Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 16, 1890, Image 7

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New Firm. New Goods. New Quarter* tullis & Mclendon ® OEALtiWllPI ONE DAY ONLY, iericus, Tuesday, Dec. 16|'90. T. K. BURK’S New - Trans-Atlantic • Rail • Road • Shows noTim, m'ummzm, BOMAISi HIPPODROME, -A^T-D PROF/BURK'S WONDERFUL SCHOOL OF ^Educated - Arabian - Horses, (THIRTY*IN NUMBER) FIFTY ARENIC STAR^. QRACELAUtys GRACES. A peaceful dt/ lies over there; Hewer a heartache, never a care; No more loozings t<fr brighter day* Nor fruitless strivings for higher ways Peace with the tvefld, at rest in God: Home once more to the kindly sod. Where roses bloom and the fresh gran waves A gladsome vigil o'er Gracoland's graves.' Some summer morning when skies are bright, Some night in winter when snows are white: It matters littlo the time nor when Wo shall have dene with theatresr*f men: Gone the way where our fathers 1*1, Into the mystery of the dead; Seeking tbo peaco the spirit craves. Choosing a home 'midst Grace land's graves. None can know the burdens borne, Nor the cruel weight of yokes we’ve worn; The broken idols were all our own. The lips would smile when the heart would moan; Bravely acting each one his part. Hiding the dead hopes in the heart; We com* lo the stilling of the waves. And sunset leaves if* at Grace land’s graves. And when we’re gone from the haunts of men, Will the world have leu of sunshine then? Will mother, sister, sweetheart, wife Love more • f eternity, leu of life? Are we budding n monument high and grand. Or o dingy hovel upon the sand? So wo ask our hearts os the mind n’erstrays To the peaceful city of Gracdand's grave*. —Chicago Post At iBdlUfcXegead. When this Orest 'Spirit crested the world be first made three men, all of the name color. Then ho led Atom to a pool of water and bode them jump In and bathq. One of thorn, obeying at once, leaped in in advance of his fellows, and came out dean and white. The other hesitated, but one soon fol lowed tho first. When be went in tho water had become somewhat stained and ho camo out copper colored. ‘ Then tho third man went in. By that time the water of tho pool had l>ecomo black, and be was consequently black when he had bathed. * Thus it happens that there are white men, red men and black men in the world. Then the Great Spirit laid down three packages before tho three men, which contained their future fate. Out of pity for the black man ho permitted him to have his first choico of the parcels. The black bum, without hesitation, took the largest of tho parcels; tho red man, whose turn was next, took tho next largest parcel, and tho whito man got the remaining one, which was very small. STOVES AND Beat Qualities of Paihta, Oils and Builders' Material Agents for the Celebrated HARVEST STOVES and GRATES. Agents for the Celebrated Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Bllg'Sries andWag-oilS WAGON AND BUGGY MATERIALS- SACDLERY AND HARNESS. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, AND A SPECIAL LINE OF CUTLERY, WOOD AND WILLOWWARE, ETCS. We specially Invite the trading public to cali and exanifue our good, and prices. We keep the beat, as well as the cheapest goods In tbia market, end will give our ouatomers the value ol tbelr money. Tullis’ Old Stand, 433 and 435 Cotton Ave., ■ , AMERICUS, G- novUsJtwly Two Performances. Doors open at 1 and 7 P. M. CRAND'ENTREE ONE HOURILATER POPULAR PRICES, 10 and 20 CENTS. Grand Street Parade at 12 Noon. Matinees Especially Desirable for Ladies and Children. Is Your Property Insured? I represent flrst-clns*companies and will be pleased to plu d.'policies for you. LOTT WARREKT, Bank of Sumter Building. FOR ^RENTI An excellant Truck and Dairy Farm, one-half mile from city. A pply to M. Callaway, - Real Estate Agent. 8. Montgomery, President. J. O. Roney, Vice President. John Windsor, Cashier. E. A. Hawkins, Attorney. H. C. Mitchell, Book-keeper. