Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 20, 1890, Image 5

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Nearly one thousand veeta and | pants to be slaughtered- One broken lot children'! veil* and pants will be thrown on tbs Bargain Counter at bait price. They are choice goods but broken lota, and our Idea dear them out; 26o, 80c, (to, 'and 40o for goods worth double the price. Blankets CHA8. L. ANSLEY. VHCflTLCY & ANSUCV: t • iJTi ; . y a fff\ rl* 1 1 •* MAGNIFICENT ATTRACTIONS I — $3. Our dally arrivals enable us to offer something fresh to every new comer, and special attractions the coming week. One lot beautiful wool salts, $1.75, suit. One lot ladles' cloth suits, all wool, $2.95, suit. One lot fancy striped suits, beauti ful shades, $2.39, suit. One lot unusually choice suits, all wool, 5.25, suit. One lot, only a few at that, extra choice suits, sold formerly at $7.50, to be sold at $4.75, suit. Dress goods in Robe patterns are so popular that we have been com- . pelled to repeat orders and supple ment an already large and hand some assortment. Of course you know they are the thing for the season. The assortment presented by us for your examination Is im mense. Ohr late purchases enable ns to offer pou some of the lowest prices we have ever known. You mast see them to appreciate them. We are determined not to carry over a single pattern If low prices will sell them. Robes. Robes eeretofore '7.50 and 8.00 we will sell at 5.05. Robes which were 10.00 we will at 7.60. Robes formerly 12.50 to go at 9.00. Robes formerly 15.00 for 12,50. Robes formerly 10.50 to 18.00 for 14.76. Robes formerly 20.00 and 22.50 for 17.50. Robes formerly 25.00 for 10.00. Plaids. Yon know are having a tremendl our run. We have just opened some beauties at 65c per yard. Remnants of Plaids and Btrlpes .n bargain counter. Plain Dress Goods. There Is no department that Is so carefully and completely supplied as our line of Henrietta Cloths. They are herd In the new Greys, Golden Browns, Tans, Heliotropes, Greens, Navys, or any color your heart could wish for. The prices in tee all wool goods range from 49o to 1.00 per yard. The eotton warps are here In the greatest profusion, and the prices nu^ge from 22Xo upwards.^ You values. Broad Cloths. Our stook of Broadcloths cannot be Ignored. Their worth as a dress for style and service cannot be over estimated. We are showing a vast range of colors and several different qualities. One of the biggest bar gains of the week will be those 6.25 suits for $4.98. We have a choice lot of Dress Flannels In both plain and fancy, and are dosing them oat at prices that cause people to marvel at their cheapness. They are moving with almost lightning like rapidity, however, and can’t last long at the present rate. ..... Since the opening of the season our house has been daily filled with multitudes of people, attracted by our grand display of Dry Goods. The cry has been for more help all TTqnrifrornTifofo, the season and to our sorrow a great many of our friends have been compelled to wait for us by the hour to get an opportunity to serve them. We,' of course, consider this a great compliment to our stock, our prices and our way of doing business. MU by the thousand. Good goods at So h. Better ones 10c, 12Xc, 15o, 20c, 2Se, and upwards to 1.50 eaob. Silk handkerchiefs In great variety. Our friends know, however, il is money in their pockets to call on us and do their shop ping here, as they can always depend on getting goods exactly as represented, and without having to question the price—it being the same to everybody, and ONE PRICE ONLY; That always lower, too, than any competition dares to touch. Gloves. Kid gloves in dressed and un dressed at 75c, 1.00, 1,28, 1.60, 1.76, 2.00, 8.50, and 8.00. Remember, we are sole agent* for the oelebrated, perfect fitting Centemeri Kid Gloves, Ladies and Children’s Black Goods. This whole page devoted to this department would hardly do justice to it. Thst we are headquarters for ell Booth Georgia there can be no question. That our prloes ere low er than soy house in this section Is demonstrated daily by a com' parlsouof fabrics and prices; that the variety presented by us is greater than any several honsea combined we will leave to any one to judge; that our sale* will quad Tuple any house in Bouth Georgia will be seen by a ahort stop In onr store. This department for years has been our pride. The present season has more than doubled our most sanguine expectations. Black Henriettas We have them herefrom a beau tiful 40 Inch all wool silk finish Henrietta at 40o to the handsomest silk warp at $1 76 ever shown