Newspaper Page Text
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mm ran tin
Propose to make things lively
by continuing the
Inaugurated a week ago. The season is advancing at a rapid rate,
while the eo much desired and muohly needed cold weather is a
long time coming. We don’t want to carry a dollars worth of
our present stock of
over, if we can possibly avoid it, and the subject of “profits" will
be made a secondary consideration where they are In the way of
making asale. We much prefer the counting of the money to
that of handling the goods. Now, this is notidle talk, just to fill
this space; we most emphatically mean Hand propose to live up,
to it. No matter what Inducements others may offer, call at the'
BEE-HIVE before you purohase. We call special attention this
week to an exquisite line of
just opened. All the latest fads In handies and styles, and it
will be well to remember them when the time for Christmas
presents arrives. Ii's not very long oft, you know. We want to
close out a small line of
You cnu have them at what we paid for them; only about 15
suits in stock.
20 pieces of fancy and plain Scrims and Drapery Stuffs at red uced
prices this week. Entire line of *
Gent’s Neckwear
reduced for this week. We have about a half dozen of first class
TRUNKS wo are very anxious to sell. Will save you from $2 to $3
if you wish to purchase. We only mention these few epecial
lines; we would like for you to bear in mind that our extire stock
of Dress Goods, Wraps, Clothing and Shoes has been marked
down so that we can greet the new year with a nice, clean, but a
small stock. We will treat you fair and square at the
and respectfully solicit your patronage.
fl. mack & Go.
A few more novelty and combination suits on hand—New York
cost 1b all we ask for them.
The friends of Hon. John B. Felder are
authorized to announce him an a candi
date for the office of Mayor, subject to tho
action of the Democratic primary.
We arc authorized to announce the namo
of Capt. John A. Cobb an n candidate for
Mayor ol the city of Amerlcus, subject to
the Democratic primary.
The friends of Hon. P. H. Williams an
nounce him as a candidate for Major of
the City of Amerlcus, subject to tho Dei
cratlc nomination on Thursday next,
I hereby announco my pelf a candidate
during tho ensuing term of two years, for
the office of Tax Collector of Sumter coun
ty, subject to tho ratification ot the Demo
cratic primary, soon to bo held.
If elected, ray principal assistant will be
Mr, Jimmie Furlow, now a minor. My
candidacy is In the Interest of his father's
family. They shall receive the perquisites
of the office, and It is In obedience to tbelr
expressed desire that I have consented to
ask the suffrages of the people, who Major
Fnrlow loved so long, and among whom I
have spent the twenty-live years of my
married life. w "—
Mkkrel Callawax.
Announces htifiself a candidate for the of
fice of Tux Col lector of Hu niter county, at
the ensuing January election, subject to
action of prii
Dec. 5,
After having spent thirty-five of the best
? sars of my life with the good people of
he county, I hereby announce myself a
candidate fur the office of Tax Collector,
subject to the Democratic nomination.
STarHKN W. Small.
Clerk anu Treasurer of the City or Amerl-
cus, subject to the Democratic municipal
primary. D. K. Brinhon.
Holiday Goods of all kinds.
Dolls, Vases, Plush Goods,
Toys, Work Boxes, Albums.
• handsome lot of Toilet Cases, etc.
If you want to make a handsome
present to your friends, the TEN
TEN CENTS STORE Is,the place
to select It.
Knox Silk and Derby Hate
Stetson’: Soft Bats.
Hanan & Son, and Stacy,
Adams & Co’s. Fine Shoes
in all styles and sizes.
The best boj-s and youths
shoe on earth for $2.50 and
$3.00. Sizes 11 to 2 and 2%
to s'A- Every pair war
pHERJCcr s
Fresh Lot
New Country Syrup.
New Buckwheat Flour.
New Graham Flour.
New Oat Meal.
New Cracked Wheat.
New Curra»ts.
New Citron.
New Raisins.
Our Cheese is the best.
Our Butter is the best made.
Our Canned Fruits are the best.
Our Canned Vegetables are fine.
Try our Gold Brand Hams.
Try our Star Brand Hams.
We keep the best stock of Faucy
Groceries In Southwest Georgia.
Call on us.
Joiner & Nionolson
Inexpressibly Inebriated. 1
The policemen jugged a colored
citizen yesterday who was on a
plain drunk. He was filled up to
the brim, and couldn’t hobble
along without the assistance of the
Two bright boys for messengers.
Apply at 9 o'clock to
Gkokoe Stanfield,
Tho dhow Last Night.
