Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 14, 1890, Image 5

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°£qrg^ TELEPHONE, 29. 'OB TEN DAYS ONLY, 20 ot* pound L. L. Raisins. 10 eta pound beat Curranta. -> 25 ota pound beat Citrous. 15 to 20 eta pound be-t Prunes. 25 cts pound Seedless Raisins. 20 ota pound best Almaua. 20 ots pouud best Waluuts. 20 ota pound best Brazils IS ota pound beat Filberts. 25 to 40 ota dozen for Oranges. 20 cts pound Mailga Grapes. 65 to 75 cts peck Apples.. 1000 Cocoanuta cheap. Canned Peaobes, Pears, Apricots, Pine Applee.Tomatoes, Porn, Peas, cheaper than any house in Houth- wes\ Georgia. Call on us. Joiner & Nicnolson. Church Directory. First Methodist Episcopal Church South, corner Church and Lee streets—Preaching at 11 o’clock A. K..and 7:15, P. M, by th? pastor, Rev. J. B. McFerrin. Sunday School at 9:30 A. m. Second Methodist Episcopal Church South, Hudson street—R, F. ‘Williamson, pastor. PreachlDg at 11 o’clock A. M, and at7:15 p. M., by the pastor. Sunday School at 3 p. m. T. F. Lpgan, Superintendent. A cordial invitation to all. Episcopal Church—9:45 a. M., Sunday School. • Presbyterian Church, Jackson street—Preaching at 11 A. m. aud 7:15 p. M., by the pastor, Rev. Robt. Adams. Baptist Church at the Taber nacle on Taylor Street; Hev. A. B. Campbell, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30, a. m.; eervices at 11, a. m. and 7:15 i*. M., by the pastor. * Shad, Bream, Snappers and Oysters every day at A. E. Sher lock’s. Open Every Night. Mrs. Eium requests us to notify the public that beginning Monday night her store will be open every night until after Christmas. There never was a lemedy that gave so good satisfaction always as Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroyers. Phy sicians recommend them. Yesterday morning at ten the Amerlcus Bar Association met, but little business was done. No oases were set for this week, Itouly being decided to take up the criminal docket again to-morro t. The following resolutions were presented by Judge Pllsbury and unanimously adopted. “The members of tbe bar of Amerlcus feel that in the manner Judge W. F. Jennings has pre sided over Sumter Superior court the present week, that the univer sal commendations from all sources are of such a nature that they deem it right and proper as an able, capa ble and dignified Judge to give some public expression of their views. “Therefore, be it resolved, That in Judge W. F. Jenkins, tbe Oc- mulgee circuit has one whom tbe judicial ermine well and truly be comes. “Resolved, That his courtesy, his wise, clear rulings have our ad miration, and In whom we feel that the Superior court's of bis circuit have one that they should be proud of, and who so eminently Alls the position of judge. “Resolved, That his dispatch of business have received our hear ty admiration, aud bis easy, Arm and pleasant manner lias endear ed him to this bar and people. ‘Resolved, That In the absence of Judge i'ort, we thank bim in devoting his time In holding our Superior court tbe present week, and wish him a bright future and a lmppy return to his people.” Cook’s Pharmacy has been re moved to tbe W. J. Blappey corner, near artesian well, where eau be bad everything In Drugs, Patent Mediciness Ac. Respectfully, ^ W. A. Cook. ANOTHER GAMBLING DEN- Moved to Amencua. Mr. J. K. Evans, of HichWood, an enterprising lumber man, has deolded to locate in Amerlcus, and is now moving to the city. He Is welcomed with open arms, for he is the sort of man we want. Shad, Shad, Shad, to-day at A. iherlock’s. If you want anything in the Dia mond line, oall and select from our .line of loose stones, and let us mount them for you. James Frickek & Bro. Drunk and Disorderly. A negro, Brown by name, raised a considerable commotion on the streets yesterday by being