Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 04, 1890, Image 2

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Recorder OMkl OrfM «f 9B«Ut Off »b mt *= "TUESDAY* NOVEMBER 4. 1890. Ike Anarctn Ricoaol* If publl.nrt Dally and Weekly, during tbs year. Tbs Daily Racoanaa to iMusd every Morning except Mondays, during the year, at Otto per month, orto.uo per year. ITNbKlt Rbcobdbb ie Issued every tTl 00 per year payable i the largest circulation fin Southwest Georgle,drcula- In the counties of Sumter, Lee, 1, Stewart, Webeter, Schley. Marlon’ Maoon, Dooly and Wlloox. Kntered at/ e, am matter. All communication, .turn! J be UlimiJ in AMERICUS UBLXSHIIfQ 00. NOTICE I by the Ezeentlye rebiter county, thet (t " . It le m "tte’ 0 -'^ beheWKrth. ■ ug comity offl- dey, Nov. 1Mb, to be ooneolldeted At the court houie In Preetou on Monday, Not. 17tb. C. C. Tkaov, Chm' Pre.tou.Oe. Nov. 1,1890. Get roar inn, «el rear pm, Heiio It verm, men. It bet, * Wllh rood powdtr,wllh herd iliot, For thoM oconDdrele, for thOM lien, Expose the Mcret, of roar doo, Showing to ell, without end, ■ The Uriel, Iho eoormou, profile The editor pule-ln other 1 , pobhete. . Ce: P I The clene ere getberlng in At- lente, end whet wire-pulling there ■hMii Political oplnlone end propbeclee will be ate dlucount twenty-four hours from ibis morning. The county campaign will liven np after to day’, election, but the negro will hereto sit on the fence end eeethe proceeelon go by tble Seer. Dr. Don lio.worlh, son of Dr. J. M. Bo.worlli, of this city 1. writing some very Interesting lettere to the Atlanta Journal from Vienna, where ho Is studying In one of the greet colleges Ihore. Many favorable comments have been heard on Tub Recorder's proposition to have Amerlcus num ■«dai one of the cities where the State Fair should beheld. At the proper time a strong efTorbwill be made to have Amerlcue named one of the ultlee In which the fair will be held. The Menufaclurer’a Record be- llevesthet the greet bulldlngboom In thsLwey of new towne will eoon come to an eqd, end tho next move ment will be toward building up the Country by Immigration; by people who will move South to avail themselves of cheap farms Hl—tiSIdeiilll 1 1 end a flue cllmel ITS RKT>I thet>vdry one who bee a friend in North, East or West, send A Copy of TnE Recorder containing this address to them, and to ahow that we have only the good of our PSople at heart, The Bebobdxb will supply oopples of tho paper containing hie artlole free of obtrge. 'Tng Recorder, In behalf of the people of Amerioue And Southwest Georgia, tenders lie til tain (win/ thanks to Mr. Btrayer for bis kind words, and while we know all be has said to bo true, It makea bur feeling toward him lull or gratitude that he has even gone out of hla way to tall the people of the North that ha has found na so different from what our political enemies claim ua to be, ■P . ■ ■■— And now there ie a difference of opinion between Uov. Gordon and the Constitution as to whether the constitutional amendment requir ing the bills Introduced la the gene- raBaeaembly read by titles only ooae becomes a law or not. Tbs CeMtltution claims It waa not ad vertised as the lav directed. Qov. Gordon aaye there le no doubt of tba popular wish, and that makes the RCT. 0. O B. STRAYER. IT, U. Ub. This gentleman, whoaa lnlerest- lo| artlole was published In Sun day's Recorder, baa dona and la dolag a great work for Georgia, and for the Southwest portion particu lar. HU etatamanU, coming aa they da bona a man who has -* * • '-"I'lfi - the sober-minded Such papers ding to Inlelll- Ueaoea In the MortSerr kSd Eastern Statee are bound to be uCgrant bunaflt to us, and I* behoovgg tka Suothari pta to give tbMaaa great -“l at poaalble. T - : HHM FRIENDSHIP DOTS. Friendship, Not. 3.