Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 06, 1890, Image 2

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•' -|j '3 ^AKnic^ Recorder 0 gQBCft^ CSS^ER. 7 «," Wff* a»- : fhli§»t«r County. * Ur nan ©f Webzter Cnnnty. THURSDAY. 44>QV£Mbeb e 1.1890 Tiio AHEKrvs ItRcoitbcnia' publi* i • i Dally and Weekly, .Iurin|Tth« year. ' Th« Daily Rrcokdkh is tuned iw 1 ^ mSgtlMg daring the yrnkL? at 60r par month, <>r 14,0) per year. ' 110 TheWnKLTP Friday morning. at year payable In advance. BUMS Co large* circulation bvrest Georgia,ctrruU- r ..._ 7 in theeoontlea of Sumter, Lee, eiU Stewart, Webater, Bcbley. Marlon on, Dooly and Wilcox, EnterodatAmerkm* Poet-Office a* iwond All eotumiinlcatlonaahouldbe ortdre-aed to AMRBtCDB PUBLISHING (JO. The Home Tribune will now drop Its lurid literature. WM Imlepemlentlsm Is once again snowed under In Georgia. How we pity the “Jcflertonlana!" , T. Warren Aiken seems to bo the bnpplcst man. lu the Seventh What a wonderful consoler victo ry is I Jfow we can settle down to hard work, and In 1892, with a bard pull can put another Democratic Presl* dent in the White House. Ah Tick Recorder had ud'nxea to grind in the recent election—be- yondtlie victory of Democracy—It como* np smlllug and hapny this - morning, a cheerful contrast to some gloomy contemporaries, to . whom even the greet Democrat!' victory brings no joy. The moral is to work only for the good of the party, and let personal ambitious bo subservient to the party good. A GREAT VICTORY. The democrats swept the field Tuesday without a doubt. It is veritable Waterloo for the republi cans, and no explanations will ex plain It. All that money, bribery, trickery and knavery could do was done * to bolster up the protection party, but without avail. Defeat stares them In (be face in their very strongest states. Even "bleed- _jn;;K|£M%!Ilhebotne of the South P**” hster, Ingalls, has gone democratic, and Mr. lugalls will step down and out, carrying with him nothing bat his own caustic bitterness. The next Congress will be Demo- critic t>y from 60 to 75 majority- more thanj the most sanguine ex ppoted. That our own Crisp, the “greatest Dcmoorat of all,” will be sjn-jikcr,’ goes without saying, ah most, and If Judge Crlap doesn’t give tin* Republican* a taste of their own ruling, it will not bo be cause they don’t deserve it. Latest returns McKinley, ou whos^fJTlrtrlot many thousands’of^^Iffars were spent, e heavy artillery of - was scut—is I, aa also is Charley Foster, bn or calico fame. It If such a sweeping victory that the country has not yet bad time to understand It. The McKluley bill did it, there ta no doubt. The far mers have stood unjust taxation long enough, and proposo to try the oilier plnii a while. But what must be lien Harrison’s feelings? Poor man!' He will return to the obscurity from whenco be came, aud may l>e a second Bayes. Though he haa a year or ><> t-> serve, It will be tilled with bitterness and gall, for no longer can lie call upon his Hud to gag the voice of the people. Hurrah for Democracy and Tsritr H-fnrm! • Turn the rascals not! CRISP AROUSED THEM. The Nashville American pub lishes the following, indicating a healthy ami encouraging revolution In the political sentiment o. Mena- ohuuptts: Jatues B. Richardson, of Richard son Bre«*W|\ the well-known intr- j chain*, baa Juht returned from a j buaine** trip to Boston. He tutya he waa present lait week at a apeak- | ing in Faneult Hall there. The audleuce win* larg-i mid full of en thusiasm, which rose to u great height during a phtlllpple deliver ed by Congressman Crisp, or Ga , agatuat the McKinley bill Iniquity Hats filled the air and cht r after cheer rent It asunder as this able exponent of Democratic doctrine reduced the fallacies oVthls Re publican measure Into Democratic English. An enthusiastic citizen proposed three cheers for Crisp, the Boutb and the Democratic party, whieh w is responded to with a will. Mr. Richardson states, ui*ou a closo observation, that h < found a veri table stampede of all men of all political creeds to get Into the Democratic fold, so great Is the ge era! aentiraent iu that section against this bill. the j FEELS WORSE NOW. Jusf before the electtou a corr pendent pent ttie following fr. Washington. Tin* president mi feel a great deal worse now: Thcr«* is gloom and sadt: White * House, for the president, who ha* both personal and f*o1!ti<"i! reasons f<>r wlsliing a reputdi.