Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 21, 1890, Image 7

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Atmountmirrs- NOVEL DEATH EIGHTS. FOB CLBBK StTPIBIOB OOOBT. We an authorised to anoonnoa the name of J^H, ALLEN*. a candidate forrs-elee- 80ME QUEER WESTERN' METHODS OF SETTLING DISPUTES FOB TAX BIOUVZS.. Wa an authorised to aanoano* Um name or J. W. MIZE aa a candidate tor re-elec tion to the offlce of Tax Receiver of Sumter county, subject to the declelon of the Demo cratic nomination. FOB 8DB7ZTOB. We an authorlaed to announce the name of MR. J. O. SHOCKLEY aa a candidate fortheonice or County Surveyor, aubject to the decision of the Democracy ol Sumter county. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN county, I take title method of announ my candidacy, aubject to the Damoei nomination. . R. 8. WINDSO The undenlgncd It a candidate tor it. election tor the offlce or Tax Collector of Sumter county, aubject to the primary, If any beheld. T. M. FURLOW. We an author!aed to aunonnoe the name' of L. B. FORREST aa a candidate for Sher- iffor Sumter County, if elected, Mb. J. B. O&tg SHOE8 uGflfa, MMAIl B ill he hie deputy. Bept.10th.Utt. tf Mr. Z. F, MARKETT hereby announoee hlmsollaaa candidate tor Sheriff of Bum- ter County, with Mr. W. M.(Buok) BAQAll aa deputy. Thla announcement la made aubject to the action of the primary elec tion. Thorntoi: Whbatlky, Amerlou SOLID PIECES Sterling ** Silver Dr. E. J. Eldrldge, For sale Im Amerloua,G Blood Purifier lityandall UIATTS HOUSE, *■ AMERICUS. GEORGIA H. l»- WATTS, FroSrtetor, Flrat-Claae Accommodations! Electric can from Depute to Hotel Cheats, Berber Furniture, Jewelry Trejt StoolA Cablstt Work of ell /inds.. complete Outfits for 8tore* and iSrStaloEue free. AiMreav ATLANTA SHOW 1ASE CO.. Atlanta, 6+ Stoves, Stoves, The cheapest and most varied assortment of (Ming Stoves, Ranges and Office Heaters, GtAS FIXTURES. IN THE CITY. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OF Fiower Pots and Grates \ Call early and Inspect our goods. A. large lot of hardware ordered and will soon be in. Plumbing and Repair Work Our Specialty C/ST.T. AJiTD SSB TTS* Harris & Payne, Artesian Block. - TelephonelNo. 12 AMERICUS, GA. New Firm. New Goods. New Quarters tullis & McLendon DEALERS IN STOVES AND Best Qualities of Paints, Oils and Builders' Material Agents for the Celebrated HARVEST STOVES and GRATES. Agents for tho Celebrated Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine. Bugsies anaWagons WAGON AND BUGGY MATERIALS- SADDLERY AND HARNESS. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, AND A SPECIAL LINE OF CUTLERY; WOOD AND WILLOWWARE, ETC. We specially Invite the trading public to call and examine otir goods and prices. We keep the best, as well as the cheapest goods In this market, and will give our customers the value of their money. Tullis’ old Stand, 433 and 435 Cotton Ave., AMERICUS, GA. BAKERY .LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Orta fir Calm of til M ftoajU; Illlsd! R. F. NEHRING, PROPRIETOR. fatal stmt. Oiler Alin Bout AMERICUS, QA, Country Merchants supplied with bread at Wholesale prices. DR. GRO'SVE NOR’S A Belle&p sic PLASTERS. THE BB8T POROUS PLASTERS IN THE WORLD, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY PAINS, LAME BACK, &c. GROSVBNOR de RICHARDS, T ling I* a Oelsk Filled with Batllim.his Fatal UrUI Throwing. The rlata duel is not a new thing oo the Mexican frontier. Indeed, then Is hardly a big cattle rang* anywhere that has not ita stories o< hard fights with the lasso. Such duels are bound to be fierce. But so skillful and quick do these rop. throwers become that such adnelnot nnfrequently lasts tor hours. Probably the beet remembered flght of this eat* wn» that between a Texan, known r Kid Long, and a little Mexi can who wae only tpoken of as “Gabilaa* —hawk—on the great Uevre range. They circled around .Seek other, dodging the rapid ttmiM ftem 10 ta ,Btt morning until after sunset When the home, had almoet given out the Texan threw at his adrereaty, who threw back so that hi* Doom passed right over the other mas*, lasso and hand and csoght Mas fitly around the neck aad under the armpit. In^ almost no time Kid washout of Me