Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 06, 1890, Image 3

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IS YOUR WIFE WELL? THE WOMEN OP AMERICA LARGEST '"■3UMERS OF S. S. 3. VER FAILS TO RESTORE ROKEN DOWN HEALTH WHEN CAUSED BY IMPOVERISHED BLOOD OR THE CARES OF THE HOUSEHOLD. OVER TEN THOUSAND OF THE BE8T WOMEN OF THE COUNTRY TESTIFY TO THIS. Don’t fail to send for onr book on blood diseases. Mailed free. Swift Specific CO., Atlanta, Q*,> JAUTiON »<•£> »1T? fclwtiUi and prico stamped on CotRin* CnO. ^ ERrc ^ Recorder • %RG^ Thanksgiving Dinner. ‘Recjlleet, you-cannot form the ,, , „ slightest Idea of what you can get J leaf yellow pine. Here in southern until you come ^to Headquarters. I aud southwestern Georgia the lum- My stock is so varied aud the goods I ber interest is . immense. The so numerous I simply invite an In spection, and vfould especially ask you to call to-,day and make a per sonal examination of the many Macon Telegraph. Cordele, Dec. 4.—Your corres pondent learned yesterday of a deal which will revolutionize the lum- ber business of Georgia. Georgia controls the world’s supply of long W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE GENTLEMEN ^*5® Calf and Laced Waterproof CSrmlL «5SSSKS3r a *' •ft*® 0 • Hand-sewed. on elegant aao __ •t/Ui^dreaa Shoe which commend* Itnelf. M«OI Hand*oewed Welt. A flno cal* - unoquaiieij for stylo and durability. Goodyear Well la tt If at a popular price, nan's Hh— ■- > Hand-sewed* an elegant aao — cw L, h commend* Itnelf. A flno calf Shoe — ■“'■III..IOU iuisvi m auu durability. (Goodyear Welt la tho standard dies* Shoe, at a popular price. *3-“•*** All made In Congreia, Button and Lace. *3&$2 SHOES L m ( t»3® 4 been meat favorably received alnco Introduced *na the recent improvements make them auperlor U> any ahoea aold at these price*. ..Asa your Dealer, and if ne cannot supply you aend Tec. gpcloaing advert UelPprice! 1 . DOUGLAS, Drockfen (| niaaa t:<i bfajllv, Amerlc SOLID PIECES OP Sterling *^Sil\?ei Inlaid In tho backs spoons' * * ^Fohks At FoSsti Host Exposed to Wtv ATED FOUR TIMES AS HEAVY AS andord T*lato. WARRANTED fo Wear 25 Years. WILL UST A UmilL MORE DURABLE tiun uoirr Hterllnff Silver AND XOT HALF THE GOST. EACH ARTIC ■- E IS STAMPED "UTnaoBuit’B.i”’ For .rale by JAS. FRIC KER & BRO 3 srlow-Rlnck, Americus, Ga. whole country penetrated by the Georgia Southern, Savannah Americus' aud Montgomery, Brunswick and Western, East good things to eat I have in store I Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia fpr you. if you can’t possibly railroads Is the great lumber re- come, send yjmr order for anything glons of the State. The daily cut, you want, and I will fill the same | of this region .is millions of feet. The whole country ia one broken belt of - pine limber, and every line of railroad is thickly studded with saw-mills. Hereto, fore the mill men of this section have had OREAT difficulties to contend with. The entire cut of all these mills has been handled and controlled by middle men, and lumber concerns in the North and Northwest.. The mill men have literally been at the mercy of the buyers Unprincipled concerns have robbed them of thousands of dollars. These difficulties have at rtie lowest- living price. Plenty of clerks, delivery wagons end call boys to wait on the rush. ■ Come to Headquarters at once. E. 0 ANSLEY, THE FANCY GROCER BOOMING LACROSSE. LaCrosse, Dec. 4.—LaCrosse is situated nine miles north of Araer- leus, in Mobley county ou the Sav annah and Western railroad. This Isahlgh and level section, being drlven many a man entirely out of one hundred fee't above Americus. There are two stores well filled with merchandise, and equally as well patronized. There is a good open-1' lug for several-more stores, includ-1 lug hardware, millinery and drug n,le8 of road centering here, met stores. It has about the best school in this section, which will opeu in January, still under the charge of I Prof. I. N. Mott. Mr. G. T. Walker has recently buyers. The result of their dellb- purchosed a two-thirds Interest iq eratlons was a proposition to tho twenty acres or land surrounding I Oglethorpe Lumber Company, of the side track from Mr. T. J. Bala- thl * R lao «- t0 haudle the,r entlre den, and they will soon have it sur- P roduot at a certain stipulated voyed oil Into city shape and place I P r *ce per thousand feet, submitting the lots on the market. This plbce the ori H lQal contracts to the mills possesses all of the requisites, and I and dividing the orders up pro rata Is destined to become one of Amer- according to the capacity of tho icus’ most attractive suburbs. Mrs..Elite Hlllhonse and Miss Ida Hancock, of Minton, Ga., are visiting relatives at LaCrosse. Mr. W. B. Jones is iu Columbus this week, as a wltnoss for the State In tho committal trial of the salvation of the saw-mill men Howards and Bickerstaff for the of Georgia. It covers, he says, murder of Dawson. every Imaginable emergency, and There was an enjoyable dance at ls a 8 reat Improvement over the the residence of J. M. Gay Monday Georgia Saw-mill Association. D| g )lt It is understood that the new There Is a general desire to change concern, which will be known as homes among the negroes next year. The negroes and somo few of their allies of the whites contem plate a big election on the fence question to-day, (Friday), but the Intelligent whites are aware that the legislature has about settled that question. the mill business, and an orgauiza tion or co-opsration of some sort has long been needed Several weeks ago mauy of the leading mill men ou the various and consulted together as to the best means to adopt. TO PROTECT THEMSELVES against sharks and unprincipled mills. A gentleman who enjoys the rep utation of being one of the finest business men of Southern Georgia I and who thoroughly understands the arrangement.; pronounces It the THE LARGEST: : STOCK. Pill* Won’t Cur© Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia, are ever hopeless, They seek relief from their distress I jent, with an office at Cordele! The the Oglethorpe Lumber Company, will immediately commence busi ness by opening a main office in Philadelphia, and branch offices, at Cordele, Savannah and Bruns wick. Mr. L. D. Hill of this place, who as president, has so success fully opperated the Oglethorpe Lumber Company for the past year, will be president of the new con cern, and will have charge of the Philadelphia office. Mr. Au gustus Hedstorm will be vlce-presl- CALL AND SEE US. Calvin Carter and Son. of stomach and liver, aud find It I success of these gentlemen In the lumber business In the past Is am- plb guarantee that the new movc- not. Indigestion, heartburn, verti go, extreme lassitude, loss of ener- cess and free the lumber men of Georgia from the shackles that have so long bound them. Roy’ Dyspepsia Blood Purifier Cares Boils, Old Borea, Scrofulous Ulcers, 6crof. iloua Sores, Scrofulous Humor and all acrofuloui liacssca. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Con- Ufeous Blood Poiaon, Ulcerous Sorea, diaeaaea ol the Scalp, 8alt Rheum, Blotches. Pustules, Pimp lea, Itch,Tetter, Ri ny-worms, Scald-Head, Kcxerao, •Rheumatism, Constitutional Blood Poison, Mer rarial Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen eral Debility sndsll diseasesarisinff from impure Blood or Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail druf •• fists, f 1 per bottle. Roy Remedy Co., Atlanta, Ga. Drunkenness w* Liquor Habit. mjiunewtuenue/surrcjnatB KIAiftS GOLDEN SPECIFIC i:canbeeiccnIncofr*'ft,tca,or1nartlcIesof food, without the knowlcdfcoof patient]! necessary. It to obstante I yharm less and will effect a perms* Met and spesay cure, whether tbs P*tlsnt t* s moderate dn nicer or an alcoholic wreck. IT NF.V- KB FAILH. It operates so quietly and with auoh certainty that tbs patient undergnea no Yenlence, and soon bis complete refonnatlon to effected; 48 pace booh free. To be bad of For sale by Dr. E. J. Eldrldge, Amsrlcus, Oa. TORPID LIVER lick Headache^! ipepsia, Costiveness, Rheu* , Sallow Skin and Piles. gy, peevishness, eto., la the bane of men t will result in complete sue- I ' their existence and mare the com placent feelings of others around . the family fireside. Why won’t dyff|>epslcs oome and be cured. It can bo done. There ls one sure way of strengthening the digestive organs and removing every symp tom of general debility