Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 11, 1890, Image 2

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m Recorder °£0RG^ , L. GLK8SNKH, «»r W.b-tsr County. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER If. 1090. The AtttcitlCPH ItCCOBDBHlS publla ltd Dally and W^my.ilurlng the year. The Daily RkuokAr la Issued ereiy morning except Mondays, during the year, at 30c per month, or**/0 per year. The Wf.<kly iu )RO»Ii issued avery , . .... " .. , ,,, , Friday morning.* fl 00 par jraarK»fcWe|frothieed In the House a bill t- nth west Ocorgla.clrcula- glargely in theomintleeof Hointer. Let, ■rc'.l.Hlewiirt, Webster, Hchlcy. Marlon* Macon, Dooly and Wtleox, Entered at A mrrtcua Po«t*Offlce aa aeeond logs matter. * All comtnnnicatlouB should be addressed AMKB1CU8 PUBLlHlHWaCO. = A QUESTION OF GROWTH. There Ate very few towns which grow so fasttbftt they cannot cere for t ho people who move to It. Yet that Is precisely the condition of Amerlcus to-day, and blda fair to be her condition one year hence unless active measures are taken to provide houses for the hundreds who are moving here. For year a aud year« The Re- coupe it has talked for, and boomed and blowed, and advertised Amer lcus, aud during those years held, nn d address, its faith «n Amerlcus while others condemned her to the “demuitiou bow-wows,” or other classical places. That The Recouped was justified lu Its faith is evidenced by the great Influx of people lu the past twelve months. No place can become a great city uulcss It’s people will act together. To attract other people to it a place must be advertised, no matter bow, but advertised. Believing in this, Tub Recobder acted upon Its be lief, aud spent many hundreds of dollars of It’s owu montv in judio- ously placing advertising matter. In this respeot It waa liberally sup ported by tbs city council and the business men of Amerlcus. And, though few people may believe It, Ame/Icus Is yet reaping tho bene fits of this advertising. Advertis ing, whether of a town or a busi ness, to be elTeotivo, must bo done thoroughly, and must be kept up. You would not believe, If told once, that auothorclty was a bettor place —trllvtf In than Amerlcus. Certain ly not. But If you were told so onde a week or once a month, and proof of the fact fuinlshed you, lu spltoof your love for your own place, It would compel you to make comparisons. If the advertiser suc ceeds In getting you to visit his 4»lace, »«d can make a favorable impression,'half tho battle is won. The seed is sown—lime will do tho reaping and, ir the town has half what Is claimed for It, In another year or two yon w ill This is but an ^UamdttTdn of what advertising It must day, and week byjtelP^PTt’s claims must Keep these jfore the people—get them to visit you, treat them well, and time will do the rest. GOVERNOR NORTHEN. . Gov. Northen’s Inauguration was a most auspicious one, and his ad dress a plain aud practical state ment of what tho State most needs. That the farming portion of the people are aroused on the question of education l* evident, as iu every BETTER SCHOOLS. Thb Recorder Is pleased to see a disposition on the part of tbe Governor and the legislature to in crease the efficiency of thy public school system of the HtatO, Gov. Northen very pertiueully akysthat the public s-bools must be made more efficient, or they should be re manded to the case of private indi viduals. The fact is, the public school system of Georgia is a public shame. Tills very limited term and the poor pay of teachers bus made our public schools little more than ft farce. That the people are begluumg t<r realize this fact Is evidenced by tbe fact that already there h crease the term to six mouth*, atui .in the Senate a bill to lucre ish the term to eight months. Georgia has led all the other Southern States In progress, and it is to be hoped that she will come to the front Iu the matter of public schools (here is ohlt | 1 And uieru lu nothing Uko it. J Do nst bo Imposed on with (•substitutes, imitations, etc. | becauso the dealor makes a ' few cents moro on a bottle. Lead Poison Cured. t Leak, Waynesville, Ohio. HON. C F. CRISP. From tho Athena Banner. The newspaper world Is now ag- j Hating the question of who will succeed dictator Reed as speaker, j At present there is no unanimity of j