Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 05, 1890, Image 4

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FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAY’S A. MACS & CO. Propose to make things lively by continuing the Inaugurated a week ago. The season is advancing at a rapid rate, while the so much desired and muchly needed cold weather is a long time coming. We don’t want to carry a dollars worth ot our present stock of PALL AND WINTER GOODS over, if we can possibly avoid It, and the subject of “profits" will be made a secondary consideration where they are in the way of making asalo. We much prefer the counting of the money to that of handling the goods. Now, this is not idle talk, just to till this space; we most emphatically mea * 1 * * * * . Hand propose to live up to it. No matter what inducements others may oiler, call at the BEE-HIVE before you purchase. We call special attention tills week to an exquisite line of NEW SILK UMBRELLAS just opened. All the latest fads in handles and styles, and it will be well to remember them when the time for Christmas S resents arrives. li’s not very long oil, you know. We want to ose out a small line of ECHILDREN’S-:- KILT-:- SUITS: You can have them at what we paid for them; only about 15 suits in slook. 20 pieces of fancy and plain Scrims and Drapery Stuffs at reduced prices tbir week. Entire line of Gent’s Neckwear, reduced for this week. We have about a half dozen of first class TRUNKS we are very anxious to sell. Will save you from $2 to $3 if you wUh to purchase. We only mention these few special lines; wwwould like for you to bear in mind that our extire stock of Dress Goods, Wraps, Clothing and Shoes has been marked down so that we can greet the new year with a nice, clean, but a small stock. We will treat you fair and square at the BEE-HIVE and respectfully solicit your patronage. Recorder C£ 0 RG'> TELEPHONE. S9. Fresh Lot New Country Syrup. New Buckwheat Flour. New Graham Flour. New Oat Meal. New Cracked Wheat. New Currants. New Citron. New Raisins. Our Cheese is the best. Our Butter is the best made. Our Canned Fruits are the best. Our Canned Vegetables are fine. Try our Gold Brand Hams. Try our Star Brand Hams. We keep the best stock of Fancy Groceries in Boutjiwest Goorgia. Call on us. Joiner & NicUolson A TOUCHING STORY. Told by ft Friend of Mr. J. W. Castle berry. 0. JIM & GO. few more novelty nnd combination suits on band—New York cost Is all we aBk for them. New ■ Quarters Stoves, Stoves, The cheapest and most varied assortment of cooking stoves, V Ranges and Office Heaters, GAS FIXTURES, IN THEjCITY. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OF Fiower Pots and Grates! |Call|earlyjand inspectjourjgoods. Alanrelot of hardware ordered and will soon be in. Plumbing and Repair Work Our Specialty 3PAT.T. AKEPISBB TTS* , i • Telephone No. 12 AMERIOF3, GA. Iu another columu will be found an account of the loss by fire of Mr. Castleberry's new home near tile city. Last night a prominent citi zen who is a near friend of the un fortunate gentleman told a touch ing story of bis friend’s loss. Said he, "I know Castleberry well, and a more deserving man never lived. He has a large family, and for years has labored unceas ingly to got a little ahead and fix up a snug home for his wife and little ones. This he had just suc ceeded in doing, only to lose his all by fire. I was with him Wednesday, and he happily talked of his pretty and comfortable home, which he had at last succeeded in building. He told of how delighted his wife and children were, and how proud be and they felt. His happiness was such that I was greatly impressed ami I remember wondering if any king was ever so proud over a mag nificent palace than this working man over his little nest. “ Vesterday morning he walked into my otllce and at once I saw that something had happened. Then he told me of the burning of his house aud all bis possessions, and, gentlemen, I don’t think I am very susceptible, but I caught my self fee/ing mighty curious. X never saw a man bo broken down, and he enumerated many particu lars which were touching in the extreme. " ‘My oldest daughter,’ said he, ‘is nearly heart-broken ove r a mat ter which may seem little to you or ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOB NAYOB. The friend, of Hon. John B. Felder are authorized to announce him as a candi date for the office of Mayor, .abject to the action of the Democratic primary. FOB TAX COLLECTOB. I hereby announce myself a candidate daring the ensuing term of two years, for the oilti-eof Tax Collector of Sumter coun ty, subject to the ratification ot the Demo cratic primary, soon to bo held. If eie. ted, my principal assistant will be Mr. Jimmie Furlow, now u minor. My of the office, nnd it is 111 obedience lo their expressed desire that I hnve consented to ask the sulfragcs of the people, who Major MKltREL Cali.awax. J. B. DUNN Announces himself a candidate for the of fice of fax Col lector of Huinter county, at the ensuing January election, subject lo action of primary election. Dec. 5, (SCO. DIOR HEN r—Immediate possession, an P 8 room house, several outhouses, large garden; oil* block from Cotton Avenne. 