*»n victory a week hence, in simply stunned at the avalanche of hj.d news which is pouring to op«u. t.ioi from every part of ilsu country, Tliis information is that the tide id battle runs so strongly against Hit republican's tlint the only cousid- itfon i- as to I tie* majority tin- democrats may have. The democratic programme, a< - cording to the President ’a luti H in formation, If to kill oil' the r< publi can leaders aud have the pally Without a single directing bead in the fifty*secoud congress. To-day President Harrison win* told that fliO.000 had been suit to McKinley’s district to h« um<1 Against that gentleman Ten thou sand more will be expended to de feat Henderson and Goar in Iowa, and himqual sum will be spent by the opponents of Cannon in Illinois. The Alliaticemen mu m to i'.ud ,t a hard matter to agree on a candi date for Coiled States Senate. Hines don't seem to do; Norwood is not liked, Smith and Garin II have almost dropped out, and Cal houn !■» said to b* a railroad man, •o wlio is to be tiie mao? Cure Yi ur Corns by Using Atibott’s East Indian Corn Paint , Bunions and warts, it is ; fstjhli.hcd 1867 Incorporated 1890. JIHS FBICffl { BREL •fh't JACKSON STREEP can not Interest sis In Hoiitliwest U.MirgU, nn<l aro ri-i-i-lvlng •n t-arefnlly seleeN-l, nnd bought right, and anywhere In Mils country. Everything that J «)rgan<*, and guarantee nor work to lie the ipectfully ask ever? on-* to call nn-t Inspect the Illy Will not expect your Charles A. Flicker. A young girl here had been suffering for 12 year* with blood disease! until she had l.*t the use of her limb* and was subject to many trou bles incident to the disease. The physicians declared her case incurable and predicted that her HD would come to a speedy end. After taking S. S. S. she recuperated so fast that it was plain that she had obtained a new lease on life, and the has continued to grow better until her permanent cure is assured. Many other pa tients in ocr hospital have obtained sign .I bene fit from t*. S. S.,-and it has become cjuite a fa- recite In imr house. Tnu St. Joseph Hospital, Highland. Ill Treatl'C on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed fnOi Swift Srtcinc Co , Atlanta, 0a, ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR TAX RECEIVER. VV. MIZE u«acHiulldut<- f-.i r- -• h-c- lion to the office i’fTnx Here Ivi r ni Mi-nl r ty. subject totli-d'ct.-lo.i <1 I* mo- e nomlnntlon. I OH poftONGK. oft,. K. aaJS^MTAXFoHD, ofthl.cltv, 1 JRfleltlon off -r -nerof sutntcr Ci-mi- ty. sjlbject to thu piImury election. * FOR HIIERiyF. Mr. Z. F. MAUKETT hereby nnuoum-es himself ns n eandldnte for Hhrrilt'oi sum ter county, with Mr. W. M.lJluch; ItAtiAN deputy. Th!- •'UlOQII'flili lit iiliuul.- ubjeet to the action of the prt’ttu-ry elec- »ro authorized to nnnohnee th<* mini I. FORREST ns ■ cutirllduto for slier ItTof HtanU-r County. If elected. Mm, .1. IS. 'ittlAH will Ihj iris deputy. Kept. 30th, 1-ifti. tf I’OR COUNTY TREASURER. Wc- are authorized t-> announc- the nmne of Mr. JOHN E HUE .IVAN us n enndl- dute for tbo office of County Treasurer. »uh- Ject to the Doiuoc ratio pm ty. SCHMIDT’S Reading Room, Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. Having fltP-d tip this large room in iiamlHome atylo, with (lie inton • urn of making it a plenuHtiI mid <iuiet rormrt, I am prepared to nerve tire tiv.Jinri bent Li'iuor-, Wiru-H, Beeru, ami f'igarn, Home of lliem of my STORE HOUSEF )RSALE I can offer for a few days a. well located two-story brick store-liouse. LOTT "^TV.A.X^IrLEIIKr, Bank of Sumter Bililding. SoHROEDER & STRICKJ.AND, 724 Colton Avenue, Amsricus, Ga. MLte; of Tin, Copso; ui Shis', bo Ware, Sihisi'tiCorsica, Tis ui L*ca EooSag HOT AIR HEATING, ETC- IRON SMOKE STACKS A SPECIALTY- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS : ipiiHriint.'L- nil w-.rk l » In-ik-l-.•In-.-m - verj pnrTir u »r. Iti-lglmr. • r.-^tn gmul Flnula terle- Hpuutlug, )(i pAd.L AND GET OUR ESTIMATES AND GIVE US A TRIAL- ■O. XX. JOSBBY, THE LEADING DEALER IN Tobacco, Cigars ana Liquors. Sole Aieot or tue CeeDralei Old ”Gon sjirw” Kentnciry.Whisky. 