Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 23, 1890, Image 8

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Dress Goods $5.00 Haudsorne Braided Novelty Suit, regular value $7,50. $7.50 Beautiful Combination auit, former price $10,00. $8.50 Exquisite Novelty Suit, heretofore $12.50. $10.50 will buy a lovely Suit, well worth and heretofore sold at $15.00. We want to close out the line. 10c 2000 yds. double fold solid and fancy Henriettas, formerly 12J£ and 15c. I 15c 2000 yds. 32 inch bordered Henriettas, cheap at and always sold for 20c. 20c 20 pieces 36 inch Henriettas, which possibly cannot be duplicat ed short of 25o. 25c, at this price wo oiler you a quality of Henrietta, which will cost >ou 35c all over town. Our silk finished 35o Henriettas compare favorably with the 60c qualities of other houses. Lovely plaid Brilliautines at 50c, regular price 05c. Beautiful striped surah cloths at 45c, worth 00c Exquisite plaid serges at 50c, re duced from GOc. Novelty plaids at 40c, reduced from 60c. Those magnificent 50 inch all wool plaids heretofor sold at $1 25 have been marked down to $1.00 per yd. and at $1.25 per yd. we will close out the remainder of those beautiful $1.50 goods. These must bo seen to be appro elated, lu this connection we are glad to stato that we have been able to secure another line of those lovely 46 inch Henriettas •old at 65c at the opening of the season. These goods are worth 85c to-day, but we are offering them at tbe old price 65 Cents per Yard Full Hue of colors to arrive in a day or two. Closing out those magnificent •cord revtires at 85c; value $1.00. If you wish to buy a dress, uow Is your time. Our line of Black Dress Goods. is complete aud ranges from 10c to $1.25 per yard; so wo can suit everybody, we think. Particular attention Ud-iocted to: Blik warp Henriettas 85e, hereto for sold at $1.00. Fancy Mohairs at 45s, reduced from coe. Bilk finish Heurlcttoa at 60c, strictly •’.11 wool, cheap at 76o. Bublime quality at 75e, worth $1,00. Richness of dye and finish unsurpassed. Borges, Camels hairs, Drap D’Almas, and numer ous other fashionable weaves. SILKS. Our stock of black ami colored Bilks Is Hecoud to nono In this sec tion of the State. We have match ed trimmings for every one of our line i-liks. making this a very special and attractive feature, and If our prices don’t please you. It won’t bo our fault. A« before stat ed, we want tbe money uot the goods. Dress Trimmings. We pay particular attention to this department and claim that our stock lu this line is not equalled in the city. In keeping with our other offerings, prices have been reduced, wherever reductions were possible, as we do not intend to keep tbe goods until they are old ana out of style. If any sacri fices are necessary, we are willing to make them now, when our cus tomers will be benefltted thereby. FLANNELS. We carry an Immense stock and can do you good. All wool red flanuels at 15c, 20c, 25c, 30o and up. White wool flaunel from 20o up. Extra heavy quality red twill at 25c. Buy now; these gods will be very much higher next winter, thanks to the McKinley bill. Cotton flannel at 5c. Our 10c quality cottou flannel sells elsewhere at 12J a and 1 can’t be beat. 35c striped and plaid wool flannel, for sacks, etc, former price 45c. 40c will buy our 50c number. Btlll finer goods at 45c, 60o and 65c for the prettiest French flan nels you ever saw; reduced from 75c. Now Is the time to invest. Underwear. 25c ladles French ribbed vests, former price 35c. 5Qo ladies ribbed vests, with or without sleeves, recently selling at 75o. 75o for an all wool French ribbed vest, cheap at $1.00. Full Hue for infauts and cblldreu; also union suits. We ofler the best 60c undershirts for meu in the State. Bee our natural wool suits; also red flannel suits for ladles and gentlemen. We call special attention of tbe young men to our line of Neckwear. 60o will buy a scarf of us which you will flud to equal anything in town at 76c. Our 76o scarf will top any $1.00 scarf in Amerlcns and qualities for which you have to pay $1.25; and $1.50 at other places, we don’t ask but $1.00. Examine our line; it won’t cost you auytblug. HOSIERY. We carry the largest stock of these goods in Americas and chal lenge competition to meet our prices. Fast black hose at 10c, 15o, aud 25c. At this latter price we sell you a regular made goods, warrant ed not to stain or fude. Of course wo carry still finer qualities; also full Hue of Infants 3-4 hose aud a complete assortment of childrens extra long goods, from the cheap est to the best. CORSETS. The largest stock, the lowest prices. Agents for the celebrated G. B. A LaBpirite Corsets, the best fitting and tho best wearing corset ever sold here. 60c will buy a corset of us worth 75c. 75c will suffice to buy a corset at the BEE-HIVE, other stores ask $1.00 for. At $1.00 we sell you the C. B. A LaBpirite or Dr. Warners Carallne r a French Woven Corset. Try us on corsets A, MACK & CO. Invite your careful attention to this page, feeling warranted in the assertion, that while this ‘‘ad” may appear a little lengthy, you will further your own interests by a careful perus al of it, as