Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 21, 1890, Image 3

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Loans Negotiated on City. Tom or Farm' Property at Rate that' limy Competition! TERMS MOST FVOABLE ' ALL CONDITIONS EASY J. J. HANESLEY, - - AMERICUS, GrA. It I* That It Bo Bead by »• Bniiad Mother. ud tbs Bard Hearted laMm. [Special. Correspondence. 1 New York, Dec. 18.—This latter Is for the perhaps, the Midst In .BTJGGI I will Mllyou the bs»t buggy In Georg 1 j,*price And quality considered. Repairing of aU kinds solicited, and executed promptly and neatly. All work warranted. I TVS. GREENE. Cotton Avon - ” - Oppo»ite Prince’s Stables Americus, Georgia. W^f!. 8CHROEDER. Kormerlrwlth M. F. Hollaed STtw. UURi, a A. 0- W. STRICKLAND fc'onrer). with Ilannlcutt A "Relllngratb ATLANTA, OA. SCHOEDE & STICKLAND, 724 Cotton Avenue, Anwicus, Ga. jfen&ctum Us, Coppn and Sheet Iron Wue, BalinW to toiM.Iiaud Iron Booing HOT AIR HEATING, ETC- .RON SMOKE STACKSiA SPECIALTY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS : on 701 tana" Rpontlng, ate. )a gALL AND GET.OUR La.1 MATES AND GIVEOUS A TRIAL- REMOVAL Cook’s Pharmacy has been removed from Jotton Avenue to the W. J. Slanpy comer, on Lee street, (near Artesian well) where I will be pleased to serve yon in. Drugs, Pat- ent]Medicines, Garden Seeds, Etc. W. A. COOK, Proprietor r 33. WATTS —wtolesale til MU Dealer u— fine Tobacco, Cigars and Whitky a Specialty! ' No, 303 Forsyth and 1004 Lee.Streets, • • AMKKICUS.^GEORCIIA U. XX. JOSSBY, THE LEADINGI DEALER IN Tobacco, Cigars m Liquors, sale Amt or tie ceebrated Old ■‘flam Spmr Keiticlr Wllikr. for the yonng lx else need read It . mothers who may have to assistin the persuading of the hard hearted fathers, who from some cause or other nearly al ways hare -to he persuaded that such gowns are absolutely oeeMMiy, and these four lovely gowns an for the par- SgS?£!SSSSSSu WATCHES. DIAMONDS. Ml 8* ml fleW ton, Mj, Ma, Hub ud Up. .hanj»‘».^^^ graved free. JAMES FRICKER S Harlow block cs, OA 01 COTTON AVENUE. - AMERICUS JP R. F. NEHRINO, PROPRIETOR. lactsoD street, Daier Alin Boost tAMERICUS, QA. BAKERY! LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY 1 Ordn te Calm of a&^Badi Frositi; FilU I hUudtolhptaiit&k Country Merchants supplied with bread at wholesale prices. R. L. McLEOD & CO., ..MAKERS IK— FANCY & STAPLE GROCERIES. SHOES. ETC. WHISKIES. CIGARS AND TOBACCO A SPECIALTY a£so, pnMvr-csLtjum eas spiled with the Rest Riaads of Liquors, Bisndles, Wines, Beer, Ete. Forsyth Street, Under tsm Opera Hopes, : AMERICUS OA REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. iffSff TOome"eaeh; b fo2r»iu5 eaeh. !xeuim on College HU1, large lot HOxJTb, fronting two streets. The pret- Jeeheenetreel.HwrtMptheCotles*. Large lot,5 rooms(o the fBm5SJtt%lyl£wr hones with cop* room end hath loose attached 1 , nice out hooee end ^ HTTGH M. BROWN, 705 Jackson St. • Hlteen Shares Pnrnltnre Kactore Btoelr for Bel* Americus Qa. 1 ■■■j v |gg 300 acres of Pine Tlmb«r Lat»d. Railroad runs through'it. Price v ito acres of land and - timber two miles flora railroad. Price *4 per acre. Large Saw-mill and fixtures. 2,600 acres timber lands. A For further particulars call on or address / XW. ~r> TTaynstB cfc Son. tr Buildluir. AMERICUS, OA. uuc vkiliko Aim cssar colored RATO. ties that the season always brings, and they have the merit of being simple, in expensive, easily made'and exceedingly pretty and stylish. No. 1 is a lilac turn’s veiling fora Titian blonde made with a plain round skirt, rather fall in the hack breadths and scanty in the front. Around the bottom is a flill of cream colored Span ish lace, headed by bows and festoons of cream satin ribbon. The waist is al most plain, with an inset and jabots of lace. The sleeves era plain, puffed and trimmed with bows and loops of the ribbon. Cream colored gloves complete the whole, which Is admirably pretty and youthful. This same design could be followed out in pure white or in any other odor more becoming, and in any plain surfaced material. Satin is just now very fashionable again, and it oonld be made of that m*» terial. Another very handsome evening dress can he made very economically by using cheap brocaded satin, made np with an interlining of cotton batting, which gives it all the appearance of the richest goods. The gown in the illustration has a princess back with deml-train, while the front opens over a simulated petti coat of white laoe, caught in a graceful draping with a true lover's knot of corn colored velvet to match the brocade. There are two decided little panniers. The front is open V shaped, audit has lace sleeves with tufts of corn colored ostrich tips. Marabout tips would be even prettier. A charming evening or dancing dress for a yonng lady is of pale pink surah, made with a rose plaiting at the foot of the skirt and a sash of the same, with a butterfly bow at each sash end. A pretty drapery forms a bertha aronnd the neck, and the sleeves are caught np to the top of the shoulders with a bow. Clusters roses and foliage add grace to it, a rose is fastened in the low braid of the pretty wearer's hair. Any bright girl can make this