31 COTTON AVENUE. AMERICUS. GA BAKERY LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Ordsa for Csh ofilM Frtopilj Rlbi! S::si i;i Cib Wagon Goes mi Ft. F. NEHRINC, rKOritIKTOIt. lucksio Slreet/Dnder Allen {loose AMERICUS, GA, Cheap:_Money ! Loans negotiated on City, Town or Farm Property at Rati that Qeiy Competition! TERMS MOST AVORABLE. ALL CONDITIONS EASY J. J. Hanesley, AMERICUS. GA. REMOVAL Cook’s Pharmacy lias been removed from Cotton Avenue to the W. J. Slaopy corner, on Lee street, -<near A rtesian well) where I will be Pleased to serve you in Drugs, Pat ent >.* ediclnes, Garden Seeds, Etc. Respectfully, W. A. COOK, Proprietor :e tt IEj r3 ho V. 11K AI ’ !•: ST. f.’ountry Mcr 'haiitn s BUILDERS 5 SUPPLY CO. JLO Now Uouno CALL AND SEE- OX ■W". MIZE, \t bin new (|tiartera on Colton Avenue, under Hawkirm House He keepu the fineHt Wines Whiskies, Cigars, Etc., Etc. in town. IIo always has on tap kegs of tho* Famo i s Cook. Beer, The HIvST Beer ever wold in /Vmericua. Fancy Drinks at Lowest Living Prices! TE3I. D. —WSolesale ul M Dea'ir u— OP?,OOE3TRIE]S Fine Tobacco, Cigars anil Whi'ky a Specialty! No. .193 Kornyth and 1001 Lee Mirt h, - - AM KKI(T.* J . (JFOKOIA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA Soutliwostorn division. Correct Schedule, IS in Effect August *21, l**HO. SAVANNAH ft WESTERN DIVISION Suburban Property! Very Choice; from 50 to 100 acre*. One mile from city. Cun bo divided into renldeuce loin ami Hold for TEN TIMKS THE l’HICK ASKED FOB THEM! M. Callaway. - Real Estate Agent. 3E2,. 2 37- FIRE AID lIFE INSURANCE HEPRLSCNfS THE SAFEST ftfl STRONGEST COMPANIES IN THE V/0RLL. P. I'. HOLT, BUGGIES, W.-G0Nl. ND The, People’s. National. Bank, | • 'MEHV, I’reahlent. ).• Winphok, t’anhler. II. Mitciiki.i. J. (!. Ko.nky, Vice rrenident. K. A. Hawkins, Attorney. Book-keeper. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE ! CAPITAL, 850000. SURPLUS, 825.000. d., Mi. jo koIU'IImUoii nf u am HMAIdVhua ronaented to be a •-,»»- dlda.efnr the > ffii-e of C'ouufy Troimirut, ,mUo the dwl*tr>» of ttio Domur.raey «*f Hi mtfr county. n- r«H|Uc.*l<xl lo announce the mmu* I>. (II.OVKII >•« it i-mi'll,lab 1 f.,i ico of County Tre-taurcr, »i'l the Bemnerutlo party. FOR TAX COLLECTOR, We are «uth->r1ztd t nnnmimv th. «»f P. V. WKttHUN, of lho23ih dUU u i'll'dldate | rlliti nlltr« of Tax C< «>f Sumter I'ounl), -iihj**< t to the deel the I mm, h-racy. 1 he undereiKi)t-<t U a raiulldnte vtreilon for the offlrt o' Tax Colteator of Hu inter rou nt y, hubject t*» the pr it nary, if a m be held. ‘ T. M. Ft’ULUW. FOR SURVEYOIL We nre nutliortlrd to nu- nunre the name ofMlLJ. *J. SllLlt'KI.KV an a candidate fur Uie oDti: • of Comity Survey r. -ul.jeet to the decUlou o the Deuiocrucy ol 3u inter FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. We are nothorlzed toannourfce the name of J II, Al.I.KN a* n r.indldute for re-elee- tlon to tt^e office ‘of Cl.rk of Superior Court f. r Sumter county, hubjecl to the iJeiuocratle primary. a nd WhUSCty H ahlta REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. I ollVr fi-ruf «r da>K the 'allowlug desirable property claw* In at a bargain: F.uir hou« ■ ami lot*, boiao Ju»t eompleted; 4 lurge nM>ni« earl Term* Kk*.\ in..- Imip. and lot an l ollete Hill, large lot 2HL.70, 'renting t*> -• < i ,• h <u«e and lot <>n JiicUmiii »tr. , fiaiilliu- th^. t’a lof I urge barn an the l ull far hn*gaia». HU H M. BROWN, - : Americus, Ga S7. HOOD HtT'T, H i>mt n r 7 Fei Mutual life Insurance Company. •••menu ttinn n t in ui mil company r i Uutlding, kincrtcua.t tliar, In that It* wenrlty large salaried »»* 22ml e before itiiuriug. SALE. One farm, 725 ncrea, three miles from Americus. Ouo farm, GOO acres, pear Leslie, on 8. A. M. R. R., twelve miles from Americus, alnmt 350 acres cleared, 10 now tenant houses ou place. This is one of the finest cotton farms in Georgia; will be sold at a bargain. Also several houses and vacant lots in Americus. Gall ou „ “W. D. Haynes cto Son., 208 Foray th 8t„ Recorder Building. AMERICUS, GA. B ell house • "RESTOH GEORGIA A. 9. OSU, Flr.t.tfl«w, accotnm.MlaUob, aid totilm Waller*. Porter* meet all traltu.