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE! CAPITAL, $50,000. - SURPLUS, $25,000. AW. W. Wheeler & Co, /are now in tlirir now quarters. HAND-MADE AND NORTHERN HARNESS BY THE WHOLESALE ANr • RETAIL. CALL AND SEE THEM. They have also secured the cervices of i A. First-class Shoemaker, Repairing a Specialty. Prices reasonable ar d Satisfaction Guaranteed REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. I offer for » few dny» the following desirable property close lu at a bargal n: Four houses and lots, housss Just completed; 4 large rooms each; lots &)xltt3 each. Terras Kssy, One house and lot on College Hill, large lot 210x27b, fronting two streets. The pret tiest home fn Amcrlcus. _ A , 41 _ _ „ , , . _ . .. One house and lot on Jackson street, fronting the College. Large lot, 6 rooms to the comparatively new house with cook room and bath house attached, nice out house aud barn on the place. Call for baSgalns. HUGH M. BROWN, 705 Jackson St. : : : Americas Oa. “ Fifteen Bbares Furniture Fnctorv Btock for Bale • FOR -=. S-A-XjE AT A BARGAIN. r Two Houses sod; Lots on Forsyth Street, new;'will five Terms. Forother particulars Wouldn't He “Scoop.,!" Even In Heath. There is. there ever has been, and most likely always will be a feeling of antagonism between morning and even ing papers, and it is a fact that, even when both papers are tho property of ono person or company, tho forces em ployed will exert themselves to their ut most to get a “scoop” on each other. Tho news was received ono day that tho editor of a great morning daily had com mitted suicide. Tho report camo in snch a manner that the city editor of an after noon sheet felt it advisable to send 4 re porter and get at tho truth of the mat ter. Tho reporter learned, of courso, on his arrival at tho morning paper of fice that he was working on a faiso rumor, but bo thought it would be a good scheme to interview tho editor and see what ho had to say regarding the re port. He entered his room and saw the sup posed suicide seated at his desk. When he had explained his mission the editor snapped ont vehemently, “Well, do 1 look like a man who has committed sui cide?" The reporter waa obliged to de clare that he looked very little like a dead man, whereupon the editor roared ont, “And if I had committed suicide do yon think I would be fool enough to do it in time for an evening paper!-—Chica go Herald. He Changed 111* Htot. A vegetarian of this city has become a flesh eater since he discovered a scientific law that he had not previously been aware of. Ho changed bis mind npon the diet question, and got convinced that meats were among tho proper edibles for mankind after he had been assured by a professor of chemistry that beef, mutton and pork were merely "transformed grass, vegetables and grain.” After pon dering npon this interesting law of chemi cal transformation ho came to the con clusion that vegetarianism, is a doctrine of narrow scope, and he adopted n now dietetic policy, under which ho now en joys tenderloin steaks, lamb chops and fried bacon, not to speak of stewed Idd- ney, pigs’ feet and teto de vsau.—New York Sun. A Cut* Littlo Jap. 1 saw on tho street a little Jap toddling along by tho side of n stoat old Jap, whom I took to bo his father. Tho youngster wore a tunic, or whatever it should bo called, of brilliant blno and knickerbockers green os gross. But tUiw gayoty did not extend beyond his clothes. Tho weight of ages seemed to rest upon his infantilo brow—he could not have been more than 4 years old—and it is certain that bis infuntile legs had bent beneath the burden. Ho was an object of conscious pride on the part of his father, of lively curiosity on the part of pcoplo in the street, and was much more foreign in nppearnnco than any other hnman creature that I have ever seen.— Boston Poet. now to Kill EngUah Ha,leer,. Practically, it is said, tho only way to kill tho English badgers is to stop their “earths” in tho covers nlong the hillside while they nro ont on their midnight foraging expeditions, and then hunt them away with tho hounds; for tho badger, is ono of the craftiest of animals, and often outwits tho dogs. Ho will not touch a poisoned bait, and an old badger, it is said, will “throw" a hundred traps with impunity. To dislodgo tho animals from their retreats, if they once gain tho earth, is next to an impossibility. They are most expert and rapid borrowers.