Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 27, 1890, Image 4

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OU St til 6 ihonejNo. 12 AMER' 0 W j Extraordinary Cut-Price Sale now EE-HIVE will beoolSVfil^d-during tlile wpek. Don’t allow this opportu nity to escape you. Stock entirely too Urge for the aeaflonauil we are anfully anxious to eooTcrt the good into mouey, We want money more than the goods. Special inducements in Dress Goods, ■Wraps st»d Clothisag. ^ bR,c ^ RecordeH °£ORG' t ' rors FuOM 30NEY. IEY HAVE ARRIVED Those new dress goods mentioned an lne t ) arrive, are In. hi inch Henriettas, value to-day 83 cents, *tiil going at 5 cents! TTHEBEE-HIVE ' The Lowest Price House in Mouth west Georgia, Proprietors. s.Stoves, a most varied assortment of IN THE CITY >s and Office Heaters, . jnHT RECEIVED, A fjARQK LOT OF Flower Pots and Gratis! Call early and inspect our goods. A large lot of hardware ordered ana will ' soon be in. Hunting and Repair Work Our Specially' hr = i JLi/m BEE TO * HarrisN&i Payne, Fresh Lot New Oat M» nl. New Cracked Wheat. New Currants New ItaiHinH. Our Cheese i» tho bent. Our Butter 1h ttie best made. Our Canned Fruith are Hie best. Our Canned Vegetables are line. Try our Gold Brand Hams. Try our Star Brand !<am». We keep the best etock «»f Fancy OrikcerieH in Honthwei<t Oeorgia. Call on ua. Joiner & Nicnolson Follow of cotto tliia city ItlCUH. OA., Noy. 21, 180J. ing Ih the mini bo t of Imlei In order to give the oni|-l< yeen ..f Tiik Uki oKDEit ;i!i oj'jiurtunlty to prop rly observe riiiiiUegiving, :.o I’lio Haiti Take Notice. Hold y..ur orders, t am in city, and will open up the J! stock of .doths for eu tings of all kinds I a few day, jil*t as «*o(i.i o the exprcsF olllcc in moved.I wan you to call on me. Hold your ir ders until M unlay, wh-u I wi' show you toy goods. Price** am goods giiaiatihdd to please every body. M. Ki: n:\i» •A Drtnktng P Americus artesian servedly popularoti u excellence and cum i and cur eltiau ns ar,. i better oppoi Utility Messrs, liui i is A I'ai terdiy at work ip*n u corner of the Bmk of Mouthwesi- ern Georgia, which will '.*o ready for use ‘.Ids morning. This w >11 be a great convenience, especially to those doing business in tills part of the city. Auother fount will be pieced at the Methodist church, and one for stock be put up iu & few days. To the buttering. Over one huudred columns of voluntary curtitl"utes have been printed iu the Atlanta Journal from such people as Uev. J. B. Haw thorne, llev. ham 1*. Jones, Hon H. W. Grady, MaJ. Chas. W, Hub ner, late of the “Christian Index,' Geu. James Longstreet, Col. W Avery, late edltoPAdauta “Conutl- tloo,” and hundreds of prominent divines, editors, doctors, s|>ecialists and others, certifying to reniakable cures performed by Dr. King’s Roy al Geriuatuer, after eminent physi cians and alt known remedies had failed. Send two cent stamp to King’s Koyal Geriuatuer Co., At lanta, (is , for book of particulars. It is truly h great remedy, and urely cures when all »lee fails COURT YESTERDAY. UoxkiV, Nov- 2d.