Si Perkins, of Pughtown, showed
to a large audience at the opera
house last night, and an audience
well satisfied with the play. It has
been here before and the people
knew what to expect. The show, if
anything, is better than ever.
Reaping In theNickles.
An Edison phonograph struck the
city yesterday, and reaped in a per
fect harvest of nickles. Every
body, whether they bad listened to
one or not, wanted to bear wbat the
baud played or the quartette sang,
and the managerjseems to have
struck a bonanza.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syr
up should always be used for chil
dren teething. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and is the best
remedy for diarrhea. Twenty-five
cents per bottle.
Southern Inter-State Immigration Con
A New Nlgbt Clerk.
Mr. G. C. Gary has been es
tablished as night • clerk at the
Allen House. He comes with ex
cellent recommendations, having
served in the Armstrong, at Rome,
and more recently in Nashville.
He Is a clever gentleman, and is
quite an addltiou to the staff of this
popular house.
A Temperance Lecturo.
Mrs. M. L. Wells, organizer for
the W. ,C. T. U., of Chattanooga,
Tenn., will be in Amerlcus next
Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 10
and 11. She will address the moth-
Wednesday afternoon at 3
o’clock, and Thursday night the
general public. Mrs. Wells is
spoken of very highly by the press,
and will have large audiences.
For Major.
Mr. P. H. Williams, who has
served the city for many years bb
an Alderman, 1b announced this
morning as a candidate for Mayor
subject to the Democratic primary
Everybody lu Amerlcus knows
Pat Williams, and know him to be
an honest, iudUBtrious citizen, who
has always faithfully performed
the duties intrusted to him. He
has many friends who will support
him, and do all lu their power to
elect him.
All delegates to the Southern In
ter-State Immigration Convention,
to convene in the city of Asheville,
N. C. December ,17th to l!Uh,
are interested lu the circular of M.
Slaughter, Esq., published here
Delegates should call on their
ticket agents at once, and show
them this notice, nnd ascertain
whether the tickets are on sale. If
not on sale they should request
tbelr .agents to telegraph at once,
not wait to write, to the general
passenger agent of their line and
secure tickets for them. This is
very important as in many in
stances tickets are not sent out iu
time and delegates are prevented
from attending.
Every town in the South that de
sires to march forward with the
South’s present onward movement,
should send delegates and bear the
expenses of the delegates. .
Commissioner’s Office, Atlan
ta, Ga., November 17, 1890.—To
General Passenger Agents of Com
panies which are members of the
Southern Passenger Association-
Gentlemen: Questions having
been submitted to lines interested
for agreement, rates of one lowest
first-elass limited fare from all
points in the territory of the South
ern Passenger Associat ion to Ashe
ville, N. C., and return, for the
above - named occasion, may be
used, and the same are hereby ap
proved, under the rules.
Tickets to be sold December 13th,
and to be withdrawn upon depart
ure of trains scheduled to arrive at
Asheville during the forenoon of
December, and to be of iron-clad
signature form, limited to a con
tinuous passage in each direction,
with extreme limit December 21th,
Gold Watches from $25 to *200- s^tbebMtVALUB
Watches <6 to $26. My Solid Gold Watch f
for the money ever offered to/. w/IvnS'l can give you first-
Ladles’ Gold Watches. In DIAMONDS I can ^ £ ,
class goods for less money than any nd QUAD-
emes Small expense, Small profits. 1 KILE
ITY guarantee!. Diamond and WatchCIuds
Fleetwood and Russell Corner, Americus, Ga.
Yours very truly,
M. Slaughter,
Assistant Commissioner.
A Democratic Negro Paper.
C. E. Yarboro, the editor of the
Southern Appeal, the only Demo
cratic negro paper in the South, Is
In the city. He comes highly rec
ommended, and is a courteous,
highly educated negro. He was
educated In the North, and after
wards traveled over Ihe States,
looking for the place where the
negro’s best friend was—He found
it iu the South. He is a Democrat
to the core. His paper Is the expo
nent of conservatism, aud its ad
vice to the colored people Is always
timely aud well put. We hope be
will do well in Amerlcus.
They Can’t Get Out Now.
Officer Ray took upon himself the
work of putting In the new
bars at the calaboose, and
arranging them so the pris
oners could not get oat. He
was hard at work yesterday drill
ing holes in the stones and fitting
the bars, and finished one grating
before night. Officers Feagin and
Martin Informed us that they were
bossing the work, but Mr. Ray
stated that they were merely on
hand to run errands for him.