the inducements presented by us this morning are not an everyday occurrence, but present themselves perhaps once in one’s Shoes. ion as the We have wold lots of shoes up to now, but our stock is still too large and besides we had rather oj>en the next season with a fresh stock. Bo we have also made reductions here, where we could do so, as our prices were already extremely low. Ladies buttou shoes at $1.00. Kid button shoes $1.50. Ail $2.50 goods marked down to $2.00. This lot comprises lace, button, patent tips and common sense. We still continue sole agents for Reed’s Fine Shoes. Try our $2.60 number of this make; you’ll never w ant any other. Full line of childrens goods in heeled and spring heels; alto men’s life-time. Wc are known through this sect-* hoe, • CLOTHING-, CLOTHING! We have enjoyed an excellent trade in this line up to now; but we bought heavier fhnu heretofore and hence deem our stock a little bit too large yet for the season. Therefore we again desire to im press upon you, wheu you start out to buy your winter suit, whether It be for business or dress wear, try and remember that there is such a place as the BEE-HIVE, that we carry a very large stock of clothing, that we don’t want to make a for tune when we sell a suit and that we claim that we will save jou money on your purchases. As for Overcoats. what shall we say ? Come and take them at almost your own price. We’ve got an Immense stock of them, and what do we want with them? Bell them, if we can; we think our prices on them will do In order to accomplish this undertaking) at.about WRAPS I WRAPS!! WRAPS)!! Our styles and fit of the garments we haudle cannot be excelled; our prices are unapproachable. $6.50 jackets down to $5.00. $7.50 goods reduced to $6.00, $10.00Jackets at $7.50, $11 50 jackets offered at $8.50. n n . . , $13 to $15 goods marked down to Before we commence to enumerate, we de- »io. , , , More of those beautiful plush sire to impress upon you the fact, that what «*!*• *»•<». # l’iush aud astrachau combined at we offer you is not bid, shop-worn stuff, but worth $io.<x> Linens. Leaders id Low Prices, But the past, grand as it is, will pale into in significance when compared with our offer ings this morning. 1 We are prompted to this step first, by the unseasonably warm weather; next, because we prefer to convert our goods into money; we don’t want to carry a dollar’s worth of Winter Goods, if we can avoid it and we think we have hit upon the right plan. And that is just what we are going to do. new, seasonable fresh goods, and no matter how ridiculously low our prices may seem rest assured that the quality will be as adver tised in every instance. No baits, no leaders, , t no misrepresentations; everything strictly con- sistaut with legitimate business principles. Bpeciai value In a few Plush Jackets. A few domestic bargains: 6,000 yds. checks at 5c. 10c fcealaland thU week at 8c. Yard wide, soft finish bleaching 8c. Best English pins 5o paper. Coats thread 45o dox. Large linen towel for only lOo. Bkirt braids 5c roll. Handkerchiefs 25c doz. Housekeepers will find a large stock to select from and all a prices not equalled by any other house. 10-4 Brown sheeting at 20o. 10*4 “ “ best quaility 25c. 10-4 bleached sheeting extra quality 27j^; usual price 35o. Quality not quite at good aa 25c. Best 10c towel ever sold In Geor gia. Napkins 25c dozen, Damask at 25c worth 35c. Oil dyed colors 50c, usual price 65o Bleached damask at 50o reduced from 65c, 00c quality marked down to 75c. Our $1.05 number reduced to OOo; and at $1.10 we will sell you our sublime $1.25 quality. We would also mention In this connection a special drive in an extra size white spread, which we ofler this week at $2.00. They are worth $3.00. Gents Furnishings. Full line of Bocks, Suspenders, tics.Shlrts,Collars and CufTs,Hand- kerchiefs, Underweor, eto. etc. Linen collars $1.50 doz; latest styles; splendid quality. Best quality brltlsh half hose 25c. Guyot’s suspenders 50c. Try the Silver King shirts; you’ll And them to be better than any other shirt sold here. Blankets. It la a rather cool undertaking to mention blankets such weather as we are now having, but it can’t last always and as the old saying goes “In time of peace prepare for war.” We bought rather heavy and must •ell them. You kuow what this means. Come and price them; we’ll convince you that we are sincere in saying, they must move Cassimeres. • Large stock, low prices. 65c quality marked down to 60c. 90c goods offered at 75o. $1.00 quality for 85c. $1.25 goods down to $1.00. A few suits aud pants patterns to be closed out at once. Jeans at 15c worth 25o, 35c quality reduced to 25c, 40o goods oflered at 30c. OOo numbers marked down to 35c. Shawls of all kiuds aud sizes. Breakfast shawls from lOo up. Cool weather is bound to come and these things will all come in right. Now Is tho time to buy. Full line of Gloves, Ruchings, Ribbons, Collars, Laces, Embroid cries, Handkerchiefs, etc., at Bee-Hive Prices. In conclusion we would add: The prices stated are, of course, intended to be Cash; we ^cannot .afford to charge the goods as priced above. Your patronage is respectfully solicited,