Hiring the^M ut Vie i**r lo .i^^flpgf'per year. | The Wjyp^V UttooRStRls Issued every Wmg/mBm*' *100 per year payable I Wanes, It has the tnrgrst circulation! ay paper In Hontnwcst Oeorgla,circula ting largely In the ooontles of Sumter, LeeJ T-rrsil, Hteerart* Webutrr, Schley. Marlon' Macon, Dooly and WIIoas. Entered at Amsrlena Pmt-OfP.ccoa second Ml communication-! should he addre*#. i * AMEMCU^PimM-UIINOOoJ Now that Amerlcus baa aome| thing better thin a Board of Trade, abo will bo heard from before many month*. Sohley county votoni seemed to take very little Interest In the Sen flebley always was a curious county, anyway. ft t The discussion of the Senatorial •CitnpalgP, as fsr. as the country Is concerned, Is over, and the fight Is now transferred to Uio] leglslatl re halls, where It will begin afreeli next Wednesday. Who will bo Georgia’s next Senator no man can tell, but nnleas Gotdon developes unexpected strength, he will not bo the lucky man. . The Macon Telegraph says: The visit, of Mon. Ohas. F. Crisp, of Georgia, to the Kast, was a signal success. He addressed on Iwtnonso audience In Fanuell Hall, Boston, last Saturday evening. Air. Crisp spoke for an hour and a half, devot ing most of his time to a dlsoussion of the inequalities ot tho MoKluley lari (Tact,'and the enormities of the Lodge forco bill. The Boston Her ald not only gave a full report of the speech of this distinguished Georgian, hut in an editorial based upon Itaatd: “The distinguished statesman hold tho attention of the assemblage with one of the most TriTefeetitfg addresses made In Bos- ton during many years on current political topic*.” This Is high praise Indeed, coming from ono of the ablest and most Independout pa pers In the United States. At the conclusion of Judge Crisp's s)>c«ch he was greeted with tremendous applause, and then with three cheers “for the next speaker o£ the House of Representatives.” Judge Crisp canio back from Uls visit to the Kast covered with honors. POLITICAL RE Fooling i s Is like piny- I. You o perfectly safo until jr it with your finger and find t catts like n razor. Many people ■^1 have found the sharp [edge in politics till* y. ur. Felix Corput, of Floyd, Is proba bly the dToBt notable case. Living i Macon, ho was an astute polltlc- n, and liad no troublo Injworking is wires for a nomination and tolectlon to the office of mayor. "Tiring of that position, he moved to the quietude and peace of Cave Bpriiigs, and entrusted himself In growing gropes and running a model farm. HIk admiring neigh bors elected him to tbs legislature, and alas, that brought^ back tbe[ old |»nlltlr*l fever, Hence we find him a candidate for Speaker of the House*, almost beforohe was reuurn lusted. Hin ambitions were clipped by defeat—end now he advertised his place for sale. Then Bro. Hnelsou, the virtuoux, who returned |l to tho treasury oi the mate btcause he misled one days session; he I-h-hiub fired with the ambitiou to represent his dis trkl iu the Henate. Iu his mind *■ admiring constituency could . not fail to see the inestimable bene fit be would be to that body, and Piaybap, be might wield the gavel •fibs Presidency; but thle was •nlyblotod at. To bia astonish- ■Mat tbs voters preferred another maa, though to be convinced of that fact h# bad to bo twice beatcu; bis bmtBISfnsed t> grasp the fact that onos vrta Just once too often. Bro. Boeltsn bas to cancel his contract for bia old room at the Markham. To foJAJJ the prophecy that a pitcher sent once too often to the well will break, we might add yet another name to this list—'but our propetic vision Is not yet keen saoogb to pierce the veil of tho ■ext two weeka-and as Til* Re- coBDBit is not * prophet nor the ana of a prophet we will not predict flag dan's defeat, but if he Is, it [JrutbfwHy, ‘ simplify the old • cannot eat his Judge f'rlsp will occupy the po sition of honor ax the first speaker, in Savannah, fo night. The State Fair is over, and the Piedmont Exposition will wind up to-night. The general opinion Is that neither hav- made money. Hon. W. W. Clifton, of Chatham, one