Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 23, 1890, Image 5

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I offer 100 Baskets drapes at 40o to 65o basket. 60 Bbls Apples at 40 to 50e peck. The apples at 40o peek are very Quo In flavor. Most be sold to-day, a large lot of fine Celery from Kalamzoo. The finest and largest lot of Pro- serves, Jelly and Mince Meat you ever saw in a retail store at prices very low. Blitter and Cheese, the finest ,ln large lots. E. 0. ANSLEY, THE FANCY GROCER. The Am.riou. Merchants Will Close Their Doors—But Don't Let us Forget the Poor—“Oset Thy Brrad Upon the Waters"—Who Will Take the Lead in a Movement of Charity. COTTON MABKMT. Americus, Ga., Noy. 22,1890. Following Is the number of bales of cotton received np to date In this olty: Received yesterday 801 Received previously 43,434 Total 43,733 We quote: Good Middling t>!4 Middling 0 Low Middling 8>f Market quiet. Church Directory. First Methodist Episcopal Churoh South, corner Church and Lee streets—Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M. and 7:15, P. M, by the pastor, Bev. J. B. MoFerrin. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Seoond Methodist Episcopal Church South, Hudson street—B. F. Williamson, pastor. Preaching at llo’clock A. M. and at7:15 p. M., by the pastor. Sunday School at 3 P. M. T. F. Logan, Superintendent. A cordial invitation to all. Episcopal Church—0:45 A. M., Sunday School. Presbyterian Church, Jackson street—PreacbiDg at 11a. m. and 7:15 I'. 31., by the pastor, Bev. Bobt. Adams. Baptist Church at the Taber nacle on Taylor Street; Bev. A. B Campbell, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30, a. m.; services at 11 a. m and 7:15 p. m., by the pastor. Found) A key attached to a charm, at Becorder ofiloe. Call For Bale or Bent. House and lot In the city of Amerious. Apply to A. C. Speer. PERSONALS. Mr. Wishart, of Wishart, Ga., is <n the olty. Mr. H. I. Norvell Is spending to-day In Columbus. Mr. Ben Hill Wilkinson, of Montezuma, was in the city yester day. Miss Bena Hawkins has returned to the olty after a four months’ visit in Borne. Mr. O. V. Lamar, the eflloient and popular cashier, tlcV of the Bank of spent yesterday In Richland, Amerious. Col. B. L. Garner and Dr. W. G. Patrick, representing the. Georgia Hedge and Wire Fence company, and two popular and a enlal gentle men are in the olty, Miss Luoy Sheffield, who has been visiting In the olty the past week, leaves In a few days for Al bany to be present at the marriage of her brother, Mr. Frank Shef field. AdvlM to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothino Syr up should always be used for cbil dren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain cures wind eolio, and Is the best remedy for diarrhun.. Twenty-five oenta per bottle. REAL ESTATE DEALS. Following are the deeds recorded last week: Mattie Bell to Gabriel Mann, M. E. comer lot, 102, 2Tth district, 1476. Moses Speer to E. W. Drake, city Ipt, $50. f Joseph Lovley to Thos.' Wost- helrner, olty lot, $100. Amerioos Investment Co. to J. O. McArthur, town lot in DeSoto, m * Austin Anderson to George Gain, eity lot, $45. J. F. Finch to J. T. Taylor, part tot 121, in 28th district, $300, J.C. Parker to Annie Wilson, city lot, $30. The Davenport Drug Company have made a large purchase of W. W. 0., Woldrldge'e Wonderful Cure, the greatest Blood Purifier and family medtotno now on the market, for the purpose of supply ing the trade throughout this seo- tion. Send them your orders, and save freights from distant points. Thanksgiving Day I Next Thursday! The merchants will oloso. And give the clerks a well-earned rest. From Amerious thousands of ex pressions of gratitude will go up from thankful souls to the Heav- euly Father for the countless liless- lngs showered upon them durlug the past year. And are these not countless? The world is