—IMmtuy Is over, and the candidates know more now than they did one week ago. About that time, every one thought that he would tic alerted, tmt time proves all tilings, and a go »d many of the candidates fell short of their expectations. Saturday i- the day fixed by Hon. A. C. Hpeer for holding an e « ctiou at the Williams precinct, to decide whet her or not we shall have fence or no fence in the new 2fJlh di&tri -t. Come out, brother fence men, on that day and go for fence with your whole mind, soul and strength, tor there is enough tin her in the grand old county of Hututer to build fences enough to keep us from getting or falling in the mud. Ho voters, don’t forget the day, Haturday, November ISHh. Messrs. John I). Cook and broth er, and J. II. Holley and brother, of Dothan, Alabama, are on a visit to friends and relatives near Ro ney. Mr Jordan Cook, who bss been confined tn doors for the past two weeks with a bad case of soie eyes, I n:> glad to note, is a good deal better. The different road overseers of the new 2fith district are to tie com plimented for the excellent condi tion in which they hnv * put their road-, as they arc in a better llx now than they hew been in ten ..It. and Mid. Joint Argo, of Roney, gave t. Die young people a social patty last night, uodwith the Durden broth.r* umt Kmmit Hart and Charlie Cat ter and the Frazier brothels t«. 1 an the band, tiny enjoyed themselves, and don’t you forget It. It seems that Mr. (leo. Jordan and Will Toimney will never get through making syrup. Thetecane is like a ditch, tin* longer they work on it tlie* longer it gets. The above two men have made ’»t their Court conv tud yesterday at half past eight, and proceeded ith the case against Libert Har ris for assault with tu eiit to mur- After hearing the' evidence and argument, the Jury returned a •rdlct of not guilty, hill I)*/oly and Elgar Wnm.wk plead guilty to gaming. The ft r mar was sentenced to 12 month« in the cha ngang, s!x In the Jail, or to pay a fine of |o0 ai d costs. _ Dave Hammock was also found guilty of gaining, revolving the same aeuteuve tea Woiuack. The graiivkjurr is hard at work, and many truj bills were found yesterday. raa In poor hem a and losing flesh. The food I ate d-d not agree with me. My liver, kidneys and stomach all seemed derange 1. I began a use of Dr. Bull’s Haraapa- peril la whit*' has made me fee! I ko a new man and Inc reaped x my a eight —8 R. Kewteju, Columbus, ill make that Mr. Joidun isamau that nev* r do* n anj t bing by halves. All are invited to come around and try Ills famous Roney beer—it is free for all, by i! e drink or Jug full. J. I! Hull-\ At Bro. will leave for t'ltdi home nea. Dothan, Alabama, to-day. M*. II J. Dupree !i*rt don day for McD inoiigh, where he goes to look rfte-r some real estate business. l’rcf I*. F. Howell commenced bis singing hi bool at the i olored school house Monday morning. 1J« opened with a full attendance. Ronky. The following unclaimed lee era will be sent to dead lettei office if not called for iu ten days. Mention advertised letters wheu calling for at ofllce: A—Aken Adams. B—1* K Brown, Jamie H Iioyzell, James G Brady, A N Druer Birdies, Mrs ftille, C—Mark Croflbru; Miss Mary Cart, G W Caaae, Miss Kllr.a Clark, John T Clark, Mr Cooper, Mrs Mattie Cook, rt F Cooper, F A hooper, Clarence H Conor Cap. U H Kcoro Crpe, Miss Mollie Crumley. D—R Decker,.Scott Davison, I.uncy Dcnnlal, Chat liu.DIckson, M A K Darley. E—Mrs Mattie Ed vards, Mrs O M Evona. F—Joliu Frazer. U-J W Grant, Miss Mag Ollel. H—J W Hatcher, Miss Mary Hawkes. J—George Jones, Jones, Mrs Fr Frank Johns* Johnson, Hoi II J Jackson, Humph Jaden K—Max Kirby L-Alex Lowery, L N L.p HaMie Lumpkin. M-N V Mixon, \V A Krunkee McVey. N—Gentle N» »ih-r. P—Jesse Partridge, A E P.xiou, K—Miss Mary Raa*»m, 11 B It. id. 8--Miss Mollie Stevenson. Mi»» Edward Hmltb, C I, Smith. Jus J Slade, (1C Stark. Joe Terrell. 