drunk and disorderly’, and was landed in the look-up to await action of the Mayor. We would be pleased for those in ueed of Christmas presents to calk and examine our stock. We have an elegant line of watches, dia monds and jewelry. Respectfully, J. E. Sullivan & Hon. In the City. Happy Will HarrlBon is in the city. Who doesn’t know him? He arrived yesterday and pro ceeded to happily greet bis score of friends in the city. He Is a gentle man popular with all, and ills presence here adds to the joyous look of the olty. Read oar advertisement. If you contemplate buying anything iu our line it will be to yonr Interest to read it, and then- act accord ingly. Jambs FriokerA Bro. The Bohley County Mews. Editor R. Don MoLeod was In the city yesterday. He la of the fa mous Schley County News,.that bright and newsy paper of our neighbor, and runs It according to Hoyle. He saya Bohley county It boom ing, audit la unnecessary to etate that the News heads everything. That la known to all. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Solid. Silver and Plated ware, all called for Christmas presents. Jambs Frickek A Bro. ThsJGounty Primary. The Democratic primary for the /nomination of a-candidate for Tax Collector fop the ensuing election in January, Will be held, on the 80th -or December, under the same rales as the lsst. Democratic oennty primary election, only registered Democrstlo voters allowed to vote. J. A. Anslkv, Cham'n. Dem. Executive Com, M. L. Mabprb, Secretary. Yesterday the officers received knowledge of a number of negroes being engaged in gambling at Tom Mitchell’s, nearly opposite tbe Al len House. Messrs. Feagau, Ray and Martin Immediately repaired to the place, and made a raid upon ths den. Six or seven were found engaged in playing, but on the appearance of the officers, all ran and escaped but two, Ranee Turner, an old of fender, and Alien West. West was tried before Judge Pllsbury, and bound over under a hundred dollar bond, or s-nteueed to 12 months in chali: gang. . The others are known, aud will doubtless be esugbt soon. The Biro Yesterday. Yesterday afternoon just before six tbe Are bell rung out In loud peals, and the people turned out for the scene of conflagration. But only a few reached ft. Tbe Are was out at Leeton, one of J. E. Bivins’ out houses burning to the ground. It was occupied by the family of Mr. Bivins’ cook. The P. C. Clegg hose company, composed of young boys, was the first on tbo grounds and did good work, but tbe Are bad too much headway to be stayed. The boys did excellent work iu getting out, and Amerlcus is proud of her boy company. Shad, Bream, Snappers and Oysters every day at A. E. Sher lock’s. Useful and {Ornamental. If you wish to combine the useful with the oruameutal la purchas ing holiday gifts, read D. B. Hill’s advertisement and then go and ex amine his goods. You will ffnd many beautiful and useful articles In his line that will make appropri ate gifts. A handsome piece of fur- ture will please your wife If for lit tle or no use. You will be surprised Ur And how many handsome things Mr. Hill haa In his stock. In passing take a look at our show window. They will be full of Christmas goods. James Fbickeb A Bro. A Big Advertisement. It Is hardly necessary to call at tention to the big advertisement of John R. Shaw, for yon could not well pass it by. Its chief merit, however, ie not in Its size, bnt In the foot that it contains facts of Importance to every reader. It la a truthful presentation of plain facts, and those who study It well will And it to their profit. Mr. Shaw Is a successful business man, and he knowe that it does not pay to ad vertise imposslbilltlss or attempt to deceive his customers. He there* fore plainly says what he will do, and then does It. Little Mardre will open the finest line of doll carriages