Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 18, 1890, Image 4

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V^ ERfc ^ Recorder W. L. OLGSSNER, t : Editor. Offielal Organ of Sumter Oonntj. Official Organ of Webiter County. THURSDAV. DECEMBER 18 1890 The AHERIOUS Rxcordeb la pubtlsned Dally and Weekly, during the year. The Dailt Rxcordeb Is issued every morning except Kondayi, during the year, at 50c per month, or n.oo per year. The Wbsklt Bhoobdeb la luued every Friday morning, at tl 00 per year payable In advance. It baa the largeet circulation any paper In Sooth west Georgia, circula ting largely In the countlea of Sumter, Lee, Terr*: ■ Stewart, Webater, Schloy. Marlon’ Dooly and Wlloox. Entered at Amerloua Poat-Ofllceaaaecond a’.aaa matter. All commnnloatlona ataould be addreaaed to AMBBIOtTS PUBLISHING CO. COMMISSIONER FORT. An announced In an extra edi tion of Tiie Recorder yesterday, Judge Alleh Fort has been appoint, ed Railroad Commlailoner to cue- Are Ton In Need r Are you In need of good adviee? Do you Buffer from palpitation of the heart; have you epelle of dlzzl- ness; do you feel lUtlesa, and do WANTI Trr s T.i JL tom y° u frequently get tired without ceed Col. A. 8. Erwin, whose term | cgufle gi exertlon? Do you guffer from rheumatlim, neuralgia, and , , . .. ... , ,, other mysterious and uneccounta- pleased a majority of the people of bgc / MhM an<1 palDg llmbB Georgia In this eppo ntment, for >nd boneB? Do fee , 8 . r. u : r ' y t: A MERRY CHRISTMAS, expires next October. Gov. Northen has undoubtedly the office. As has been stated be fore, It was through hts instrumen tallty that tbe railroad commission bill was pushed through tbe Legis lature. Up to that time no effort had been made to put a check on and do your dreams disturb you? Are you excitable and does your heart beat unevenly, sometimes hardly beating at all aud at other times thumping I'ke an engine? Do you worry over little things? Z»;=r kidneys disordered id To the Augusta Chronicle: It Railroad Commissioner Fort, Shake! Mayor Felder, here’s to your seventh term! May It be as pros perous as your other six. South and Southwest Georgia cau now have an opportunity to see a real, live, railroad commissioner. The editors are now preparing for Christmas, and begging for any thing like' wood, chiokens, eggs and turkeys. Amerlous extends thanks to the Columbus Enquirer-Sun, Macon Telegraph, Brunswick Times, Sa vannah News, Cordele |Cordelean and many other papers In South and Southwest Georgia for favoring, the appointment of Judge Fort as Railroad Commissioner. What other olty In Georgia oan boast of a Mayor just entering bis seventh term, with as many pub lic improvements as Amerlcus has, with as fine publlo schools, and as prosperous a olty, with a debt con siderably less than $76,000? But that Is tbe Mayor Amerlous can boast of in Mayor Felder. DIRECTOR GOULD. The prospeotlve eleotion of Jay Gould or his representative as a dl reotor of the Central road has not excited the State press as much as The Recorder supposed. .We look for a violent onslaught, to which the terms'*rallroad wrecker,” “robber," "thief,” etc., would be used very liberally. On the con trary, the State press seem in cllned to the opinion that It will be avery good thing for the Central to have Mr.Gould In Its directory, In asmuch as be oan give that road a great amount of business that now goes to other roads. It Is said that Mr. Gould proposes to make some sweeping reductions In the expenses of the road, and will do away with many useless traveling passenger agents, solici tors, brokers, and the like, and also discontinue the praetlce of compe tition between the different roads of the Terminal system. If this polioy Is carried out It will hurt uo one but a tew individuals who fatten at the expense of tbe jealousy of tbe offloers of the dif ferent Terminal lines. It will not inoreaso freight rates, but, on the contrary, enable the roads to give better service for the same rates, as then their attention will be wholly given to legitimate business, and not