Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 11, 1890, Image 3

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HAVE YOU SEEN IT? , We refer to Uie full aod eheiulve treatise on the )od and skir hether you are sick or well, titerjr home should have a copy. If you are *well, It tells yon how to keep so. If you are sick, It tells yon how to regain j'uur health. This valuable pamphlet will be mail* ed free to applicants. Tua Swot Sriciric Co., Atlanta. Oa Recorder ^•Sorg^ Thanksgiving Dinner. &AUT10H 2k&.WS3 UNkUaiUtov audprice stumped 5.0?; Shcr j art every pah ou botiim .0 j*4“ (Ses teoo RH75 Kee.illeel, you I’amiot form the HliglileaL iileu of what yon can get until you come to . Ifemlqunrtcrs. My stock is ho varied and the goods so numerous I simply Invite an in spection, aud would especially ask yon to eall to-day and make a per sonal examination of the many good'things to cat I have In store for you. If you can’t possibly conic, scud your order foranylhlng you want, and 1 will 1111 the same at the lowest living price. Plenty of clerks, delivery wagons and call hoys to wait on the rush, f.'otne to Head>|ilartnr* at once, E. D ANSLEY, THK I AKOV GROCER A SUCCESSFUL FESTIVAL. ti BQVS '*•75 W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN Flue Cuff ar.U Faced Waterproof <«rsh Ttut excellence aud wearing qualifies of tli/t * * j wn than bv the strong _ JM butter ahown t ban bv t • ntauf it* thousand* nf eonulaut wearvri S 5 .U0 Oennlnr IlanH-arvred, an elegant O ktvjlatl life** Mum* VV liit'll coniln.IltH ItM-ir. S/f.00 llpnd-setved Writ* A Hu«* tulf Mm* uupquallftl for *t\ If autl durability. -fQ.SO Cloodyeur Writ la the standard dresi ■1.S0 KBKfiKttS'&mt' a.urt.d for railroad men, farmer*, el**. All made In Cougremt, Button and I .an*. I & $2 SHOES ladies, » been mo«t favorably received since Introduce-1 the recent Improvement* make them ttaperior ay ahoc* sold at tlteito price*. -jc auk your Dealer, and If lie cannot supply you send Sillrcct to factory enclosing advertised price, or a '“IvT’K lfoOttl-AS, Brorkrm. Ms.- TlfftUMTIM’ V TtlORNTOr WltFATI.I.Y, i cus, Cieorgia. SOLID PIECES Sterling ** Silver Inlaid In the backs I * ««F0RKS I 'it Pcisti Hott Ixpowi to Wear AND THEN PLATED FOUR TIMES AS HEAVY AS HttindarU Plato, WARRANTED ■ Wear 25 Years, tilt list i iimiit. Aoae durable mus ijoiit cl In* MIIv«ji- I,ILF THE COST. EACH ARTIf E IS STAMPED "t sm yjisun •«. L” 1 Knr aalo hy JAS. FRICKER & BRO Ksrlou Block, Amerleun, (la. Blood Purifier tBolls. Old Sore*, Scrofulous Ulcers, Scrof. —*ttlou» Humor and all scrofulous ; Secondary and Tertiary Con- nson. Ulcerous Sores.disease* cl lip, SAT! Khcum, Blotches. Pustules, Pimp i,Tetter,Ring-worms, Sea Id-Head, hciermt, _iatisra, Constitutional Wood poison, Met- .1 Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bone*, Gen Debility andall diseases arising from impure d or Clereditary Taint. Hold by retail drug . $1 per bottle. Roy “ ^ % Remedy Co., Atlauta, Ga. For Old and Y6ung. ■ I,lrsr PHI. act as klBdlr oa ths ,tks«sllMW rsmals or lnriraa aa upon «*o tlpmu man. Dawson', Dec, 10.-—The festival given hy the ladies of the Method ist church hint Thursday juul Fri day nights was a grand success In every particular. Baptists nod Presbyterians cn operated with them, at least in patronage, mak ing the attendance large, and ev erything moved like dock work. The merchants and others cornrde nied from their stores, the ladies furnished the fancy work ami pre pared the supper and run the husi- uess. Kverybody aided in the en terprise, aud enjoyed the occasion with a will and relish. The net proceeds were fJIO, which were deposited in hank to he used in furnishing our new Methodist church. IXIL'HKO