at ante tludknockedtte life ontofhim before ha had gone a hundred yards. The west, during ita wild and woolly days, and the Mexican frontier hare had many remarkable duels. KINO OP TBS CHIP. . That between “Fanner” Peel and * eoldier, near one of the forts in Utah, Is among the classics of the field of honor —or what has answered for that in the oerw towns and mining camp. The weapons were rifles, revolvers and bowls knives. The men principals were placed oujopporito sides of a hillock, around winch ran a road, aad started to meet. The curve of the bill prevented their see ing one another until they wen within a hundred yards. As soon aa they taw one another both fired. Though part of the rim of Peel's hat was cut off, and the soldier’s sleeve was pierced, neither was hart. Then they pnlled their pis tols and advanced, firing. Both dropped badly wounded when less than twenty yards separated them. They lay there squirming and shooting until both had emptied their weapons. Peel was des perately hurt and his adversary had one ball through the stomach and several others distributed all over his anatomy. When they could shoot no more they lay for a short time swearing. Then Peel, who was so badly hurt that he could not advance even on his hands and kneea, began to wriggle toward the fallen eoldier. He pulled himself along with his elbows, and with his one uninjured hand finished the soldier with his bowie knife. Fanner Peel already had the biggest private graveyard of any man in the vicinity. This encounter spread his fame all over tho coast, and when he went over to Nevada he received every where the homage of leseer lights. DCKLINQ IN COMSTOCK MINE. They have lota of deadly enoonnters up there on the Comstock. There was one a number of year* ago fought over half a mile under ground. According to the evidence given at the inquest by the survivor, the two miners were working alone in a drift They were rivals over the affections of a woman, and in a quar rel one made a drive at the other with his candlestick. A miner’s candlestick consists of a metal socket attached to a •harp steel spike, so that it can be stuck in the face of the drift anywhere. The second miner defended himaelf with his candlestick, and there, thousands of feet under tho ground, they wrestled and stabbed until one's life waa gone. As they did not come up when they should have gone off shift others went down in search of them. They found one dead and the other unconscious through loss of blood. The jury, of course, had to take the survivor’s story of the affair, and ho waa acquitted. A strange duel waa fought in a sparsely settled part of Sonora, Mexico, about fifteen yean ago. Capfc Villanueva and a lieutenant of a battery of light ortil lory belonging to one of the poets had some trouble about who was the best Shot with tho mountain howitzers. They quarreled and agreed to settle it with the howitzers at 600 yards. They took neither seconds nor aretefsnt they find explosive shell* at one an other. The captain waa wounded by a fragment of a shell, but they firod ten shots before either waa disabled, thi each was covered with dust Finally the captain landed a shell fairly under Ms adversary's gun aad the explosion so mangled the lieutenant that he died be fore they could remove him to the poet AN APACHE SNAKE FWIJT. A little blind canyon in tho Hadre used to furnish the Apaches vril the means of formally settling their dis putes. This gulch ii fairly olive with rattlesnakes. When two bucks had a quarrel that they did not wish to settle off hand they repaired to this galley, and while the remainder of the tribe stood around and watched from the hills on either side the combatants went together to where the serpents were thickest There stark naked and weap onless they would wrestle. This would waka up every rattler in the glm. Tbs aim of each waa to force the other on to the angry snakes. It was not unusual for both to bo bitten while they *tmg- ;led and rolled around among the rocks, iach was bound to remain and wrestle as long os Ms adversary had life or strength enough to struggle with him. A moat remarkable dud waa fought at Lae Caroltas, N. M., many yean ago. An under sired stranger came to the