grateful for uni versal bloaalngs. Our own dear Union for many particular bless ings. Tne fair Southland for man ifold showers of blessings. Geor gia for especial blessings among theso, and our own olty, the Queen city of all,forblesBlnga upon blessings, and still more blesslnge. Hero we aro with the most de lightful, healthy and Invigorating climate under the sun. Natural advantages so numerous that half has nover been told. Prosperity In every line in a manner unheard of in the aunalB of growth and prog ress. A people cousplcuous for honesty, morality, enterprise, lib erality, perseverance, energy and full of love for humanity. All and more. An even general list of onr bless ings above every other section or city on the globe would fill a vol ume. Bufficlont to say we have been wonderfully blessed, and are grate ful. On next Thursday this gratitude will be expressed. Tho merchants have already agreed to close their doors and give their employees au opportunity to give thanks in any way they choose, It will truly bo a day of thanks giving, for we know we are blessed. Hut hero a thought enters of the poor. How will they spend tho the day? Will they seat them selves to a dinner luxurious with good things? Will they have as muchcaueo, and will they feel ae much like giving thanks as those able to have their turkey? Then let the good people get to work, and make thorn have abund ant reason for blessing the day set apart for giving thanke. Let them begin to-day and to morrow, and give to the destitute things to satisfy their hunger and make their hearts bound with Joy. Next Thursday Is tho day, and three working days are left for our Ottlzens noted for their kind heart- ednoss and generosity to prepare and arrange everything. That there are many around us suffering almost tor the necessities of life caunot bo doubted. That their tablos will be almost bare next Thursday la equally true, and what • blessing it would be for them if our good people provide them with edibles substantial, and that for one day at least would let them know what a good meal Is. Much trealmeut would be In keep ing with the nature and nsual ac tion of our citizens, and all that Is necessary to gladden scores of hearts and homes Is for some good man or woman to take the lead. Who will dolt? Bpeak at once, and start the ball rolling to-morrow. Don’t put It off, but lete’s make the next Thanksgiving day one which will be a bright spot in tho lives of the destitute, aud a day wheu a perfect oceau of heartfelt thanks will be poured from happy souls. To the Buffering. Over one hundred columns of voluntary certificates have been printed in the Atlanta Journal from such pcoplo as Rev. J, B. Haw thorne, Bev. Sam P. Jones, Hon. H. W. Grady, MaJ. Chas. W. Hub- nor, late of the “Christian Index,’’ Gen. James Longstreet, Col. W. Avery, late editor Atlanta “Constl- tlon,” and hundreds of prominent divines, editors, dootors, specialists ond others, certifying to remakablo cures performed by Dr. King’s Roy al Germatuer, after eminent physi cians and all known remedies had failed. Send two-cent stamp to King’s Royal Germatuer Co., At lanta, Ga., for book of particulars. It Is truly a great remedy, and surely cures when all else falls -The executive committee met yesterday and consolidated the re turns of the vote In the various precincts for county officers: The list as puolished In yester day's Recorder was correct In ev ery particular. Here It the official announce ment of the executive committee. “The following gentlemen having received the highest number of votes at the Democratic primary, held on the 2!