to turning business from the channel it would naturally seek It Is rathsr early tu the day, though, to make a prediction as to the effect of Mr. Gould's polioy on the people who use the Terminal roads as carriers, but If bis plans as mentioned are carried out, It will mean Increased business and greater revenue for his lines, and better servlce’for the people ,at no increase In the tales. In order to bring the matter before the Legislature In Its best light, Judge Fort had thoroughly studied the question, and when his bill was made a law he followed Its enforce ment with a great deal of interest; and, outside of the commissioners and railroad men themselves, is probably the best posted man In the State on railroad legislation Then, too, the three commls- . ____ . sloners have always been residents | GLOVER S OPERA HOUSE of the Northern portion of Georgia, your liver Inactive? Are you troubled with Indigestluu and con stipation? Are you annoyed by any urloary difficulty? Do you want to be cured of all such weak ening ailments? Then use Dr. John.Bull’s Sarsaparilla. It will make you strong and perfect In every part. -GO TO- mmm Little Mardre’s BOOK STORE Where you will find an elegant and carefully selected stock from which to choose. His goods are all new and of the most elegant aud novel styles while In tbe past- few years South and Southwest Georgia has led in railroad development. This por tion of the State has many Inter ests to be protected by the commis sion, and not one of the commis sioners are thoroughly acquainted with these Interests. All these considerations proba bly weighed with Gov. Northen In his appointment, and The Re corder Is satisfied that Judge I 8opported bjr the golden Gats Qnortette Fort will make such a commission — ’ er as will thoroughly satisfy even the most critical. Friday - and - Saturday, DEC. 19th and 20th. | AND - SATURDAY - MATINEE. RETURN OF CH vRMING I Hattie Bernard Chase and her favorite company of FRIDAY EVENING LITTLE COQUETTE. SATURDAY MATINEE, UNCLE’S DARLING. Mutual Building and Lota Association. Installment No. 29, series one, and No, 18, series two, will be due and payable at my office on Thurs day, 18th Inst. All who do not pay | SATURDAY NIGHT, by 8 o’clock p. m. of that day will be subject to a fine of ten cents on eaoh and every dollar then unpaid. Tbe funds of both series will be of-1 fered for sale at 7 o’clock sharp,. Thursday night, at the council ohamber (old Court House.) Lott Wabren, Secretary A Treasurer. Everything new—Songs, Dances, Duetts, Quartetts, Banjo Solos,Etc. PBICES AS USUAL. Maddox, Rucker A Co., bankers, of Atlanta, announoe that they are advanolng money on cotton and supplying their customers as usual with money. What a land office business they could do If they would move to Amerloua just now! [ Fresh Sauer Kraut. I have just received a fresh lot of | Hue Hauer Kraut. It Is fine. A. J. Buchanan. ^Special Matinee Saturday for Ladles and Children, at popu lar prices 73 Si CD “i CD That "Tired Teellng.” The newspapers are having a good deal of fun nowadays over that “tired feeling,” eo mnqb spoken of in medical advertisements, in con nection with the ill-health of fe males. It may be a source of hil arity to witty paragrapbers, bqt not so to suffering women, who, by overwork, and a disregard of the lawa of health, have lapsed lhto a condition bordering on Invalidism Wbat most women need is to be re lieved of some of the slavish, work that Is piled on them, and a free, bnt jndlolna nse of strengthening •noh as P. p. p. (Prickly Ash, Poke ' Root and Potaaslnm), the gngtest blood pnrlfler and inrlgoratcr In tiee. Superb as a builder up of women, bringing back lost energy fb%be tody, and color to Hided cheeks, restoring the appetite, and thus renewing In her that healthy vitality long lost. P. P. P. earn, all blood diseases, snob as all ulcerous affections, _ qolsbing that melancholy enemy of man, Dyspepsia. All druggists mUIL ' - Letter List. The following unclaimed letters will be sent to dead letter office If not called for In ten days. Mention