Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 21, 1890, Image 3

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and can’t last long at the present rate. ante* they cannot bo boat in this Successors to Thornton Wheatley, ■ Fine Dress Goods THOBNTON WHEATLEY, f Jf'jr\ * ? A- ’ 'r, . ' ’'" >/]•), f | f I A, 1 , 5i ANShEY'S** OHA8. L. ANSLEY. nri a r pff ® | MAGNIFICENT ATTRACTIONS! $2. Tv Our dally arrivals enable u« to offer something fresh to every new comer, and special attractions the coming week. One lot beautiful wool suits, $1.75, suit. One lot ladles’ cloth suits, all wool, $2.95, suit. One lot fancy striped suits, beauti ful shades, 5.39, suit. One lot unusually oholce suits, all wool, $3.25, suit. One lot, only a few at that, extra choice suits, sold formerly at $7.50, to be sold at $4.75, suit. Dress goods in Robe patterns are so popular that we have been com pelled to repeat orders and supple ment an already large and band' some assortment. Of course you they are tiie thing for the The assortment presented for your examination Is lm« *— , 1 > ,1 late purchases enable us to pou some of the lowest prices ever known. You must them. We not to carry over a if low prices will sell Robes. Robes eeretofore 7.50 and 8.00 we will sell at 5.05. Robes which were 10.00 we will at 7.50. Robes formerly 12.60 to go at 0.00. Robes formerly 15.00 for 12,(SO. t Robes formerly 16.50 to 18.00 for 14.76. Robes formerly 20.00 aud 22.60 for 17.60. Robea formerly,25.00 for 19.00. Plaids. ! i Yon know are having a tremendl our run. We have Just opened some beauties at 65c per yard. Remnants of Plaids and Stripes -n bargain oounter. Plain Dress Goods. There is no department that is so carefully and completely supplied as our line of Henrietta Cloths. They are here in the new Greys, Golden Browns, Tans, Heliotropes, Greens, Navys, or any color yonr heart Mold wish tor. Theprloesln tee all wool goods range from 40o to 1.00 per yard. The cotton warpe are here In the greatest profusion, and the prices range from SS)4c upwards. You will And here some extraordinary -values. Broad Cloths. ‘Our stock of Broadeloths cannot be ignored. Their worth as a dress for style and servioe cannot be over estimated. - We are showing a vast range of colors and several different qualities. One of the biggest bar gains of the,week will be thoee 0.25 suite for. $498. We have a oholce lot of Dress Flannels in both plain and fanoy, and are closing them out at prices t cause people to marvel at their heapness. * \j, —7 ' They are moving with almost l.htnlmr Ilka ranldltv. however. Since the opening of the season our house has been daily filled with multitudes of people, attractea by our grand display of Dry Goods. The cry has been for more help all the season and to our sorrow a great many of our friends have been compelled to wait for us by the hour to get an opportunity to serve them. We, of course, consider this a great compliment to our stocK, our prices and our way of doing business. Our friends know, however, il is money in their pockets to call on us and do their shop ping here, as they can always depend on getting goods exactly as represented, and without having to question the price—it beiDg the same to everybody, and ONE PRICE ONLY; That always lower, too, than any competition dares to touch. Black Goods. This whole page devoted to this department would hardly do Juttice to It. •; That we are headquarters for all South Georgia thero can be no question. That our prices are low- er ihnu any house In this seotlon is demonstrated dally by a com parison of fabrics and price#; that the variety presented by us la greater than any several houses combined wo will leave to any one to judge; that our sales will quad ruple any house in 8outh Georgia will be seen by a short stop In our store. This department for years has been onr pride. The present season bss more then doubled our most sanguine expectations. Black Henriettas We have them herefrom a beau tiful 40 Inch all wool silk flnlsh Henrietta at 49o to the handsomest silk warp at fl 75 ever shown here. Onr numbers at 62>#'o, 76e, 85o and 1.00 are marvels of beauty. Onr Melrose Clothe at 75c. Onr Becastools at 89c. Our Balrrlts cloths at 05o. Our Serges at 89c. Onr Drap D’Almas at 90c. are open to the United Btatesfor compari son. Silks. Many new thing* added to this department In the last few days. All the delicate shams for even ing wear. All the desirable shade* tor general wear. Thoee 1.25 fal Uses will be offered oomlngweek forS6e. Wegner- CLOAKS. It needs but half a look for any woman to convince herself that ours is by long odds 'THE' CLOAK: STOCK Of Amerieus Ton will