Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 07, 1890, Image 5

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&**m" - ^Thanksgiving Dinner, Recollect, you cannot form the •lightest idea of what you' can get . until you come to Headquarters, My stock is so varied and the goods so numerous I simply invite an in epection, and would especially ask you to call to-day aud make a per sonal examination of the many good things to eat I have In store for you. If you can’t possibly come, send your order for anything you want, and I will fill the same at the lowest living price. Plenty of clerks, delivery wagons and call boys to wait on the ruHh. Come to Headquarters at once. E. 0. ANSLEY, THE FANCY GROCER. COTTON MARKET. AMEHIOUS. UA., Dec. 6, 1800, Following Is the number of hales of cotton received U|> to date lu this city: Received to-duy Received previously 11,203 Total 13,525 We quote: Good Middling, 9 Middling Low Middling 8 Market quiet. Church Directory. First Methodist Episcopal Church , South, corner Church and Lee streets ^Preaching nt 11 o’clock a. m., aud 7:15, P. M, by tlis pastor, Rev. J. B. MoFcrrlu. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Second ' Methodist Episcopal Church South, Hudson street—It. F. Williamson, pastor. Preaching at 11 o’clock A. M. and at 7:15 p. M., by the pastor. Sunday School at 8 P.M. T. F. Logan, Superintendent. A cordial Invitation to all. Episcopal Church—0:45 a. m., Sunday Sohool. Presbyterian Church, .lucksou street—Preaching at 11 A. m. and 7:15 P. M., by the pastor, Rev. Robt. Adams. Baptist Church at the Tuber- nacle on Taylor Street; Rev. A. B. Campbell, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30, a. in.; services at 11, a. m. aud 7:15 p. M., by the pastor. K. of P. Please take notice that a meeting of great importance will be held Monday, Dec. 8th. All moneys due tho lodge will be collected also. 8. M. Cohen, Master of Finance. Rained Ovor £100. The friends of Mr. Castleberry, who lost his house and all lu it by Are last week, raised over $100 in a short wlilie and presented it to him. For this Mr. Castleberry ex pressed great gratitude,' and no more virtuous an action was ever done by those who contributed. * SOCIALLY SAID. NEAR AT HAND. OUR SUNDAY COLUMN OF SOCIETY NEWS. CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST UPON US, Another Pleuant Dance at the Club— At the Theatre-The New Literary Club—Other Points Pertaining to So cial Amoricus. Another week has rolled by, and to-day finds the young people bringing up the pleasures expe rienced during the past week, and looking forward into the future for other happiness to be derived from social intercourse. Last week was brilliantly opened Monday night by the compliment ary German at the olub, given to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mardro, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Loving, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Hinkle. No dance of recent date has furnished so much pleasure to the ^participants, and It stands on record as one of the hap piest occasions of the season. All the young people were out, which is to say that the rooms pre sented a scene of rare and exquisite loveliness, made so by the presence of a throng of beautiful women In delicately elegant costumes. Americus young ladles, always lovely, exceeded themselves that night, and the scene was greatly added to by the presence of several beautiful visitors. An excellent baud from Colum bus furuished music, and it was a late hour wheu the last sweet air was tripped through by the flying feet. The formation of the literary club at the residence of Mr. U. B, Harrold, Thursday night, an ac count of which has already appear ed througli these columns, is a step which will he -a source of a great deal of pleasure to the mem bers. The main feature, as the name shows, will be literary in all lines. Next Friday night the club meets ngain at the residence of Dr. F. J. idridge, when a constitution and by-laws will be adopted. This will only take a few minutes, and after accomplished, au excellent pro gram will be gone through. Theatricals will also be gotten up, aud the members are looking for ward with great anticipation to the meetings to come. Catarrh In tt e head Is a constitutional Disease, aud requires A constitutional remedy Like Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Which purifies the blood, Makes the weak strong, Restores health. Try it now. A Large Snake. It Is getting late for snake Btorles but a countryman reported the killing of a large ouo neAr the city last week. He says It was a rat tler, the first he has ever seen near his place. It was killed by a negro, who came noar being bitten before discovering it. You make no mistake If you oc casionally give your children Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroyers. It is a nice candy aud while It never does harm It sometimes does a world of good. The race for tax collector prom ises to be a warm one. The great number of candidates will bring out a big vote, and our political pro phot just now is "sawing wood and saying nothing.’’ This Horning. We will deliver this morning Dressed Tuikeys, Brim, Perch, Snspper, Mobile Plants aud Fruits. Send your orders before 10 a. m. S. M. Cohen. Wanted! Two bright boys lor messengers. Apply at 0 o'clock to Geobob Stanfield, Manager. For Bont. The right party can reut an ele gant room, furnished or unfur nished, by applying at this offiee. Two minutes walk of square. Sup plied with gas, water and bath room. de4-2t For Bate or Bent.' House aud lot In tho. city of Americus. Apply toA.C. Speer. Only two plays were to be seen at the opera bouse during the week, at both of which were large audi- ences. “Bluebeard, Jr.,” was wit nessed by almost as large an audi ence as was drawn out by George Wilson the week before. The play, as advertised, I* a spectacular ex travaganza, and no attempt was made at anything like aetiug. The comedy work wus ludicrous, but decidedly extravagant. One source of regret was that tho stage was too small to allow the putting up of much scenery, and thus most of the spectacular part bad to he left out. However, the costumes were jetty, the girls made up well, aud the audieuce was pleased with the performance. Hi PerkiuM Friday night, also bad a good house,* und gave a good show. And the People are Beginning to Pre pare For Our Holiday Seaton-The Merchants Are Opening Up Their Christmas Oooda—And the Gayeit Time of tho Tear la Approaching Rapidly. Thu young ladies of Americus will soon organize a ridiug club. This healthful aud pleasant exer cise is 'one to which our young ladies arc greatly addicted, and any afternoon numbers of them may be seen goiug through the streets out Into the country, gracefully riding their steeds. It is a delightful ex ercise, and no city can boast more graceful riders than Americus. Do you realize that another Christmas Is almost here? Two weeks from next,Thursday is the 25th of December. The time is near at bond, and once again .the proverbial .tin horn will be heard echoing and re-echo ing through our streets. Onceagaln will the little ones be made happy by the annual visit of Santa Claus, and the older people by remem brances more or less handsome and costly from their friend. Once again will the small boy monkey with the toy pistol, and laugh gleefully as the country ca nine tries to outrun the cracker tied to his caudal extremity. Then is the time too when he wishes his stomach could keep up with his ap petite, and at night fights the fight of the brave wrestling with the huDks of fruit cake and mince pie. This Is the time, too, when the song Is heard: Christmas comes but once a year, * And if I get drank nobody should care. Whether tbii part of the program will be carried out or not is a ques tion of doubt, but certain it is that the, sight of flowing liquids during the holiday season will not cause surprise. Only a little over two weeks more and the day is here. It can hardly be realized that year has passed since the last Christmas was celebrated, but time flies rapidly, and the day Is almost at hand. Already the people are beginning to prepare the good things, and many a Housewife will be busy tbiB week ami uext getting things lu shape for the gayest season of the year. Already the children are prepar ing their stockingB for the visit of their gray whiskered and ice cov ered friend, and putting notes up the chimney for him, telling him what would please them most. The young men are carefully ex amining the jewelry stores for ap propriate presents for some special friend, and diamond rings, of course, attract the greatest share of their attention. Young ladies, too, are on the lookout for things they tbluk will please their friends, or some especial friend in the steruer sex. To-morrow, our merchants who make specialties of holiday -goods will begin spreading their stock, and the city will assumb a bright er aud prettier aspect in their neighborhood. A Recorder rep resentative Was shown some of the many beautiful articles of all Borts, which will be displayed, and can truthfully say that a,lovelier line Cannot be found In nuy city, unt^ whatever you want you can get. Things applicable for ladles or gdntlemen, old or young, and there will not be that proverbial amount of trouble in looking for gifts for your friends: To-morrow, as stated, the mer chants will begin arranging their wares lu attractive manners, and Christmas shopping will bo the or der of tho day. Catarrh is not a local but a con stitutional disease, and requires a constitutional remedy like Hood’s Sarsaparilla to effect a cure. PERSONALS. Miss Maria Bones Dougherty, one of Augusta’s .fairest aud most accomplished daughters, wns ex pected last night on a visit to her friend, Miss Alice Wheatley. Miss Annie Lou