The other gratings will be pnt in
to-day, and no prisoner can get ont
without sawing them In two. The-
one finished Is a neat piece of work,
J and speaks well for Mr. Bay’s me-
I chanica) skill.
The place of meeting of the
spring session of the State Agri
cultural Society lias been changed
from Ellaville, Schley county, to
At the fall meeting of the society
at LaGrange, last August, the only
invitation extended the society for
its next convention was from the
enterprising young city of Ella
ville. The invitation was promptly
accepted, and the people of Ella
ville confidently expected to have
the agriculturalists with them on
the second Wednesday in Febru
ary, 1891, the date of the next meet
ing. It was found by the associa
tion authorities, however, that the
accommodations at Ellaville would
probably prove too limited for the
crowds that attend the regular ses
sions of the society, and, although
'.he big-hearted hospitality of the
people ot Ellaville was fully appre
ciated, it was decided to seek
another and larger town for a meet
ing place.
At the Bta'e Fair, Dr. H. H. Ca
rey, of LaGrange, Dr. 8. Hape, or
Hapeville, and Major A. . Wooley,
of Kingston, were appointed a com
mittee with power to act in the
matter. The committee selected
Bavannah as the next meeting
place. Dr. Carey passed* through
the city yesterdhy from
Bavannah, where he had been to
make some preliminary arrange
ments for the meeting next Febru
The “transactions” of the fall
meeting of the agricultural society,
officially compiled by Secretary R.
W. Jemison, are now in tho hands
of the secretary. The volume con
tains sixty pages, full of interest to
the farmer reader.
’Tis the early bird that gets the worm.’
Xmas Novelties.
The early buyers will get the first choice
Newest Toys,
Best GatneB,
Prettiest Dolls,
Horn anffPlush
Musical Ins’mts.
tJ^Articles paid for will be placed aside and delivered when
Come early and decide what you want,
as Xmas is only 3 weeks off and you
have lots yet to do.
Butler «£? Berry’s
Lee and Lamar Sts. Americus, Ga.
You make no mistake If you oc
casionally give your children Dr.
Bull’s Worm Destroyers. It Is a
nice candy and white it never does
harm it sometimes does a world of
The Beit In Georgia.
Harris A Payne, the enterprising
plumbers, have added several more
contracts to their already long and
big list. The latest is fot all the
fixtures of the new hotel at Cordele.
Their first bid was underbid by an
other film, which firm began work,
but gave up the contract a few days
since. The contract was then given
to Harris <fc Payne for $2,925, which
is $25 mote than tbelr first bid.
There Is a great deal of work to
be done, and some of high charac
ter, but these gentlemen only em
ploy the best dnd most skillful
workmen, and do the neatest and
prettiest work In the State. The
fixtures In the Cordele hotel will be
put in In • short while.
W anted—To rent a pool table. Apply
at the Recoudsb office.
A few building lots and honaea for aale
Aon Installment plan. 8, M. Cobra. Real
Estate Agent.
200 to 400 Pounds.
We wan* ©very man weighing from 200 to 300 ponvul* to know that our
“Stouts and Extra Size” Suits,
Pants and Overcoats will fit you like order garments, cost much less
wear just as well and win vou over in the way of bringing your fellq^
sufferers to us. SPECIAL SIZES known as "LONGS” foy tall men
The right length of Sleeves, length of Waist andSkirt to Frock Coats
length of Pants and general proportioning just pleases our LENGTHY
frieuds. Regular med, of course, we can fit to the "Queen’sTaste." Did
you ever try JOHN R. SHAW and didn’t get fitted? If you did it was
“a long time ago.”
We represent First-class New York and Baltimore Houses.
Measures Taken and Perfect Fits Guaranteed—NO HT—NO SALE
The Champion” Clothier of S. W. Georgia.
320 Lamar Street,
Fancy - and - Family ■ Groceries,
AUj fresh.
CANID coot
Peaches ( Pears, Apricots,
Pineapples, Tomatoes, Beans, .
Sweet Corn. All atJBottok PbigEs
Cigars a Specialty. Confections, Crackers, Lunch Milk Biscuit.
B Ail GoUdi Magnolia and Gold Band Hama.
\ All Goode Delivered at your Door. Open to receive orders from
6 a* m. to 7 p. in.
W. T, RACAN, Proprietor.
£70.807 Xiamar atnet,
Mj Saloon !, rnrntsned with tbs best Wlnea, 1
Xmas is Coming t
Mrs. ELAM.
Is Ready for Your Trade..