«t of November, Inst., for the nomination of county ofileere for the next Janu ary election, are hereby declared the nominees <>t the Democratic party, to-wit: L. B. Forrest for Sheriff; J. H Allen for Clerk of the Superior Uourt;J. E. Sullivan for County Treasurer; T. M. Furlow for Tax Collector; J. W. Mize for Tax Re ceiver; J. B. Parker for Coroner; J. G. Shockley for County Sur veyor. The voico of the Democratic party having spoken, after a full and fair ballot, leaving no dissensions that have come to the knowledge of the Committee, we feel assured of their election, and hope that every good oitlzen will heartily oo-operate with the action of the Committee, as we believe it ie for the good of the county. Nov. 22, 1890. J. A. Ansley, Chm’n. Dem. Ex. Com. W. L. Mardre, Seo'y. Dem. Ex. Com. Below Is a consolidated statement glvlug the vote for each candidate by precinct and the total: I. . B. Forrest.... Z. F. Mnrkett.... J, H. Alton J. 1). Glover C. C. Sheppard.. H. W. Small J. E. Sullivan... J. W. Mize W. 11. Ballej • • T. M. Furlow.... R. H. Windsor... J. B. Parker J. A. Speight.... H. M. Lcuter Stanford J. G. Shockley.. THE PUBLIC SQUARE. Tt> THE AFFLICTED. u TKt Blood and At Smack it the Uft—O* ‘ curt oj'ditcau." ' derangement oj either it product u DR. ICHNTG-’S s> H ROYALGERMETUER lfl the greatest blood portlier and germ de stroyer of the ago. It tone* the stomach, Increases tho appetite, purifies the secre tions and quickly and permanently curce all blood, etomaoh, kidney, bladder, liver, and female diseases. As a tonlo It Is with out a rival In the whole range of materia medics. It Is a sovereign remedy, and never falls to cure rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, Insomnia, dyspepsia, Indiges tion, debility, palpitation, catarrh, etc. non. n. W. Grady says: " It is the Ul tima Thule of all remedies." Rev. Sam. P. Jones says: "I with every suffering wlfo had access to that medl cine." . Rev. J. B. nawthorne says: "It has brought certain and radical cures to hun dreds in Georgia and other States." Mrs. Ella R. Tonncnt, Editor Tennenfe Homo Magazine, says: "Its fame has spread like a prairie Are." Dr. Jaa. Young, the great i*tMj<«ranc« lecturer, says: " Oh! that every afflicted man and woman could get this grand rem edy." Thousands of others attest Its virtues and sound its praise. If you are elck, do not despair till you havo tried Germetuer. It has performed cures,that astonish the world. If you are suffering with disease and fall of a euro, send stamp for printed matter, certificates of wonderful cures, etc. For sale by King’s Royal Germetuer Company, Atlanta,Ga., and by druggists. Price fL50 per concentrated bottle, which makes one gallon of medicine as psr di rections accompanying each bottle. Can he sent by express C. O. D. t If your drug gist cannot supply you. Gold Watches from $25 to $200,FIlled from $15 to, $40. Silver Watches $6 to $25. Mr Solid 6old Watch Isthe bestVALUE for the money ever offered to the public. Beautiful line of Ladles’ Gold Watches. In DIAMONDS I can give von flrst- elass goods for less money than any dealer in Hie larger ' cities. Small expense, Small profits. PRICE aud QUAL ITY guaranteed. Diamond and Watch clubs. JA8. T. COTNEY, Fleetwood and Russell Corner, Americus. Ga. CTJITKR OL'.XTr. A Few of the Grind Attractions Bare Ycatordoy. At the Baptist Church. Wo are roquoated to state (hat the usual services will be held at this church to-day by tho pastor, Bev. A. B. Campbell. I have removed my Pbarmaoy to Lee street—Sloppey corner, near artesian, well—where I offer every thing In Drugs and Medicines. Will be pleased to have 70a coll. ' * W. A. Cook. The publlo square is situated just under tho window of The Be* corder office, and surrounded by this office, the Court House and City Hall. For tho past week attractions havo been piling Into this delight ful situation. First came “Oregon Kit," the silver-tongued medicine orator, with tho flowing locks. Then a miniature wheel of for tune, the steam flying jenny, eto., eto. The number kept increasing up to yestordyy, when almost ev ery inch of ground was covered by the various touts and