of the members-elect of the legislature, I i an Interview in the Savannah Times, says he believe* Clerk Ilowell will be elected Speak er of.the lloti e, and either Hon. J. I*. Walker of Hon. J. K. Normally President of the Senate. Home c lie has been going for ed Itor (iuun, of the Cut'ib-rt Liberal Enterprise, claiming that lie sob the paper for $2,000, when It onlj cost atiout $1,000. Editor Gum: shows that in actual cash the pa per cost $1,200, and says that If tin subscription li»t amis job and nd vertislng patronage which he had spent five years to work 'up wai not worth the difierence, lie \v refund the money. If Editor (I only got $2,000 for bis paper be it for Just $2,000 h ss I linn lie sli havo sold It. tihl eh ofthr The War an Knoxville Jutiriiil- It requires no w imagination to rowelvn the bitter discouragement of the southern W>ple, when Lee surrendered at Appomattox in April, I80'». The future was to them gloomy ami dark. They did not know then what tho temp r of the victors might be It could not lie told what part passion might play when tho curtain of actual war had fallen. It was not ktiown whether exile and Imprisonment was to follow involving tho readers of the Con federacy in still deep©- troubles. But Grant’s magnanimity gave hope. Then came a gleam of sun shine when he told tho soldiers of tho losing side to tnxe their horses home with them, Hint they would need them on their farms. Then they did go to their homes, with hope and with a purpose to retrieve tlielr lost fortunes. And they have done it. The Houth Is more prosperous than ever before. Notwithstanding the enor mous losses sustained, Including the slaves, the * wealth of the Houth Is very much greater than ever before. Before the war there were no blast furnaces in Hie Houth. Now, thousand\«f tons of Iron ore is made of Hoiithorn ores every month. There were no manufac tories Iu the Houth prior to the war, to Np<»ak of. Now, they have sprung up iu every Southern state, iu large numbers In some of them. Tho war was really a benefit to the south With the emancipation of the African slaves eamo the emancipation of the euergies and the latent, unused powers of tin southern whites. It was unMtianci pat iou that hat been fruitful of re suits. Under the slave regime the Ifl-eaourccs of the south have beeu developed in a hundred years ns they have been In the last twenty-five. We can all see this, and feel it, and while it wax a terri ble experience, can all rejoice at the results. As a nation we aro strong er and more prosperous than ever before, and there are noue In any section of the country, who believe It possible or desirable that the uulon of states should ever be dis solved. thousand doses for a shilling med icine. It le a remedy which never f*lla In Blood Dlseesos. and always builds up the general health of the patient. Cured Herself end Her Child, S. S S. ha' relieved nv- nl Ettabllthcd I8S7 Inoorportlcd (890. JAMES FRIGKER fi BRO. 409 Jackson street l tValch* * j On* Hun rw York. AM KKICT8, GA f.urrliiuMHl tin- largest and Coa»l*llng la part of Dla- «, dlU.D. So*rf Pin*. Klo. u Inimeas* assortment o r "fills r::xi If YOU WISH T ° Advertise Anything Anywhere * T Any time WRITK TO Gf.o. P. Roweli. & No. to Spruce Street NEW YORK. GLOVER'SOPERA HOUSE Positively One Night only. Friday, Oct. 31. Groat Production of Carter's Mclo- THEFASTIVIAIL A Great Company of Actors In the Cast. Gorgeous and Elabor ate Scenic Effects. Phe nomenal and Marvelous Mechanical Effects. Advice tn Mothers. Mkh. Winslow’s Hootiiino Hyii- . I* should always be u»ed for chil dren teetbiog. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all |«iu, cure* wind eolie, and is the liert remedy fui dlarrluu*. Tweuty-flve centa |>©r bottle. K x,CUT mMvSb„ T .. ,-„ r , Tt . Agree aide to an order from the Honors- Id- Ordinary of Hamtor county, will be Hold before Uie eomrt hou*« door In lbs cltv of America*. (I*.. *ald county, on the flr-i Tuesday tn December nest, the fallowing deeerlhed real eel Ate. to-wit: Fifteen hu idrrU (1300) acre* of land, more or less, Rituals 1 In Terrell County, i.n., twe've mile* Houtlicast of Pawron; end •leven Mile* north of Albany, and locate I nearly -^road-aide w Ih (lie Culumhu* Houthr-rn railroad, and known aa Hie old M. K. Taylor plantation. Four hnmlr. d and five (106) acre*, more or lea*, eliuated In I-oe Count*. Us-. one-half mil* from Southwestern railroad, flv* mllea from Leesburg said county. Two ha ad red, twoanda hat (St',) scree, situated In HumterCounty. Ua., two miles from Anderson vine, known as the Jgc Corkle place. tovrn ofovndereonvlile, a> d knowu aa the ‘YZte'S.----Mem In the New Nth District of Marnier County, Ua., adjoining the landsof Arnold Godwin aud dhrra. five miles Prom Amerlcu*. One hundred (IOU) acre*, more or Die New Nth District of Huinter county, ad- joinln. lands of W. M. Kidd and others. Thirty (*>) acre*, mo * or leea, one mile and aquarer from lb# city of Amertcua, adjoining lands of Mrs Barney Paitcer, Mrs. Mtanford and others. Two gooses and Iou In the suburb* of the city of vmcrlcua, north of the court house. All of the above property ■old as the ro tate ot the late Barney Parker, deceased, for the purpose of distribution among the heirs or said estate. MALI88A PARKER J. C. r A UK KB, Executor! A fflicatiow. LBTTER» or ADMIVISTBATION. UROIK »1A - tVtlumnt COOXTT. Whereas, H. II. Packer has filed apellca- “on In my office for Letters of Ad ml nisi ra- >on on the estau of Heater A. Parker, to s east on th* Clerk of the Superior Court renti* ot her At and proper person: TStee are therefore to etteknd admonish all parties eonrerned, whethvr kindred nr — Hors, to show cause on or be'or* tip —•— — -—— 1 0 f Will (toaillvely be produced with all the eflkcta that characterized Its success throughout th© United States. Reserved neat* for *alo at Little Mardrv’s Book store. Trouble Brewing Hhall the H. A. M. or th© Central get th© freight on Hall’s Immense Stock GardenSeeds That are Just beginning to arrive. Listen for Competitive rates. The struggle for Pearl Onion Heta Iran commenced—first eotnes, first served. All know that HALL keeps the bent of everything—don’t get left! Call el r > Everybody knows where It Is. •v**r brought to Aiuurlcu lug-. Her lliags, Due I HieitiMMl to ifce best, urc. Clucks of *]J kinds ■l-i»»nt !•>»« of Op.-ra (|lav4e«, 8p-t-t»cle< nf all kinds, ••ns. P.•noils. Toolb Picks, and Fountain Pens. Tsbli •y, mid Onyx (JimmIs. Pianos and organs, Ac- Inrmoiiloos, Htrings for all InstrutaenU, VI. > very lies! Hewing Machine Needles and W#h .rgl ». . vlng ■n cur* fully aHertod, and bought right, and i anywhere In this couatry. K eery thing that i*>nl«vl. Uoods wr a* 11 engraved free, and Organs, and guarantee our work K-ctfuIly ask every one to call and Inspect th* rest you, we cerUInly will not expert y. Charles A. Fricker. P. L.. HOLT, DEALER IN BUGGIES, WAGONS, AND HARNESS! grad# of Buggy or Price# given In the HUte. I land lea tbs Binds- baker Wagon. 417 LAMAR HTREET, - - - AMEBICUB, GEORGIA WIIOLKHA I.K AND KBTAIL DKALKR IN PmST-OLASm BRICK. FOR KjESjSTT- Handdome two-story, ci^ht room rosidenc© with out buildings, stables, etc. Two minutes walk of business. Suitable for two or throe families or a boarding house* M. Callaway. - Real Estate Agent. W R. HCHROEOWR. Formerly with M. F. Holland MTg Co. J. w. STRICKLAND Vortrerl with HunnlcuttA NeUIngrath Atlanta, Ua. SCHROEDER .& STRICKLAND, 724 Cotton Jkvsnue, Amiricus, Ga. Xusketunoffin, Cs;pe ud Sheet Iwa Wam IWtbW taCnia, ft ulinttolq MOT AIR HEATING, ETC- IRON &M0K( STACKS^ SPECIALTY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS: woulu he pleased to give you ootlmaU-s oi •- fa* Jp- •- guarantee all work to be first-alas* In avery purlieu ar. Itldgltfjk Dtw-tlng slid Final* furnished on abort notice. Wa alait do Heavy lr.*u Vorjurom M lop. Kooflng. Gut terin'* Hpoutlng, etc. luS3i»m ANO ® ET OUR ESTIMATES AND GIVE.US A TRIAL- B. ZZ. JOSBEY, THt LEADING DEADER IN Sole A?ent ir tie cuDntel 014 Du SpraT leitictTHnutr. 