'aines 1) Vag.T, R K L Vitmif. Ha Wallace, Mb M C Jones, R L mcls Jones, col; •t’, Mrs L'liinn Jchi.i me, Miss M«( be, DIAMONDS AND WATCHES I Gold Wat-liesfrom $26 to $200, Filled from $15 to $40, Hllver Watches 'ttto$25. My Solid Gold Watch is the best VALUE for the money ever offered to the public. Beautiful line of Lillies’ (iold’Watches. In DIAMONDS I can give you first- id: hm .roods for i.KSS honky than any dealer In the larrer idiles" Small expense, Small profits. PKICE and QUAL- 1I’Y guarantee 1. Diamond and Watch Clubs. JAS. T. COTNEY, Fleetwood and Russell Corner, Americus, Ca. stjeseseses AND SO ARE OUii CHRISTMAS GOODS. Home of them are here. We have invoices and bills of lad .. c - for the balance, auu us we look over our afore, obemW « rowti* 1 with it* immense assort me d, we realize most sevlc ady that we are oblige ’. to iu !;e r< i>< Everyth ng f ht t is lar.-je, tb?t »•**■ up much space ou o r i .-»• -'cri or she'ves w : ll g© now at a Slaughtered price. J*V t». Nov. J »lh to Nov. 2>th we are going to inaugurate a TEN DAYS SALE A11 Bulky Stock All Ui.-ds of hi.'- 1 tits, hi'c-ktl*. iwhs, brooms,<.iu wuiet sets, o:f Htov ew.: • and : a*lc-, f< • iu r it bah tub-, Hi’ini-. i •.aths, |r ,ji*ng boa'ds, . ; • v •* v of aM kinds, yellow bowls, i-to Kvi rj thing tl:s t w •( i.-lp to clear our cotill- k tOur mot’o i-cni N<*v. loth to No*. 25th shall bo ■‘Make floom’' Rather Than Made Money mill ytm will have a clirtlice buy ynurwlr riuh,” lit ART~ C '!^M CORNER Hutlei* cSj 'Bej'ry’s Lee and Lamar Sts. Amerii us Ga. Wa Fa n n l Gang E Wily, Henry W’alnig, Mia* IL*LrO"i Wnvht, col; I.oulst r Wo I'h Clara. Mr* C W Coo ih* For Sale. 1 I.ETTKIlM OF A I>MIN 1HTRATIOJt KOROIA HrUTKB COCHTT. U'b«K»i, Mrs Hodci-rs hu nal. np,»U it ion tob»e J. It. Allen.Clvik or Hup«ri r ctiurl appttlnied AdiuluNtrator up in ll»e italsor Heih Rodurr*. lifreonl These are I hi r. lore fo .-lie and admonish all parties concern*.!, whether kindred . j Uie ottha v'cnrt ofOrdluaiT of a the first jfoi 200 to 400 Pounds. W« ward ove^y ui»n weighing from 200 to -*<00 po«»»ds *o know that our “Stouts and Extra Size” Suits. Pants and Overcoats will lit you like order garirtentn, font much less wear Just as well and win you over In ‘.he way of bringing t*»* 1 • fellow sufTerers to us. SPECIAL HlZKH known as “Lt.NG.V f« r < .11 men The right length of Sleeves, leugtb of Waiat and Skill to Fm k Coats length of Panla and geueral pro|K)itioning just p'easea our LENGTH Y friends. Regular men, of course, we can fit to the “Queen’s Taste.’’ I)ld vou ever try JOHN R. SHAW and didu’t get llttea? If you did it was “a long time ago." SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Wo represent Firat-claaa New York aud Baltimore House*. SAMPLES NOW READY. Measures Taken and Perfect Fr* Guaranteed—NO HP— NO SALE JOH3V R. OHAW. Tho Champion” Clothier of S. W. Q-eoroir. 