dainty dress. White veiling, snrah, satin or evening shades of cashmere would all be suitable for it, and $10 would cover the cost if the wearer made it. The last of these pretty evening dremee is of white crepe lisse and green faille. The front is draped loosely over a slip of white silk or silesla, with a very fall niching of white crepe lisse across the foot At the waist there are plastrons made of the silk, cat in the shape of daisy leaves, with the veinings of thread. The train is also outlined by two rows of gold thread. Between the leaves ere trailing tranches of daisies. The front of the waist and sleeves is of crepe lisse, with daisy bordering* and a daisy collar. The one and only possible fault to find with this dainty dress is that,the daisy won in the hair looks too big, and i '' be Car prettier replaced by a little t Is Your Property Insured? I represent Ant-close companies anil will be please it nit .. ..teles for jou. LOTT WAH R JESDJr Bank of Sumter Buj 1.1 ir g. lUIXrDERS’ STTPPI/ll CO. HOUSES FOR RENT AND SALE ON THE INSTALL MENT PLAN. ' - &-• ■ ■ Peck suraii and daisy. of smaller ones. This dress would bo rather more expensive than tho otb«ra, but coul.(bfgfqm^BMI tho same % using emtron in praco’.or osar i and satin of ordinary quality. Evening dresses do not require such expensive material as is frequently need, and more depends Upon the taste of the wearer and FOR-:-RENT! An excellant Track and Dairy Farm, one-half mile from oiir Apply to M. Callaway. - Real Estate Agent. ns. 1 propose to handle Ilia! is Goad to Eat ftocL nth, oytterr, lire mad dreamt poultry, eifi, game, fruit* and vegetable* and *lm to handle the best that cam ha bought at homa or ordered from tho out aide market*. In trullai with me 70a earn feel aeiured that you will get TEE BEST OT MUffll Orders left at atore, telephone or maff will receive my personal and prompt attest* tlon. % 1 am agent forth* 99 ii Beer. The. People’s. National. Bank. S. Montgomery, President. J. C. Roney, Vice President. John Windsor, Cashier. E. A. Hawkins, Attorney. H. C. Mitchell, Book-keeper. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE! CAPITAL. 850.00C. SURPLUS, $26,000. W. W. Wheeler <& Co. are now in their new quarter*. HAND-MADE AND NORTHERN HARNESS BY THE WHOLESALE ANr RETAIL. CALL AND SEE THEM. • They have alao secured the aervlceifof A? First-class Shoemaker, Repairing a Specialty. Prices reasonable at d Satisfaction Guaranteed The Great Writers of the Day. To convince everybody, before anbaoriblng, of the tilgb quality and Interest of our BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED journal in its hew form, we will send to any address 8 WeekLS for XO Cents. Bend ten cents for a trial aubaeriptlon, and we will send you thne numbers, Including our Christmas Number, with an artistic eover; also, our Calendar Announcement for 1891. with a painting—"The Minuet”— by J. O. L. Ferris. These three numbers contain the following reading matter: (I) Mrs. Amelia E. Birr’s new serial, “The Beads of Taamer.” Mr*. Barr la the author of that most suooessfal serial, “Olivia,” just completed r; bnt hereafter Mrs. Barr will write exclusively for In The Centory; bni The Now York Ledger, (I) Hob. Steri* Bancroft's description of "The Battle of Lakh Brie,” beauti fully illustrated. (I) Mar,ar»! Dtfanfs latest story, “To what end?” (4) James Hasten LewsiFs poem, “My Book,” written expressly for The r Wilson de Mesa, and issued as a PLEMENT. (5) Mrs. flr. Julia Homes Smith starts a aeries of articles giving very valua ble information to yonng mothers. (t) Robert Qmft entertaining society novel “Mr*. Harold Stagg.” (7) Harri-I Prases* Speflsrd, Marion Hartaatf. Ma-qulse Use., Maude* Thompson aa* floor** Frodsrie Parsons contribute abort stories. (•) James Pari**, M. V. HsmKm an* Olhrer flyer (Author of “Great Senators”* contribute articles of interest. i This beer la too well known hen aif n«*d* no recommendation from me. enter moetiy for the family trade, and wft make them epeclnl prlcee on one or more dosen*. Xteepeetfnily* S. M. COHEN, telephone no. si. COME TO SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS TEN CENTS STORE Holiday Good, of all kinds, bolia, Vases, Pldah, Goods, Toys, Work Boxes, Albnms. ' a handsome lot of Toilet Cases, etc. _ oregolng._ . ... moat perfect National Family Journal ever offered to' the American ***°^end Ten Cent* for these three number* and judge for yourself, or ■end only Two Dollar* for 0 year’s anhsoription to THE NEW YORK LEDGER. Robert Bonwr’s Sons. Pnblhhtra, 52 William Stmt, N. Y. rTt Unbar mid'-on IiutaH nr vacant lot. to* aalaea tt yon wont to make 0 handsome present to your friends, the TEN TEN CENTS STORE is the plaoe to seleot it. J. Z. SOLOMON, 427 COTTON AVENUE. louse BOARDERS WANTED. I have opened a new firat-clau boardla* hotue at Dr. Han's residence, oj pos te Lockett’s livery Stable, on Lanin- atreM. Bosrd with or without lodging, at -hem* rate.. BaUaSwttaa guaranteed. < at early •w G. W. HORN. P EACOCK : HOUSE. ELLAVILLE GEORGIA. NEW: HOUSE,: NEW : FURNITURE Good sample ami sleeping rooms fur commercial men ami the public. FlraL-CIas* /are And sat 1$faction guar- antced,