Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 10, 1890, Image 4

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We eandidly confess that we are a tile dlnappolnted at t he opening of the Decern* l>er trade, and have aboit decided that the beet 'vay to do l* “to take the bull by the lioml," or, In other wor>'M, Inord.-r to <• >uv *.rt our g »o«l* luU» money, offer ttjeui at such price* as will make you fornet th- exls lng stringency <,f money. This we propose to do, and from now until Jamiuy the Fresh Lot New Country Syrup. N'cw Buckwheat Flour. N< wr Graham FJour. N« w Oat Meal. N« w Cracked Wheat. N* w Currants. Now Citron. Now Raisins. Our Cheese is the best. Our Butter is the best made. is intended to wake up the natives. Dress goods will be sacrificed! Trimmings to be I Our Canned Fruits are the best, sacrificed! Wo have a few silk patterns, both In colors and blacks, with magnificent | Our Canned Vegetables are line. Try oyr Gold Brand Hams. matched trimmings, which are to bo sacrificed, (would make a nice present for Christ mas.) A few more Novelty Suits to be Sacrificed! Flannels to be Sacrificed! Gloves aud Ribbons to be Sacrificed! Corsets to be cleaned out! Caselmers and Jeans to be closed out! Shoes to be Sacrificed! Wraps to b i Sacrificed! Underwear to be Socrlflc * | Gent’s Furnishings to be Sacrificed! Fine Dress Suits to be Sacrificed, Business Suits to be Sacrificed! 300 Hoys Suits to be Sacrificed! ISO Overcoats to be Sacrificed! Win sell you $10.01 Overcoat for $7.00. Overcoats worth $12.00 tor $8.00. $8.00 Overcoats for $5.00. Overcoats worth $15, to $18 going at $12.50. Damasks and Spreads to be Sacilficcd. 50 pr. Blankets will be sacrificed! Towels and Napkins to be Sacrificed Hosiery to be Sacrificed! Try our Star Brand Hama. We keep the best stock of Fancy Groceries in Southwest Georgia. Cali on us. * Joiner & Nicholson A line Piano, cost $400, for mile at $75 cash. J. E. Hall. The tax books of this county will be closed on the 20th instant. Another Invoice of those black 25c mocking,Imtreeelvort. This will be the last lot I from the card of Mr. Callaway, the collector, It will be seen that owing to lack of time he will be un able to visit any place of business; and desires that every tax payer call at the office. of these goods we’ll have, as the price on them has.been advanced. 1 M SPECIAL OFF* Early In the season we had an order for several pieces of carpet, but the delay in freights “knocked us out’’ and the carpets are now on our hands, the party having or dered olsewhere. We have no earthly use for them, and if you want a fine velvet brus- sels carpet worth $1.25 a yard for 75c, we have Just three rolls which you can buy at this price, but for cASh ouly. First callers will bo able to secure a bargain, the like of which may never occur again. We would be pleased for those in n^ed of Christmas presents to call and examine our stock. We have an elegant line of watches, dia monds and jewelry. -Respectfully, J. E. Sullivan & Son. Presents. Our goods are reasonable. No high prices, good goods, bottom prices. John E. Sullivan & Son. W« have quit* a Una of article. Suitable for the purpoie, and will have thorn nil In ■hupe In duo time. Look out for n big "ad” In next Hundnj”. I.nue of thl« pRper | THREE ROLLS OF CARPET TO HE SACRIFICED! Cnll nt tho Ofilco Change. Beal estate owners, renters aud hunters of Are Insurance can now And Mr. Callaway at the new court house, iu the Tax Collector’s room. There never was a remedy that gave so good satisfaction always as Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroyers, l’hj - ' siciaus recommend them. To the Democracy of Sumter Co: Since the death of the lamented Major T. M. Furlow, one of Sum ter's grandest citizens, beloved by all, I have been continually impor tuned to run for the office of Col lector of Taxes, in hjs stead. Hun-, dreds of irieuds have iu.portumd me, nnd assured me of i.belr hearty support ami 'of my triumphant elect ion. Only tin honest acd grateful heart can a) predate this unsought but welcome devotion of his fellow citizens. I Know I appreciate it in the very highest degree. To be loved, to be respected, to be trust ed, by my fellow citizens, is the highest honor I could ask. Wketh or this should be evidenced by elec Ion tooAlce or not, my high ap predation remains the same. But there Is another question which by the rule of my life rises above persona! ambition. It is whether selAsh motives should stand in the path of the weak and the sorrowed aud the defenseless. I fear my candidacy might so re sult iu this case. The widow of noble gentleman, his minor chll dreu, and manly sentiment, all suggest to my reason that quite probably my candidacy would re suit to them unhappily and disas trously. I therefore announce that I will net bj a candidate for col lector of taxes. Jno. Ed Thomas WtU Not Bun. A few days since the friends of I Mr. Henry 8. Davis announced his hams as u candidate for tax collec tor. They did tills without author ization, andjmerely signified their desire for him to make the race, and to see him elected to the post , . tion. He now says under the eir- Proprietors of tho Lowest Price Housin Southwest Georgia, cumstances he cat, not run, aud is 0. mad & Go. “We respectfully but enrnnstiy request a settlement of accounts due i no candidate for tlieoillce. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOB MAYOR. The friends of Hon. John B. l'eld*r are authorised to announce him ae a candi date for the office of Mayor, subject to the action of the Democrat ic p. lmnry. W, D. BAILEY Tho friend* of Hon. 1*. II. WiLMAXaan nounce him as a candidate for Mavor of ttioCItvof Americas, subject to the Demo cratic nomination on Thursday next, ” "for"aldi£ltMan. The following gentlemen have consented to aprve as Aldermen if elected by the Democratic primary to bo held on Thurs day next. J. A. Davbnport, J. E. Bivins, W. K. Wuextmsy. FOB CLERK AND TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Clerk anu Treasurer of the City of Amerl- cus, subject to tho Democratic municipal primary. D. K. Brinson. : COLLECTOR. self a candidate lector of Sumter ensuing years. for the office of county, for the nt - My candidacy ts subject to the action of the Democratic primary, If one is held. Respectfully, J *un Si We aro authorised to announce Mr. DICK WINDSOR ai> a candidate for Tax Collector, subject to tho Democratic pri mary, If one be held. J. U. DUNN Announces himself * candidate for the of* floe of Tax Collector of Sumter county, at the enaulng January election, subject ‘ action of primary election., 1800. AdviCe to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syk- 1 ui» should always be us-ed for cliil- | dreu teething. It soothes the child, softens the guuas, allays all palu, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy foi diarrhea. Tweuty-flve cents per bottle. IS STILL IN THIS RING. Tlio rush of fall trade has par alyzed my stock somewhat, just as my low prices have After having spent thlrty-flve of the best ytanof my life with the good peoplo of the connty, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector subject to tho Democratic nomination. STEPHEN W. JjXALL. We are authorised to announce Mr. P. V. WESSON at a candidate for Tax Col lector, subject to the Democratic party pri mary* if any is held. . I hereby announce myself a candidate daring the ensuing term of two years, for the office of Tax Collector of Sumter coun ty. subject to the ratification of the Demo cratic i^tmary, soon to be held. If elected, my principal assistant WtU be Mr. Jimmlo Furlow, now a minor. My Is In tbs Interest of bis fathers “ receive the perqulslf ‘MS It la tn obedience to their desire thru I have consented to “ ■ of tile people, who Major long, and among whom I aswmr UfcitBKL CaLLAWAZ. ot ray ... ; Legal Notice. ISix to to (lv. antic, that I will not, tram this date, pay any Mils contracted by my wUk, Mr*. Aanl. All.*. C.M.Ali-zn. M4>. LOSt. Whiledrinking last week, I lea*.mail Lack valise tn tome (tor. inthUctty, If r.oftht store wb.r* It m, left notify m* or any of the police of Ua reabonlR, the favor will ; bs greatly *p- u, 0i., Dec.*,’Ml IHgriHfl?*''! COMPETITORS, But I am daily receiving tho la test novelties for tho Holiday Trade, and have now on exhi bition the largest and most varied assortment of A Correction. Yesterday mention waa made of accident on Forsyth street iu one of the trenches dug for the water mains. It was slated that Dr. Joiner waB the gentleman to whom tho accident oeourred, which was a mistake, and should have been Dr. Bagley. City Engineer EarJ also ,tates $hat warning lights were lit, and it was due to uo negligence of the city. The Davenport Drug Company have made » large purchase of \V. W. C., Woldridge's Wonderful Cure, the groatesi Blood PuriAer and family m:dlclno now on the market, for the purpose of supply ing the trade throughout this sec tion. Send them your orders, and save freights from distant points, Webster's Prtmery. Preston, Deo. 10.—At a primary election held in the county of Web zter, the following persons were nominated for county officers, to- wlt: For Sheriff, D. P. Hogg. Tax Collector, R. 8. Bell. Tax Receiver, H. M. Marshall. Clerk Superior Court, George E. Thornton. Treasurer, John McGill. Coroner, G. H. Williams. ^Communicated.) 