sentiment on Oils question, but the j major part of the democratio organs are favorable to Crisp, of Georgia. ^ He, wo believe, will be chosen to | preside over the legislative sessions, j having evinced parliamentary tact i ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOIl TAX RECEIVER. t CORONER. Ho proved himself able to cope j .. y f t |. with Reed Iu ills high-handed j measures, crushing despoti-m by j the weight of his determined per-j sonalily, aud surpassing the stub- | * ,r JJ born despot In the use of skillful i ^-r coni expedients. n» <iep We firmly believe that Crisp Is j auhject the choice of democratic sentiment ,l “" of the house as Ik stood during the past session, but its composition is so entirely different that it Is a dif flcult matter to determine who will occupy this honorable and coveted position. LITERARY NOTES. An article of much practlole value on “The Care of the Eyes In Youth,” by the well-known oculist, Dr. George 8. Norton, will appear in tho Supplement to Harper’s Young People for November 4th. Freedom Trlumphaut is the title of the fourth and final volume of Charles Carleton Coffin’s history of the civil war for young readers. It will be published In November by Harper and Brothers. Rudyard Kipling is the new star that Is at present attracting the gaze of the readihg world. A clever aud dfsoriminatlug essay upon this young genius and his work has been prepared by Julian Hawthorne for the October dumber of Lippiu- cott’s Magazine. FOR SHERIFF. First, that not one of the men whom the people of Georgia hon ored and trusted asftheir represent atives in cougress failed to condemn the aub-treasury bill as unwise, though In doing so-they condemned themselves, In most cases, to the loss of their valuable offices. Were they selfish enemies of the farmers! —Macon Telegraph. The Telegraph must be mistaken. Judge Crisp did not condemn the sub-treasury bill as unwise. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. We lire authorised to nnnounco the nn of Mr. JOHN K. HULUVAN as a can date for tbe oltlce of County Treasurer,« Ject to the Democratio patty. We are authorised e the FOR TAX COLLECTOR. of Tax Collect t to tho primary, If T. M. Pl’RLOW. FOR SURVEYOR. • are authorised to nnnouncc ttu R. J. <1. HlloCKLEV na a can He office of County Surveyor. I o decision o: the Democracy ol S FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. Wc are authorised to announce the nnnii of J.II, ALLEN as a candidate for re-elec convention of aii agricultural kind held lately It has been moro or lens referred to. They want better edu cational facilities, and aro willing to pay for them. His warning as to local bills Ih t : mely and to tho point. Hucli bills have become the curse of legislation, making It costtlie people thousands of dollars to make law« which say that “hunters shnll not hunt on this land,” etc., and no representa tive can refuse to introduce such bills as long ns the constitution is not amended. Gov. Northen’s admlulKtratiou blda fair to be plain and practical. Became ho has been chosen for Governor has not Inflated him— only lmprecse l lilm with tin? con- aoiousness of Ills respon (Ability, aud Thb Recorder is quite coufideut that be vrltl ahow the world that a farmer can make as good an execu tive aa a lawyer or any other man. Balloting for a U. H. Senator to auooood Joseph E. Brown will be gin ono week from to-day. • At i present U)f re la no toiling who will " be elected.; Gordon claims 113 votes, white the anti-Gordon men aay thsy have over 126 votes pledg- > ed against Gordon. Tho difficulty seam % lobe to eontor on any oue man as agalnot Gordon. Thavoto' of Houston eounty for Congressman waa: Crisp, 780; Gibson, 114; majority forCrisp, 666.4 Crisp's majority over Glboou iu | - Houston two years ago waa 812, in a total n>* of 1,418. I ta»l»r»UonlD.UIia..n» SCHMIDT’S Reading* Room, Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. Having fitted up this large room In handsome style, with the lnteu tlon of inaktug It a pleasantwnd quiet resort, I am prepared to serve the finest and best Liquors, Wines. Beers, and Cigars, some of them or my own importation from Uermauy and France. FUME LUNCH every morning from 11 to 12. I ask all to give me a call. sepll FORSALE Cordele Security Stock. Americus Manufacturing and Improvement Stock. Bank of Condole Stock. ’ Americus Furniture Company Stock. Savannah, Americus and Montgomery R. R. Bonds. WANTED.