320 Lamar Street. TELEPHONE 52. ARGO & ANDREWS, ^ancy - and - .Family • Groceries, CANNED GOODS: Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Pineapples, Tomatoes, Deans, Sweet Corn. All at Bottom Puces r» » Hpecialty. Confections, Crackers, I.iioi-h Milk Biscuit, am Patent Hour. Magnolia and Gold Band Hams. r Door ^ Op*-n to receive orders from Mrs. M. T, Elam. r’asbioH.ablo MiUisaery "•sad— Fancy Groods. 411 JACKSON ST. - - AMERICaS. 6A. Sans Souci BAR AND RESTAURANT, My Saloon Is furnished with tho boat Winss. Brand lea. Rnm, Oln -n*l Whistles that eaa he bought. . __ ihecaab. Imported UqooraSpeci-ity. You ran * aglaaa«>f t'okt Milk orlWr to the Finest and only —r-. s- —Raatauntnt la auppltrd with the heat tho market aflorda. sad with the beat eook la the State, and aaelo/guod waiters, Ian auia that I an please tho moat fastidious. ’•V*—ilfr-'lt A 1 ti fj t P. L. HOLT, BGGIES, WAGONS. AND HARNES • « llfd ipllcste tIan ann Macon Prices iL •'lastci Lime, Cemeul *17 LAMAR HTREET, Handle* the Btadr- AMERICUS, GEORGIA, » WHOLK8ALM iXD RETAIL DEALER IK FmaT-OLASS BRIO] W. R. SCHROEDER. 1 ■ • uwnnucucni *rlr with M. F. Holland MTgco. I Former! • J- W. STRICKLAND VTiotirra, ga. SCHROEDE & STRICKLAND. 724 Cotton Avenue, Americus, 6a An&ctirm Tin, Coppa and Shut Ira Win, UwMhiGnktliiiiikilMlg HOT AIR HEATING, ETC. RON SMOKE STACKS1A SPECIALTY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS : ilu be pleased to gtva you eatlmatea on youi Tin, Iron aud Cornice work. Wo -i be nrs*-- 1 — *- ..... - Mtlmatca on youi Tin, Iron eud Cornice work. Wo ntKcrir w-rra VirKSs-n Icju. AND GET OUR to.lMATES AND GIVE US A TRIAL. REMOVAL Cook’s Pharmacy has been removed from Cotton Avenue to the W. J. Slappy comer, on Lee street, (near Artesian well) where I will be pleased to berve you in Drugs, Pat ent M edicines, G-a/den Seeds, Etc Respectfully, W. A. COOK, Proprietor Cheap : Money ! IC1"5 on City, Town or Farm Property at Rata that Ueiy Competition I TERMS MOST FAVORABLE. ALL CONDITIONS EASY J. J. Hanesley, - - Americus, Ga. BU GGIES Nex^ Buggiea from.tue BEST to the CHEAPEST. All Warranted. Repairing of all kinds Done in Best Style. T. S. GREENE. Avanua - - - - Opposite /Vince'* Stable* Hi. H. JOSSEY, THE LEADING DEALER IN—- Tobacco, Cigars am Liquors. Soil Axeit or mKetWei OM “On Sprif leitidcrTWllikr. 31 COTTON AVENUE. AMERICUS. QA SCHMIDT’S Lamar Street, Americus, Ga Having fitted up this large room in handeauie atyle, with the Inten tion of making it a pleaaant and quiet resort, I am prepared to serve the finest and beat Llquora, Winei, Beers, and Cigars, some of them of my own importation from Germany and Franre. FREE LUNCH every morning from 11 to 12. I ask al) to give me a call. BAKERY R. F. NEHR1NG, 1‘UOPKIKTUR. 'Khn street Oiltr iOn Ban AMERICUS. OA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Ortei ibr btat «f iS Endi FreapUy fiM! Maiftk WicateatWr Country Meruhente auppllnl with at -holraUe price*. FINE SHOW CASES AlK> Well .ml rreeK*p«lo« emm. Cede Chest* r ■ “ n^Sboola Cabin,/ V, vfc nf -.11 i‘u3s. ^Co wau ana iieaui|namewa,ccae s. Barber I'unnlure, Jewelry Trsjs Complete Octets far Men* end ’A SHOW 'AM ca. AUeeta, to tra CHiCKimn emmt*. Pto C rEHHNROXIK' tsi?SsSsg.~*~— 1 Reading’ Room,