Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 20, 1890, Image 7

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OQQHT TO REION DORINQ NOLI DATS You cau secure peace by clothing, yourself comfortably and neatly, and we have plenty of clothing with which to do it. You now have the opportunity of selecting from the larg est stock of Clothing ever piled up under one roof in Southwest Georgia, and as we have more goods than money, we are determined to swep goods for dollars, even if we have to cut down the prices to do so.—U'e mean business.and tlv-it is the reason why you are asked to call and examine i« where you ca»» always find !h You can select a very handsome and useful Christinas present from our stock of Umbrellas, Walking Canes, Satchels, Trunks, Cent’s Jewelry. Kid Gloves. SilK Hdk’fs, ? ii.. Mufflers, Suspenders. Hosiery, of Jiooth and »s linen In iheclty. We keep tin? j/iindn of all h udin;; mak ers, nidi n» EDWIN <\ BURT, New York. HOUGH A FORD, Und,ester. N\ Y. DRE’V, SHELBY & CO., Portsmouth, O. For pHvaoioA of all hgv- and Mzee. The Goods Fit the fV*-t and the Prices Kit thw Pocket. WHOLESALE *SS RETAIL HAHHOTli STOCK OF CHILDRENS HEN'S YOUTHS’ BOT5 ; Ladi s, Misses a-d Children /cun find u our stock a perfect tit in nil elu.'M-n of Hhoi.-., While we keep the beer, »•(.• u!-o keep the medium grades ut very low prices ho wcaro eitahiw? to fir every, foot and pnr<-e. We would tall the especial atten tion of the ladlflH to our MARK? health Underwear 7/m\ of the latest and neatest ttylas In black and bronze. They are the prettiest thing* out. In tide lino we <•: passed, as we handh brand?, and can - 'i'" and prices. Men’s furnishing Goods. Wo have tlie largest and most complete line In this department ever shown In Americus. iu Shirts. We have Flue Dress Shirts, of a all the beet makes, Flannel Shirts, ' Working Shirts. Whilo in Collars and Cutis We have the V & W imported, and ill other leading makes in all the latest Shapes stud novelties. Neckwear The largest and handsomest line of Neckties, Four-In-Hand, Scarf* and a. now device in tie* that makes them the handsomest and bsapest In the market. TH£ • LGflDinC s. U MAKE.JOR kkadies It is getting cold, and now of all times you want an OVERCOATJ OVERCOATJ have not been forgotten, and they can find Hhooi of all »i*eB and* styles, kb well u»i prices# W« prld® ourselves that we can fit all and please all. And yon may as well get one that has some style about it, as it will cost you no more than you have heretofore paid for a poor one- be supplied with handsome can and serviceable -footgear, without bankrupting Ihelr parents. ■> “The Haberdasher and Outfitter 117 Forsyth Street. • Onr stock of hats is complete, embracing all the, latest and. beat atylea of the most celebrated mak ers, . . k Derby’s j| Stetson’s Soft, Fine Crush, John R. Shaw 119 Forsyth .St. of the Eagle Shoe fritore. * flHERKKlS.QA. The Champion Clothier. Haberdasher, Hatterjand Proprii 119 FORJTTH ST.