—Southwestern Railroad Stock- LOTT WARREN. Baititr of Sumter Building. H. D. WATTS • -1 *<-••• ; itmwft BlttUI Mitr B— CERIES i and Whisky a Specialty! ty th and 1004 Leo Streets, ■ • AMK1UCUS. GEORGIA )’ SUPPLY CO. JLO ifow Houm Established 1867 Incorporated 1890. JAMES FRIGKER & 409 JACKSON CTREE r 1 have hat recently return AMERICUS, GA from New York, whore I purchased the largeat and most, cmnplet* jmr line ever brought to Amerlcus. Cousl-ting In part of Dla- mond*, loose amt mounted, a- Rlug4, Ear Ring4, t.»c« Pina, Htudn, Heart Pina, Kte. Watch*- In endless variety fra the chert peat to the taeaet. An liniuenw assort men t of Hlerling Silver and line Plated Ware. Clocka of ail kinda and a'xea from the cheapeat to One Hundred Dollar* each. An elegant fine of Opera (Haases, Spectacle* of all kinda, Canes In (he latest stylet. Hold I'rni, I'ancl U. Tooth Picks, and Fountain Pens. Table I Pocket Cutlery. Fine Pottery, Dronze and onyx Ooosls. Pianos and organa, Ac- denna. iUnJon.Tamb .urines, llarmonlnoa, String* forall Instruments, Violin Hosts, I Trimming- of all kinds. The very best Hewing Machine Needle- and Oil, and a Weshllng. Birthday and Holiday go*!* in very day. Th tod- liave all lieen carefully selected, and bought right, and will lie -old at prices mat defy, competition any wherein this country. Everything that we w|| is guaranteed U» bo exactly us represented. OimmIh we sell engraved free. We re pair W aVches. Clocks and Jewelry, Piauoiand Organs, and guarantee our work to tie the same before buying, and If we cannot Interest you. we certainly will not expert your Charles A. Fricker. U. H. JOS8EY, — THE LEADING DEALER IN Tobacco, Cigars ana Liquors, Sole Agent or the Ceehrated Old Unm Sprig" leWcKWliisfr. 31 COTTON AVENUE. AMERICUS. GA BAKERY 1 R. F. NEHRINC, PROPRIETOR. Uctsoi Slreel,•‘Older Alien fltnse AMERICUS. GA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Country Merchants supplied with bread at wholesale prices. -CALL AND SEE- vT. “W- 3VCIZJE. At his new quarters on Cotton Avenue, under Hawkins House keeps the finest Wines, Whiskies, Cigars, Etc., Etc. in town. He always has on tap kegs of tho Famou s Cook Beer. The BEST Beer ever sold in Americus. Fancy Drinks at Lowest Living Prices! He keeps nothing but first-class goods, and don’t charge fancy prices tor them. GIVE ME A CALL. FOR RENT! An oxcollant Truck and Dairy Farm, one-half mile from city Apply to M. Callaway. • Real Estate Agent. The. People's, National. Bank. K. Montoomkry, President. J. C. Hon by, Vico President John Windsor, Cashier. E. A. Hawkins, Attorney. H. C. Mitciiki.l, Book-keeper. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE! CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $25,000, REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. I offer for a f w 4lays the ^mrn nn the piaee. fall fur l*aHgii! property cIom; In at a bargain HUGH M. BROWN, : : Americus, Ca. V. HOOD HITT, RKNIIIKNT dOKNT OK IHK Feu MutuaJ life lien Company. This company offers greater incucemenis than any other, In that IU security Is ...jailed, la a purely mutual company conducted by members solely In tho Interest members, aad can therefor- affer safe Insurance at lower rate* than the large salai ‘ rk companies. If you w mi Insurance, rail on me before insuring. offlee In Kkcobdeb Building. Xmerlcus, (la. aug 22m* FOR SALE. Gnu farm, 725 acres, three miles from Americus. Ono farm, GOO acres, near Leslie, on S. A. M. K. K., twelve miles from Americus, about 350 acres cleared, 10 new tenant houses on place. This is one of tho finest cotton farms in Georgia; will bo sold at a bargain. Also several houses and meant lots in Americus. Coll on • W. x>. Haynes cfc Bon. W Forsyth SC, Beeordsr Bnlldlng. AUEUICOB, OA. Gold dollars -AND- iriDley’s peFfeci filling, lulls!), ervlcaDle, ROES -FOR- LflDIEb - AND - MISSES, ARE SYN0N0M0UH TERMS BOTH ARE STANDARD IN AMERICA. Williford, Matthews & Co, 415 Cotton Avenue, next to Bank of Americus. CALL ON= Thornton Wheatley, niiommsEMiH ★ CLOTHING! Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc. WHEATLEYS CORNER, 423, 425 and 427 JACKSON STREET. All Electric Cars Stop at Wheatley’s Comer.- TELEPHONE No-18