1 Mr. Thomas A Graham. Editor Recorder Among the names mentioned In your paper as suitable candidates for aldermauic honors, I notice that of the gentle man whose name heads this arti cle. Will you allow one who has known him for years, a small space in.your valuable journal to say a few words iu his behalf. Mr. Graham is uo stranger to the people of Americus. He has re sided here for the last thirty years or more. He was a member of the celebrated “Cult’s Artillery,” and served during the war, coming home with a bullet in his person which will remain there until time with him shall be no more. He at one time held the position of Al derman, and gave general satisfac tion. Several times since he lias been solicited to All tlie same posi tion, but declined. Tills is a time that his services as an Alderman will be of great ben efit to the city, and it is to be hoped that hq will be one of the three that are to he elecled. Ills announce ment seems to have met with gen eral favor among all classes of our citizens. Ho is a Coo business man, a perfect gentleman, a friend to all, an enemy to none. While there are others who would make equally as good an Alderman as Mr. Graham, there is uo one who would make a better one. An Old Comrade. vv atones »o iu j —7 for the money ever offered the puM <j. Ladies’ Gold Watches. In DIAMONDS I --. =- . - . class goods forAEsa MONEV.than any d**!*'”* 1 Ja AnjKJ cities: Small expense, Small profits PRICE *naMV&u- ITY guarantecl. Diamond aud Watch Uubt JAS. T. COTNEY, Fleetwood and Russell Corner, A nericus, Qa. mmmaamm - — 1 "Tis the early bird that gets the worm.’ AND NOW THAT BDTLEB&BERRY have opened their stock of . Xmas Novelties. The early buyers will get the llrst choice Useful, Beautiful, lustructive, Amusing, Novel, Newest Toys, Best Games, Prettiest Dolls, Horn and Plush Goods, Musical Ins’mts. ALL OPEN FOR INSPECTION I £4^\Articles paid for will he placed aside and delivered when requested. Come early and decide what you want, as’Xmas is only 3 weeks off and yon have lots yet to do. Butler db Berry’s * ARTESIAN CORNER * Lee and Lamar Sts. Americus, Ga. Eczema, scalp covered with erup tions, doctors proven valueless. P. P. P. was tried and the hair be- gau to grow again, not a pitnple can be seen, nnd P. 1*. P. again proved itself a wonderful skin cure. A COLUMBUS MARRIAGE. tho city. High Quality and Low Prices I never was stroug and I married deUcato little lady. We traveled much in search of health, but we remained invalids until we began a use of Dr. Ball's Sarsaparilla. We both are now in better health and feel stronger.—R. A. Mathews, Remember tha | Harrisburg, Pa. Gent’s Furnishing Goods Yesterday’s Enquirer Sun con tains the following account of the marriage of Miss Gena Brown to Mr. Jinks Burrus, both of whom are well and favorably known to many of our people: “The elegaut residence of Mr. James H. Brown, on Second aveuue, was the scene of a joyous and happy event last evening, the occasion being the marriage of Miss Gena Brown to Mr. L M. Bur rus. The interesting ceremony was performed at 8 o’clock, in the spa cious and beautifully decorated parlors, by Dr. Robert H. Harris, ouly relatives of the happy bride aud groom being present. Miss Brown is the only daughter o' Mr. James H. Brown. She is one of the sweetest, prettiest and most attractive young ladies in Columbus. Mr. Burrus is a son of the late Mr. L. M. Burrus, and holds a responsible position at the Alabama warehouse.” Meeting To-Night. The Sumter Light Guards, and will continue to be the leading | •*[ invited to participate In the Christmas fancy-dress torchlight feature of my business. W. D. BAILEY, It <<? V, - and mystic carsvan are hereby re quested to meet at the old court house at 7:30 p. tn. sharp to-night Very important business is to be transacted, and a foil attendance Is j earnestly requested. Walter Crisp, Captain, T. Walton Calloway, , Frank H. Bussey, Scrofula is that impurity in the blood which, accumulating in the glands of the neek, produce un sightly lumps or swellings, which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs or feet, whieh de velops ulcers In the eyes, ears or nose, often esuoiag blindness or deafness, whieh Is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths and many other manifestations usually ascribed to “humors.” P. P. P. is the friend in need.. A coarse of this valuable blood purifier, and you will be a well man. If you suffer from Scrofula in’any of Its 200’to 400 Pounds. Wo want every man weighiug from 200 to .000 pon ids to know that nurj “Stouts and Extra Size'’ Suits, I’auta and Overcoats will fit you like order garments, cost muoh less wear just us well and win you over in the way of bringing your fellow sufferers to us. SPECIAL SIZES known as “LONGS" lor tall men rho right length of Sleeves, length of Waist aud f-kirt to Frock Coats length of Pauls and general proportioning just pi. sees our LENGTHY friends. Regular men, of course, we ran littothe'qjueen’sTaste." Did you ever try JOHN It. SH AW aud didn’t get lltf d? If you did It was “a long time ago.” SUITS MADE TO ORDER. We represent Firsl-class New York nnd Baltimore Houses. SAMPLES NOW READY. Measures Taken and Perfect Fits Guaranteed—NO HT—NO SALE TOZEaCTKT R. S;X3C^*W. The Champion” Clothier of S. W. Georgia 320 Lamar Street, TELEPHONE 52. ARGO & ANDREWS. Fancy - and - Family - Groceries, AXiFEE3H. C*D GOODS: A« Ooc. m..™ „ ^ gS* Xmas is v- Mrs. Ela Is Ready for Your SansSouci BABA iiL E i