DeJarnette, much to tho delight of her innurn- merable admirers, has. prolonged her stuy in the city, and will re main here many days more. Mr. W. H. Tatum, of Co bb, is in the city. Mr. Jack Cranston is spending to-day iu Americus. Dr. A. R. Itoyal, of Abbeville, was iu the city yesterday'. Mlsa lvato McDonald, who has been visiting Mr. S. P. Boone, left yesterday for Smlthvlile. Mr. Will Brumby leaves this morning for Anniston, at whleh place he has accepted a position. Miss Fannie Mitchell, a charm ing young lady of Thomasvllle, who has been visiting Miss Bessie Alien, left yesterday for her home. We would be pleased for those in need of Christmas presents to call and examine our stock. We have au elegant Hue of watches, dia monds and jewelry. Respectfully, . J. E. Sullivan & Son. The Davenport Drug Company have made a large purchase of W. W. C., Woldridge’s Wonderful Cure, tho greatest Blood Purifier and family medicine now on the market, for the purpose of (apply ing the trade throughout this sec tion. Send them your orders, and save freights from distant points. To the Suffering. Over one hundred columns of voluntary certificates have been printed In the Atlanta Journal from such people as Rev. J, B. Haw thorne, Rev. Sam P> Jones, Hon. H. W. Grady, Maj. Chas. W. Hub* nor, late of the “Christian Index,” Gen. James Longstreet, Col. W. Avery, late editor Atlanta “Constl- tlon,” and hundreds of prominent divines, editors, dootors, specialists and others, certifying to remakable cures performed by Dr. King’s Roy al Germatuer, after eminent physi cians and all known remedies had failed. Send two-cent stamp to King’s Royal Germatuer Co., At lanta, Ga., for hook of particulars. It is truly a great remedy, and urely cures when all else falls HIS NOMINATION WAS CONFIRMED BY THE SENATE YESTERDAY. But Little Business Dons Yesterday, Beyond Beading Bills—Confirmations By the 8enate-The’Twitty BUI. Specie! to KscobdSb. Atlanta, Deo. 6.—This was a typical Saturday session—a day of empty benches -and second read ings, of motions to adjourn and otherwise uabrokeu monotony. The tax bill was not reached in the house, the entire day being given up to the reading of bills a second time. In the Senate It was almost as dull, only a few local bills being passed, and that of Sen. Terrell, In reference to insurance company combinations and pools. Martins bill to appropriate money for the Technological School, was also passed. COUNTY COURT JUDGES. In executive session tne follow ing appointments were confirmed: J. C. Matthews, county - court judge of Sumter county. S. J. Jones, county court solicitor of Dougherty county. T. N. Hopkins, county court so licitor of Thomas county. THE TWITTY BILL. The fight on the Twitty bill was postponed by the bill being re-com mitted. It will probably come up as the prominent feature of the Senate session Monda}'. THE ADJOURNMENT. The tax act is to be taken up Monday in the House "whether or The best that can reasonably be hoped for now Is adjournment by the 20th; and even then a great deal of business must be left unfin ished, THE SKIN. Is an Important factor in keeping good health j If It does not sot In the way intended by nature, its functions are performed by other organs,— the Kidneys and the Lunga; and the result Is a breakdown of general health. •OA2U1. AT- Arthur Rylander’s AND SEE . . THE LATEST STYLES IN Dunlap Hats AND Nellie Bly Caps. GO TO little mardre Fins Artitic Stationery, tail': liitaiili; 1 Blank Books, Tis tho early bird that gets the worm.’ AND NOW THAT BUTLER&BERRY HAVE OPENED THEIR STOCK OF Swift’s Specific Is the remedy of nature to sUmulats the skin to proper action. It never falls in this, and always accomplishes the purpose. . Send for onr treatise on the Blood and Skin Diseases. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. 1 CL afford Column unorUeorgli gloves. Please notify Mr. C. Hralth, Jeft'er- street. Wm. Cable. I at the Kkcordkr oil few building lots and houses for sale W, D. BAILEY’S ONLY ORIGINAL Xmas Novelties. The early buyers will get the first choloe Useful, Beautiful, Instructive, Amusing, Novel, Newest Toys, Beat Games, Prettiest Dolls, Horn and Plush Goods, Musical Ins'mts. ALL OPEN POR INSPECTION I £/& Articles paid for will he placed aside and delivered when requested. • Come early and decide what you want, as Xmas is only 3 weeks off and you have lots yet to do. ESixtlex* Berry’s ARTESIAN CORNER Lee and Lamar Sts. Americus, Ga. BUGGIES Haberdashery X will sell you tho best buggy luUcoigti, Grice und qua 1 'ty considered. Repairing of nil kinds solicited, end executed promptlyand neatly. All work warranted. -zm: T. S, GREENE. Cotton Avenue - - Opposite f*rince'» Stables Americus, Georgia. J IB THE LEADER OR GENTS FINE HEADGEAR WE ARE ON THE TOP ROUND FOOTWEAR. CARTERS Knox Silk and Derby Hats Our goods are reasonable. No hlglj prices, good goods, bottom prices. John E. Sullivan A Son.