town and picked a quarrel with “fland- seme Harry,” a gambler renowned as a dead shot. They got out into the road and both fell mortally worn*'ed. It waa discovered that the stranger waa a wore- Story became known 1§S trot a gltl whom "Band- had — Arizona has no Tack of arable land. Hundreds of thousands of fertile seres lio uncultivated sad unproduiiSvs Ml over the territory, needing but the touch of water to bloom with luxuriant vege tation. Tho mind of man ia turned to ward schemes for SMjqgnf the suffi ciency. The (mailer streams of Arizona are all ef one class, running fullest in the springand almoet failing in the summer. Thoao that run into the plains sink in tho sands, and are lost for the major portion of the year. Tho question naturally arises, Why not store the win ter water in suitable catchment reser voirs, to b* spread co the thirsty lands at the time ef the drought* ' This proportion has DSSBIWFSSlStU'l, as is shown by the location of dam litre for water storage purpose* in thai of the territory. The Walnut dam, owing to faulty construction, a lamentable failure, but before H way showed by the fine body at impounded the entire practicability of the scheme. Tho Florence Canal com pany ho* just finished on extensive res ervoir in Pinal county to assist in the irrigation of the lands adjacent to the Casa Grande. Among the projected reservoirs that have here located for the improvement of the lands lying below one of the most Important it that upon New river, about thirty miles northwest of Phoenix. It is situated where New river debouches on the plain. The projectors are John King and W. C. Collier, who have been quietly working on the enterprise for years. The dam will need to bo nearly half a mile in length, 830 feet In thickness on the bedrock, 90 fret broad on top and 75 feet high. Hydreulio lime for the man ufacture of cement, limestone and other rock for the construction of the dam ore at hand Inabnndanoe, and can be ly quarried. Estimates from civil eers of repute fix tho cost of the work at less than $300,000. With tho height of dam proposed the water would cover on area of eight by four miles, there being but little slope to the valley above. The supply of water from the spring freshets of the river is deemed ample, but ** u precaution levels have been run to Hud son creek, Castle creek and the / Fria, and it has been demonstrated it is practicable to divert at low cost the watefs of those streams into the reser voir. Tho Agun Fria, at the point tapped, flows the year round. All danger of overflow can be avoided, as a natural spillway exist, at the proper height two miles bock from the dam, conducting the water over a low bridge into the volley of the Agtrn Fria. Tho land sought to be irrigated is real ly a continuation of this valley, and em braces over 75,000 acres of excellent soil. Many claims have already been filed in expectation of the'benefits of the dam. About eight miles farther to tho west of this dam site and over a ridge is the location of a similar enterprise of folly equal magnitude. It is the property of thsAgna Fria Water and Land com pany, composed of L. H-. Orme, J. P. Orme, J. D. Monlhon.N.O. Murphy and William Hancock, all of Phoenix. The dam te to be situated at the narrow gorge of tho Agna Fria, 800 yards above the Frog Tanks hotel. The walls of the can yon at this point are but 300 feet apart to tho height of seventy-five feet, and above this gradually retreat from the stream. The proposed dam is to be 175 feet high, with on ample width and a length on top of about 1.000 feet. It will not bo difficult of construction. All rock and lime needed can be obtained right at hand. A dam of the dimensions stated will back tho water up stream a distance of ten miles with a depth at. the month of Castle creek of 125 feet At a point two miles above the dam the reser voir will bo three and one-half miles in width, besides extending for eomo distance up Castle and Humbug creeks. The ca pacity of the reservoir is estimated at 40,000,000,000 cubic feet of water. This amount will supply for twelve months a canal carrying 40,000 miner's inches of water and allow for an evaporation of 25 per cent The natural flow of tho Agna Fria will more than supply this Amount every year. Tho main canal will be taken from the river an tho cast ride about one and one- half miles below the Frog Tank* station. It will run along the slope of th* river bottom for a distance, emerging on the plain throe miles below the Tania. The land to be irrigated comprises about 78,- 000 acres. It is of excellent quality, especially adapted to tho growth of cit rus fruits.