to-morrow even seen inJVmericus. Call and A few days since Thb Recorder mentioned a party who left for Bolling Qreeu, Ky., to inspect some of the Georgia Hedge and Wire Fenoe company’s work. In the party were Messrs. H. H. Single tary, LaCrosse; A. 8. Perry, Ameri cas; J. C. Carter, Amerlcus; I. N. Mott, LsCrosse; J. F. Usry, Ameri- cus; S. R. Christie, Dawson. These gentlemen returned yester day, and speak iu the highest terms of the work done. Tbe excursion to Bolling Greeu was gotten up by Dr. W. G. Patrick, agent for the Comptuy, and all the expeuses ot the parly were paid by him for the Company. Dr. Patrick during his stay in Amerlcus has made many friends and is a gentleman whom ail like. He does his work well, and has met with great success in this sec tion. Here is a card offered by those who took tbe trip: We, oitizens aud farmers of Schley, Terrell and Sumter coun ties, having been invited' by tbe Georgia Hedge and Wire Fence Company, through their agent, W. G. Patrick, to iuspeut the hedge fence grown and completed by said company, under their patent sys tem, near Bolling Green, Ky , have made a careful inspection of the same and unhesitatingly pronounce them to be good fences. They are ptrougand so compact, if properly set and cared for, as to protect against all classes of stock, both large and small. By tills system of dwarfing tbe plant tbe lateral roots are cut and crops grow as luxuriantly near tbe fence as any where in the Held, as they do not spread or sap the soil. We inspected several miles of fence set iu 1864, now 0 or 7 years old, aud while some of us were not very friendly to the Hedge fence system, we can but say we found nothlug to condemn. From the best information obtainable tbe cost of priming aud keeping the fence In good condition is very tri vial, and wo were told that a mile could be trimmed with ease in a day by one man. Owners of fences inspected by us speak of them in tbe highest terms. MAUrtE. .1 (Rejpectfully dedicated to Min Hand* Held.) r, Before tbe fragranoe and tba bloom Of firlbood /ears bad paeeeJ atrby Whlie yet without One spat of gloom Llfe*i sunshines o i her pathway lay; Ere h1 a bad atalnedor eorrow could blight ‘fhe br'gbt love beaming from those brown eyes , There came an angel In tbe night And bore her spirit to the skies. Dead: Tbla word ao abort and plain *But O, the anguish it does contain, From ear to ear tbe meaaage darts To pierce with gr»ef each loving heart. We wept and prayed through all the night And prayed for help, for hope and light, Forour poor hearts clung to that clay Ho dear, so bright, soon to be laid away. O melancholy and sad Is the thought, Horrow. mingled with ttie sun’s bright It waa the emblem of her life so pure, so brief, Whlqji brings into reulity such great grief But the crown of sovereign beauty Henceforth We bid tbe wear a one of Ufe’a trials and troubles to bear. A Jewel, loo bright tor earth, to Heaven was taken; Transplanted, we are aure we are not iLiuUken; For she tbla confession did make, That Jesus to Hoaveu h»r aoul would take. It *’i:l not be long before we hope to meet her, An 1 with embraces she will greet us, For she Is waiting for us over there. Then let ns work aud prey with most dil igent care. Wherefore when death bad taken All that we possessed of her, And IIeav*n'claimed her soul forever To be n shining augel there; From off the stein ot a ssreet flower Her lover bad plucked a tiny spray, And on her bosom saw It gently laid, A token of bis pure love on her dying day. Iu Ihose giaccful Angers so pure Another tiny token, aud the much prized ring,’ That ho had given to make the promise sure. And thus their happiness was blighted Jiy death’* unsparing Land. In that cold silent tomb wo laid her With the dust to mingle in darkness and decay, But we will meet our loved one in the eternal day. OAIZaXv at- Arthur Rylander’s AND SEE-— THE LATEST .STYLES IN Dunlap Hats AND Nellie Bly Caps; ■m X-fflas - A'.’4 1 ■!!