caused thereby. But thli cannot be done by the taking of pills and other cathartio mixtures. Suoh treat ment while seeming to give tempo rary relief at first, In the end ag gravates the disease an I Increases the Buffering, for It Is like whip ping a tired horse, It Irritates aud urges, but the streugih to move at Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leadl to self-destruction. Distress alter eating, sour stomach, sick headache, hoartburoiloss of appetite, a faint, “ all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and trregu- tartly ol tho bowels, are Distress somo ol tho more common After symptoms. Dyspepsia does - not got well ol ltscll. It Baling requires carclul, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood’s Barsa- last give, out entirely.^ Sfg^SfoSj of former dyspeptics are now happy in. health and strength of stomach brought about by the use of the fin est of strengthening and healing tonlo alteratives known as Dr. John Bull's Sarsaparilla, the condensed virtue of maDy excellent herbs. It I Is the biggest and the beet Sarsapa rilla sold. Ths Injured Negro. F.lijah Carson, the young negro j who was so badly hurt at the plan- iug mills Thursday, was moved from -the restaurant yesterday tv his boarding house. The Drs. Hiuklo attended to him carefully, and removed bim them selves In their carriage, after dressing tho wntinds. The boy was J able to walk, and talked rationally. His father arrived from Mar shall ville yesterday apd was great-1 ly affected by the condition of bis son. He says he did not know where the boy was until be receiv ed word of the accident. HI* Von effleteutiy. organs, regulates the digestion, create* a good appetite, and by thus Aide overcoming tho local symp- u . toms removes the ,jrmpa-“© aaacn ® thctlc effects ol the dlscaso, banishes the headache, and refreshen the tired mind. I have been troubled with dyspepsia, I had hut little appoUte, and what I did eat ■ distressed {no, or did mo r J® ar * little good. In an hoar Dlirn after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which ls that of a painter, tod from being i or leas ahnt up In a Oniir room with fresh paint. Last . spring I took Hood’s Barsa- OtOmaCIl rOU—took three bottles. It did me an Immense smount of good. It gave me gn appetite, and my food relished and satisfied tho craving 1 had previously experienced." □zonal A. Fean, Watertown, Hals. Hood’s Sarsaparilla gold by all druggists. Ilisiz torts, rreparedonty byC. LIOODMOl. ApothscaiiM, Lowell. Ms- IOO Doses One Dollar bad ran away from home- aome time I back, and he bad no Idea where to look tor him. S HERIFF’S BALE. GEORGIA—SUMTEK COUETT. Will be aotd before the Court House door to the oily of Americas, numter county, ' st ween tho legal hours of eels, on Tuesday, In January .Ml, the bed property, to-wttr- a Shier horaau known at the M Anderson ville Cornet „ of two 8 Hat oornstj, oo The doctors ssy tho negro. I* do- “•* a «* K OD * ■ log lunch better than could have asthsprt* been expected, though it le proba ble itfat bo will die when fever eeta Itf to-day or to-morrow. It'will be almoet amirarit If be anrvlve*. New - Quarters Stoves, Stoves, The cheapest and most varied assortment Cooking" Stoves, Ranges and Office Heaters, GAS IN 'THE CITY. JUST. RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OF Fiower Pots and Grates! Call early and .nspect onr goods. A laroe lot of hardware ordered and will soon be in. Plumbing and Repair Work Our Specialty CAU.I amp earn ■era* YOU WISH To Advertise Anything - Anywhere AT Any time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell & No. 10 Spruce Street NEW YORK. ror many years used ribed by Physicians, tently introduced generally. DR-GROSYENOR'S ?lLc&psi< PLASTERS. The best Porous Piaster n lor si) aches,pains and weak pb 'Unlike other plasters, so be snn ' id get the genuine with the pit ire of a bell- on the back-dof* RosvENOR ft Richards, Bosk TO WEAK HEM sens ipludld rnMndqUarSinisiai man w>0 is mneul sad dsbitltslsd. Addnaa Fiw&.r^&.rowiJsx,.Mo*<ev>.cota, 49-Ask tor cstsiogue. TERRY M’PQ CO- Njt8HVtUX.TcN« -ABBDTTS^ CORn^S /jjASPEEDILVA" QlJNION 5 •?.vp PAIN. Ci|i.SJl.'!J W- < A| ol;. iMIrtwrt lew lot assswrn