advertised letters when calling for | at office: A—Arthur Adams, Dslla An. chrom, W L Armsby, William Arnett. B-J Blanza, William Bell, Bole j Black, Harry Berry. C—Elmira M Cane. Stetam Clark, Mrs Susan Cozz. F—Gus Field, Lobor Fittan. I>—Jim Dean, col; E M Duke. F—Milas Felton, H J Fletoher. G—H Goring, L E Grant. H—Mrs Estell Hill, Mr Holloway, M rs Mollle Hook, Dr F B Hoi- souboke, J J L Howard. J—John Jackson, Tom Jerry, Cul len Jackson, Georgann John son, Mrs Mollle Joiner, Miss | 8alla Jones, Mrs Hannah Johnson. K—Dout V Kaylor. L—John Loromore, Elbert Lewis, col; Arthur Levy, O B Loppen- oapt, Martin Luper. M—L Mossot, W V Miller, K B Mackeya. P—John A Pritchard, w—C L Hanford, Miss Fenzle Rown, Jaok Rutherford. 8—Mr M Sperry, W R Striokland, J D Sprig, Mrs Jennie Stewart. T—George Tomelson, Oil Taylor. W-WT Wilson, Dalphls Wilson, C J Wilson, George M Wood ford, Collo Ware, J F Warren, WaHa Walla Tin Co, AUen Whaley. * J. C. Roney, P. M. Best Amerlcus Boclsl Club. The above club has been organ ized In East Amerlous, by the young ladles and gentlemen of that portion of the city, assisted by sev erer young men and ladles from town, they meet once a month. Their entertainments are not only Interesting ar.d instructive but are .elevating anti quite commendable. East America Is one of the most -pleasant portions of the city, com posed of some of oar best people. The Recorder wishes the olnb a prosperous and enjoyable reign, and we-are at their service on all occasions. ..Jure have an elegant line of Christ- was presents. Jambs Fbicker a Bbo. Brown's Iron Bitten sons Pisucjutts, as sod Gescnl Debility. , side Digestion, tones thr. sppsjtta IteliStaSjje i, weak wonea sad shUdna, CD < CD CD P 3 7T P 3 Q. 2 CD O 3- P 3 «*e rih > 3 CD 2 o c Oi Ow O g Z, OQ 2 s Dl 9- <f> rn Os zt □ § Dl? cl O o§ r 1 CO o Qi Hf Dl K o s • s » CD 9 H 09 Books of any and aU Kinds. Bibles of all styles, Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, sheep binding aud Indexed, at $4.8 . Works of standard authors in sets, such as Shakespeare, Dickens, Bulwer, 1 hackery, Hir Walter Scott. Mrs. McKevier, and many others. Also choice aeries for children in sets. Political, works in abundance an J at prices ranging from tbe cheapest to tbe Quest. Picture and story books for tbe little folks. A beautiful Hue of booklets. Albums, etc., etc. Plush Goods of every Description. Manicure Sets, CollaEand Cuff Boxes, Traveling rases, etc. A magnificent line of Papetries. Portfolios! Ink Stands, etc., etc. Pictures! Pictures I! Pictures 11! OH paintings, steel engravings, Artotypes, Pastels, etc. Also an elegant assortment of easels and plot* nre frames. A fine lot of Bisque figures, flowerpots, etc., mirrors of all sizes end styles. Christmas Cards. The most elaborate stook ever brought to Amerlous. Prloes range from ten cents to three dollars apiece. Dolls from the largest to the smallest, and at prices ranging from fire cents to ten dollars. Dolls, Dolls, Dolls. From tbe smallest to tbe largest, and at prices ranging from five oents to ten dollars. Toys, Toys, Toys. Doll Carriages, Velocipedes. Hobby Horses, Express Wagons, eto. In fact, anything and everything In liape of a toy. Be sure not to purchase your Christmas presents until you have called and examined the magnificent display or Christmas goods ever shown in this city. the shape most Little Mardre, 105 and 107 FOKSYTH STREET, AMERICUS. GEORGIA CALL ON vj Thornton Wheatley, w 4 0 X SUFFERERS • :OFi Youthful Errors Lost Manhood, Early Decay, eto., etc., can secure a home treatise free by addressing a fellow sufferer, C. w. Leek, P. O. Box 816, Roanoke, Virginia. New Boarding House BOARDERS WANTED. I ban opened a new Cixt-etsee boarding hone at Dr. Hail’a residence, opposite Lockett’s livery Stable, on Lamar street. Board with or without lodging, at cheap ntra. Matliftrtlon pirntwt Call early* O.W.HORN. Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc. WHEATLEYS CORNER, 423, 425 and 427 JACKSON STREET All Electric Cars Stop at Wheatley’s Comer, . . 'K - TELEPHONEj No- 18 I ini