* X ;uun(| ,1 |J|| Just received a handsome line of Ladles and. Gdpta. Sol'd Go)<1 Watches. 1 __ _ Just received a large line of Jewelry for the Holiday trade, consisting of Ladles Gents Vest Chains In extra plate and filled, Lace Pins, Coll and Collar Buttons, Ghana* of all description, and many other things too uunjaroua to mention. Remember this large line ofjewelry was shipped to me for holiday trade, and what Is not sold will b# returned and wld make prioes very close. ^ i ] ‘ • - 4.,- U JAS. T. COTNEYv* Fleetwood and Russell Corner, Americus, Qa. EVERYTHING F0U THE LITTLE ONES, AT BUTLERS BERRY’S We have nn elegant line of Christ- mas presents. James Frickek & Bro. The Baltimore Manufacturers Record refutes the suggestion made iu some quarters that town building in the South has gone as far as it can with safety. Take Georgia With 58,000 square miles, popula tion of 1,834,366, and population per square mile 31.63; South Carolina has 31,000 square miles, 1,147,161 people, and an average of 33.47. But Massachusetts has a popula tion of 286 per square mile, New York 157, and Rhode Island 204, The population of Pennsylvania la 6,24S,574, wliieli gives a density of 114 persons to each square mile. If each Southern state was peopled us densely ax Pennsylvania, the South would 'have eighty-eight million people. Georgia would have six million. Iu tne past ten pears Georgia has increased about 800,000 people. The Manufactur ers’ Record compares Georgia with Illinois. Illinois has 3,818,536 peo ple and 55,414 iduare miles. Upon this basis of density Georgia should have a population of nearly four million. So far as natural resourc es are concerned there Is no com parison between the possibilities of the two states, for while Illinois yields but little agricultural pro ducts, Georgia has boundless min eral resources with which to supple ment her plantations and forests. Georgia has within her own bor ders all that Is required to auitain industries like those of Illinois. The population of Augusts, Savan nah, Macon, Atlanta and Colum bus might be doubled or trebled, and made to equal Chicago, Spring- field, Joliet, Roekford and Pfeorls, and yet leave them modest citlaa like them might be built without presuming upon the resources of our State. Call and see onr large and band- some assortment of Christmas goods. James Fbickeb A Bro. tain U si LI MB Havaoaa of tbo best taralsned sad best Busy Bee Hive. Mack Broa. present a brilliant page programme to^the readers ot The Recorder this morning, and one that la. well worth reading. They are bright, enterprising busl- egniyddootor-soaoeeta th.aootk ness men who know that to do bus- . flO, SIS JUJESOQ StrtCii AB&KUi 61 loess they must keep Up with tbe tlmee, and they keep up. They un* derstandthat the holidays are on hand, aud they also understand that tjie times are hard. Putting the two together, they solve the prob lem by offering beautiful and use* ful holiday goods at very low prices. But they tell tbe story, and you will do wall to read it. Wo had clipped Borneo! her .oft, derk, Oue look sort with a piece of her ribbon lied. A.a treftiure ho will keep 1111 the day he dies And her .weel Image will alweys be neat, For It la precious and to him very dear. “It might have been” O «ad and cruel word. The future »o fair and bright In youth, erfrly morn Make, regret more deep end harder to be borne. Iler sweet no more on esrth we'll hear The organ that responded so willingly near Seems rooed In the same gloomy sad nets. For death has hushed that voice of glad ness And veiled that sweet, smiling fsce Which leaves nothing but silence snd an empty space Whose dear presence filled Its home with light With