Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 19, 1890, Image 8

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ON CHRISTMAS COODS -atthk- Two weeks more of the • •••• Recorder ^■Sorg^ PERSONALS FOR TEN DAYS ONLY We went money—you want good*. Give i list of goods suitable for meal!. We herewith present a partial Christmas Presents. and you will benefit yonr pocket, therefore yourself, by stopping at onr store and »e* totting presents for your loved ones. It is as easy to give a useful article as one which is a matter of ornament only and of short duration. A nice dress makes an useful present; so does a plush or cloth wrap, a trunk, a bax of socks or stockings, a'pair of gloves, a pair of btaokefs, a suit or overcoat, a smoking Jacket, n pair of fine dres shirts, silk handkerchiefs aod mufflers, hand painted table scarfs, a nice necktie and hundreds of other articles we carry in stoek. Two special purchases for Christmas trade: No. 1 is 60 dozens of lovely styles In Handkerchiefs of every description and prise; ranging from 2Jtfc# to |L50 each. No 2.100 811k Umbrellas, the prettiest assortment of new styles you ever saw. Gold and silver heads, natural sticks, cherry wood handles, etc. It will positively do you good to see them. You are very cordially invited to ex amine our offerings; you will receive polite and prompt attention, an l if yon see noth ing to salt you, we shall not expect yon to buy. Will you take the trouble to give us a trial? Respectfully, A. JIIflGK & GO. PROPRIETORS OF THE Bee - Hive. 20 cts pound L. L. Raisins. 10 ct« pound best Currants. 25 ots pound beat Citrous. 16 to 20 ota pound be.t Prnnea. 25 ota pound Seedless Raisins. 20 cts pound best Atmans. 20 cts pound best Walnuts. 20 cts pound best Brazils. 16 ots pound best Filberts. 25 to 40 cts dozen for Oranges. 20 cts pound Mallga Grapes. 05 to 76 cts peck Apples. 1000 Cocoanuts cheap. Canned Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Pine Apples, Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, cheaper than any house In South west Georgia. Call on ns. Joiner & Nicholson. COTTON MARKET. Amehicus. Ga., Dec. 18,1890. Following Is the number of bales of cotton received up to date in this olty: Received to-day 324 Received previously 49,734 Total 49,038 We quote: Rood Middling 0 Middling Low Middling S Market quiet. Hettle Bernard Chase to-nigbt. Slippers! Blippersll There la nothing more suitable for Christmas presents than a pair of those elegant toilet (Uppers tor gentlemen, at Williford, Matthews & Co. [A-y arrival or departure of friends will be greatly appi eclated by the city editor If given to blm.l Mrs. C. A. Bell baa about recov ered from her recent sickness. Miss NitaTharpe.of BnenaVlsta, arrived in the city yesterday on a visit to friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Maynard left yesterday for Forsyth, where they will spend the holidays. Miss Viola Bell has returned home, and is sick with fever. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Maurice Dultali, of 'teudnl & Del tab, Savannah, and vice-presi dent of the Havanuah Grocery Co., Is In the city. Conductor E. N. Wood, of the S. A. M. road, wife and child, left yesterday for Mt. Sterling, Ky., where they will spend the holi days. If J Just received a handsome line of Ladles and Gents Solid Ool.l Wstehes.1 ba> Ju.tree.lved a large line of Jewelry for the Holiday trade. eonalsUng of LadteeanS Gents Vest Chains In extra plate and dltod. Lace Pins, Curt and Collar Buttons, Charms, of all description, and muny Other things too numerous to mention. Remember «ma large line of Jewelry was shipped to me for holiday trade, and what la not sold wl returned and will make prices very close. JAS. T. cotney; Fleetwood and Russell Corner, Americus, Ca. EVERYTHING FOli THE LITTLE ONES, AT KIND WORDS. As Mr. Glessner Is absent Asheville, N. C., attending the iur migration convention, The Recou der takes the liberty of publishing the following; Georgia would be a heap better off if she bad a few more Major W. L. Glessners. Such men are e great help to the State.—Darien Timber Gazette.] The Times heart ily indorses the two sentences fore going. Major Glessner Is one of the most valuable oitlzeos Georgia ever had.—Brunswick Times. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOB TAX COLZiBOTOB. A New Lodge. A number of ourMasonio citizens will go down to DeSoto this even ing to assist in organising a new lodge at that place. Vf=It is our utmost desire to begin the New Year with clean books ; hence we res pectfully but earnestly request a settlement of ALL ACCOUNTS DUE US WE AKE OK THE TOP ROUND GARTERS Hettle Bernard Chase as a banjo- lit and dancer, remember, is hard to excel. Off On a Hunt. Messrs. F. F. Putnam and John Cobb, Jr., left yesterdaj afternoon for Cobb’s station, and will spend several days in hunting on the plantation. Of course they will have great luck. Personal Liberty Phyelcal Slavery. We are all free American citizens, enjoying our personal liberty; but most of us are In phyelcal slavery, suffering from scrufula, salt rheum or some other form of Impure blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the great blood|pnrlfler which dissolves the bonds of disease, gives health and perfect physical liberty. A Lsrge Hawk. One of the largest hawks ever seen here was exhibited by a negro yesterday. It measured 8 feet and 11 Inches from lip to tip. The bird was not dead, and was as fierce as an eagle. A little boy came too near and was elawad clear through hla clothes, drawing the blood and a loud yell. P. L. HOLT, ■ .lRAT.FR in BUGGIES, WAGONS, AND HABNESS. Will duplicate Allan- * andMaccn Prices in xJjatoTTiis. Ctmsnt A7 LAMAR STREET, Will duplicate any OMS of laur os Prices given in the state. Handles the Btnds- baksr Wagon AMERICUS, GEORGIA, WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DEALER IN T’OLABS ICK. mm mm m AYO’S GEORGIA BEEF MARKET. X, of H. Notice. Thera will be a meeting of the Enlgbta of Honor at 7 o’clock to- nigbt. A large attendance is de sired, as It la the annual eleotlon of oflloera for the enauing year, and other builneaa of importance. By order of H. D. Watts, Dictator. D. K. Bbikbom, Reporter. for the office of Tax Collector of Humter county, for the next two enxulng years. My candidacy lx subject to the action of the Democratic primary ifonels held. Respectfully, John Bins. We are authorized to announce Mr. DICK WINDSOR as a candidate for Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic prt« mary, if one be held. J. B. DUNN Announces himself a candidate for the of fice of Tax Collector of Humter county, at the ensuing January election, subject to action of primary election. Pec. 6, primary t years of my Iff. with tbs good pcoplo of the county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the oirce of Tax Collector eubjeotto the Democratic nomination. Stihiiw W. Small. We are authorlxed to announce Mr. P. V. WESSON as n candidate for Tax Col lector, subject to the Democratic party pri mary. If any Is held. I hereby announce myrclf a candidate during the ensuing term of two years, for the omce of Tax Collector of Sumter coun ty, subject to the ratification ot the Demo cratic primary, soon lo be held. If elected, my principal oceistant will be Mr. Jlmmlo Forlow, now a minor. My candidacy la In tbe Interest of ble fathers family. They shall rectlve the perquisites of the office, and It la Id obedience to their expressed desire tbat I have consented te askthesaffiragesofthe people, who Major Fnrlow loved eo long, and among whom I have spent the twenty-live years of my married 1" " "— Mkhrel CALI.AWAX. t the Kkcokdkr < l few building lots And hooaee for ton Installment plan. • S. M. Cohan, Real state Agent. W ANTED—An active, reliable man—sal ary 170 to 130 month)f. with Increase, to represent In hie own eectloo a reaponal- York. Beautiful Storea. Daring holiday!, and at night, when hundred* of light* are ueed, the fine etoree In Barlow Blook pre sent a beautiful appearance. Dr. Eldrldge’i, Friokers, Mr*. Elams, Ed. Aneley’s, and A. Mack A Co., all togather, present a lint appear ance. Snoh store rooms are credit to any olty. The Bee Blve displayed yester day one of the prettieit show win dows ever seen In Amerleu*. And it waa the work of Ed Haynes. It showed splendid taate, and was fixed In a most artletlo manner. Ed to yonng, and this work puts him down as possessing great talent in this line. He is a bright hoy, and to bound to make a big auoeese. Chtoken Thieves. Chloken thieves have been put ting In some lively work recently, and many ot our eltlsenahave gons to their coops during the past few mornings to find it empty, or a ma jority of the ohlok* or turkey* they were fattening for Christmas were taken away. Mr*. W. W. Guerry had a fine .lot Wednesday night. Yesterday she etUl had a line lot, but sixteen leu than she had tbe night before. A plank had been torn from the chtoken hones,- and tbe thief had carried off all he could manage. Others have been reported, and it looks as if an epldemio of chicken stealing has struck the city. Hettie BeraardjOhase In tha “Liu Ua Coquett” to-night. TAX NOTICE. On the 20th of