find ours the best, oheapest, most perfect fitting and most desirable materials for the climate. Our very low prices have led many to avail themselves of the oppor tunity to buy quiokly. It is not withih the range of ordinary probability that equal op portunities as those-we present to-day will be offered again tide season. We oall your attention tolone lot ladies 1 all wool perfect fitting Jaokets at $2.98 we will compare with anybody’s $4.00 garment. One lot Jaokets at 3.50 worth 5.00. One lot Jaokets, the finest values we have ever had at 4.50 and 5.00. The styles and Jqualities we give you at 6.00, 6.50,6.75 and 7.50 are simply unmatohable in Amerieus, At 9.00, 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 we present "tEe ohoicest lot of stuff ever carried. ,4-e* - - mmM Hil* Handkerchiefs by the thousand. Good goodsat 5o each. Better one# lOe, 12)<o, 15o, 20o, 25o, and upwards to 1.60. eaob. Bilk handkerchiefs In great-variety • •“ ~ r. Gloves. Kid gloves‘in dressed and nn- dressed at 76o, 1.00, 1,25, 1.50, 1.76, 2.00,2.60, and 8.00. Remember, we are eule agent* for the celebrated, perfect fitting Gphterneri Ki'diOiovfis. | “ i c u! Ladies and Children’s Underwear. Hearty one, thoasand vests and panta to be slaughtered. One broken lot children’* vests and pants will be thrown on the Bargain Counter at half price. They are choice good* but broken lots, and our Idea 1* to clear them out; 25e, 80e, 85o, and 40e for goods worth double the price. Blankets PLUSH GARMENTS Are haying a tremendous run again this sear son. Compare onr 10.00 Flush Goods with what others ask you 12.50 for. Our 15.00 Plush Coats’knook out anything in Ameri- ousOthers as high as 25.00. New Plush Capes just opened at 4.98 and 7.50 eaoh. country. They are hero In browns, tans, heliotropes, modes, greys, and numerous other shades. Velvets, brocade*, out steels, and braids to match. In eurabe we have the largest line we haveefer oarrled. 3 In blaok silks we are showing tba most unusual bargains It has ever been our good fortune to pones. Recent purchases enable ns to make prices on whioh wo defy com petition. Excellent blaok falllne at 96o, 1.19 and 1.50. Armures at 96o, 1.19. Peande-sole* at and 1.75. 811k Almas at GroeOraln 89o, 980,1.12,1.25,1.60. Linens. Cbolco valdes, bought before the advance In prices. One lot choice oolored border ex tra sin Huok Towels at 16o each. .About five thousand towels on sale at price* you may never see again. The variety is too great to go Into ditiilis Damaske at 40c, 60c, OOo, 62J<c, 06o, 760, 860,1.00, 1.16, 1.25. Hosiery. One large lot Mleeae Fast Blaok Hose, Derby Bibbed, lOo per pair. One lot splendid quality, ribbed and fast blaok, 16o per pair. One lot Mlsna stainless ribbed hoes, donble knee, at 25o for large sizes. One lot extra heavy boys’ hose, 1)4 to 8)4,25o per pair. Comforts, The larges and most comprehen sive line or thee* w* have oyer car ried . Ten belea new comforts from 1.00 to 2.60 each. Our blanketa at 2.60,8.00, 8.60,4.00,- and 6.00 per pair are excellent values. At 8.00, 7.60 and 0,60, yon bava only to aoa thorn to bo oonvinoed, they are “the staff. ’ ’ Several pairs of good blankets, slightly rttlled, at slaughter prices. M The Bargains CHILDREN’S CLOAKS. We are better fixed than ever in this line. We have the weights specially suited to this climate, and we are determined to sell every ohilds wrap in our house. Prices out to the quick and that right in the heart of the sea son. Children’s oioaks at 2.00* 2.50, 8.00, 4.00 worth nearly donble the money. We One lot of fas black aud stainless ladles’ derby ribbed bose sold here tofore at 40c, at 25o per pair Better good* than yam ever bought at the pries. We have large lots of other numbers 8»)4o, SJ)4o, 40c, 46o. 60o, and as high aa 3.00 per at 25 per cent cheaper than yon will find them In Amerious. Ever article In this line right new. The choicest stock of underwear, hoaleiy, gloves, Handkerchiefs and suspenders in the eity. Note these prices onfnnderwear. • One lot shirt* and drawer! to match, riohly worth 1.60 for 98o per ■nit. One lot ablrta and] drawer* to match, beautiful weight and excel lent quality 1.15 enit. One lot merino shlrta and draw ers at 1.50 suit. Ona lot natural wool shirts and drawers worth 2.60 for 1,98. The choicest lots of goods at 2.26, 2.76,8.60,4.00 and 4.76 in Amerion*. Half Hose One lot regular made sox 16# Cents. per pair: On* lot French ribbed balbrlgglne worth 25 Gents for 19 cents. per pair. One lot superfine bal- briggan and British sock* at 25 cents a pair. Fast blaok and stainless socks at 25,33#, 40 and 50c. Our Hue of hosiery for gents cannot be com pared with In Amer-