8. M.Counts, Iteal Estate Agt. DIAMONDS AND WATCHES I Issr* *■* WA1 ' ITY guaranteel. Diamond and Watch Clubs ( JAS. T. COTNEY, Fleetwood and Russell Corner, Aniericus, Ga. ‘’Tis the early bird that gets the worm.’ AND NOW THAT A few building lots and houses for sale on installment plan. H. M. Cohen, Heal Estate Agent. SANTACLAUSE I, but was the eveut of her life. She is just seventeeu, aud if I do say so, is as pretty and sweet as anybody’s daughter. She Is just at the age where a new dress or any thing of the sort pleases more than men iikejus can know. For months I have been promising her one, aud this week fulfilled it. Wednesday the affair, plain aud simple enough, was finished, aud it did me good to see her eyes sparkle with delight as she tried it ou. 'Aud I thought she was the prettiest little girl iu the world. ‘“She has been working hard the past year and picked up |6, which ■he has been carefully hoarding for all this time. I had promised her that the day ehe got the new dress Bhe could wear it to town aud spend her money as she pleased. Never had she done anything like this, and, like all of her sex, I sup pose, Bhe could conceive of little more , happiness than wearing a new dress shopping. Wednesday night she could hardly go to bed for looking at the dress. She could hardly sleep for Joy, and it did my heart good to see the happy anticipation of the dear girl. I was happy for her, and en joyed thlnklngof the delight she was experiencing and would expe rience to-day. But this morning she has no dress at all, and no home to shel ter her. Her money gone too, and instead of this being the happiest day of her life, It is the most sor rowful, and God knows, I hope she will never experience suoh anoth- HEADQUARTERS ATTHE TEN CENTS STORE Holiday Goods of all kinds. Dolls, Vases, Plush Goods, Toys, Work Boxes, Albums, a handsome lot of Toilet Cases, etc. If you want to make a handsome present to your friends, the TEN TEN CENTS STORE is the place to select it. J. Z. SOLOMON, 427 COTTON AVENUE. W, D. BAILEYS ONLY ORIGINAL flaWasby BUTLER & BERRY HAVE OPENED THEIR STOCK OF Xmas Novelties. The early buyers will get the first choice Useful, Beautiful.' Iustructlve, Amusing, Novel, Newest Toys, Best Games, Prettiest Dolls, Horn and Plush Goods, Musical Ius’mts. ALL OPEN FOR INSPECTION J0^*ArticleB paid for will be placed aside and delivered when requested. Come early and decide what you want, as Xmas is only 3 weeks off and you have lots yet to do. Butler dfe? Berry’s ARTESIAN CORNER Lee and Lamar Sts. . Americus, Ga. IS TIIK LKADF-i: GENTS FINE HEADGEAR “This is merely one little incident he mentioned, and when he finish ed telling mo the tears were stream' lng down bis cheeks. My eyes, too, were full, and my mouth twitched strangely, and I don’t know when I have been so af fected. “If there Is one man or one fami ly in the world I would do any thing In my power for to-day, this Is the one, for knowing him as * do, andbearl “ the case li and I won] virtuous an action as man can 200 to 400 Pounds. W« wan* every man weighing from 200 to 300 pound* to know that our “Stouts and Extra Size” Suits. Pants anil Overcoat* will fit you like order garments, cost much less wear just as well and win you ovor iu the » ay of bringing your fellow “UfTerers to u*. SPECIAL SIZES known as “LONGS" for tali men The right leugtli of Sleeves, length of Waist ami Skirt to Frock Coats length ot Pant* and general proportioning just pleases our LENGTHY friends. Regular men, of course, we can fit to tile “Queen’s Taste.” Did try JOHN It. SHAW aud didn’t get fitted? If you did it was Imp you ever “a long time ago. FOOTWEAR. Knox Silk and Derby Hats Stetson’s Soft Hats. my power ror to-day, this ae, for knowing him as I tearing the story from him, Is put clearly before me, mid be certain of doing as Wsntsdi Two bright boys for messengers. Apply at 9 o'clock to Gao bob Stanfield, Manager. Hanan & Son, and Stacy, Adams & Co’s. Fine Shoes in all styles and sizes. The best boys and youths shoe on earth for $2.50 and $3.00. Sizes 11 to 2 and 2% to 5yi. Every paif war ranted. 1 W. 0. BAILEY’S Haberdashery. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Wt* represent First-class New York ami Baltimore Houses. SAMPLES NOW READY. Measures Taken and Perfect Fits Guaranteed—NO 1*IT—NO SALE JOHN R SHAW. The Champion” Clothier of S. W. Georeic 320 Lamar Street, TELEPHONE 52. ARGO & ANDREWS. Fancy - and - Family • Groceries, AXala FRESH. CANNED GOODS: Peaches, Poais, Apricots, q . Pineapples, Tomatoes, Beans, _ Sweet Corn. All at'Bottom Pbioes BesU^amPa P te C n? , ^ur C ' 0,,feCtl0,1S ’ ° Magl r oIla U .Sd & G M ld k B B ‘d“h' All Good. Delivered at your Door. ” O^n'fo'receWeortem SoT' o •. tn. to 7 p, m. Xmas is Comingi Mra ELAM Is Ready for Your Trade. $a¥$ouci "‘"is™*"!' W. T. RAGAN, Proprtstor, Wo. 807 Xassmssr ■ treat. ln ' be ^mss ~i i*