— Youth's Companion. Then the men opened their packages. That of tho black man was found to contain shovels and other implements of labor; the red man's contained bows and arrows, and the wbith man’s small pari cel consisted of pens, ink and tools for fine, light work. From that time on each man mado use of the tools ho had chosen.—Cor. Youth's Companion. New York's Ink Industry. New York is entitled to consideration as tho leading city of tho Union in the manufacture of ink. Fifteen years ago English mk controlled tho market. Since then tho American article has been gradually pushing tho British product out of tho market by its superiority and excellence. There is a great difference between tho wholesale and retail price of the flnid. A littlo bottle of ink con taining two ounces, for which a person pays five cents, costs at tho factory one cent. The bottles are really more valu able than the ink they contain. The beet black ink is mado from the gall nut and iron. The gall nnt is found in Arabia, and is about tho size of a hickory nnt and grows on a small, scrub by oak. A largo majority of the col ored inks are made from tho extracts of coal tar. Tbo most expensive colored ink used for ruling is carmine, mado from the cochineal bag. Tho cochineal bug is raised with much care in Mexico. The dye from this bug is worth $15 u pound. Since cochineal dye is becom ing scarce ink makers are compelled to use an inferior red color from coal tar. The ten different colored inks are all made from tho extract of coal tar. White ink is made for writing on bladk paper, bat tbe demand for it is not very great. —Now York Telegram. Cheap :J[oney! loans Negotiated on City, Town or Farm Property at Bates that Bay Competition! . ' ' / TERMS MOST F VO ABLE. ALL CONDITIONS EASY J. J. HANESLEYy - - AMERICUS. GA. 33 TT G GUESS I will sell you tho best buggy lu Oeorglv, prlco and nuallty considered. He pulring of all kinds solicited, uml executed promptlyand neatly. All work wnrrsnttd. T. S, GREENE. Cotton Aver ue Opposite Prince’* Stables Americus, Georgia. W. R. SCHROEDER. «!■ W. STRICKLAND Formerly with M. F. Holland MTc to. I Fornrerl* with Hunnlcutt* BelUnzralk Itlakta, Oa. I Atlanta, GA. . SoHOEDER & STICKLAND, _ 724 Cotton Avenue, Americus, Ga. imMm Tin, Coppe? and Slset too Wart, bhnMta Cornelia uilms&oo&g A Una Throwing Gun. Another addition to the list of recently invented life saving devices is the shoul der lino throwing gnu, invented by Capt. D'Arcy-lrving, of the English royal navy. The invention consists of a Bhonlder gun, having the cop or coil of line, suspended in a cose, carried under the breech of the gun. A rod is inserted in tho barrel, the fore end of the rod being connected with the end of the line, which is in the center of tho cop. Tho Uae is 144 yards long; and tho chArge of powder used is two drams. Upon the gun being fired at a high elevation the rod is projected'up ward and forward, carrying tho lino trail ing after it. Tho objoet is, of coarse, to land the line over tho ship or other object, the rod dropping behind it. By this means a rope can be mado fast to tho tail end of the lino by the succoring party, and bo battled on board by those in distress. —Now York Commercial Advertiser. A Story of Schiller. A carious incident is handed down from the boyish life of ,Schiller. One day, in a tremendous thunderstorm, the family gathered together in iU disguised terror. But Fritz waa missing, and the father, alarmed for his safety, sought him in vain in all the roomaof the house. Ho went outdoors to sesrch for the truant, and to his surpriso found him perched on a branch of a solitary tree, eagerly watching tho heavena and the flashes which lighted up tho gloom. Ho was wholly indifferent to tbe rain, which had wet him to tho skin, and to thedan- ger he incurred. 'To tho sharp reproof of tho father tho boy replied with a glowing face: “Tho lightning is so beantifnll wished to see where it came from.’’—Boston Herald. tVhy Boy. Are Fond of Nature. HOT AIR HEATING, ETC- .RON SMOKE STACKS.