UV l.tOIITNINO. Mr. Will Dlsmnke, residing three miles west of the city, was struck hy lightning last Wednesday about iiooii and badly injured. He was hauling lumber, was caught in a heavy rain, stopped under a small blackjack and was holding his team, when lightning struck the tree ami ran down him from his shoulder to his fool, ripping his clothing all the way down as if It had been done with a knife, se verely scorching ami blistering him ami knocking Ihc vamp of his shoe entirely oil'. He was knocked down ami was ttucmisclnits about nti hour. Dr. J. (i. Dunn was dis patched for nub soon arrived and restored him to consciousness, mid thinks lie will recover. 1 guess Will ditln'I know the tree was loaded. Letter List. The following unclaimed letters will be tent to dead lettoi office If not called for iu ten days. Mention advertised letters when calling for at office: A—Miss Francis Alen, Miss Mary Achson, Taylor Adams. B—Peter Brown. C—Mrs Agnes Chitt, J A Caldwell Miss Nancy Carter, Miss .-Sophia Cato, col, Mr Cartier, J A Cald well, Tobe Clarke, J J Clarke. D—(I W Denson, Mrs Jane Daui; man, Miss I.ucy Davis, Ml.s Mariah.Davis, Zeke Davl«, K—Alex F.asy. K—Mrs I,eonnra Foy,. Tims Fcg- ners. (1—Wesley doitfl'. H-Dr H M Hinder, C I, Harris, Zendo lleadplse, Jon H Harris, IluHtun Hurlaway, J H ITnrri 1—John Ingalls, J—MrsH F Jordan, Johnnie Jlner, Miss Kastlier Joiner, col; Lau ra Jones, A B Jackson, C I Jackson, Miss Ann Olpsoii,. K—P W Kirkpatrick. L- James Little, Mrs Flume It Lane, L Lewis, S L Lockett M Jessy Muck, Mrs M Marris, Miss Fannie McMicliael, II D Mat tom, Miss Dora Moreland, P—Itnbl F I. Price, J I) Peel, l>' I’iltruan, Miss Pearl Harris. It—(leorge Itatuirn, d VV lloberli Alice Koblnsou, col. K— Stephen Sherman, Ingrain Sheffield, don W Sheridan. T—W It Turner 2. W-W T Wilson, VV W Wilson, Turner Williams, M W Wil liams, Charlie Witchard. Mrs W C Wilburn, Miss Alea Wil* Hants, Miss Sadie Wheeler, Ed W D Walts. J. C. Hunky, I*. M. Petition for Incorporation MIlS. WIPKKK DKAII. Mrs. Lucy Wicker, aged Ml years, died yesterday morningat 4o’clock, at Ihc residence of her grandson, Mr. \V. K. Klordait, of this city, and was carried lu donrgetuwu, where she has resided ipore than firty years, Tor interment. Mrs. Wh-ker has lived a long and useful life, and leaves a host of friends to mourn her loss. When T was but a youth 1 hoarded fifteen mouths with Mrs.Wicker, and no mother could he kinder to a son than site was to me, nor look more closely to his Interest aud comfort than she did to mine. She was a consistent member of the' Baptist church, was a Christian lu every sense of the word, and now rests in Heaven, free from the toll ami sorrows of earth. CUNKHIIKNl'K IN HKKSION. The annual conference of the A. M. F. church is now In session III tills i-lly, and the town is full of handsome prenchcis and delegates. Sunday will he the big day, and several thousand of the colored brethren will beou hand, and great preparations are being made for their entertainment. PKHSON'AI. lIKNTtON. ■Mrs. Alice Davenport, of Darien, is vlslllng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Itowery.aml added con siderably In the success of th- fes tival last week. * ‘ Rev. II. W. Davis, of Fi’lemlahlp, spent several days this week with hit Dawson friends. He bus ac cepted the pastorale of the Baptist church lu the magic rlty of Cor date, anil will move there shook Christ mas. . ’i i S - Mrs. Minnie Taylor,inf Americna, is visiting relatives in (, the guest of her sister, Mr*. J. tJ. Parks. S3; f lyj Handsome Jaek Martin.mode sever) last UKOUUIA— Ki'Utkb C'omcrr. To the Mtipcrlor Court or said comity: The petition of AT. A. Pricker, 11 F. ttnins, Crawford