—We are having nice weather now for gath- •ring orope nod the farmers are making good use of their time now and are making their cotton held* look black. Mr. Will Sims and Mins Mary Dczier were joined together in mat rimony last Thursday evening. The marriage took place at Mr. Dozier’s house. Will, wish you and your bride a long and happy life. It seems that Friendship is get ting to be a bad place for the ne groes to hare rows. There were two rows here last week. The first one was on Wednesday night be tween Pink Merritt and Joe Rosa. They had some few words in the store and Ross drew his knife. Merritt asked him to get on the ground. They both got on the ground and Ross started at Merritt with his knife open and Merritt drew his revolver, but no',harm was done. Saturday night Henry Brown and Will Trice thought they would set who was the best man. They quar reled a little and Henry made at Trice with his knife, but Trice got the drop on Henry and kuocked him down with a rail, but that did not satisfy Henry. He got up and tried to cut Trice agaiu, but Trice knocked him down again and bruised his head up badly. Henry says # !t is not settled yet. Hou. James Pinckard, of Mont gomery, Ala., spent a few days last week at Friendship with liis Bisters, Misses Mamie aud Laura Pinckard. Mr. Albert Drane will leave to morrow for; Washington. Dyapapala and Indigestion In their worat forms are cured by the use of P. P. P, If you are de bilitated and run down, or if you need a tonic to regain flesh aud lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. P. P., and you will be strong and healthy. For shattered constitu tions and lost manhood P. P. P. (I’rlckly Asb, Poke Root and Po tassium) Is the king of all medi cines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by ail druggists. HOUSEHOLD FAVORITE. A young girl here had beta Buffering for 13 ysars with blood diseases until ib« bad lost tho aw of bar Drabs and «u tubjoct to many troo- blot Incident to tho disease, Tho physicians declared bor caw lacureblo and predicted that herRfo would come to o speedy end. After taking S. S. S. she recuperated so fast that It woo plain thst shohnd obtained e new lease on Ms. end she has continued to grow better until her permanent care is assared. Many otbor pa. tkats la our hospital hare obtained signal beoo> fit front 8.6. S., and It has become quite a M on Blood and Skin Diseases mallei) Swift Sriciric Co* Atlanta, Gw RRR P D P C u n 1 r ATI-SIW BBBBa P P. P. c v a L A R XIMBSSis D P p C c R ' \ r-sPEPSl A ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOB TAX RECEIVER. Ve are authorised to announce the nemo J. W. MIZE as a candidate for re-elec- n to the office of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject loth- decision of the Demo cratic nomination. I OB CO BONER. We are authorised to announce the name L. E. (Jack; STANFORD, of this city, for the position ofCoronerof Humter Coun ty, subject to the primary election. ~~ FOR SHERIFF. Mr. Z. F. MARKETT hereby announces himself as a candidate for HherlfTof Hum ter county, with Mr. W. M.(Buck) RAGAN aa deputy. This announcement It made subject to the action of the primary ethe are authorised to annou of L. U. FORRE8T as a candidate for Hher Iffof Humter County. If elected. Mb. J. B. LAMAR will be hie deputy. Kept, aoth, ISM. tf FOB COUNTY TREASURER. We are authorised to announce the mim of Mr. JOHN E. BULLIVAN as a candi date for the office of County Treasurer, sub ject to the Democratic party. We authorised toannounco the name ’. C. C. HHEPPARD as a candldati i election to UieofllceofCountyTrens- aubjecl to the Democratic non At the solicitation of many friends, Mr. H. W. SMALL has consented to be a can didate for the office of County Treasurer, of JOE D. OIsOVKlt as a candidate for tho ofllcoof County Treasurer, subji the Democratic party. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. We aro authorized to annotinco the nar of P. V. WKHHON, of the 29th district, a candidate for the office of Tax Collect of Humter county, subject to the decision tho Democracy. The undersigned is a candidate for rt election for tho office of Tax Collector < Humter couoly. subject to the primary, any be held. T. M. Fy ULOW. FOB SURVEYOR. We are authorized to announce the i of MR. J. O. H HOCK LEY aa a candidate for the office of County Hurveyor, subject to the decision of the Democracy of Sumtor county. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. We aro authorized to announce the nam of J. II. ALI.KN a* a candidate for re-elec tlon to the office of Clerk of Superior Court for Humter county, subject U Deruoc italic primary. Joe Sing & Co. Proprietors of the CHINESE.'. LAUNDRY, ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! 310 Forsyth Street. Colters Sc., or SOc. p» r dozen. Cuff's .Vi a pair. s 13c., 3 for 2V*. Trouble*Brewing hall the 8. A. M. or the Central get the freight on Hail’s Immense Stock GardenSeeds That are juet beginning to arrive. Listen for Competitive rate*. The struggle for Pearl Onion Bets has commenced—first cornea, first served. All know that HALL keeps the beat of everything—don’t get left! Call at l Everybody knows where It la. People’s - Bar! Tho undersigned having opened a Baron the cmonmuniasms near the Artesian well, we are pre pared to serve at all times Beer on Drangbt and in Settles, Liprs; Cigars and Tobacco. and aak the patronage oftbepublio We also keep FRE8H FISH, In Season. Henry Jones & Co dAw SCHEDULE AMERICAS STREET RAILWAY. Care leave Wheatley's Corner for Cliy Limits, Lee HI reel and cornsr^MagnoUs f£J“5i and Felder Street, at 6:80,7 ;u City Limits, Lee Street and corner Ma Ma( noli* Avenue and Felder street at 1:40 and 1:10 p. m. Meet Central Trains at ItM, 1:00a. m w.-oo,- - ** —- - L-OO.m.. 1:00.2:28.6:41 and 10:10 p.m. H. A. M. atft;lM:60 10:30, a. m. I:» 1:33 nd 6.30 pm. Toukaeffbetoeuber^l- 409 JACK80N STREET AMERICUS, GA 1 have but recently returned from'New York, where I purchased the largest and mbst complete stock^u our lino ever brought to Amerlcus, Consisting In part of Dia monds, loose and mounted, a* Ring*, Ear Ring*, Lace Pin*, Htuds, Hcarf Pins, Etc. Watches In endleas variety frm the cheapest to tho best. An Immense assortment of Sterling Hllver and tine IMat-ed Ware. Clocks of all kinds and sizes from the cheapest to One Hundred Dollars each. An elegant line of Opera (Hasses, Spectacles of all kinds, Canes in the latest stylos, Gold Pens, Pencils, Tooth Picks, and Fountain Pen*. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Fine Pottery, Bronze and Onyx Goods. Ptano* and Organs, Ac- cordeons, Banjos, Tambourines, Harmonicas, Strings for all Instruments, Violin Bows, and Trimming* of all kinds. Tho very best Hewing Machine Needles and Oil, and a host of other things which cannot bo enumerated hero. We have got the most extensive line of Wedding. Birthday and Holiday goods In Houthwest Georgia, and are receiving more every day. These goods have all been carefully aelected, and bought right, and will be sold at prices that defy competition anywhere In this country. Everything that we sell Is guaranteed to be exactly as represented. Goods we sell engraved free. Wc re pair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Pianos and Organs, and guarantee our work U> lie the very beet. We have got the goods and respectfully ask every one to call and Inspect the before buying, and tf we cannot Interest you, we certainly will not expect your trado. Charles A. Ficker. TP. L. HOLT, DEALER 15 BUGGIES, WAGONS, AND HARNESS Will duplicate Atlan- f rade of Buggy Htete" * ,V * n Handles the Htude- 417 LAMAR 8TREET, - - - AMERICUS, GEORGIA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FIRST-OLASB BRICK, FOR; IREDSTT- Hamlsomo two-story, eight room residence with out buildiDgs, stables, etc. Two minutes walk of business. Suitable for two or threo families or a boarding housoi i. M. Callaway, - Real Estate Agent. The, People's. National. Bank, OR, LMUler. L. A. tlAWKINB, A H. C. Mitchell, Book-keeper. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE! OAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $25,000. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. I offer for a few days ^ Four houses and lot i following dealrable property close In at a bargain: lota 50x165 each. Just completed; 4 large Onejiouse and lot on Col leg* IIIII, large lot 210x170, fronting two streets. The |>ret> Jackson street, fronting the College. Large lot, 5 rooms to th< bed, nice out bouse and tlest home fn Amei One house and lot comparatively new house with Call for bargains. HUGH M. BROWN, 705 Jackson St. : Fifteen Hhatcs Furniture Factor? fc Amcricus, Ga. V. HOOD HITT, RESIDENT AOP.NT OF * UK Feu ltd Life hen Company. This company ofTers greater Ineuecmmta than any other, in that Its security I ljualled, Is a purely mutual company conducted by inetnlM-r* solely In the Interest « nembere, and ran therefore affer safe Insurance at lower rates than the lari itock companies. If you wmt Insurance, call on in# before Insuring. Office In Recorder Bulldlug, Amerlcus, Ur. a FOR SALE. One farm, 725 acres, threo miles from Americus. One farm, GOO acres, near Leslio, on 8. A. M. R. R., twelvo miles from Amoricus, about 350 acres cleared, 10 new tenant houses on place. This is one of the finest cotton farms in Georgia; will bo sold at a bargain. Also several houses and vacant lots in Americus. Call on "W. D. Haynes cto Son, 208 Forzjth Ht., Recorder Building. AMERICUS, GA. ZEfc. T ByRD, FIRE AND lIFE INSURANCE REPRESENTS THE SAFEST AND STRONGEST COMPANIES IN THE NT0RLU Insurance Placed on City and Country Property. Office on Jackeon Street, two doore north of Telegraph Office. ineklAdAwtf STORE HOUSE FORSALE I can offer for a few days a well located two-story briok store-house. SCHBOEDER & STRICKLAND, ' 724* Cotton Avenue, Amoricus, Ga. kanufiduen of fis, Co^er ud Sheet Iron Wue, Gahtsitd Iron Conia,Tia ud Iron Soo£sg HOT AIR HEATING, ETC- IRON SMOKE STACKS1A SPECIALTY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS : and Corn !i Ridging, Creating 14 to 27. " W« woulu be pleimed to give you e*tlmatea on youi Tin, In guarantee all work to tie ffret-claiu In every partlcu l furnlahed on nhort notice. We>l*o do Heavy Iron 1 terln- Spouting, etc. luft&im AND GET 0UR EST,MATES AND GIVE CUS A TRIAL- Roofing, • B. XX. JOS8EY, THE LEADING DEALER IN Tobacco, Cigars and Liquors Sole Agent nr me Ceebrated Old - Gnm Spnif leBtnctfflirtj. 31 COTTON AVENUE. AMERICUS. GA BAKERY R. F. NEHRING, moPItlKTOlt. Iietsoi Strict,•‘DiflEr Allei Hocrt i AMERICUS, GA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Ordm fir Caka of ill Eadi Proaptlj. FiM! M ad Csb Wtgea G;:: oil Mi Country Merchants supplied with bread at wholesale price**. BUILDERS’ SUPPLY CO. lO 3Mow Hous Lumber aold on Initallment*. XT. D. WATTS —WMesalc at Retiil Dealer 11— GROCERIES Fine Tobacco, Cigars and Whisky a Specialty! No. M3 Forsyth and 1004 Lee Streets, - - AMF.KICUH. GEORGIA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA Southwestern Division. Correct Schedule, No, 18, In Effect Auguit 04, 1890. SAVANNAH & WESTERN DIVISION Dally. 10 30 a in 2 05 p m ally. Mall K :«u ii KA8T BOUND. Dally Irani Mall •’ort Valley Li Macon •• Atlanta " WEHT BOUND. r. Hmlthvlllc - •• Kufaula •« " Montgomery L 1 TO FLO It IDA. No. 6 aa* >fa,. 4inl th villa • ThomaJVllla Wayci Jacl Solid Train* with l’ullman Buffet HlcepingCmra Between Havnnnah and Birming ham. Pullman Buffet Hterplng car* Ainencua to Jacksonville, Florida. For further lnrormallou relative to tlcketa, ached u lea, beat roulea etc. etc., apply to A. T. M AY WELL, Agent, J. O. McKENZIE, Hup’t, E.T. CHARLTON,Gen. Paaa. Ag’f Amertcua, Ga. Macon. Ga. Bavaanah.Oa. D. H. BYT1IEWOOD, Dlviaion Paaa. Ag’t., Columbna, Ua. I». I). CUBHAN. Hup’t, Columbun. Ga. J. C. 8HA W.Trav. Paaa. Ag’t., Havanuah Ga Savannah, Americus & Montgomery Railway Time Card in Effect October 12, 1890. Western Divirion. HTATIONH. ,r ‘"T : Eastern Division. ... 3» • » 800 6 10 p ml 13 pm ...yriakart... 8 U> Copeland, Kblne Oawald Helena Erick, Alamo, Verbena, Olenwood, Mount Vernon .... I 06 .yidala. *opn W f .8 43 Arrive, Lyonia,-. MiV. RUSS. Owing to the great delay in freights, I am compelled to retire from the Carpet busi ness. I offer tor sale in my store on Cotton Avenue, consisting of They are suitable for Rugs only and will be sold at Low Prices. . Call and examine them. There are a number of beautiful pieces. No trouble to show them, MANAGER. 30 pm|4 90 in •Dally, or toy Information aa to rate, etc., call on your annt, or a-Mraaa W. N. MARSHALL, C. B. ADAMS, £! 8. GOODMAN, Superintendent. Train Diapatcher. Gen. Paa. Agent 414, 416 and 418 Colton Ave