* SPECIALTY. ■ ■ ■■ (O) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS : W« wonlu bo pleased, to give yon estimates on youi Tla, Iron and Cornice work. Wo guarantee all work tnbofirat-olauin every partlcn ar. RlJflna. Cretins and Finals furnished on abort notloe. Wo>lao do Heavy Iron Worklrom 14 to27. Rooflna. Gut- term- Hpoutlnf, ate. luljfthln. AND GET OUR toGMATES AND GIVEtUS A TRIAL- REMOVAL Cook’s Pharmaoy has been removed from Cotton Avenne to the W. J. Slappy comer, on Lee street, (near Artesian well) where I will be pleased to serve yon in Drags, Pat ent! M edioines, G-arden Seeds, Eto. * Respectfully, W. A. COOK, Proprietor THE. D. WATTS —Wloleaie ul Eetill Dealer u— Fine Tobacco, Cigars and Whisky a Specialty! No. m Forsyth and 1004 Let Streets, - - AMERICUS. GEORGIA 1st. H. TO8SEY, THE LEADING D.EALER IN R. F. NEHRING, W. D. Haynes tfc Sosa. 208 Forsyth St., Recorder BUlidlng. AMERICUS, GA m-mjtuk XOdNooo iBsuset Lumbeifaold.on Installments. Her Howard. Pretty Aspirant—What most I do to win fame os an actress? The Dramatist—Study hard for abeut five years, day and night; work your way up for five more and then P. A. (breathlessly)—And then? The Dramatist—And then yoq may be asked to sign a soap testimonial, or get your picture In the tobacco stores.— Pittsburg Bulletin. Seventy-fivo thousand baskets hold 15,000,000 oysters. Multiply that by 243, the number of days in the oyster season, and wo havo the enormous amount of 8,030,000,000 oysters eaten in the metropolitan district every year. Besides this the oystermen my that tbe local traffic uses nearly one-third as mdfiy clams in the conrso of a year, or 1,310,000,000.—New York Letter. Tbe inventor of the gatling gun, Dr. Galling, of Hartford, Conn., is con* atantly busy with plans and new inven tions, though lie is now qnite an eld. man. He has a handsome residence on Charter Oak Hit!, and there is • largo workshop on his grounds wherehe spenda apart of nearly every day with his diagrams and The greatest distance ever recorded, at _ which Hie sound of cemmn has been —ULtf 'Zjerarasrs aPswanse.— - hoanlwas on Dec. 4..1832,,when the can- REPRESENTS THE SAFEST AID STRONGEST COMPANIES IN Hit WORLt. Insurance Placed on City and Country Property. * Office on Jackson Street, two doors north of Telegraph Office. - rachtMAwtl BUILDERS’ SUPPLY CO. OHOUSES FOR RENT^AND SALE ^ON THE INSTALL- Now iRoat = —Vacant lota lotjsaleon lima. W! I have often read in stories of boys who were fond of nature, and loved her sub limity and beauty, but I do not believe boys are ever naturally fond of nature. They want to make use of the woods and fields and rivers; and when they become men they find these aspects of nature endeared to them by association, and so they think they were dear for their own sakee, but the taeto for nature is a* purely acquired as the taste’Cor poetry or the taste for tom* toes. I have often seen boys wondering at tho rainbow, but it waa wonder, not admiration, that moved them; end I have seen them excited by a storm, but because tho storm waa tre mendous, not because it waa beautiful. —W. D. Howells. Corporation. Wars Ever the Soma, “Corporations havenosoola"isamnch older expression than most people im agine. It originated with Str Edward Coke, who in the Sixteenth century waa considered one of the best legal writers cftfcwagn. He says, in-one of his treat- ises, l< Qprpqjm|aicommittees- pass, nor bo outlawed, nor excommqni- cated^forthoy have no aonla."—Detroit It is a curious and tweipHcalrlo thing that a- cigarette or a pipe will spoil the flavor of tho bett cinr that wts-ever; made. All smokers areawere ofthWl A man with a dg»ret4a.can spoil effort of fifty cigar amntamt,-aryl strong tobacco wfllrtdn tee every cigar within reach. Tabaccoi Gigars * Liquors, Sole Aieit or tle^tnted oil "Qib Sinu” dt COTTON FAVENUE. * - • - * • - AMERICUS, GA • " — J — 1 r . ==== ^ 1 '. 88 Jttboi Street, Under Alla Hub | ’AMERICUS, GA. LIGHT BREAD A ^PECIALTXJ^gj Orta to to of tS ttktafr IU I Country Merchants supplied with bread at winiiemde prices. R.L.MpLEOD & a .rCALEBSlN- FANCY STAPLE GROCERIES. SHOES, AHISKIES. CIGARS AND TOBACCO A SPECIALTY