Wheatley, \V, E. Huwkinn, T. F. Gatewood, a. (!. BIvIuh, .1. \Y f . (Sheffield, J. J. Williford, Thornton Wheatley. W. N. Marshall, o. A Coleman aud Henry H. Johiuon ruspectfuUy show that ih«»y have •Moelated them*eive« together wild dealre for theniNelvpH, thclrasaocIatCK, aucceNsors and fixtlguH to be Incorporated under (he laws of Georgia and made a body politic with the right of aucceMloii under the name of The Commercial City Cl oh. The object of aald Aiukk'I&Uou U not for the lndlvldnalj>opunlary gain of any oflia member* but for the eatabllKhmcnt of a Noclul orKnnizntlon, to provide amuiemeni amt recreation, aud promote the pleasure, kind feeling, nnd general cultivation of its members, and to this end To estahl.nh it permanent Club lionise. The chief office and place of hnsluestt of said corporation will he in the city of * merlons, aald cuunty. In iu much aa the object of said AmnocI atlon Is not for the pecuniary Vroflr, trail Be Bure tmmm mmmmmmm If ym bar* mails up your mini to buy Hood's SarapaHSa do not be toduewt to tako any other. Hood’s Bampartlla la a peculiar UdleIat,poueuinf, by virtue of Its peculiar combination, proportion, and _ preparation, eurattvo power superior to any’other article. A Boston lady who know what iho wanted, and whose example (a Worthy Imitation, tells hex experience below: ' To Get “ Id one store where I went to buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla tko clerk tried to Induce mo buy their own Instead ot Hood’s; hetoldmethelr’s wouldtast longer; thatl might take It on ten days’ trial; that It I did not like It I need not pay anything, etc. nut be could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what Hood’s Sarsaparilla was. I had taken It, was satisfied with It, and did not want any other. Hood’s When I began taking Rood's Sarsaparilla I was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a person In con sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and nr,y friends frequently speak of It.” Mns. Ella A. Corr, Cl Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists, f 1; ilx for £5. Preparodonlt fej C. LIIOOD* CO., Apothecaries. Low el J, Ifa IOO Doses Ono Dollar ONE CENT All f rKD-To rent i Mmlkllnu lots n i inaiiillinciil pluu. i Agent. A 'in'll Kstnfe ^pf\r Ak**iiIs* profile pe- mouth. TNM/n Wilt prove It «»r |»uy forfeit. yUu*\J New portraits Josi out. A |:i.M) saiuplo tent free to all. W. II. (*hhle*ter * Sou, 23 I to ml Ht. N. Y Knights of H onor The IsOilgeJu Americtii In oyer ten y I inures fur l-’.OlM. AHsesMHItMitS light Safest ami cheapest life iiiMtirauct*. Kt nforinHtiou apply to !>. K. HHINMON. may )7- Keporert CHANGE OF BASE. My Hcul KMtnto nnd luxurancc office ia now at the Tnx Collector’* office iu the new Court Hounc, where 1 will he glml to my fricmN its usunl. MkruklCai.lawav, llenl I'.*tale nnd Inunmnce Agent. . . Pi. stock And to provide lucuun of cAtabllahing hihI utAlDtainlngHAld corporntlon by mem hei-Hlilp fees nn«l dues, and by aelllng re rrcHbtnentM tolLsmeinlMmandgueNtM. Tin number Of active inemlrera shall never At Anytime exceed (I00i one hundred. The memherahlp feeNhall l»e ($100) one huiulret' dollars, which may be Increased or dlmln* Isned «»t any aimjial meeting ol the corpor’ atlon. Huld Aaaoclatlnn may In Its by lawn iirovldb how menilierMhlp In the some may he forfeit««1. Petitioner** for theniNelves nml amhocIaus prnv that tinder the corporate name afore ■Hid they may be IncoriHtruted and made a body politic lor the Atlf term of (20) twentj yeara with the privilege of renewal at th<f expiration of said time, with all the rights, powers and privileges aforesaid, and that said corporation have and enjoy the right to sne and be sited, to