stands. All day surging, noisy mobs covered what little ground remained, and the scene rivaled ('desorption The various and numerous com. blnatlons of noises furnlBbed de lightful Inspiration for the working force of The Recorder up to about eleven last night. Among tho many attractions to be found yesterday on this small piece of ground were the following: “Oregon Kit's" medicine tent and show stand. Tho steam riding gallery, with an organ accompaniment playing “Marching through Georgia,” “The Campbells are Coming” and Annie Rooney to the air of “Sweet Violets” with variations. At least It sounded something like that. A photograph gallery. A “Cyclorama.” Ten cente ad mission. Two shooting galleries. Three cane ringing stands. Thrco lunch stands, with the cooking and smoking done on tho grounds. Three miniature wheol of fortune arrangements. AH these wore there without a single addition to what were on the grounds. We are unable to state what others will be put up in the morn ing, but nothing will surprise us, even if it be a boiler factory. E XECUT m<?A^h Agreeable to an or lerfr«»ra th« Ilonora- l« Ordinary of Sumter county, will be sold before the court hou-o door tu the city of Americus, On., said county, on tho first Tuesday In December next, the following described real nutate, to-wit: Fifteen hu id red (1500) nv* of land, more r less, situated In Terrell County, *»».. twelve miles Southeast of Dawson, and eleven miles north of Albany, and located nearly broad-side with the Columbus Southern railroad, and known ns the old 8. K. Taylor plantation. Four hundred and five (405) acres, more or less, situated In Lee County, Ga., one-half mile from Southwestern railroad, five miles from Leesburg, said county. Two hundred, two and a half (202^) acres situated in Sumter County. Ga., two tnllei front Anderttonvllle, known as tho 3fc- Corklo place Ninety, (00) acres, more or less, In the town of Andersonvlllc, and known as the Purteley place . Four hundred and seventy-five (475) acres In tho New 20th District of surnter County G«., adjoining the landsof Arnold Godwin and others, five miles from Americus. One hundred (100) acres, more or less In the New 20th District of Sumter county, ad joining lands of W. M. Kidd and others. Thirty (3u) acres, mo-e or less, one mile and a quarter from tho city of Americus, adjoining lands of Mrs. Barnoy Patker, Mrs. Stauford and others. Two houses and Iota In the suburbs of the city of americus, north of the court house. All of the above property sold us the es tate of the lato Barney Parker, deceased, for tho purpose of distribution among the heirs or sold estate. v MALISSA PARKER, Executrix. J. C. PARKER, Executor, AND SO ARE OUR CHRISTMAS GOODS. Some of them are here. We have invoices and bills of ladings for the balanoe, and as we look over our store, already crowded with Its Immense assortment, we realize most seriously that we are obliged to make room. Everything that Is large, that takes up muoh space on our counters or shelves will go now at a Slaughtered price. From Nov. 16th to Nov. 25th we are going to inaugurate a TEN DAYS SALE All Bulky Stock All kinds of baskets, buckets, tubs, brooms,tin water sets, oil stnv-s, ewers and basins, foot tubs, lufant hath tube, sponge baths, Ironing boards, tinware of all kinds, yellow howls, eto. Everything that will help to clear our coun ters. Our motto from Nov. 15th to Nov. 25th shall be ‘‘Make Room” Rather Than Made Money aud you will havo a ohanoe to “buy yourself rich," at ARTESIAN CORNER Butler cft? Berry’s Lee and Lamar Sts. Americus, Ga. Cook’s Pharmacy has been re moved to the W. J. Slappey corner, near artesian well, where can be bad everything In Drugs, Patent Medlclneis &o. Respectfully, W. A. Cook. STRAYED. One bUck and white lifted borrow bog Weight about 135 pounds, strayed from my plaoa on Friday last. Finder will bo liberally rewarded by Informing mo of bit wbertabouta. W. H. in Brown Btmt. A DM IMISTIIATOR*« NALK, A 'GEORGIA—jIumter County: Will be told before the Court House door n the city of Amerlcua, *11111 ter count}, Georgia, between the legal bourn of tale, ou the first Tuesday In December next, the following described property, to-wit: Lot number forty (4b) containing two hundred and two aud one-half (201}{) acres, more or less; fifty *“* Clark, •OATiTs at- enty (20) the Southwest corner of lot number forty- onp.