41 COTTON AVENUE. AMERICU3. GA R. F.NEH RING. PKOPRIRTOjk. factsn Street,'Ui4er An» fioose AMERICUS, GA. BAKERY! LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Oita fa CtatfiUMFnafU; Filled I bUulbbWgatantbfa Country Merchants supplied with bread at wholgaala rricea- BUILDERS’ SUPPLY CO. 10 KJow ZEouae Lumber sold on Installments. »dy. ft* for sal* < The. People's. National. Bank. 8. Mqntuomkky, Prealdent. J. fi. Roney, Vloe President. John Windsor, Cashier. E. A. Hawkins, Attorney. H. C. Mitchell, Book-keeper. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE I OAPITAL, ©60.000. SURPLUS, ©26,000. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. * In at a hcniato aud lain, bonw« just oompiet«d;'4 large enema each; IoTSTbOvIM each. Collet# Httl, large Iql 210xS70. fronting two atreela. The pr*t< ind lot on Jackson street, fronting the College. Large lot, I room# comparatively new house —***- —*" * *■"**■ — barn on tbe place. I offer for a f w days the tollowing desirable p Terms Kaay. One house _ ^ ^ «ire*« front! b* i )ik ouaeoi iscbtiC'n iee o One house and lot o n Jackson .. . •» wltbeook n Call for baHgalne. t house and HUGH M. BROWN, Americus, Qa. 705 Jackson St, : Fifteen Hharra Furniture Factory Block for kale S7. HOOD HITT, kiaiom AQBxs or ■ ua Fem Mutual 1 Insurance Conpany. This company offers greater Incas tmn<sthaa aay other, la that II© ssaartty lean- sanalled. Is a purely muteal company conducted by members solely Hi the Interest of Member*, and can therefor# sfIVr safe Insurance at lover rates than the stock companies. Ifyoawim li.suranss, call on ms bsfbra lasarlag. Office In Hscoiims:b Building, Amsrlcus. Ua. fcV... :i.WJ5«,r uu ^ nd and offldsl s'gna- People’s-Bar! The underalfitied havluf opened a Bar nti the cnmoruminuEinaR near the Atteslan well, we ar© pre pared to arrve at all tlmca Beer on Dranght and in Bottles, Liprs Cigars ant Totacco. and abk the patronage of the public Vi* also keep FUK8H F1HU. In Hnabon. Henry Jones & Co daw XMAS GIFTS FREE $600 IN PRE8ENT0 To be Gives to lb* Pabecrlbsrs of tend for Particular© and •ample Copy. FOB S-AXiEL Ono (arm, 738 sere*, three miles from Americas. Ono farm, 600 acres, near Leslie, on 8. A. M. R. B, taelre mileg from Americus, shout 380 screg clesred, 10 sew tenant boueos on plnco. This is one of tho finest cotton (arms in Georgia; i sold at s bargain. Also ecTern) bouses sud vacant lots in An Cull on W. d. Haynes eta non. 90S Korijth St., Il.cor.tor bull4ln«. AMERICUS, OA. H. T- BYRD, FI AND LIFE KPUICXTI TNI IAFE0T AN» ITNfilfJffT COCFANIEB IU TMt l V01ti& Inturanc© Placed os City end (’ooatr* Property. <‘filc© »n Jackson Hlreoi, two doora aorlh of Trlecraph Office. lashlMOwtf STORE HOUSE F JR SALE "Cl. 3D. WljTTS —Wlslcuis ug Kctill Bella- u— GROCERIES One Totecc^ CIgar* 1 .and I. No. an Pors,tti and 1004 U-s tUmls, - --. ly -AlflfHrcn^. 4 CENTRAL RAIIaMA!) OF GR0RGIA Southwestern Division. correct gcUeduIe. Xo. IN, In EITecI An(nat34. W»0. SAVANNAH A WESTERN DIVISION Cd 1-7- RUGS. Owing to the great delay in freights, I am compelled to retire from the Carpet busi ness. I offer tor sale in my store on Cotton Avenue, consisting of Dally. via A (parlous, - .! j "s;s: * to 7 3u Am*rlei«,.V;T. .... I team iLw IhiUmaa Bufftt Star flag car* Amartau© te Jaekaoavl Its, Florida. FOr further luhmaatioa ralatlv© to tlckhtMskodalWs kwt route* gte. ala..apply Ip A. T. MAXWELL. A^sat, S. U. McKENFIN, Hup*t. -O^CNAHLToN.Oso. Paaa. hfr. Arosrtsuy. («a tfMoa.e*. MMvsaaaa.Oa. D. U. ■TTMEWOOD, Dtvlstoa Paso AfK Colambua, Oa. D. D. CUNNAN. Bap’K Columbus. Ota I. O. HH AW.Trav. Paaa. Ag*t., Havaaai Savannah, Ameficu^A Mont^auierf Railway Time Card In Effect October 12. IS90. li ’Ll :s :s.. V/attam Divirion. Knights of Honor. "f.isawaantasias ess sssja^rs"'* >* ~ , D. K. It BI N HON, . may iMy lie porter. I oan offer for a few days a well located two-story brick store-house. LOTT WARREX, Hank nfRtinipr Building, ■ iSp.ili ,m - orMTtaformsttnn W.R. MARSHAL!^ Superintendent. n .iitm They ate snitablo for Rugs only and will be aoWat i ^r|HJ Call and examine them. There are <a number o! beautiful pieces: ■; / ■ ifj No trouble to show them, MANAGER. tllMSUIlMaln RUGS. T7—