plead and bo im pleaded, to contract autl be con true ted with, to make hy-htws nnd rules binding ti|H>n Its uieinl*era. to have and use a corpo rate seal, to appoint all such officers nnd agents as may be deemed advisable, to rent, buy, lease, have, use, own and enjoy all inch real and personal property as may he necessary or convenient for the purposes of HiUd corporation and dispose of the same at pleasure, to borrow money for corporate purposes ami secure the saute by deed, uo'te, bond, mortgage or otherwise upon any or all oflia property nnd to ao every aud nuy net ttceafUl to carry out the object of aatd incorporation, and to have and enjoy All the rights, powers and privileges con ferred by law noon corporations of like character by the laws of Georgia, aud your petitioners will ever pray. H. I*. Hollis, K. A.Hawkins, Attorneys for I'etUldpcrs. Filed In office December loth, 1HB0. J. 11. Allsjr. Clerk. A true extract from the Record of Char ters this 10t h December, isw. . A Cleric s. c. i-r,t moshvatlurlug th* festival iwWk. J. A. F. Tin 1 Davinport Drug Cnmpany pnraliasg »f tV. haw niadu r large p W, 1C.. W.ilitrlilgeV Wnmierfiil Cun*, 'Uia . „ ami family mnllcliie uaw mi Hie market, fur Ilia purpose of supply ing the traile throughout this sec tion. Hcml them your orders, and ^ save freights trot:. Jlslant points- will be sold before the court house door, Preston, Georgia, said county, ou the drat Tuesday In January next, between the legal hours of sole, by Tt.oa. A. Coleman, Guard ian of Henry T., WHIP* T., Mlldiet/ it., Ed- wantJ., nnd George f) Coleiimn, heirs of Mnrtlm D. Coleman, decease*!: l^jt of land number one hundred and Arty-eight dfis» In IMili District of WetMtcqcounty,Ua. TlCOS. A. COLEMAN, (luimllnn. Prtbdon, Ga., I in*. 8, IMS*. Railroad Commission -OP— Q-EORQIA. L.N.Tuammkli., I hklrmnu.i* ti. Erwin. f Corn'r Jam. W. HoRkKTaoK. ) A. r. Hulscok, Secretary. Ari. a NT*, Cf*„ Ihc. !i Circular No. 179. Roms and Dscatur Railroad Company- Fr.lffht and Tariff. Ou ami after Deitemlier I5tli, IS90, the Itmue and Decatur Itallroad Omupany will he nlluwed to charge for the Irunupurl atlon of freight nml passenger, as follows: Fbkkiht—To classes I, li, 3, 4, A, *J Dos tl, A, ». K. O, II. H. L. M. N, O. < - • V' nuil It, adil ten per rent, to Stand ard Tarlfl*. , To clasaea C, D, R, J nml K apply theHtandard Tariff. . j lloSTN I'lHM. K, 1,-9 L’ll p, I- ' RtMRNORits—Clans A' ’ per iLltal) ’ L. S'. Tkamm Briscos NOTICE. AnexamliiHlIon of applicants lor I.icentia to tear h In Public Schools will Ih> Imd In Preston, Dec. 20th. Only one day allowed. J. A. GRIFFIN, Hi H. U., Webster County. TAX NOTICE. On the 20thof lids month (December) the Tax Hooks of Huinler County will bo closed, tut prescribed by law. Owing to the Hhort- ness of the time 1 will tie unable to visit lu person any plnceuf business, and must ask every one Interested Aq come to the office. Mkurkl Callaway, Tax Collector. GEORGIA—Wkb.stkk Countv: All nartles Indebtedtothcesiateof W. II. D. Dlsmukt;*, deceased, are requested to irwun* —* * - • * * •onieforWiint am! p»v the same, ami those ...... m .or -- , hold I m: claims HKaltisl auld estate will please present them lu terms of the law. K. THORNTON. Admr. CAlil. Arthur -AND SEE——n THE LATEST Dunlap Hats 1 —AND— Nellie Bly Cap WE ARE ON IKE TOP BOVUB AKTERS aria iE LARGEST tJTtlOK GALL AND SEE OS. Calvin Carter'aim! Sen. Stoves, Stoves, ^he cheapest and most varied assortment .of Ranges and Office Heaters C4AS FIXTURES. IN THE ITY. JtJHT RECEIVED, A f.ABOF I,OT OF Piower Pots aud Grates ! flail early aad .nopm-t our gmal*. A larve lot of hardware ordered ana wil) soon be in. 1 Plumbing and Repair ■Aif* 4 i * Block. AMERICF3, GA.