thta month (December) the Tax Booke of Humter County will be closed, ae prescribed by law. Owing to theshort- neae of the time 1 will be nnimle to visit fta person any place of bull ness, and mast ask Interested to come to the offlee. Mkbbbl Callaway. Tax Collects? every one 1 CHANGE OF BASF. My Beal Estate and Insurance ..ffleeie now at tha Tax Collector’s office it the new Court House, where I wilt be ,ladte serve my frlende as usoal. Mhrrbl Calls w * r, Real Estate and Insuranc- * gent For Sale. •5* aeres—One of the moat durable homes and farms In the Ylelnlty ot a mart ens, 6 miles from Amsrleus. Healthful local Ity, good Improvements, church am B rivlleges convenient. Bents this ; halts of cotton, besides a roar-hot rv«U) uu nutvu »uo uwuut • _ make tbls year about IS bales of cot tun and 1,300 bushels of corn. Lands mnaliy level bushels of corn. Lands mostly and easily cultivated; with araUmed flag station on 8. and W. railroad. I think one of the mosU-tf not the most—proUuoUve terms nsar Amerleu. G UABDI tS’o 8 & A I^W.uv,.Comrev. Agreeable to an order horn the Honora ble Court ot Ordinary of Wabater County, will be sold before the court bouse door, b I Preston, Georgia, said county, on the first Tuesday In January next, between the legal honra of sale, by Taos. A. Coleman, Guard ian of HenrpT., Wlllla T.. Mildred B„ Ed ward J„ and George D. Coleman, heirs of Martha D. Coleman, deceased: Lot of land TUOS. A. OOUUtAV, Preston, Ga., Dec. 8,1880. Guardian. BUTLERS BERRY’S ARTESIAN CORNER. China Dolls. Linen Dolls Wax Dolls Bisque Dolls Kid Dolls Dressed Dolls Sleeping Dolls Rubber Dolls Musical Dolls Doll Shoes Doll Trunks Doll Wash Straw Sets Doll Carriages Doll Furniture Toy Wash Sets Toy Tea Sets Toy Kitchen Sets Toy Stove Sets Toy Pianos Toy Violins Toy Metalophone Toy Castors Toy Banks Toy Drums Toy Pistols Toy Houses Toy Nosh’s Arks Toy Stables Toy Hand Organs Toy Soldier Sets Toy Trains Toy Tin Wagons Toy Tin Animals Toy Fur Animals Toy Watches Toy Butterfly Toy Sword Toy Canes Toy Whips Christmas Books all kinds prices and sizes Games: Crokinole New Bagatelle Fish Pond Teddledy Winks Lotto Dominoes Checkers Card Games, 15 kinds Parcheesea Ring ToB9 Graces Surprise Boxes Childs Knife, For and Spoon Paints Barnyard Sets Glass Marble Jumping Jacks Flying Jennies Bellows Toys «Mappers Kaleldes Cope Ten Pins Tool Chests Maglo Lanterns Sboofly Horses. Wheel Barrows Wagons Chairs for Children Rockers Chinese Lanters Horns Buggies Becollect when you want Presents for Young or Old, either for Amusement, Ornament or for use—recollect that “We are the peo ple.” Butler tfc? Berry. ARTESIAN CORNER, - - LEE and LAMAR STS 320 Lamar Street, TELEPHONE 52. ARGO & ANDREWS. Fancy - and - Family - Groceries, at.t. FEESII. CAHNED GOODS: Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Pineapples, Tomatoes, Beans, Sweet Corn. All at Bottom Prices Cigars a Specialty. Confections, Crackers, Lunch Milk Biscuit. Best Cream Patent Flour. Maguolla and Gold Band Hams, All Goods Delivered at your Door. Open to receive orders from 5 a. m. to 7 p. m. -CALL AND SEE- I J". -W- 3VLIZE, He At bis new quarters on Cotton Avenue, under Hawkins House. , keeps the finest Wines, Whiskies. Cigars, Etc., Etc. in town. He always bas*on tap kegs of the Famous Cools. Beer. The BEST Beer ever sold In Americut. Fancy Drinks at Lowest Living Prices I He keeps nothing but flrst-clsis goods, and don’t eharge fancy prices far them. GIVE ME A CALL. Xmas is Coming i Is Ready for Tour Trade. QonQ Wl BAR;AND ESTAURANT, UflllU UUUbl _ W/T.RAGAN,Proprietor. No. 807 Xaamar Street. My Ratoon Is fttrmsaed with tha bast Wines, Brandies, Ram, Gin and 1 that ean be bought for tbs cash. anything you wanYto drink trom I a(SaasS’^Rokni( , |lk P or l B»sr to < tba # Fln«*t*a WbUky-Sour in Amsricns. My Restaurant la supplied with tbs best the an pleas# tha moat fastidious. B. T- N OT T(M)EBTORS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA—Webster County: All parties indebted to the estate of W. H. D. Dlsmnkes, deceased, are requested to come forward and par the same, and those holding claims against aald estate win please present them In terms of the law. ^ GEO. B. THORNTON, Admr. Oct. 14,1W0. 6w FI AND lIFE REPRESENTS THE SAFEST A4D STRONGEST COMPANIES IN THR WOflflC. Insurance Placed on City and Country Property. i Office on Jackson Street, two doors north ot Telograph Office. mchlSdAwtf -E* —0‘TO12ST Also Walt and Plescriptioaica***, Chests, Barber Furniture, Ji * & Stools. Cabinet Work of on -Atds. Complete Outfits for, IS. Catalogue tree. AiWrev, ATLANTA SHOW r 1A8K CO..