a soul whose beauty made the future bright. We kissed our darling's cold fee. And held her In a last embrace; Down In her low and narrow bed She sleep, among the quiet dead. The spot where now out darling lies Is very dear to our snd her loved onee eyes. Ob, Father! Saviour! Oh, myOod! We bow, we bend and kl-s the rod. Oita Who Lovxd Hsa. Freeh Sauer Kraut. I have just received a fresh lot of fine Sauer Kraut. It is Sue. ARTESIAN CORNER. China Dolls Linen Dolls Wax Dolls Bisque Dolls KldUoils Dressed Dolls Sleeping Dolls Rubber Dolls Musical Dolls Doll Shoes Doll Trunks Doll ‘Wash Straw Sets Doll Carriages Doll Furniture Toy Wash Sets Toy Tea Sets Toy Kitchen Sets Toy Stove Sets Toy Pianos Toy Violins • Toy Metalophone Toy Castors Toy Banks Toy Drums q'„., niu./ii. Toy Pistols Toy Houses Toy No* It’s Arks Toy Stables Toy Hand Organs Toy Soldier Sets Toy Trains Toy Tin Wagons Toy Tin Animals Toy Fur Animals Toy Watches Toy Butterfly Toy Sword Toy Canes Toy Whips Christmas Books all kinds {trices and sizes Games: Crokinole New Bagatelle Fish Pond Teddledy Winks Lotto Dominoes Checkers Card Games, 15 kinds Parclieesen Ring Toss Graces Surprise Boxes Childs Kuife, Foi and Spoon Paints Barnyard Seta Glass Marble Jumping Jacks Flying Jennies Bellows Toys Clappers Kaleides Cope Ten Pins Tocl Chests Maglo Lanterns Hhoofly Horses. Wheel Barrows Wagons Chairs for Children Rockers Chinese Lsntere Horns Buggies Recollect when you want Presents for Young or Old, either for Amusement, Ornament or for use—recollect that “We are the peo ple.”. Butler db Berry, ARTESIAN CORNER, - * LEE and LAMAR STS. 320 Lamar Street, TELEPHONE 52. ARGO & ANDREWS, ^ancy - and - Family - Groceries, GLOVER’S OPERA HOUSE Friday - and - Saturday, DEC. 19th and 20th. AND - SATURDAY - MATINEE. RETURN OF CHARMING Hattie Bernard Chase Supported by the Golden Gate Quartette and her favorite company of FRIDAY EVENING, LITTLE COQUETTE. SATURDAY MATINEE, Tbe Map Doll ami For Lore of M SATURDAY NIGHT, UNCLE’S DAJtLING. Everything new—Songs, Dances, Duetts, Quartette, Banjo Solos,Etc. PRICES AS USUAL. £0-Special Matinee Saturday for Ladles and Children, at popu lar prices. 8 *Poreoni having defective vltlon trill do roll to call and havo their cvee carefully examined and tested mid vlhumph fitted suitable to tlie eye * >B. A. B. HINKLE hu recently, taken , second extended eonne of special In fraction at tbe New \ork Poet Graduate at ruction at tbe Hchool and Hospital. OFFICE HOURS: $:*> AM to IdO PM and 2:10 PM to 5:00 P M and on Tueedaya, Thursdays and Satur- .lawa fWairt 7 tn 0 A'clftck it night. . Peaches, Pears, Apricots,.S ■ * -• * Pineapples, Tomatoes, Beans, & I. Sweet Coro. All at Bottom Pricks Cigars a Specialty. Confections, Craekm^Laoch Mills Biscuit. ■ • Best Cream Patent Flour. Magoollasnd Gold Band Hams. All Goods Delivered at your Door. Open to receive orders from' 5 a. m. to 7 p. m. CUBE! GOODS Xmas is Comingi nVErs. SLAM Is Ready for Tour Trade. SansSouci BAR AND ESTAURANT, W.T. RAGAN, I Wo.807 Tsamiw- Street. My Saloon Is tarnished with the beet Wines, Brandies, Bam, Gin and Whlskle- thateanbs bought for tba cash. Imported Uqaor a BpeelMly. You onn find at my Bar anything you want to drink from a glass of Cold Milk or Bear to the Flneet and only Wbleky-flour In America*. My HMUaranl le •uppliedwllh the best the market aflorda, end with the beet oook In tbe State, and seat of good waiter*. Jam ante that I as pleaae tba moat teatldlone. -CALL AND SEE- J. W- At his new quarters on Cotton Avenue, under Hawkins House, keeps the finest He Wines, Whiskies. Cigars, Etc., Etc. in town. He always has'on top kegs of the Famous Cook. Beer. The BE8T Beer ever sold in Amerlcus. Fancy Drinks at Lowest Living Prices I He keeps nothing but first-fifaes goods, and don’t charge fancy prioee far them. GIVE ME A CALL.