—Phoenix Republican A Wealthy Proprietor. The Duke of Northumberland is one at tho largest landed proprietors in Great Britain. To say nothing of his ownings in London, his possessions in Surrey, Middlesex and Northumberland aggre gate 200,000 acres, with a, rent -roll of $875,000 per annum. In Northumberland alone ho owns five castles, hut it is said that the larger part of his enormous in come te derived from his proprietary interest in Drummond's bank. The Marquis of Salisbury, premier at present, owns 20,000 acres, and os much of hb real estate lies in London he te very, very rich.—Cor. Chicago News. A Definition. "What te 6 noun?" asked the teacher. “The name of a person, place or thing," replied Willie. “Give an example.” “Organ grinder." “Why do you choose that?" “Because it's “ plays a thing.' I OH COBONER. If th. offloe seeks the man for Coron.r, I am th. man on the list of November. S. M. LESTER. Fob Cobokir-J. B. Parker. I respectfully aunonnoe that 1 am a can dlilate tor Coroner of Bomter eoanty, sub ject to tbs primary eleotion, on the list Inst. Respectfully solicit the support of II,y friends. Nov. S, 1800. JOHN A. BFBIQHT. FOB OOTJNTV TBDABUBBB. We are authorised to announoa ihe name of Mr. JOHN E. SULLIVAN as a candi date for the offloe of County Treaau rer, sub ject to the Demoo ratio patty. We are authorised to announoa the name of Mr. O. O. 811EPPAKD m a candidate for re-election to theoffice of County Treat- urer, aubject to the Democratic nomina tion. . • At the solicitation of many friends, Mr. 8. W. SMALL haa consented to be a can didate for the offlce of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democracy of Srmtor county. We are requested to announoe the name of JOE D. GLOVEK aa a candidate for the offloe of County Treasurer, subject fo the Democratic party. Trouble Brewing Shall the 8. A. M. or the Central get the freight on Hall’s Immense Stock . OF—— :j GardenSeeds That are just beginning to arrive. Listen for Competitive rites. The struggle for Pearl Onion Sets bas commenced—first some*, first oerved. All know that HALI iteepr the best of everything—don’ get left! Call at By rybody knowa whets It Is. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS COCOA. . BREAKFAST. * By a thorough knowledge of th* natur al laws which govern the * digestion * *«5F0BK8 AtNaUltoitXxpoMdtoWilf PLATED POUR TIMER AS HEAVY AS Standard Plats. WARRANTED To Wear 25 Years; muff lurniiL MORE DURABLE TUAX LIGHT Sterling? Silver 4X0 so* HALF THE COST. EACH ARTICLE IS STAMPED “liraUKBUB'Ll*" For sale by JAS. FRICKER & BRO-. Barlow Block, Americas, G*. dJceeUon and nutrition, application of the fine - .elected Coooa, Mr. Rpp leiieateiynav r /its many ] doctors’ bills. It Is'by the Judicious use of enough to resist every teadenc Hundreds of tub tie maladlee around u. ready to attack wherever there I. a weak point. We may eccape many a fatal Shaft by keeping ourselves well tortt- Mode simply with boiling water or milk* bold only in half-pound tins, by Grooms labelled thus: JANES K^Ptf * CO., Homoeopathic Chemist, London, England For Sale. 850 acres One of the moat desirable homes and thrmi In the vicinity of Ameri cas,* miles from Americas. Healthful local Ity, good Improvement*, church and school privileges convenient. Rents this ysarfor 24 bsdss of cotton, besides a four-borse farm reaervsd, on which the owner eaya be will make this year about n bale* or cotton and sss-, isftissaaa? station on 8. and W. railroad,. ItkiafcoS of tbe moat—If not tbs most—producUvi farms near Amsricus. eptr-tr. ft&dggjk ACOCK HOUSE ELLAV LLE. GEORGIA NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE flood sample ,_d steeping commercial men and tbe pnbltol First-class ter* and satisfaction guaran teed. Yonrpatronage sol lotted. O. L. PEACOCK, Proprietor. jsjssiit