here. Onr numbers at 82*^ c, 75c, 85o and 1.00 are marvels of beauty. Onr Melrose Cloths at 75c. Onr Becastools at 89c. Our Balrrltz cloths at 06c. Our Serges at 89c. Our Drap D’Almaa at 00c. are open to the United States for compari son. Many new things added to this department In the last few days. All the delleato shades for even ing wear. All the desirable shades for general wear. Those 1.25 falllsea will be offered the coming week for 08o. We guar antee they cannot be beat In this CLOAKS. It needs but half a look for any woman to convince herself that ours is by long odds 'THE' CLOAK: STOCK Of Americus You will find ours the best, cheapest, most perfect fitting and most desirable materials for the oiimate. Our very low prices have led many to avail themselves of the oppor tunity to buy quickly. It is not withih the range of ordinary probability that equal op portunities as those we present to-day will be offered again this season. We call your attention to one lot ladies’ all wool perfect fitting Jackets at $2.98 we will compare with anybody’s $4.00 garment. One lot Jackets at 3.50 worth 5.00. One lot Jaokets, the finest values we have ever had at 4.50 and 5.00. The styles and qualities we give you at 6.00,0.50,0.75 and 7.50 are simply unmatohable in Americus, At 9.00, 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 we present the choicest lot of stnff ever carried. • PLUSH GARMENTS Are having a tremendous run again this sea son. Compare our 10.00 Plush Goods with what others ask you 12.50 for. Our 15.00 Plush Coats’knock out anything in Ameri- cusOthers as high as 25.00. New Plush Capes just opened at 4.98 and 7.50 each. CHILDREN’S CLOAKS. We are better fixed than ever in this line. We have the weights specially suited to this oiimate, and we are determined to sell every ohilds wrap in onr house. Prices out to the quiok and that right in the heart of the sea son. Children’s oloaks at 2.00, 2.50. 3.00, 4.00 worth nearly double the money. We have them as high as $10. country, They are here in browna, tana, heliotropes, modes, greys.and numerous other shades. Velvet*, brocade*, out steels, and. braids to. match. ' In auraba wa have the largest line w* have ever oarfled. In black allks we are showing the mostuntteual bargain* It ha* ever been our good fortune to poeee*. Recent purchases enable ua to make prices on which wa defy com petition. Excellent blaok falllses at 96o, 1.10 and 1.50. Armures at Wo, 1.10. Peande-aolea at 1.19,1.60 and 1.76. Bilk Almaa at 1.89,1.76.'Gro* Grain 89o, 980,1.12,1.25,1.60. Linens. Choice values, bought befora the advance in prices. One lot oholce colored border ex tra else Huok Towala at 16o each. About five thousand towels on ■ale at prices you may never see igtlQe The variety la too great to go ltfto details. Damasks at 40o. 60c, 00o, 61X6, 65o, 76c, 86e, 1.00, 1.16, 1.25. Hosiery. One large lot Misses Fait Blaok Hose, Derby Ribbed, lOo per pair. One lot splendid quality, ribb«d and fast blaok, lie per pair. One lot Misses stainless ribbed hose, donble knee, at 25c for large ■lisa. One lot extra heavy boye’ hose, 7X to 9X, 25c per pair. The Bargains :of the: Hosiery Department. One lot of fas blaok and stainless ladles’ derby ribbed hose sold here tofore at 40o, at 25c per pair- Better goods than you ever bought at the price. We have large lota of other numbers (SXo, 37Xc, 40o, 46c. 60o, and as high aa 3.00 per pair. Comforts. The larges and moat comprehen sive line of these we have ever car ried. Ten bales new com forts from 1.00 to 2.60 each. Onr blankets at 180,8.00, 8.80,4.00, an<f6.00 per pair are excellent values. At 0.00, 7.60 and 9.50, yon have only to see them to be convinced, they are "the staff." Several pairs of good blankets, slightly toiled, at ■laughter prloea. at 26 per oent cheaper then yon will find them In Amerlens. Ever article In this line right new. The choicest *toek of underwear, hoalery, glovea, Handkerchiefs and suspenders In tbe clty. Note these prices onfunderwear. Ona lot ahins and drawers to match, richly worth L60 for Ofio per nit. One lot shirts and] drawers to mstoh, beautiful weight and excel- lant quality 1.16 salt. One lot merino sblrta and draw ers at 1.60 salt Ona lot natural wool shirts and drawers worth 2.60 for l.W. The choicest lota of goods at 2 25, 3.76,8.60,4.00 and 4.76 In Amerlens. Half Hose On* lot regular made eox 1 Q*A Cents. per pair. One lot Frenoh ribbed balbrlgglns worth 25 cents for 19 cents. per pair. One lot superfine bal- brlggtn and British socks at 25 cents a pair. Fast black and ttalalesi eocke at 25,33#, 40 and 50o. Oar line of hosiery for gents cannot be oompared with In Amer- *—