(41); containing In all four hundred and seventy-three ana three-fourths (47.%) acres, more or less, all situated In the Old 9Bth district of Humtor county, Georgia. Terms mode known on day of sale. Bold as the property or M. F deceased, for distribution among 1 ... .. J. H. Bi Nov. 3,1890* Administrator. Notice of Local Legiilation. Application will be made to the Legisla ture of Georgia at Its next session to pa»s a local act for Humter County of wblch the following Is the title, to-wit: An act to authorize and empower the Commissioners of Roods and Revenues of Humter County to provide for working and koeplng in repair the publlo roads or said county, to levy such tax as may bo neces- bmi y for -aid purposes, and to organise a chain gang and work convicts on said roads. J. W. WHEATLEY, C, C- Oct. 27tb, 1890. wlm Notice of Local Legislation. the following Is tbe title, to-wit: An act to extend tbe corporate limits of the city of Americus In a southeasterly di rection so as to Include Leeton Park and the Htruet Railway. J. H. FELDER. Local Bill. Application will be made to tbe next Gen eral Assembly of Georgia for tbe passage of an net to Incorporate "The Americus Sav ings Bank." In the city of Americas, to grant It general banking powers and prlvl leges, ami special privileges as an Institu tion far saving and depository of trust funds. oct.9-law30d Local Bill. Application will be made to the General Assembly of Georgia at Its approaching session, for tbe passage of an act to incor porate "The Dank of ftamter” in the city of Americas; to grant It general banking powers, and the right to establish at any time,a AVlngulepnrtmcnt. Notice. The number of freeholders of Iho 1186th District, G. M., of 8umtcrcounty, Oa M re- J inlrcd by law having filed their petition or an election to be held In said district on the question of fence or stock law, this Is to givo notice that after twenty days an election will be ordered on said question. . This October 26, 1800. oct. 25-lw.1w A. C. IIPEER, Ordinary. filed their petition Notice. .of Freehold: district, O. 31., of Burnt. required by Isw, having Old . . .. for so election to be beta to the uld dis trict, o-> the question of Fence or Btoek Lew, thlk I. to fire notice that after twenty days an election will be ordered on ■aid question. This October 93tb,tS0O. Oct. 96tb, lw—3ir. Ordlnaigr. CANCER CURE. Arthur Rylander’s AND SEE THE LATEST STYLES IN Dunlap Hats AND Nellie Bly Caps. GO TO LITTLE rlARORE -FOR- ^ Fins Artitic Stationery, > Mils’: Materials; ui; Pita: Frames 320 Lamar Street, TELEPHONE 52. ARGO & ANDREWS. Fancy - and - Family - Groceries, c - - vA< .. • " & •' Mrs. M. T. Elam. Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Pineapples, Tomatoes, Boons, Sweet Corn. All at Bottom Pbices Cigars a Specialty. Confections, Crackers. Lunch Milk Biscuit. Best Cream Patent Flour. Magnolia and Gold Band Hams. All Goods Delivered at your Door. Open to receive orders from 6 a. m. to 7 p. m. Paskioaafel© ABUiaaesy Fancy Qoods. 411 JACKSON ST, - - AMERICAS, GA. Sans Soucl BAR AND RESTAURANT, W. T. RAGAN, Proprietor. No.307 Xiamar street. tfortbecaah. imp IL'.JU . _ In Americus. My liO'.Uuirant is supplied with the boot the marksi affords, and with tbs b««t cook tu tho Htato, and a sst of good waiters. I am saio that I an pis ms tbs must fastidious. . You can find my Bar iU«r to the Finest and only 4